title>JB/T 7556-1994 Technical requirements for 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel forgings for hot wall hydrogenation reactors - JB/T 7556-1994 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 7556-1994 Technical requirements for 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel forgings for hot wall hydrogenation reactors

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7556-1994

Standard Name: Technical requirements for 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel forgings for hot wall hydrogenation reactors

Chinese Name: 热壁加氢反应器用2 1/4Cr-1Mo钢锻件 技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-12-09

Date of Implementation:1995-10-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Processing Technology>>J32 Forging

associated standards

Procurement status:neq JSW SP-86628

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Deyang Large Casting and Forging Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical requirements for the ordering, manufacturing, inspection and acceptance of 2(1/4)Cr-1Mo steel forgings for hot wall hydrogenation reactors. JB/T 7556-1994 Technical requirements for 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel forgings for hot wall hydrogenation reactors JB/T7556-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Requirements for 2/4Cr-1Mo Steel Forgings for Hot Wall Hydrogenation Reactors
Published on December 9, 1994
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on October 1, 1995
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Requirements for 2/Cr-1Mo Steel Forgings for Hot Wall Hydrogenation Reactors
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the technical requirements for ordering, manufacturing, inspection and acceptance of 2/4Cr-1Mo steel forgings for hot wall hydrogenation reactors. This standard applies to hot wall hydrogenation reactors 249
Note; ①Record the fiber area percentage and silhouette expansion value of each impact specimen fracture, but it is not used as an acceptance condition. Axv
-30C) is determined by the purchaser, and the other temperature is used as the parameter temperature. ②The assessment humidity of the impact test (+10C) is as shown in Table 3
Design degree
Note, ①The supplier shall conduct the inspection according to a certain degree of regression proposed by the purchaser, and the high temperature tensile properties
②The allowable stress of the intermediate degree in the table can be obtained by interpolation based on the stress value in this table. 4.3.2 Temper embrittlement tendency
Average value ≥54
Some low values>47
Take 16 groups (3 in each group) of Charpy V-notch impact specimens, of which 8 groups are tested by Min.P WHT treatment, and the other 8 groups were treated with Min.PWHT+SC (see 4.3.3). Then, according to the impact test results at 8 appropriate temperatures, the impact energy-test temperature relationship curve was drawn (as shown in Figure 1). The test temperature when the impact energy was 54J was used for evaluation according to the following formula: VT+2.5AVT≤38C
Wherein, VT-
after Min.PWHT treatment corresponds to the test temperature when the impact energy is 54J, C; after Min.PWHT+SC treatment corresponds to the test temperature when the impact energy is 54J, C; after Min.PWHT+SC treatment corresponds to Min.PW Compared with the test temperature change when the impact energy is 54J after HT treatment, C,
→ line A
curve B
test room C
Figure 1 Relationship between impact energy and test temperature Curve A: Relationship between impact energy and test temperature after Min.PWHT treatment Curve B: Relationship between impact energy and test temperature after Min.PWHT+SC treatment 4.3.3 Heat treatment of specimens Simulated post-weld heat treatment of specimens
The simulated post-weld heat treatment can achieve the maximum post-weld heat treatment (Max, PWHT) and the minimum post-weld heat treatment (Min. PWHT). The simulated post-weld heat treatment parameters of the specimen are as follows: Max. PWHT690±5CX26-h
Min. PWHT:690±5C×8h
The heating and cooling rates above 427C are not more than 56C/h and not more than 28C/h respectively. Step-by-step cooling embrittlement treatment of the specimen
JB/T 755694
Step-by-step cold embrittlement treatment (SC) process curve is shown in Figure 2.o
Figure 2 Step-by-step cold unloading embrittlement treatment process curve
Cooling rate, (*) 5.6C/h: (**>2.8C/h; (★★*) 28C/h4.4 Metallographic inspection
4.4.1 Grain size
After the forging is subjected to the quenching and tempering heat treatment, the actual grain size is above level Non-metallic inclusions
Time h
The content of Class A (sulfide) + Class C (silicate) and Class B (alumina) + Class D (spherical oxide) in the forging is not more than 2. 5, and the sum of A, B, C, and D is not greater than 4.5. The rating method of non-metallic inclusions shall be agreed upon by the supply and demand parties. 4.5 Non-destructive testing
General requirements: Forgings have no white spots, cracks, shrinkage holes 4.5.2 Ultrasonic testing
Forgings and their repaired welds are subjected to longitudinal wave testing, and their defects shall not exceed the level specified in Table 4. The repaired welds shall also be subjected to transverse wave testing, and the defects shall not exceed level 1.
Single defect
Bottom reduction amount
Dense area defects
Note, 1) The dense line part is an important area,
The level of defects allowed in forgings
Important area 1
Important area!
2) Others refer to hollow parts such as pipes (including elbows). Flanges, etc. 4.5.3 Magnetic particle (or penetration) testing
Important area!
