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JB/T 7399-1994 Collimator

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7399-1994

Standard Name: Collimator

Chinese Name: 平行光管

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-08-23

Date of Implementation:1995-05-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Instruments and meters>>Optical instruments>>N33 Electronic optics and other physical optics instruments

associated standards

alternative situation:ZB Y144-83

Procurement status:15114-1978 NEQ

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Shanghai Institute of Optical Instruments

Publishing department:Shanghai Institute of Optical Instruments

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, etc. of collimators. This standard applies to refractive collimators. It can also be used as a reference for reflective, catadioptric, and collimators used as components in optical instruments or devices. This standard does not apply to spherical collimators. JB/T 7399-1994 Collimators JB/T7399-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Published on August 23, 1994
Implemented on May 1, 1995
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces ZBY144-83
This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection regulations, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, etc. of collimators. This standard applies to refractive collimators. Reflective, catadioptric, optical instruments or components of collimators can also be used for reference.
This standard does not apply to spherical collimators. 2 Reference standards
Count sampling and sampling table for batch inspection (applicable to inspection of continuous batches)Count sampling and sampling table for periodic inspection (applicable to inspection of stability of production process)Optical system image quality test method
Basic environmental conditions and test methods for transportation and storage of instruments and metersGeneral technical conditions for packaging of instruments and meters
ZBN35003 Resolution plate
3 Product classification
3.1 See Table 1 for the basic parameters of collimator. Table 1
Note: (550) means not recommended.
3.2 See Table 2 for the basic parameters of Pero plate.
Nominal value of objective focal length f.
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on 1994-08-23
The relative aperture of the objective lens should not be less than
Line pair spacing
4,10,20,30,4 0
1995-05-01 implementation
5 Test method
5.1 Focal length of objective lens (Article 4.1 of this standard) 5.1.1 Test tools
a. Theodolite (DJ0.7 for level 1; DJ2 for level 2; DJ6 ​​for level 3); b. Pero plate (accessory):
c. Autocollimation eyepiece (accessory);
d. Plane reflector (accessory).
5.1.2 Test procedure Use the autocollimation method to eliminate parallax, accurately correct the Pero plate division plane to coincide with the focal plane, and use incandescent lamp for illumination during measurement. Place the longitude and latitude only in front of the collimator objective lens, and measure the angle of a pair of lines on the Pero plate on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens (select a pair of lines with appropriate spacing without affecting the measurement accuracy). Perform a horizontal angle measurement at any two positions that differ by 90 degrees, and measure the average value of the included angle. Calculate the focal length measurement value f\ and relative limit deviation △f°/f\ of the collimator objective lens according to the following formula: 2tg (w72)
Wherein: y---the spacing between a pair of lines on the glass plate, mm; ne
Ay---the calibration limit deviation of the spacing between lines on the glass plate of y, mm; Aa---the opening angle of the line pair on the glass plate with a spacing of > for the collimator objective lens, *: Aa---the calibration limit deviation of theodolite angle measurement, rad; f\---the focal length measurement value of the collimator objective lens under test, mm; Af
---the calibration limit deviation of the focal length measurement value of the collimator objective lens under test, mm. (2)
Note: For the focal length f in the 3-complex objective lens. For collimators with a diameter of ≤1000mm, the test can also be carried out on an optical bench (the relative limit deviation of the focal length of the collimator objective lens of the optical bench is △f'/f≤0.1%, and the focal length of the collimator objective lens of the optical bench is at least twice the focal length of the collimator objective lens to be tested).
5.2 Objective lens image quality (Article 4.2 of this standard) 5.2.1 Class A and B objective lenses Test tools
Tyman-Green interferometer with an error not exceeding λ/20 (or shearing interferometer, laser ball wavefront interferometer, knife-edge interferometer with equivalent accuracy). Test procedure
The test shall be carried out in accordance with the method in Article 6 of GB11168. 5.2.2 Class C objective lens Test tools
