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Verification Regulation of Railway Tankers Volume

Basic Information

Standard ID: JJG 140-2008

Standard Name:Verification Regulation of Railway Tankers Volume

Chinese Name: 铁路罐车容积检定规程

Standard category:National Metrology Standard (JJ)


Date of Release2008-03-25

Date of Implementation:2008-09-25

Date of Expiration:2019-06-25

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Metrology and Measurement, Physical Phenomena >> 17.060 Measurement of Volume, Mass, Density and Viscosity

Standard Classification Number:General>>Metrology>>A53 Mechanical Metrology

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces JJG 140-1998

Publication information

publishing house:China Metrology Press


Publication date:2008-09-25

other information

drafter:Fu Qingxi, Yan Fengxia, Zhang Xueting

Drafting unit:National Railway Tank Car Volume Metering Station, National Railway Tank Car Volume Metering Station Xi'an Branch, etc.

Focal point unit:National Flow Capacity Measurement Technical Committee

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:National Flow Capacity Measurement Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

JJG 140-2008 Verification Procedure for Volume of Railway Tank Cars JJG140-2008 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This procedure is applicable to the initial verification and subsequent verification of railway tank cars carrying liquid products (excluding liquefied gas railway tank cars and powdered cargo railway tank cars).

OIMLR80 Roadandrailtankers
GB/T5600—2006 General Technical Conditions for Railway Freight Cars
JJF1009—2006 Terms and Definitions for Volume Measurement
When using this procedure, attention should be paid to using the current valid versions of the above-mentioned references.
1 Scope (1)
2 References (1)
3 Terminology (1)
4 Overview (1)
5 Metrological performance requirements (2)
6 General technical requirements (2) 7
Control of measuring instruments (2)
7.1 General (2)
7.2 Verification conditions (2) 7.3
Verification items and methods (2)
7.4 Processing of verification results (7)
7.5 Verification cycle (7) Appendix
A List of basic parameters of main types of railway tank cars (8) Appendix
B Temperature correction formula (10)
Appendix C Calculation formula for railway tank car volume (11)
Appendix D List of railway tank car volume table numbers (14)
Appendix E Method for determining the range of the qualified loading height of railway tank cars (15)
Appendix F Verification of railway tank cars with standard metal measuring instruments (16)
Appendix G Verification of railway tank cars with flow meters (17)
Appendix H Verification record sheet (18)
Appendix J Verification certificate (inside page) format (23)
Appendix K Verification result notice (inside page) format (24)

Some standard content:

National Metrology Verification Regulation of the People's Republic of China JJG 140-—2008
Railway 'Tankcrs Volume
2008 - 03 — 25 Issued
2008 - 09 — 25 Implementation
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China issued JJG140-2008
Verification Regulation of
Railway Tankers Volume
Replaces JJG 140—1998
This regulation was approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China on March 25, 2008, and came into effect on September 25, 2008.
Responsible unit: National Flow Capacity Measurement Technical Committee Main drafting unit: National Qinlu Tank Car Volume Measurement Station National Qinlu Tank Car Volume Measurement Station An Branch Participating drafting unit: National Railway Tank Car Volume Measurement Station Shenyang Branch National Railway Tank Car Volume Measurement Station Qilu Branch This regulation is entrusted to the National Flow Capacity Measurement Technical Committee to be responsible for the interpretation of this regulation Main drafter:
JJG 14U—2008
Fu Qingxi (National Railway Tank Car Volume Allowance Station) Gui Fengxia (National Railway Tank Car Volume Measuring Station) Zhang Xueting (National Railway Tank Car Volume Measuring Station Xi'an Branch) Participating Drafters:
Shao Xuejun (Guoyuan Railway Tank Car Volume Measuring Station) Zhou Yulong (National Railway Tank Car Volume Measuring Station) Lai Rongjie (National Railway Tank Car Volume Measuring Station Shenyang Branch) Yang Yan (National Railway Tank Car Volume Measuring Station) Fan Yong (National Railway Tank Car Volume Measuring Station Qi Zeng Branch)1
References ·
Metrological performance requirements
General technical requirements
Metrological instrument control·
General principles…
Verification conditions
Verification items and verification methodsWww.bzxZ.net
Handling of verification results
Verification cycle·
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix ℃
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
J.IG 140—2008
Basic parameters of main types of railway tank cars-·List
Railway tank car volume calculation formula
Railway tank car volume table number-·List
Method for determining the range of standard loading height of railway tank carsStandard metal measuring instrument calibration of railway tank cars
Flow meter calibration of iron pedal tank cars
Appendix H
Calibration record table
Calibration Format of the certificate of inspection (inside page)
Format of the notice of inspection result (inside page)
Appendix K
1 Scope
Verification procedure for volume of railway tank cars
This procedure is applicable to the initial verification and subsequent verification of railway tank cars carrying liquid products (excluding liquefied gas tank cars and powdered goods tank cars). 2 References
OIML. R 80 Road and rail 1ankcrsGB/T5600-2006 Technical conditions for railway freight cars JJF1009—2006 Terms and definitions for volume measurement When using this procedure, attention should be paid to using the current valid versions of the above-mentioned references. 3 Terminology
3.1 Nominal capacity: The volume below the tank volume plate position at standard temperature (20°C) under normal operating conditions. 3.2 Tank capacity: The volume below the horizontal section of the tank surface and top at standard overflow (20°C) under normal operating conditions. 3.3 Loading capacity: The maximum mass of liquid allowed to be loaded in a railway tank car under normal operating conditions. 3.4 Pernissible loading height range: The range of liquid levels allowed to be loaded in a railway tank car under normal operating conditions, which is the technical basis for loading liquid in a railway tank car.
3.5 Calibration table: The data format of the corresponding volume value of the liquid level of a railway tank car. 3.6 Calibration table number: The calibration table number determined by the tank type, and each calibration table number corresponds to a certain calibration table. 3.7 Calibration software (calilrationsoftware) is a computer program that calculates the volume of a railway tank car based on calibration data to obtain a volume table. 4 Overview
A railway tank car is both a transportation tool and a working measuring instrument. After calibration: a railway tank car can be used for trade settlement of liquid products.
A railway tank car generally consists of a tank body, a chassis, a bogie, a brake device, a coupler buffer device, etc. The tank body is composed of a head, a shell, a manhole, a safety device, etc. The head is in the shape of a dish, an ellipse or a spherical segment; the barrel is in the shape of a cylinder, a cone or other shapes. See Appendix A for a list of technical parameters of the main types of railway tank cars. 1
5 Metering performance requirements
IIG 140—2008
Within the loading height range, the expansion uncertainty of the volume of the railway tank car shall not exceed 0.1% (一2) 6 General technical requirements
6.1 Railway tank cars are equipped with external ladders, roof strikers and roof railings: the internal ladder of the tank is set as required, and the connection between the internal ladder and the bottom of the tank body is a movable connection.
6.2 The inner diameter of the manhole should not be less than 50mm.
6.3 The butt joint of the tank body adopts a full penetration structure. 6.4 The tank body should not have any cross welds.
6.5 The head should be integrally formed, and its surface should be free of oxide scale, oil stains and other debris. 6.6 The tank body is free of cracks.
The tank body should have no obvious local deformation or defects. 6.7
7 Measuring instrument control
Measuring instrument control includes initial calibration and subsequent calibration. The calibration methods for railway tank cars include geometric measurement method (internal measurement method, external tank measurement method), volume comparison method (Sichuan standard Yajin dosing device or flow base meter to inspect railway tank cars). Generally, the calibration of railway tank cars adopts geometric measurement base method, and the volume comparison method is used for volume test and arbitration calibration of new railway tank cars.
7.1 General
Newly manufactured railway tank cars must undergo initial calibration; railway tank cars that have reached the calibration cycle must undergo subsequent calibration.