Important Areas
Important Areas [
The surface of forgings shall be subjected to magnetic particle (or penetrant) inspection. The maximum linear defect allowed by magnetic particle inspection is level 1, and the circular defect is level 1; no cracks are allowed in magnetic particle inspection. Circular defects are not allowed to be larger than 4mm. 4.5.4 Radiographic Inspection
The defects in the repaired welded parts shall not exceed level 1. 4
5 Inspection Rules
5.1 Chemical Composition Analysis
5.1.1 Melting Analysis
The borrower shall take samples from each furnace or each package of molten steel for analysis. For the steel ingots from the combined furnace, samples shall be taken from the combined steel for analysis or samples shall be taken from each furnace for analysis and the results shall be determined by the weight method. Its chemical composition. When the smelting analysis data is incomplete or incorrect, it is allowed to conduct chemical composition analysis from the appropriate part near the surface of the steel or forging instead of smelting analysis. 5.1.2 Finished product analysis
The rough parts are subjected to finished product analysis piece by piece according to the requirements of Table 5 to Table ?. S.2 Mechanical properties and temper embrittlement tendency test 5.2.1 Simplified forgings are sampled piece by piece according to the requirements of Table 5. 5.2.2 Head forgings are sampled piece by piece according to the requirements of Table 6. However, when multiple heads are forged from the same steel ingot, have the same thickness, and have the same heat treatment experience, the temper embrittlement tendency assessment in Table 6 is only performed on one of them. 5.2.3 Forgings such as pipes and flanges are sampled according to the requirements of Table 7. Table 5 Sample requirements for simplified forgings
Sample cutting position 1
Hot slow punch pad|| tt||Heat cushion
Test items
Chemical analysis
Room tensile test
High temperature tensile test
+10℃ to -30℃ Charpy (V-notch) impact
Tempering embrittlement tendency assessment
Charpy (V-notch)
Product particle size and inclusions
Note: 1) T is the maximum heat treatment thickness of forgings, number of specimens
Take 1 piece on each of specimens A and B
Take 1 piece on each of specimens A and B
Take 23 sets of 3 on each of specimens A and B Or B
Test sample A or B
Test sample A and B
Take 1
Test sample position 1
T×T/4 (outer cut)
T×T/4 (outer)
Test sample axis: tangential
T×T/4 (outer)
Test sample axis: tangential
Test axis ", tangential
TXT/2 center west two figures
Test sample axis \, tangential
T×T/4 (outer example
2) Each group includes 3 impact specimens, record the fiber area percentage and side account value of each specimen fracture, heat treatment of the specimen
Min. PWHT+S. C
3) Under the test temperature, one group experiences Min.PWHT, one group experiences Max.PWHT: under the reference temperature, only one group experiences Min.PWHT, 4) The axis of the notch of the impact specimen should be vertical to the inner or outer surface of the cylinder. 5
Test sample cutting position
Hot slow impact pad
Test sample A
Hot buffer pad
Test sample B
Inspection items
Chemical analysis
Room temperature stretching
High humidity stretching
JB/T 755694
Table 6 Test requirements for head forgings
Number of specimens
1 piece on each of specimens A and B
1 piece on each of specimens A and B
1 piece on each of specimens A and B
+10℃ or -30℃ Charpy (V-notch) impact
Temper embrittlement orientation assessment
Use Charpy (V-notch)
Grain size and inclusions
Note: 1) T is the maximum heat treatment thickness of the forging, take 1 piece
1 piece on each of specimens A and B
2~3 groups.
Take one piece on specimen A or B
Take one piece on specimen A or B"
|Take 1
on each of the samples A and B. Sample location
T×T/4 (outside)
TXT/4 (outside)
Sample axis: tangential
TXT/4 (outside)
Sample axis: tangential
Test axis, tangential
T×T/2 Both sides of the center plane
Test axis, tangential
T×T/4 (outside)
2) Each group includes 3 impact specimens, and the fiber area percentage and lateral expansion value of each specimen fracture are recorded. The benefit treatment of the specimen
3) Under the test temperature, one group undergoes Min.PWHT and one group undergoes Max.PWHT, under reference temperature, only one group experiences Min.PWHT. 4) The notch axis of the impact test specimen shall be perpendicular to the inner or outer surface of the head. Table 7 Test specimen requirements for pipes and flange forgings
Test specimen cutting position!
Hollow image
Test specimen
Heat-pressure impactor
Solid bar forging
Test specimen A
Heat-pressure slow impact pad
Solid spliced ​​forging
Titanium material A
Bend grade
Test specimen A
Test items
Chemical analysis
Room wet tensile
High tensile
+10C or
Comparison (V-notch>impact| |tt||Evaluation of the tendency of fire embrittlement
Use Charpy (V-notch)
Product particle size and inclusions
Number of specimens
Take a block from specimen A
Take 1 from specimen A
Take 1 from specimen A
Take 1~2 from specimen A
Take 8 groups of 2 from specimen A
Take 8 groups of companies from specimen A
Take 1 from specimen A
Note: 1) T is the maximum heat treatment thickness of the forging, and D is the maximum heat treatment diameter of the forging. Sample position
T×T/4 (outside) or
TXT/4 (outside) or
Sample transmission line: tangential
T×T/4 (outside or
Sample axis: tangential
T×T/2 or (D/4)
Sample axis ", tangential
TXT/2 or (D/4)
Sample axis ", tangential
T×7/4 (outside) or
2》Each group includes 3 impact specimens, and the fiber area percentage and profile expansion value of each specimen fracture are recorded. 3》One group is made at the test temperature. If there is a reference deceleration, another group is made at the reference excitation. 4》The notch axis of the impact specimen should be perpendicular to the inner or outer surface of the hollow or solid age piece. 6
Heat treatment of the specimen
Min. PWHT+S. C
JB/T 7556--94 For the top manhole flange and manhole flange cover, take samples piece by piece. For the elbow, take a set of samples for each piece according to the number of pieces of rough forgings (it is allowed to heat treat with the sample in the same furnace after segmentation, but the distance between the sample position and the two quenched end faces of the sample should be no less than one wall thickness), but no tempering embrittlement inclination assessment is performed. For the rest of the forgings, heat treatment is performed according to performance (each piece can be a pipe or flange forging, or multiple pipes For forgings with a heat treatment weight greater than 3500kg, sample B shall be cut from the same test ring as sample A at an interval of 180°. If the length of the forging is greater than 1.5 times the diameter, sample B shall be cut from both ends of the forging at an interval of 180°. Test specimens A and B. Take one room temperature and one high temperature tensile specimen from test specimen B, and one group of Charpy (V-notch) impact specimens at the test temperature. When the diameter of the sampling position is less than 300mm, it is allowed to take longitudinal specimens instead of tangential specimens. For forgings with a nominal thickness not exceeding 50mm, the specimen at T×T/2 is used instead of the specimen at T×T/4. 5.2.4 Relevant provisions for thermal buffer pads
The thermal buffer pads in Tables 5 to 7 can be the extension of the plated forgings; or any carbon steel or low alloy steel material that can be welded with a cross section of at least T×T or DXD). The welding thermal buffer pads should meet the following requirements: The butt surface between the forging to be buffered and the thermal buffer pad should be flat, with sufficient welding grooves, and the incomplete penetration weld that completely seals the surface to be buffered should be used for welding. The welding quality should ensure that the weld does not crack during the entire heat treatment process; in addition, the specimen should be at least 13mm away from the buffer surface of the forging. 5.3 Metallographic inspection
Forging rough pieces shall be sampled piece by piece according to the provisions in Tables 5 to 7. 5.4 Nondestructive testing
5.4.1 Ultrasonic flaw detection
Forgings shall be subjected to 100% ultrasonic flaw detection piece by piece at the supplier after heat treatment and before finishing. 5.4.2 Magnetic particle (or penetrant) flaw detection
Forgings shall be subjected to magnetic particle flaw detection on all surfaces piece by piece at the supplier after finishing. In the case where magnetic particle flaw detection cannot be used, penetrant flaw detection is allowed to be used instead.