a. Optical bench equipped with star point plate and resolution plate, whose collimator objective wave aberration does not exceed λ/4; b. Incandescent lamp illumination. Test procedure
The test shall be conducted in accordance with the methods in Articles 3.2.1 and 4.3.1 of GB11168. 5.3 Cross-type graticule (Article 4.3 of this standard) 5.3.1 The cross-type graticule graticule plane is located on the focal plane of the objective lens (Article 4.3.1 of this standard) Test tools
Autocollimator eyepiece and plane reflector (accessory). 4 Test procedure
Install the autocollimation eyepiece on the collimator and place the plane reflector in front of the objective lens. Observe the autocollimation eyepiece to see if there is any visible parallax between the reticle and its autocollimation image.
Note: For objective lenses with effective aperture D ≥ 80mm, the "pentaprism method" is allowed to test parallax. 5.3.2 Cross-type reticle centering (Article 4.3.2 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Install the autocollimation eyepiece on the collimator and place the plane reflector in front of the objective lens. While adjusting the rotation angle and inclination of the plane reflector, rotate the collimator and observe through the autocollimation eyepiece until the deviation between the center of the cross-type reticle and the center of the autocollimation image is the smallest (the central axis of the outer circle of the support should be required to coincide with the optical axis of the objective lens during design and processing). The deviation value at this time is the required value. For collimators with long focal lengths or those that cannot be rotated, the front end face of the objective lens holder should be used. As the positioning surface (the positioning surface should be required to be perpendicular to the optical axis of the objective lens during design and processing), the plane reflector is placed on the positioning surface to observe the deviation between the center of the cross scale and its autocollimation image. 5.4 Cross-type tape ruler graticule (Article 4.4 of this standard) 5.4.1 Verification limit deviation of the spacing between the lines of the cross-type tape ruler graticule (Article 4.4.1 of this standard) Test tool
Abbe's length comparator with an indication error not exceeding (1+L/300) μm (L is the measuring length, mm). Test procedure
Place the cross-type tape ruler graticule on the workbench of the Abbe's length comparator, and measure any three pairs of lines in the vertical and horizontal directions respectively. 5.4.2 The scale surface of the cross-type tape ruler graticule is located on the focal plane of the objective lens (Article 4.4.2 of this standard) Same as Article 4.4.2 of this standard 5.3.1.
5.4.3 Centering of the cross-shaped tape ruler graticule (Article 4.4.3 of this standard) Test tool
Theodolite (not less than DJ6 level). Test procedure
Place a cross-shaped graticule on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens, use the theodolite telescope to focus the cross-shaped graticule image on the cross-shaped graticule until it is clear, and overlap it with the cross-shaped graticule on the graticule in the telescope, and use this as the zero position. Then replace the cross-shaped tape ruler graticule, and use the telescope to measure the deviation angle of the center image of the cross-shaped graticule from the zero position. 5.5 Pero plate (Article 4.5 of this standard)
5.5.1 Verification limit deviation of the spacing between the line pairs of the Pero plate (Article 4.5.1 of this standard) Test tool||t t||Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place the Pero plate on the Abbe length meter workbench and measure the spacing of each line pair. 5.5.2 The Pero plate graticule surface is located on the focal plane of the objective lens (Article 4.5.2 of this standard) Same as Article 5.3.1 of this standard.
5.5.3 Center of Pero plate line pairs (Article 4.5.3 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place a cross-shaped graticule on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens, use the theodolite telescope to focus the cross-shaped graticule image until it is clear and coincides with the cross-shaped graticule image on the telescope: this is taken as the zero position. Then replace the Pero plate and use the theodolite to measure any line pair to obtain the deviation angle of the line pair center to the zero position. 56 Resolution plate (Article 4.6 of this standard)
5.6.1 Quality of resolution plate (Article 4.6 of this standard.1) Test according to the provisions of ZBN35003.
5.6.2 The resolution plate is located on the focal plane of the objective lens (Article 4.6.2 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedures
Place a cross-shaped graticule on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens, and use the theodolite telescope to focus the cross-shaped graticule image of the cross-shaped graticule until it is clear. Then replace the resolution plate, and the image of the resolution plate should be observed to be clear without refocusing the telescope. 5.7 Star point plate (Article 4.7 of this standard)
5.7.1 Measurement of star point hole diameter (Article 4.7.1 of this standard) Test tools
a, microscope with 15× micrometer eyepiece and 10× objective lens; b, microscope lamp. Test procedure
Place the star point plate on the microscope workbench, illuminate the star point hole with the microscope light, focus the microscope until the star point hole is clear, and then use the micrometer eyepiece to measure the diameter d' of the star point image. Calculate the star point hole diameter d according to the following formula: dmd'/p
Where: β is the magnification of the microscope objective. 5.7.2 The star point hole is located on the focal plane of the objective lens and its center deviation (Articles 4.7.2 to 4.7.4 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place a cross-shaped reticle on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens, use the theodolite telescope to focus the cross-shaped reticle image until it is clear and coincides with the cross-shaped reticle of the telescope, which is used as the zero position. Then replace the star point plate and its illuminator. Without refocusing the telescope, the diffraction image of the star point with relatively concentrated energy should be observed, and its deviation angle from the zero position should be measured. 5.8 Autocollimation eyepiece (Article 4.8 of this standard) 5.8.1 Diopter adjustment range (Article 4.8.1 of this standard) Test tool
A diopter with a measuring range greater than -4 to +4 diopters. Test procedure
Check with a diopter.
5.8.2 Field of view quality (Article 4.8.2 of this standard) Test tool
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Visual observation using the autocollimation method.
5.9 Plane reflector (Article 4.9 of this standard) 5.9.1 Flatness of plane reflector (Article 4.9.1 of this standard) Test tool
Tyman-Green interferometer (or plane interferometer of equivalent accuracy) with an error not exceeding λ/15. Test procedure
Test according to the method in Article 6 of GB11168. 5.9.2 Effective aperture of plane reflector Test tool
5.92.2 Test procedure
Measure with a ruler.
5.9.3 Plane reflector base (Article 4.9.2 of this standard) Test tool
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Observe visually using the autocollimation method.
5.10 Lighting quality (Article 4.10 of this standard) 5.10.1 Illumination of the graticule (Article 4.10.1 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place the cross-shaped graticule, cross-shaped tape scale graticule, Pero plate and resolution plate on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens, and observe the lighting quality in the field of view through the theodolite telescope eyepiece. 5.10.2 Illumination of the star point plate (Article 4.10.2 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place the star point plate on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens and install the corresponding illuminator. Visually observe the star point diffraction image when out of focus through the theodolite telescope. It should have sufficient brightness.
5.11 Appearance and sensory requirements of the instrument (Article 4.11 of this standard) Visual and hand inspection.
5.12 Storage and environmental conditions (Article 4.12 of this standard) Test in accordance with the provisions of ZBY002.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection classification
Product inspection is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. 6.2 Factory inspection
6.2.1 Factory inspection Sampling inspection should be carried out in accordance with the one-time sample inspection of GB2828. 6.2.2 The items for factory inspection are Articles 4.1 to 4.11 of this standard, and the inspection level is specified as II. According to GB2828, the unqualified products are classified and the qualified quality level AQL value is specified: a. 4.1~4.3 are Class A unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 1.5; 5.4.4~4.10 are Class B unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 4.0; c. 4.11 are Class C unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 10. 6.3 Type test
6.3.1 Type test is generally scheduled to be conducted once a year ; Products should also be subject to type inspection in any of the following situations: a. Trial design and identification of new products or old products transferred to the factory for production; b. After formal production, if there are major improvements in structure, materials, and processes that may affect product performance; c. During normal production, periodic inspection should be carried out regularly or after a certain amount of production has been accumulated; d. When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; e. When there is a significant difference between the factory inspection results and the last type inspection: JB/T7399-94