7.1.? When implementing the calibration, there should be no less than 3 calibrators, and safety protection should be done to ensure personal safety. 7.2 Verification conditions
7.2.1 Verification environment When the tank measurement method is used for the verification of non-newly manufactured railway tank cars, the tank body must be washed, and the concentration of harmful gases and oxygen content in the tank body must meet the safety requirements before entering the tank to carry out the verification. When the tank measurement method is used outdoors, the verification should be carried out in a weather with a wind speed of no more than 5.4m/, no wind and no rain. When the volume comparison method is used for verification, the laboratory ambient temperature is (20+5)℃. The difference in water temperature during the laboratory ambient temperature should not exceed 25℃. The railway tank car should be parked on a horizontal track. 7.2.2 Verification equipment
The verification equipment is shown in Table 1. The equipment in Table 1 must be qualified and used within the verification period. The steel tape verification certificate must have a correction value in meters, which must be corrected when used. 7.3 Verification items and inspection formula
The verification items are the appearance inspection and volume verification of the tank body. The subsequent inspection items and methods are the same as the first inspection. 2
Geometric measurement method
Comparison method
Main equipment
Assembly equipment
Main equipment
Assembly equipment
Equipment name
Measurement tape
Steel coil
Ultrasonic thickness gauge
(including calibration software)
Deep-measuring steel coil
Laser measurement
Standard metal instrument
Flow meter
Magnetoconductive level gauge
Deep-measuring steel tape
Temperature transmitter
Pressure transmitter
Appearance inspection
JJG 140—2008
Table 1 Calibration equipment table
Measurement range
(1 800--2 800)tmn.
10 0r0mm,15 000mtn
(50--60 000)mm
(30--50) C
150mm, 500mm
2 0001.、1 0001.、5001
2C1.、I01.、51.etc. a group
(0--100) r
Technical requirements
Allowable error; +[0. 1 --0. 3(1L.. )]mmL: Indication: Ix: Measurement lower limit; L-L.: Take the nearest whole number of meters
Allowable error: "Grade 1, t(0.1+.I.)immL: Indication, take the nearest whole number of metersAllowable error: ±0.1mm
According to Appendix (Written and verified
Allowable error: Grade 1, +(0.1+0. 11.)mm: Indication, take the nearest whole meter. Allowable error: +.m
Allowable error: ±0.2℃
Allowable error: -1(.1imm
Sampling time: 4s
Allowable error: ±0.1%
Allowable error:
Allowable error: Class I, +(0.【+0.11.)mm1.: Indication, take the nearest whole meter. Allowable error: ±0.2℃
Allowable error: ±0.2| |tt||The appearance of the tank body of a railway tank car shall be inspected in accordance with the requirements of 6.6-~6.7. 7.3.2 Volume inspection (geometric measurement method) When the shell is cylindrical
1) Internal rat method
(1) Measure the vertical diameter
a) Determine 4 measuring
sections 1 at a distance of L from the center of the butt weld between the head and the shell (I., is the full length of the shell) and
L1, {, and,, as shown in Figure 1.
J.IG: 140—2008
Figure 1 Schematic diagram of measuring the surface of the thin inner measurement method when the cylinder is a cylinder b) At the measuring section, the casing probe of the casing is fixed at the lowest point of the measuring section, and the scale of the casing ruler is repeatedly moved along the circumferential direction of the cylinder cross section to the maximum value, and then repeatedly moved along the cylinder auxiliary line direction to the minimum value when the reading is taken. This reading is the measured value () Take the average value of one measured value as the vertical diameter value, (2) Measure the horizontal diameter
) 7. 3. 2. 11) (1) a)
b) At the measuring section: Position the casing probe of the casing at the side wall with the same height as the radius of the cylinder cross section and fix it, and the scale of the casing ruler is repeatedly moved along the circumferential direction of the measuring base to the maximum value, and then repeatedly moved along the cylinder axis direction to the minimum value when the reading is taken. This reading is the measured value. c) Take the average value of one measured value as the diameter value. (3) Measure the total internal length
a) Determine the center of the head (inside): Take two symmetrical points on the circumference of the joint of the head and the shell: Take the two points as the center: Draw a circle with the length exceeding the radius of the head as the radius. The center of the intersection of the two circles is the center of the head (inside). b) Use a steel tape measure or a laser distance meter to measure the distance between the centers of the two heads, read the data, and the reading is the measured value. c) Measure twice, and the difference between the two readings shall not exceed 2mm. d) Take the average of the two measured values ​​as the total internal length value. (4) Measure the total internal height
a) The measurement position is the reference point on the manhole of the tank body and the measuring point at the bottom of the tank body. b) Use a depth measuring steel tape measure or a laser distance meter to measure the distance between the reference point and the measuring point, read the data, and the reading is the measured value.
c) Measure twice, and the difference between the two readings shall not exceed 1mm. d) Take the average of the two measured values ​​as the total inner height value. 2) Tank external measurement method
(1) Measure the outer circumference of the tank
a) Carefully establish two measuring sections ", II" at a distance from the butt weld between the head and the shell, as shown in Figure 2. h) At the measuring section, wrap the steel tape measure around the tank body and shake the tape several times so that the circumference formed by the tape is perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder 1
LJG 140—2008