6 Test methods and acceptance requirements
6.1 Chemical analysis method shall be carried out in accordance with GB223, and the results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.2. 6.2 Mechanical properties and temper embrittlement tendency
6.2.1 The dimensions of the room temperature tensile specimen are shown in Figure 3. They are carried out in accordance with GB6397. The test is carried out in accordance with GB228. The results should meet the requirements of Table 2. 205
Figure 3 Room temperature tensile specimen
6.2.2 The impact test is carried out in accordance with GB2106 and GB4159. The results should meet the requirements of Table 2 and 4.3.2. 6.2.3 The high temperature tensile specimen is carried out in accordance with GB6397. The test is carried out in accordance with GB4338. The results should meet the requirements of Table 3. 6.3 Grain size and non-metallic inclusions
6.3.1 The inspection method for product grain size is carried out in accordance with GB6394. The results should meet the requirements of 4.4.1. 6.3.2 The inspection method for non-metallic inclusions shall be carried out in accordance with GB10561, and the results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.4.2. JB/T 7556-94
6.4 Nondestructive testing
6.4.1 The forgings and their repaired welded parts shall be subjected to ultrasonic (longitudinal wave) flaw detection in accordance with JB3963, and the repaired welded parts shall also be subjected to ultrasonic (transverse wave) flaw detection in accordance with Class B in GB11345. The test results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.5.2. 6.4.2 The forging surface shall be subjected to magnetic particle flaw detection in accordance with JB3965 (or penetrant flaw detection in accordance with Appendix B of GB150), and the test results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.5.3.
6.4.3 The radiographic flaw detection of the repaired welded parts of the forgings shall be carried out in accordance with GB3323, and the test results shall meet the requirements of 4.5.4. 6.5 The shape, size and surface quality of the machined forgings shall be inspected by visual inspection and measuring tools, and the results shall meet the requirements of the buyer's drawings. 7 Retest and Repeat Heat Treatment
7.1 If any test result of the mechanical property test fails, retest is allowed. If the result of the tensile test fails, double the sample shall be retested. If the test result of one sample fails in the retest, the forging shall be unqualified; if the result of the impact test fails, another group of samples shall be tested. The average value of the two groups of 6 samples shall not be less than the specified average value, and the number of samples below the specified average value shall not exceed 2, and the number of samples below the minimum value shall not exceed 1. Otherwise, the forging shall be unqualified. 7.2 Forgings with unqualified mechanical properties must be reheat treated and retested (chemical composition analysis is not required). 7.3 If the test results of grain size and the evaluation results of temper embrittlement orientation are unqualified, retest is not allowed. However, it is allowed to improve by reheat treatment and retest after heat treatment (chemical composition analysis is not required). 7.4 The cumulative number of reheat treatments of forgings shall not exceed three times. 8 Quality Certificate
When forgings are delivered, the factory quality certificate containing the following contents shall be included: a.
Order number (contract number):
Drawing number:
Steel grade:
Melting furnace number:
Heat treatment method:
All test results, including:
Melting analysis and finished product analysis of chemical composition; Mechanical properties and temper embrittlement tendency,
Product particle size and non-metallic inclusions:
Non-destructive testing and the contents of Articles 4.1 and 4.5: Other requirements specified in the contract.
9 Marking and packaging
9.1Forgings delivered after inspection according to this standard shall have the following marks: factory name (factory mark or code), steel grade, furnace number, etc. 9.2The mark shall be printed on the obvious part of the forging or the part specified by the purchaser. The position and method of printing the mark shall not affect the final use of the forging. 9.3 The supplier shall pack the forgings according to the transportation conditions. 10 Acceptance and Rejection
10.1 After receiving the forgings and quality certificates, the purchaser shall immediately inspect and accept them according to the contents specified in this standard and the contract. 10.2 If any forgings are found not to meet the requirements of this standard and the contract, they may be rejected. The rejection notice shall be submitted to the supplier within 6 months from the date of receipt.PWHT. 4) The notch axis of the impact test specimen shall be perpendicular to the inner or outer surface of the head. Table 7 Test specimen requirements for pipes and flange forgings
Test specimen cutting position!
Hollow image
Test specimen
Heat-pressure impactor
Solid bar forging
Test specimen A
Heat-pressure slow impact pad
Solid spliced ​​forging
Titanium material A
Bend grade
Test specimen A
Test items
Chemical analysis
Room wet tensile
High-voltage tensile
+10C or
Comparison (V-notch>impact| |tt||Evaluation of the tendency of fire embrittlement
Use Charpy (V-notch)
Product particle size and inclusions
Number of specimens
Take a block from specimen A
Take 1 from specimen A
Take 1 from specimen A
Take 1~2 from specimen A
Take 8 groups of 2 from specimen A
Take 8 groups of companies from specimen A
Take 1 from specimen A
Note: 1) T is the maximum heat treatment thickness of the forging, and D is the maximum heat treatment diameter of the forging. Sample position
T×T/4 (outside) or
TXT/4 (outside) or
Sample transmission line: tangential
T×T/4 (outside or www.bzxz.net
Sample axis: tangential
T×T/2 or (D/4)
Sample axis ", tangential
TXT/2 or (D/4)
Sample axis ", tangential
T×7/4 (outside) or
2》Each group includes 3 impact specimens, and the fiber area percentage and profile expansion value of each specimen fracture are recorded. 3》One group is made at the test temperature. If there is a reference deceleration, another group is made at the reference excitation. 4》The notch axis of the impact specimen should be perpendicular to the inner or outer surface of the hollow or solid age piece. 6
Heat treatment of the specimen
Min. PWHT+S. C
JB/T 7556--94 Take samples of top manhole flange and manhole flange cover piece by piece, Take a set of samples for each elbow according to the number of broken pieces of forgings (it is allowed to heat treat with the sample in the same furnace after segmentation, but the distance between the sample position and the two quenched end faces of the sample should be no less than one wall thickness), but no tempering embrittlement inclination assessment is performed. Other forgings heat treated according to performance (each piece can be a pipe or flange forging, or multiple pipes For forgings with a heat treatment weight greater than 3500kg, sample B shall be cut from the same test ring as sample A at an interval of 180°. If the length of the forging is greater than 1.5 times the diameter, sample B shall be cut from both ends of the forging at an interval of 180°. Test specimens A and B. Take one room temperature and one high temperature tensile specimen each on test specimen B, and one group of Charpy (V-notch) impact specimens at the test temperature. When the diameter of the sampling position is less than 300mm, it is allowed to take longitudinal specimens instead of tangential specimens. For forgings with a nominal thickness not exceeding 50mm, the specimen at T×T/2 is used instead of the specimen at T×T/4. 5.2.4 Relevant provisions for thermal buffer pads
The thermal buffer pads in Tables 5 to 7 can be the extension of the plated forgings; or any carbon steel or low alloy steel material that can be welded with a cross section of at least T×T or DXD). The welding thermal buffer pads should meet the following requirements: The butt surface between the forging to be buffered and the thermal buffer pad should be flat, with sufficient welding grooves, and the incomplete penetration welds that completely seal the surface to be buffered should be used for welding. The welding quality should ensure that the weld does not crack during the entire heat treatment process; in addition, the specimen should be at least 13mm away from the buffer surface of the forging. 5.3 Metallographic inspection
Forging rough pieces shall be sampled piece by piece according to the provisions in Tables 5 to 7. 5.4 Nondestructive testing
5.4.1 Ultrasonic flaw detection
Forgings shall be subjected to 100% ultrasonic flaw detection piece by piece at the supplier after heat treatment and before finishing. 5.4.2 Magnetic particle (or penetrant) flaw detection
Forgings shall be subjected to magnetic particle flaw detection on all surfaces piece by piece at the supplier after finishing. In the case where magnetic particle flaw detection cannot be used, penetrant flaw detection is allowed to be used instead.
