title>HG/T 23017-1999 Safety regulations for earthwork in factories - HG/T 23017-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 23017-1999 Safety regulations for earthwork in factories

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 23017-1999

Standard Name: Safety regulations for earthwork in factories

Chinese Name: 厂区动土作业安全规程

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-09-29

Date of Implementation:2000-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>71.020 Chemical Production

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Comprehensive Chemical Industry>>G09 Health, Safety, and Labor Protection

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by AQ 3023-2008

Publication information

other information

Introduction to standards:

HG/T 23017-1999 Safety regulations for earth-breaking operations in factories HG/T23017-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Guangzhou Area Excavator Operation Safety Code
The Safety Code for Excavation Work in Workplace1999-09-29 Issued
2000-03-01 Implementation
State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry Issued
W Registration No.: 4115—1999
This standard is formulated based on the safety requirements for excavation work in the production area of ​​chemical enterprises. The appendix to this standard is the appendix to the standard.
This standard was proposed by the former Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is technically managed by the Chemical Safety Professional Committee of the Chemical Industry Society of China. The responsible drafting unit of this standard: Wujing Chemical General Plant of Shanghai Pacific Chemical (Group) Company. The main drafters of this standard: Hu Yuxing and Jiang Wende. This standard is entrusted to the Chemical Safety Professional Committee of the Chemical Industry Society of China for interpretation. I
1 Scope
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Safety Code for Excavation Work in the Guangqu District
The Safety Code for Excavation Work in the Workplace This standard specifies the definition of excavation work, safety requirements and the management of the "Excavation Safety Work Permit". This standard applies to excavation work in the production area of ​​chemical enterprises. 2 Referenced Standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. HG23016—1999 Safety Regulations for Circuit Breaking Operations in Factory Areas 3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions:
Earth-moving operations
The depth of excavation, piling, and ground anchoring is more than 0.5m; the load on the ground is more than 50kg/m2; the use of construction machinery such as bulldozers and rollers to fill or level the site. 4 Safety requirements for earth-moving operations
4.1 Earth-moving operations must obtain a "Earth-moving Safety Operation Permit". Earth-moving operations are not allowed without a "Earth-moving Safety Operation Permit". The format of the "Earth-moving Safety Operation Permit" is shown in Appendix A.
4.2 Before earth-moving operations, the project manager should conduct safety education for construction personnel. The construction manager shall explain the safety measures on site and supervise their implementation.
4.3 Guardrails, covers and warning signs should be set up at the construction site as needed, and red lights should be hung at night for warning. After the construction is completed, the soil should be backfilled in time and the ground facilities should be restored.
4.4 Groundbreaking operations must be carried out in accordance with the contents of the Groundbreaking Safety Operation Permit. If the approval procedures are incomplete and the safety measures are not implemented, the construction personnel have the right to refuse to work.
4.5 It is strictly forbidden to alter or lend the Groundbreaking Safety Operation Permit, and it is not allowed to change the content of groundbreaking operations, expand the scope of operations or transfer the operation location without authorization. 4.6 If cables, pipelines and unrecognizable items are exposed during groundbreaking, the operation should be stopped immediately, properly protected, and reported to the groundbreaking approval unit for processing. Groundbreaking operations can only be continued after measures are taken. 4.7 When groundbreaking is near underground hidden facilities, digging should be done gently, and it is forbidden to use mechanical tools such as iron bars, iron picks or grabs. 4.8 When digging pits, trenches, gullies, trenches, etc., the following regulations should be observed: 4.8.1 Excavation of earthwork should be carried out from top to bottom. It is not allowed to dig by digging the bottom. The excavated earth and rocks are not allowed to block sewers and manholes. 4.8.2 When digging deep pits, trenches, wells, and ditches, it is strictly forbidden to dig holes and climb on the soil wall. Safety helmets must be worn during operation. People are not allowed to stand or walk on the upper edge of pits, trenches, wells, and ditches.
National Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau 1999-09-29 Issued 2000-03-01 Implementation
W.bzsosO.coI HG23017—1999
4.8.3 Safety slopes or wall supports should be set up according to soil properties, moisture, and excavation depth. The excavated soil and materials should be piled up at least 0.8m away from the edge of the pit, trench, well, and ditch, and the height should not exceed 1.5m. The slopes or wall support frames of pits, trenches, wells and ditches should be checked at any time, especially after rain and snow and during thawing. If cracks or looseness are found on the slopes or the supports are broken or displaced, etc., work should be stopped immediately and measures should be taken.
4.8.4 During operation, attention should be paid to the detection of toxic and harmful substances and good ventilation should be maintained. When toxic and harmful gases are found, measures should be taken before construction.
4.8.5 Machinery, tracks and vehicles cannot be placed on the edges of pits, trenches, wells and ditches. If necessary, effective wall-fixing measures should be taken.
4.8.6 When removing wall support, it should be done from bottom to top. When replacing supports, the new ones should be installed first and the old ones should be removed later. 4.8.7 All personnel are not allowed to rest in pits, trenches, wells and ditches. 4.9 Safety helmets should be worn when working up and down, and multiple people should be more than 2m apart when digging at the same time to prevent tools from hurting people. When the operator finds any abnormality, he/she shall immediately evacuate the work site.
4.10 When starting earthwork in a hazardous chemical site, contact shall be established with the relevant operators. When chemical production suddenly discharges hazardous substances, the chemical operator shall immediately notify the earthwork operator to stop the work and quickly evacuate the site. 4.11 Before the operation, it is necessary to check whether the tools and on-site support are firm and intact, and any problems found shall be dealt with in a timely manner. 4.12 When earthwork involves circuit breaking, the "Circuit Breaking Safety Operation Permit" shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of HG23016. 5. Management of "Earthwork Safety Operation Permit"
5.1 The "Earthwork Safety Operation Permit" shall be managed by the mobile department. 5.2 The earthwork application unit shall receive the "Earthwork Safety Operation Permit" from the mobile department, fill in the relevant content and then hand it over to the construction unit. 5.3 After receiving the "Earthwork Safety Operation Permit", the construction unit shall fill in the relevant content in the "Earthwork Safety Operation Permit" and hand it over to the earthwork application unit.
5.4 After receiving the "Earth-breaking Safety Operation Permit" from the construction unit, the ground-breaking application unit shall submit it to the general plan of the factory and relevant water, electricity, steam, process, equipment, fire protection, safety and other departments for review, and the factory mobile department shall approve it. 5.5 The ground-breaking operation approval personnel shall check the drawings and signs on site, and check and confirm the safety measures before issuing the "Earth-breaking Safety Operation Permit".
5.6 The ground-breaking application unit shall keep the "Earth-breaking Safety Operation Permit" and send a copy to the general plan room, mobile department, and construction unit respectively.
Applying department:
Construction unit:bZxz.net
Operation start and end time:
Appendix A
(Standard Appendix)
Earth-breaking Safety Operation Permit
1 Earth-breaking Safety Operation Permit
Operation location:
Earth-breaking scope, content, and method (including depth, area, and a simple diagram): Earth-breaking safety measures (including fences, warning signs, night warning lights, etc.): Opinions of the person in charge of the construction site:
Opinions of the relevant water, electricity, steam, process, equipment, and fire safety departments: Opinions of the person in charge of the general plan:
Approval opinion of the mobile department:
Mobile department head:
Item and person in charge:
Construction person in charge,
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