When the national quality supervision agency proposes a requirement for type inspection. 6.3.2 The items of type inspection are Articles 4.1 to 4.12 of this standard. Samples for type inspection should be randomly selected from products that have passed the factory inspection.
6.3.3 Type inspection sampling adopts GB2829 one-time sampling inspection, and the specified discrimination level is According to GB2829, the technical requirements in Chapter 4 are classified as unqualified, and the unqualified quality level RQL value is specified: a. 4.1~4.3 are Class A unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 30 (Ac=0, Rc=1); b. 4.4~4.10 are Class B unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 65 (Ac=1, Rc=2); c. 4.11 is Class C unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 100 (Ac=2, Rc=3). 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 Product marking
a. Product name;
b. Product model and number;
c. Manufacturer name and trademark;
d. Date of manufacture:
e. The nominal value of the objective lens focal length and the relative aperture shall be marked on the objective lens frame. 7.1.2 Packaging marking
The packaging marking of the instrument shall comply with the requirements of ZBY003. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The packaging of the instrument shall comply with the requirements of ZBY003. 7.2.2 The instrument shall be accompanied by a product certificate of conformity, which shall indicate the measured value of the objective lens focal length, focal length grade and image quality grade. The Pero plate shall also be accompanied by a certificate of conformity, which shall also indicate the measured value of the line pair spacing and the verification limit deviation of the line pair spacing. 7.3 Transportation
The instrument should be transported by sheltered transport. 7.4 Storage
The instrument storage environment should be ventilated and free of acid, alkali and other harmful substances. Packaged instruments should be stored in a sheltered place with no acid, alkali and other harmful substances around.
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry.
This standard was drafted and managed by the Shanghai Institute of Optical Instruments. 8
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
JB/T 7399-94
Published by the Institute of Comprehensive Technology and Economics of Instrument and Instrumentation, Ministry of Machinery Industry; Printed by the Printing Service Department of Beijing Machinery Enterprises Association
Issued by the Institute of Comprehensive Technology and Economics of Instrument and Instrumentation, Ministry of Machinery Industry*
First bottle in December 1995
Print run: 250 pieces
First printing in December 1995
Cost: RMB 10.002 Test procedure
Place a cross-shaped graticule on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens, and use the theodolite telescope to focus the cross-shaped graticule image on the cross-shaped graticule until it is clear. Then replace the resolution plate, and the image of the resolution plate should be clear without refocusing the telescope. 5.7 Star point plate (Article 4.7 of this standard)
5.7.1 Measurement of star point hole diameter (Article 4.7.1 of this standard) Test tools
a, microscope with 15× micrometer eyepiece and 10× objective lens; b, microscope lamp. Test procedure
Place the star point plate on the microscope workbench, illuminate the star point hole with the microscope light, focus the microscope until the star point hole is clear, and then use the micrometer eyepiece to measure the diameter d' of the star point image. Calculate the star point hole diameter d according to the following formula: dmd'/p
Where: β is the magnification of the microscope objective. 5.7.2 The star point hole is located on the focal plane of the objective lens and its center deviation (Articles 4.7.2 to 4.7.4 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place a cross-shaped reticle on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens, use the theodolite telescope to focus the cross-shaped reticle image until it is clear and coincides with the cross-shaped reticle of the telescope, which is used as the zero position. Then replace the star point plate and its illuminator. Without refocusing the telescope, the diffraction image of the star point with relatively concentrated energy should be observed, and its deviation angle from the zero position should be measured. 5.8 Autocollimation eyepiece (Article 4.8 of this standard) 5.8.1 Diopter adjustment range (Article 4.8.1 of this standard) Test tool
A diopter with a measuring range greater than -4 to +4 diopters. Test procedure
Check with a diopter.
5.8.2 Field of view quality (Article 4.8.2 of this standard) Test tool