6 Test methods and acceptance requirements
6.1 Chemical analysis method shall be carried out in accordance with GB223, and the results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.2. 6.2 Mechanical properties and temper embrittlement tendency
6.2.1 The dimensions of the room temperature tensile specimen are shown in Figure 3. They are carried out in accordance with GB6397. The test is carried out in accordance with GB228. The results should meet the requirements of Table 2. 205
Figure 3 Room temperature tensile specimen
6.2.2 The impact test is carried out in accordance with GB2106 and GB4159. The results should meet the requirements of Table 2 and 4.3.2. 6.2.3 The high temperature tensile specimen is carried out in accordance with GB6397. The test is carried out in accordance with GB4338. The results should meet the requirements of Table 3. 6.3 Grain size and non-metallic inclusions
6.3.1 The inspection method for product grain size is carried out in accordance with GB6394. The results should meet the requirements of 4.4.1. 6.3.2 The inspection method for non-metallic inclusions shall be carried out in accordance with GB10561, and the results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.4.2. JB/T 7556-94
6.4 Nondestructive testing
6.4.1 Forgings and their repaired welded parts shall be subjected to ultrasonic (longitudinal wave) flaw detection in accordance with JB3963, and the repaired welded parts shall also be subjected to ultrasonic (transverse wave) flaw detection in accordance with Class B in GB11345. The test results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.5.2. 6.4.2 The surface of forgings shall be subjected to magnetic particle flaw detection in accordance with JB3965 (or penetrant flaw detection in accordance with Appendix B of GB150), and the test results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.5.3.
6.4.3 The radiographic flaw detection of the repaired welded parts of forgings shall be carried out in accordance with GB3323, and the test results shall meet the requirements of 4.5.4. 6.5 The shape, size and surface quality of the machined forgings shall be inspected by visual inspection and measuring tools, and the results shall meet the requirements of the buyer's drawings. 7 Retest and Repeat Heat Treatment
7.1 If any test result of the mechanical property test fails, retest is allowed. If the result of the tensile test fails, double the sample shall be retested. If the test result of one sample fails in the retest, the forging shall be unqualified; if the result of the impact test fails, another group of samples shall be tested. The average value of the two groups of 6 samples shall not be less than the specified average value, and the number of samples below the specified average value shall not exceed 2, and the number of samples below the minimum value shall not exceed 1. Otherwise, the forging shall be unqualified. 7.2 Forgings with unqualified mechanical properties must be reheat treated and retested (chemical composition analysis is not required). 7.3 If the test results of grain size and the evaluation results of temper embrittlement orientation are unqualified, retest is not allowed. However, it is allowed to improve by reheat treatment, and retest after heat treatment (chemical composition analysis is not required). 7.4 The cumulative number of reheat treatments of forgings shall not exceed three times. 8 Quality Certificate
When forgings are delivered, the factory quality certificate containing the following contents shall be included: a.
Order number (contract number):
Drawing number:
Steel grade:
Melting furnace number:
Heat treatment method:
All test results, including:
Melting analysis and finished product analysis of chemical composition; Mechanical properties and temper embrittlement tendency,
Product particle size and non-metallic inclusions:
Non-destructive testing and the contents of Articles 4.1 and 4.5: Other requirements specified in the contract.
9 Marking and packaging
9.1Forgings delivered after inspection according to this standard shall have the following marks: factory name (factory mark or code), steel grade, furnace number, etc. 9.2The mark shall be printed on the obvious part of the forging or the part specified by the purchaser. The position and method of printing the mark shall not affect the final use of the forging. 9.3 The supplier shall pack the forgings according to the transportation conditions. 10 Acceptance and Rejection
10.1 After receiving the forgings and quality certificates, the purchaser shall immediately inspect and accept them according to the contents specified in this standard and the contract. 10.2 If any forgings are found not to meet the requirements of this standard and the contract, they may be rejected. The rejection notice shall be submitted to the supplier within 6 months from the date of receipt.PWHT. 4) The notch axis of the impact test specimen shall be perpendicular to the inner or outer surface of the head. Table 7 Test specimen requirements for pipes and flange forgings
Test specimen cutting position!