Figure 2 is a schematic diagram of the tank external measurement method when the body is occupied. The line is perpendicular to the outer surface of the tank, and then read the reading. c) Measure twice at each measuring point. The difference between the two readings shall not exceed 2mm. The minimum value is taken as the measured value.
d) Take the average of the two measured values ​​as the outer circumference value (2) Measure the outer horizontal diameter
a) 7.3.2. 1 2)(1) a).
b) At the measuring section, hang plumbs on both sides of the tank body so that the plane where the line is located is sub-perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder. c) When the plumb bob is stable, align the zero position of the steel tape measure with the rope on one side and the other side. Move the steel tape measure up and down repeatedly to the minimum value and read the reading. This reading is the measured value. d) The average of the two measured values ​​is taken as the value of the outer horizontal diameter. (3) Measure the outer total length
&) Determine the center of the head (outside): take two symmetrical points on the circumference of the joint between the head and the cylinder body, take these two points as the center, and the length exceeding the radius of the head is the radius arc. The center of the intersection of the two arcs is the center of the head (outside). b) Follow the plumb bob through the center of the head: make the rope and the axis of the cylinder body in the same vertical plane, and do it for each head separately.
c) Place the ruler on the base frame L, and keep the direction, use surface and space of the ruler when positioning at both ends. d) The edge of the ruler The line is aligned with the top of the plumb bob and is perpendicular to the axis of the tank. When the line is stable, it is positioned close to the side of the ruler on the surface line of the beam on both sides.
e) Sichuan Steel tape measure or laser distance meter measures the distance between the lines drawn on the same side of the two side frames, and the reading is the measurement value. ) Take the average of the two measured values ​​as the value of the total external length. (4) Measure the total internal height
Same as (4).
(5) Measure the base wall thickness
a) The measurement position of the thickness of the first plate and the lower plate of the cylinder is the same as (1) #) b) On both sides of each measuring section, use an ultrasonic thickness gauge to measure the thickness of the upper plate and lower plate of the cylinder, and measure 4 points on the upper plate and lower plate.
c) Take the average of the measured values ​​at 1 point as the thickness value of the upper plate and lower plate of the cylinder. d) The thickness of the head is measured at the center (outside) of the head, JJG 140-—2008
e) At the center (outside) of the head, use the Sichuan Ultrasonic Wave Thickness Gauge to measure the thickness of the head. Measure one point on each of the two heads.) Take the average of the two measured values ​​as the thickness value of the head. When the cylinder is a cone
(1) Measuring the base vertical diameter
) Determine two measuring sections at 1om (along the inclined bottom surface of the cylinder) from the center of the butt weld between the head and the cylinder and 350Im (along the inclined bottom surface of the cylinder) from the center of the middle weld of the cylinder, as shown in Figure 3. 00
Figure 3 Schematic diagram of measurement section when the cylinder is a cone b) [Same as () b)
c) Take the average value of the measurement values ​​of the two measurement sections at 100mm (along the inclined bottom surface) from the center of the butt weld between the head and the cylinder, and the average value of the measurement values ​​of the two measurement sections at 350mm (along the inclined bottom surface) from the center of the middle seam of the cylinder as the vertical diameter (2)
(2) Measure the horizontal diameter
a) (1) a).
b) f 7.3. 2. 11) (2) b)
c) Take the average of the two measured values ​​at 100-11 (along the inclined bottom) from the center of the butt weld between the head and the shell, and the average of the two measured values ​​at 350 mm from the center of the middle weld of the shell (along the inclined bottom) as the transverse diameter value (2)
(3) Measure the total internal length
Same as 7. 3.2. 11) (3).
(4) Measure the total internal height
7. 3.2. 1 1) (4) Record the verification data in the "Yin Qiu H Verification Record Clothes". 7.3.2, 1 For railway tank cars with accessories such as heating plates in the tank body, the volume is calculated according to the design size, and the volume of the accessories should be subtracted when determining the volume table. Correct the obtained value according to Appendix B "Temperature Correction Code" and input it into the computer (including railway tank car inspection software, railway tank car volume calculation code see Appendix (), and obtain the volume table number (see Appendix [ for a list of railway tank car volume table numbers), which is the verification result of the railway tank car. According to Appendix E "Method for Determining the Range of Pushing and Loading Height of Railway Tank Cars", the range of loading height of the tank car is determined. 7.3.3 Check the volume of the railway tank car with a standard volumetric instrument see Appendix F.7.3, and check the volume of the railway tank car with a flow meter see Appendix G.7.4 Handling of verification results
JJG 140—2008
7.4.1 A verification certificate shall be issued to a railway tank car that has passed the verification. The format of the verification certificate is shown in Appendix 1. 7.4.2 A verification result notice shall be issued to a railway tank car that has failed the verification. The verification result notice shall include the unqualified item H. The format of the verification result notice shall be shown in Appendix K.
7.5 Verification cycle
7.5.1 The verification cycle of acid-base railway tank cars is 4 years, and the verification cycle of other types of railway tank cars is 5 years. 7.5.2 Railway tank cars that have been repaired in the factory, the tank body has been repaired by a human, or have been modified shall undergo a continuous verification. JJG 140—2008
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