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Visual observation using the autocollimation method.
5.9 Plane reflector (Article 4.9 of this standard) 5.9.1 Flatness of plane reflector (Article 4.9.1 of this standard) Test tool
Tyman-Green interferometer (or plane interferometer of equivalent accuracy) with an error not exceeding λ/15. Test procedure
Test according to the method in Article 6 of GB11168. 5.9.2 Effective aperture of plane reflector Test tool
5.92.2 Test procedure
Measure with a ruler.
5.9.3 Plane reflector base (Article 4.9.2 of this standard) Test tool
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Observe visually using the autocollimation method.
5.10 Lighting quality (Article 4.10 of this standard) 5.10.1 Illumination of the graticule (Article 4.10.1 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place the cross-shaped graticule, cross-shaped tape scale graticule, Pero plate and resolution plate on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens, and observe the lighting quality in the field of view through the theodolite telescope eyepiece. 5.10.2 Illumination of the star point plate (Article 4.10.2 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place the star point plate on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens and install the corresponding illuminator. Visually observe the star point diffraction image when out of focus through the theodolite telescope. It should have sufficient brightness.
5.11 Appearance and sensory requirements of the instrument (Article 4.11 of this standard) Visual and hand inspection.
5.12 Storage and environmental conditions (Article 4.12 of this standard) Test in accordance with the provisions of ZBY002.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection classification
Product inspection is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. 6.2 Factory inspection
6.2.1 Factory inspection Sampling inspection should be carried out in accordance with the one-time sample inspection of GB2828. 6.2.2 The items for factory inspection are Articles 4.1 to 4.11 of this standard, and the inspection level is specified as II. According to GB2828, the unqualified products are classified and the qualified quality level AQL value is specified: a. 4.1~4.3 are Class A unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 1.5; 5.4.4~4.10 are Class B unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 4.0; c. 4.11 are Class C unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 10. 6.3 Type test
6.3.1 Type test is generally scheduled to be conducted once a year ; Products should also be subject to type inspection in any of the following situations: a. Trial design and identification of new products or old products transferred to the factory for production; b. After formal production, if there are major improvements in structure, materials, and processes that may affect product performance; c. During normal production, periodic inspection should be carried out regularly or after a certain amount of production has been accumulated; d. When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; e. When there is a significant difference between the factory inspection results and the last type inspection: JB/T7399-94
When the national quality supervision agency proposes a requirement for type inspection. 6.3.2 The items of type inspection are Articles 4.1 to 4.12 of this standard, and samples for type inspection should be randomly selected from products that have passed the factory inspection.
6.3.3 Type inspection sampling adopts GB2829 one-time sampling inspection, and the specified discrimination level is According to GB2829, the technical requirements in Chapter 4 are classified as unqualified, and the unqualified quality level RQL value is specified: a. 4.1~4.3 are Class A unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 30 (Ac=0, Rc=1); b. 4.4~4.10 are Class B unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 65 (Ac=1, Rc=2); c. 4.11 is Class C unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 100 (Ac=2, Rc=3). 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 Product marking
a. Product name;
b. Product model and number;
c. Manufacturer name and trademark;
d. Date of manufacture:
e. The nominal value of the objective lens focal length and the relative aperture shall be marked on the objective lens frame. 7.1.2 Packaging marking
The packaging marking of the instrument shall comply with the requirements of ZBY003. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The packaging of the instrument shall comply with the requirements of ZBY003. 7.2.2 The instrument shall be accompanied by a product certificate of conformity, which shall indicate the measured value of the objective lens focal length, focal length grade and image quality grade. The Pero plate shall also be accompanied by a certificate of conformity, which shall also indicate the measured value of the line pair spacing and the verification limit deviation of the line pair spacing. 7.3 Transportation