Hollow image
Test specimen
Heat-pressure impactor
Solid bar forging
Test specimen A
Heat-pressure slow impact pad
Solid spliced ​​forging
Titanium material A
Bend grade
Test specimen A
Test items
Chemical analysis
Room wet tensile
High-voltage tensile
+10C or
Comparison (V-notch>impact| |tt||Evaluation of the tendency of fire embrittlement
Use Charpy (V-notch)
Product particle size and inclusions
Number of specimens
Take a block from specimen A
Take 1 from specimen A
Take 1 from specimen A
Take 1~2 from specimen A
Take 8 groups of 2 from specimen A
Take 8 groups of companies from specimen A
Take 1 from specimen A
Note: 1) T is the maximum heat treatment thickness of the forging, and D is the maximum heat treatment diameter of the forging. Sample position
T×T/4 (outside) or
TXT/4 (outside) or
Sample transmission line: tangential
T×T/4 (outside or
Sample axis: tangential
T×T/2 or (D/4)
Sample axis ", tangential
TXT/2 or (D/4)
Sample axis ", tangential
T×7/4 (outside) or
2》Each group includes 3 impact specimens, and the fiber area percentage and profile expansion value of each specimen fracture are recorded. 3》One group is made at the test temperature. If there is a reference deceleration, another group is made at the reference excitation. 4》The notch axis of the impact specimen should be perpendicular to the inner or outer surface of the hollow or solid age piece. 6
Heat treatment of the specimen
Min. PWHT+S. C
JB/T 7556--94 Take samples of top manhole flange and manhole flange cover piece by piece, Take a set of samples for each elbow according to the number of broken pieces of forgings (it is allowed to heat treat with the sample in the same furnace after segmentation, but the distance between the sample position and the two quenched end faces of the sample should be no less than one wall thickness), but no tempering embrittlement inclination assessment is performed. Other forgings heat treated according to performance (each piece can be a pipe or flange forging, or multiple pipes For forgings with a heat treatment weight greater than 3500kg, sample B shall be cut from the same test ring as sample A at an interval of 180°. If the length of the forging is greater than 1.5 times the diameter, sample B shall be cut from both ends of the forging at an interval of 180°. Test specimens A and B. Take one room temperature and one high temperature tensile specimen each on test specimen B, and one group of Charpy (V-notch) impact specimens at the test temperature. When the diameter of the sampling position is less than 300mm, it is allowed to take longitudinal specimens instead of tangential specimens. For forgings with a nominal thickness not exceeding 50mm, the specimen at T×T/2 is used instead of the specimen at T×T/4. 5.2.4 Relevant provisions for thermal buffer pads
The thermal buffer pads in Tables 5 to 7 can be the extension of the plated forgings; or any carbon steel or low alloy steel material that can be welded with a cross section of at least T×T or DXD). The welding thermal buffer pads should meet the following requirements: The butt surface between the forging to be buffered and the thermal buffer pad should be flat, with sufficient welding grooves, and the incomplete penetration welds that completely seal the surface to be buffered should be used for welding. The welding quality should ensure that the weld does not crack during the entire heat treatment process; in addition, the specimen should be at least 13mm away from the buffer surface of the forging. 5.3 Metallographic inspection
Forging rough pieces shall be sampled piece by piece according to the provisions in Tables 5 to 7. 5.4 Nondestructive testing
5.4.1 Ultrasonic flaw detection
Forgings shall be subjected to 100% ultrasonic flaw detection piece by piece at the supplier after heat treatment and before finishing. 5.4.2 Magnetic particle (or penetrant) flaw detection
Forgings shall be subjected to magnetic particle flaw detection on all surfaces piece by piece at the supplier after finishing. In the case where magnetic particle flaw detection cannot be used, penetrant flaw detection is allowed to be used instead.
6 Test methods and acceptance requirements
6.1 Chemical analysis method shall be carried out in accordance with GB223, and the results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.2. 6.2 Mechanical properties and temper embrittlement tendency
6.2.1 The dimensions of the room temperature tensile specimen are shown in Figure 3. They are carried out in accordance with GB6397. The test is carried out in accordance with GB228. The results should meet the requirements of Table 2. 205
Figure 3 Room temperature tensile specimen
6.2.2 The impact test is carried out in accordance with GB2106 and GB4159. The results should meet the requirements of Table 2 and 4.3.2. 6.2.3 The high temperature tensile specimen is carried out in accordance with GB6397. The test is carried out in accordance with GB4338. The results should meet the requirements of Table 3. 6.3 Grain size and non-metallic inclusions
6.3.1 The inspection method for product grain size is carried out in accordance with GB6394. The results should meet the requirements of 4.4.1. 6.3.2 The inspection method for non-metallic inclusions shall be carried out in accordance with GB10561, and the results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.4.2. JB/T 7556-94
6.4 Nondestructive testing
6.4.1 Forgings and their repaired welded parts shall be subjected to ultrasonic (longitudinal wave) flaw detection in accordance with JB3963, and the repaired welded parts shall also be subjected to ultrasonic (transverse wave) flaw detection in accordance with Class B in GB11345. The test results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.5.2. 6.4.2 The surface of forgings shall be subjected to magnetic particle flaw detection in accordance with JB3965 (or penetrant flaw detection in accordance with Appendix B of GB150), and the test results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.5.3.
6.4.3 The radiographic flaw detection of the repaired welded parts of forgings shall be carried out in accordance with GB3323, and the test results shall meet the requirements of 4.5.4. 6.5 The shape, size and surface quality of the machined forgings shall be inspected by visual inspection and measuring tools, and the results shall meet the requirements of the buyer's drawings. 7 Retest and Repeat Heat Treatment
7.1 If any test result of the mechanical property test fails, retest is allowed. If the result of the tensile test fails, double the sample shall be retested. If the test result of one sample fails in the retest, the forging shall be unqualified; if the result of the impact test fails, another group of samples shall be tested. The average value of the two groups of 6 samples shall not be less than the specified average value, and the number of samples below the specified average value shall not exceed 2, and the number of samples below the minimum value shall not exceed 1. Otherwise, the forging shall be unqualified. 7.2 Forgings with unqualified mechanical properties must be reheat treated and retested (chemical composition analysis is not required). 7.3 If the test results of grain size and the evaluation results of temper embrittlement orientation are unqualified, retest is not allowed. However, it is allowed to improve by reheat treatment, and retest after heat treatment (chemical composition analysis is not required). 7.4 The cumulative number of reheat treatments of forgings shall not exceed three times. 8 Quality Certificate
When forgings are delivered, the factory quality certificate containing the following contents shall be included: a.
Order number (contract number):
Drawing number:
Steel grade:
Melting furnace number:
Heat treatment method:
All test results, including:
Melting analysis and finished product analysis of chemical composition; Mechanical properties and temper embrittlement tendency,
Product particle size and non-metallic inclusions:
Non-destructive testing and the contents of Articles 4.1 and 4.5: Other requirements specified in the contract.
9 Marking and packaging
9.1Forgings delivered after inspection according to this standard shall have the following marks: factory name (factory mark or code), steel grade, furnace number, etc. 9.2The mark shall be printed on the obvious part of the forging or the part specified by the purchaser. The position and method of printing the mark shall not affect the final use of the forging. 9.3 The supplier shall pack the forgings according to the transportation conditions. 10 Acceptance and Rejection
10.1 After receiving the forgings and quality certificates, the purchaser shall immediately inspect and accept them according to the contents specified in this standard and the contract. 10.2 If any forgings are found not to meet the requirements of this standard and the contract, they may be rejected. The rejection notice shall be submitted to the supplier within 6 months from the date of receipt.2 Forgings found not to conform to this standard and the contract may be rejected, and a rejection notice shall be submitted to the supplier within 6 months from the date of receipt.2 Forgings found not to conform to this standard and the contract may be rejected, and a rejection notice shall be submitted to the supplier within 6 months from the date of receipt.2 Forgings found not to conform to this standard and the contract may be rejected, and a rejection notice shall be submitted to the supplier within 6 months from the date of receipt.2 Forgings found not to conform to this standard and the contract may be rejected, and a rejection notice shall be submitted to the supplier within 6 months from the date of receipt.2.3.3 For the remaining forgings heat treated according to performance (each piece can be a pipe or flange forging, or a composite forging composed of multiple pipes or flanges), samples shall be taken piece by piece, but the assessment of tempering embrittlement tendency can be carried out in batches, that is, forgings with the same smelting furnace number and the same heat treatment experience form a batch, and one piece with the largest nominal thickness is selected for tempering embrittlement tendency assessment. For forgings with a heat treatment weight greater than 3500kg, sample B shall be cut at an interval of 180° on the same test ring as sample A. If the length of the forging is greater than 1.5 times the diameter, samples A and B shall be taken at an interval of 180° at both ends of the forging. Take one room temperature and one high temperature tensile specimen on sample B, and one group of Charpy (V-notch) impact specimens at the assessment temperature. When the diameter of the sampling position is less than 300mm, longitudinal specimens can be taken instead of tangential specimens. For forgings with a nominal thickness not exceeding 50 mm, the specimen at T×T/2 shall be used instead of the specimen at T×T/4. 5.2.4 Relevant provisions for heat buffer pads
The heat buffer pads in Tables 5 to 7 may be the extension of the plated forgings; or any carbon steel or low alloy steel material capable of welding with a cross section of at least T×T or DXD). The welded heat buffer pads shall meet the following requirements: The butt joint between the forging to be buffered and the heat buffer pad shall be flat, with sufficient welding grooves, and the welding shall be carried out with an incomplete penetration weld that completely seals the surface to be buffered. The welding quality shall ensure that the weld does not crack during the entire heat treatment process; in addition, the specimen shall be at least 13 mm away from the buffer surface of the forging. 5.3 Metallographic inspection
Forging rough pieces shall be sampled piece by piece according to the provisions in Tables 5 to 7. 5.4 Nondestructive testing
5.4.1 Ultrasonic testing
After heat treatment and before finishing, forgings shall be subjected to 100% ultrasonic testing at the supplier. 5.4.2 Magnetic particle (or penetrant) testing
After finishing, forgings shall be subjected to magnetic particle testing on all surfaces at the supplier. In the case where magnetic particle testing cannot be used, penetrant testing may be used instead.
6 Test methods and acceptance requirements
6.1 Chemical analysis methods shall be carried out in accordance with GB223, and the results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.2. 6.2 Mechanical properties and temper embrittlement tendency
6.2.1 The dimensions of the room temperature tensile specimen are shown in Figure 3. They are carried out in accordance with GB6397. The test is carried out in accordance with GB228. The results should meet the requirements of Table 2. 205
Figure 3 Room temperature tensile specimen
6.2.2 The impact test is carried out in accordance with GB2106 and GB4159. The results should meet the requirements of Table 2 and 4.3.2. 6.2.3 The high temperature tensile specimen is carried out in accordance with GB6397. The test is carried out in accordance with GB4338. The results should meet the requirements of Table 3. 6.3 Grain size and non-metallic inclusions
6.3.1 The inspection method for product grain size is carried out in accordance with GB6394. The results should meet the requirements of 4.4.1. 6.3.2 The inspection method for non-metallic inclusions shall be carried out in accordance with GB10561, and the results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.4.2. JB/T 7556-94
6.4 Nondestructive testing
6.4.1 Forgings and their repaired welded parts shall be subjected to ultrasonic (longitudinal wave) flaw detection in accordance with JB3963, and the repaired welded parts shall also be subjected to ultrasonic (transverse wave) flaw detection in accordance with Class B in GB11345. The test results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.5.2. 6.4.2 The surface of forgings shall be subjected to magnetic particle flaw detection in accordance with JB3965 (or penetrant flaw detection in accordance with Appendix B of GB150), and the test results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.5.3.
6.4.3 The radiographic flaw detection of the repaired welded parts of forgings shall be carried out in accordance with GB3323, and the test results shall meet the requirements of 4.5.4. 6.5 The shape, size and surface quality of the machined forgings shall be inspected by visual inspection and measuring tools, and the results shall meet the requirements of the buyer's drawings. 7 Retest and Repeat Heat Treatment
7.1 If any test result of the mechanical property test fails, retest is allowed. If the result of the tensile test fails, double the sample shall be retested. If the test result of one sample fails in the retest, the forging shall be unqualified; if the result of the impact test fails, another group of samples shall be tested. The average value of the two groups of 6 samples shall not be less than the specified average value, and the number of samples below the specified average value shall not exceed 2, and the number of samples below the minimum value shall not exceed 1. Otherwise, the forging shall be unqualified. 7.2 Forgings with unqualified mechanical properties must be reheat treated and retested (chemical composition analysis is not required). 7.3 If the test results of grain size and the evaluation results of temper embrittlement orientation are unqualified, retest is not allowed. However, it is allowed to improve by reheat treatment and retest after heat treatment (chemical composition analysis is not required). 7.4 The cumulative number of reheat treatments of forgings shall not exceed three times. 8 Quality Certificate
When forgings are delivered, the factory quality certificate containing the following contents shall be included: a.
Order number (contract number):
Drawing number:
Steel grade:
Melting furnace number:
Heat treatment method:
All test results, including:
Melting analysis and finished product analysis of chemical composition; Mechanical properties and temper embrittlement tendency,
Product particle size and non-metallic inclusions:
Non-destructive testing and the contents of Articles 4.1 and 4.5: Other requirements specified in the contract.
9 Marking and packaging
9.1Forgings delivered after inspection according to this standard shall have the following marks: factory name (factory mark or code), steel grade, furnace number, etc. 9.2The mark shall be printed on the obvious part of the forging or the part specified by the purchaser. The position and method of printing the mark shall not affect the final use of the forging. 9.3 The supplier shall pack the forgings according to the transportation conditions. 10 Acceptance and Rejection
10.1 After receiving the forgings and quality certificates, the purchaser shall immediately inspect and accept them according to the contents specified in this standard and the contract. 10.2 If any forgings are found not to meet the requirements of this standard and the contract, they may be rejected. The rejection notice shall be submitted to the supplier within 6 months from the date of receipt.2.3.3 For the remaining forgings heat treated according to performance (each piece can be a pipe or flange forging, or a composite forging composed of multiple pipes or flanges), samples shall be taken piece by piece, but the assessment of tempering embrittlement tendency can be carried out in batches, that is, forgings with the same smelting furnace number and the same heat treatment experience form a batch, and one piece with the largest nominal thickness is selected for tempering embrittlement tendency assessment. For forgings with a heat treatment weight greater than 3500kg, sample B shall be cut at an interval of 180° on the same test ring as sample A. If the length of the forging is greater than 1.5 times the diameter, samples A and B shall be taken at an interval of 180° at both ends of the forging. Take one room temperature and one high temperature tensile specimen on sample B, and one group of Charpy (V-notch) impact specimens at the assessment temperature. When the diameter of the sampling position is less than 300mm, longitudinal specimens can be taken instead of tangential specimens. For forgings with a nominal thickness not exceeding 50 mm, the specimen at T×T/2 shall be used instead of the specimen at T×T/4. 5.2.4 Relevant provisions for heat buffer pads
The heat buffer pads in Tables 5 to 7 may be the extension of the plated forgings; or any carbon steel or low alloy steel material capable of welding with a cross section of at least T×T or DXD). The welded heat buffer pads shall meet the following requirements: The butt joint between the forging to be buffered and the heat buffer pad shall be flat, with sufficient welding grooves, and the welding shall be carried out with an incomplete penetration weld that completely seals the surface to be buffered. The welding quality shall ensure that the weld does not crack during the entire heat treatment process; in addition, the specimen shall be at least 13 mm away from the buffer surface of the forging. 5.3 Metallographic inspection
Forging rough pieces shall be sampled piece by piece according to the provisions in Tables 5 to 7. 5.4 Nondestructive testing
5.4.1 Ultrasonic testing
After heat treatment and before finishing, forgings shall be subjected to 100% ultrasonic testing at the supplier. 5.4.2 Magnetic particle (or penetrant) testing
After finishing, forgings shall be subjected to magnetic particle testing on all surfaces at the supplier. In the case where magnetic particle testing cannot be used, penetrant testing may be used instead.
6 Test methods and acceptance requirements
6.1 Chemical analysis methods shall be carried out in accordance with GB223, and the results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.2. 6.2 Mechanical properties and temper embrittlement tendency
6.2.1 The dimensions of the room temperature tensile specimen are shown in Figure 3. They are carried out in accordance with GB6397. The test is carried out in accordance with GB228. The results should meet the requirements of Table 2. 205
Figure 3 Room temperature tensile specimen
6.2.2 The impact test is carried out in accordance with GB2106 and GB4159. The results should meet the requirements of Table 2 and 4.3.2. 6.2.3 The high temperature tensile specimen is carried out in accordance with GB6397. The test is carried out in accordance with GB4338. The results should meet the requirements of Table 3. 6.3 Grain size and non-metallic inclusions
6.3.1 The inspection method for product grain size is carried out in accordance with GB6394. The results should meet the requirements of 4.4.1. 6.3.2 The inspection method for non-metallic inclusions shall be carried out in accordance with GB10561, and the results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.4.2. JB/T 7556-94
6.4 Nondestructive testing
6.4.1 Forgings and their repaired welded parts shall be subjected to ultrasonic (longitudinal wave) flaw detection in accordance with JB3963, and the repaired welded parts shall also be subjected to ultrasonic (transverse wave) flaw detection in accordance with Class B in GB11345. The test results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.5.2. 6.4.2 The surface of forgings shall be subjected to magnetic particle flaw detection in accordance with JB3965 (or penetrant flaw detection in accordance with Appendix B of GB150), and the test results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.5.3.
6.4.3 The radiographic flaw detection of the repaired welded parts of forgings shall be carried out in accordance with GB3323, and the test results shall meet the requirements of 4.5.4. 6.5 The shape, size and surface quality of the machined forgings shall be inspected by visual inspection and measuring tools, and the results shall meet the requirements of the buyer's drawings. 7 Retest and Repeat Heat Treatment
7.1 If any test result of the mechanical property test fails, retest is allowed. If the result of the tensile test fails, double the sample shall be retested. If the test result of one sample fails in the retest, the forging shall be unqualified; if the result of the impact test fails, another group of samples shall be tested. The average value of the two groups of 6 samples shall not be less than the specified average value, and the number of samples below the specified average value shall not exceed 2, and the number of samples below the minimum value shall not exceed 1. Otherwise, the forging shall be unqualified. 7.2 Forgings with unqualified mechanical properties must be reheat treated and retested (chemical composition analysis is not required). 7.3 If the test results of grain size and the evaluation results of temper embrittlement orientation are unqualified, retest is not allowed. However, it is allowed to improve by reheat treatment and retest after heat treatment (chemical composition analysis is not required). 7.4 The cumulative number of reheat treatments of forgings shall not exceed three times. 8 Quality Certificate
When forgings are delivered, the factory quality certificate containing the following contents shall be included: a.
Order number (contract number):
Drawing number:
Steel grade:
Melting furnace number:
Heat treatment method:
All test results, including:
Melting analysis and finished product analysis of chemical composition; Mechanical properties and temper embrittlement tendency,
Product particle size and non-metallic inclusions:
Non-destructive testing and the contents of Articles 4.1 and 4.5: Other requirements specified in the contract.
9 Marking and packaging
9.1Forgings delivered after inspection according to this standard shall have the following marks: factory name (factory mark or code), steel grade, furnace number, etc. 9.2The mark shall be printed on the obvious part of the forging or the part specified by the purchaser. The position and method of printing the mark shall not affect the final use of the forging. 9.3 The supplier shall pack the forgings according to the transportation conditions. 10 Acceptance and Rejection
10.1 After receiving the forgings and quality certificates, the purchaser shall immediately inspect and accept them according to the contents specified in this standard and the contract. 10.2 If any forgings are found not to meet the requirements of this standard and the contract, they may be rejected. The rejection notice shall be submitted to the supplier within 6 months from the date of receipt.2 The inspection method for non-metallic inclusions shall be carried out in accordance with GB10561, and the results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.4.2. JB/T 7556-94
6.4 Nondestructive testing
6.4.1 Forgings and their repaired welded parts shall be subjected to ultrasonic (longitudinal wave) flaw detection in accordance with JB3963, and the repaired welded parts shall also be subjected to ultrasonic (transverse wave) flaw detection in accordance with Class B in GB11345. The test results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.5.2. 6.4.2 The forging surface shall be subjected to magnetic particle flaw detection in accordance with JB3965 (or penetrant flaw detection in accordance with Appendix B of GB150), and the test results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.5.3.
6.4.3 The radiographic flaw detection of the repaired welded parts of forgings shall be carried out in accordance with GB3323, and the test results shall meet the requirements of 4.5.4. 6.5 The shape, size and surface quality of the machined forgings shall be inspected by visual inspection and measuring tools, and the results shall meet the requirements of the buyer's drawings. 7 Retest and Repeat Heat Treatment
7.1 If any test result of the mechanical property test fails, retest is allowed. If the result of the tensile test fails, double the sample shall be retested. If the test result of one sample fails in the retest, the forging shall be unqualified; if the result of the impact test fails, another group of samples shall be tested. The average value of the two groups of 6 samples shall not be less than the specified average value, and the number of samples below the specified average value shall not exceed 2, and the number of samples below the minimum value shall not exceed 1. Otherwise, the forging shall be unqualified. 7.2 Forgings with unqualified mechanical properties must be reheat treated and retested (chemical composition analysis is not required). 7.3 If the test results of grain size and the evaluation results of temper embrittlement orientation are unqualified, retest is not allowed. However, it is allowed to improve by reheat treatment, and retest after heat treatment (chemical composition analysis is not required). 7.4 The cumulative number of reheat treatments of forgings shall not exceed three times. 8 Quality Certificate
When forgings are delivered, the factory quality certificate containing the following contents shall be included: a.
Order number (contract number):
Drawing number:
Steel grade:
Melting furnace number:
Heat treatment method:
All test results, including:
Melting analysis and finished product analysis of chemical composition; Mechanical properties and temper embrittlement tendency,
Product particle size and non-metallic inclusions:
Non-destructive testing and the contents of Articles 4.1 and 4.5: Other requirements specified in the contract.
9 Marking and packaging
9.1Forgings delivered after inspection according to this standard shall have the following marks: factory name (factory mark or code), steel grade, furnace number, etc. 9.2The mark shall be printed on the obvious part of the forging or the part specified by the purchaser. The position and method of printing the mark shall not affect the final use of the forging. 9.3 The supplier shall pack the forgings according to the transportation conditions. 10 Acceptance and Rejection
10.1 After receiving the forgings and quality certificates, the purchaser shall immediately inspect and accept them according to the contents specified in this standard and the contract. 10.2 If any forgings are found not to meet the requirements of this standard and the contract, they may be rejected. The rejection notice shall be submitted to the supplier within 6 months from the date of receipt.2 The inspection method for non-metallic inclusions shall be carried out in accordance with GB10561, and the results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.4.2. JB/T 7556-94
6.4 Nondestructive testing
6.4.1 Forgings and their repaired welded parts shall be subjected to ultrasonic (longitudinal wave) flaw detection in accordance with JB3963, and the repaired welded parts shall also be subjected to ultrasonic (transverse wave) flaw detection in accordance with Class B in GB11345. The test results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.5.2. 6.4.2 The forging surface shall be subjected to magnetic particle flaw detection in accordance with JB3965 (or penetrant flaw detection in accordance with Appendix B of GB150), and the test results shall meet the requirements of Article 4.5.3.
6.4.3 The radiographic flaw detection of the repaired welded parts of forgings shall be carried out in accordance with GB3323, and the test results shall meet the requirements of 4.5.4. 6.5 The shape, size and surface quality of the machined forgings shall be inspected by visual inspection and measuring tools, and the results shall meet the requirements of the buyer's drawings. 7 Retest and Repeat Heat Treatment
7.1 If any test result of the mechanical property test fails, retest is allowed. If the result of the tensile test fails, double the sample shall be retested. If the test result of one sample fails in the retest, the forging shall be unqualified; if the result of the impact test fails, another group of samples shall be tested. The average value of the two groups of 6 samples shall not be less than the specified average value, and the number of samples below the specified average value shall not exceed 2, and the number of samples below the minimum value shall not exceed 1. Otherwise, the forging shall be unqualified. 7.2 Forgings with unqualified mechanical properties must be reheat treated and retested (chemical composition analysis is not required). 7.3 If the test results of grain size and the evaluation results of temper embrittlement orientation are unqualified, retest is not allowed. However, it is allowed to improve by reheat treatment and retest after heat treatment (chemical composition analysis is not required). 7.4 The cumulative number of reheat treatments of forgings shall not exceed three times. 8 Quality Certificate
When forgings are delivered, the factory quality certificate containing the following contents shall be included: a.
Order number (contract number):
Drawing number:
Steel grade:
Melting furnace number:
Heat treatment method:
All test results, including:
Melting analysis and finished product analysis of chemical composition; Mechanical properties and temper embrittlement tendency,
Product particle size and non-metallic inclusions:
Non-destructive testing and the contents of Articles 4.1 and 4.5: Other requirements specified in the contract.
9 Marking and packaging
9.1Forgings delivered after inspection according to this standard shall have the following marks: factory name (factory mark or code), steel grade, furnace number, etc. 9.2The mark shall be printed on the obvious part of the forging or the part specified by the purchaser. The position and method of printing the mark shall not affect the final use of the forging. 9.3 The supplier shall pack the forgings according to the transportation conditions. 10 Acceptance and Rejection
10.1 After receiving the forgings and quality certificates, the purchaser shall immediately inspect and accept them according to the contents specified in this standard and the contract. 10.2 If any forgings are found not to meet the requirements of this standard and the contract, they may be rejected. The rejection notice shall be submitted to the supplier within 6 months from the date of receipt.
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