The instrument should be transported by sheltered transport. 7.4 Storage
The instrument storage environment should be ventilated and free of acid, alkali and other harmful substances. Packaged instruments should be stored in a sheltered place with no acid, alkali and other harmful substances around.
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry.
This standard was drafted and managed by the Shanghai Institute of Optical Instruments. 8
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
JB/T 7399-94
Published by the Institute of Comprehensive Technology and Economics of Instrument and Instrumentation, Ministry of Machinery Industry; Printed by the Printing Service Department of Beijing Machinery Enterprises Association
Issued by the Institute of Comprehensive Technology and Economics of Instrument and Instrumentation, Ministry of Machinery Industry*
First bottle in December 1995
Print run: 250 pieces
First printing in December 1995
Cost: RMB 10.002 Test procedure
Place a cross-shaped graticule on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens, and use the theodolite telescope to focus the cross-shaped graticule image on the cross-shaped graticule until it is clear. Then replace the resolution plate, and the image of the resolution plate should be clear without refocusing the telescope. 5.7 Star point plate (Article 4.7 of this standard)
5.7.1 Measurement of star point hole diameter (Article 4.7.1 of this standard) Test tools
a, microscope with 15× micrometer eyepiece and 10× objective lens; b, microscope lamp. Test procedure
Place the star point plate on the microscope workbench, illuminate the star point hole with the microscope light, focus the microscope until the star point hole is clear, and then use the micrometer eyepiece to measure the diameter d' of the star point image. Calculate the star point hole diameter d according to the following formula: dmd'/p
Where: β is the magnification of the microscope objective. 5.7.2 The star point hole is located on the focal plane of the objective lens and its center deviation (Articles 4.7.2 to 4.7.4 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place a cross-shaped reticle on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens, use the theodolite telescope to focus the cross-shaped reticle image until it is clear and coincides with the cross-shaped reticle of the telescope, which is used as the zero position. Then replace the star point plate and its illuminator. Without refocusing the telescope, the diffraction image of the star point with relatively concentrated energy should be observed, and its deviation angle from the zero position should be measured. 5.8 Autocollimation eyepiece (Article 4.8 of this standard) 5.8.1 Diopter adjustment range (Article 4.8.1 of this standard) Test tool
A diopter with a measuring range greater than -4 to +4 diopters. Test procedure
Check with a diopter.
5.8.2 Field of view quality (Article 4.8.2 of this standard) Test tool
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Visual observation using the autocollimation method.
5.9 Plane reflector (Article 4.9 of this standard) 5.9.1 Flatness of plane reflector (Article 4.9.1 of this standard) Test tool
Tyman-Green interferometer (or plane interferometer of equivalent accuracy) with an error not exceeding λ/15. Test procedure
Test according to the method in Article 6 of GB11168. 5.9.2 Effective aperture of plane reflector Test tool
5.92.2 Test procedure
Measure with a ruler.
5.9.3 Plane reflector base (Article 4.9.2 of this standard) Test tool
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Observe visually using the autocollimation method.
5.10 Lighting quality (Article 4.10 of this standard) 5.10.1 Illumination of the graticule (Article 4.10.1 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place the cross-shaped graticule, cross-shaped tape scale graticule, Pero plate and resolution plate on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens, and observe the lighting quality in the field of view through the theodolite telescope eyepiece. 5.10.2 Illumination of the star point plate (Article 4.10.2 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place the star point plate on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens and install the corresponding illuminator. Visually observe the star point diffraction image when out of focus through the theodolite telescope. It should have sufficient brightness.
5.11 Appearance and sensory requirements of the instrument (Article 4.11 of this standard) Visual and hand feeling inspection.
5.12 Storage and environmental conditions (Article 4.12 of this standard) Test in accordance with the provisions of ZBY002.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection classification
Product inspection is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. 6.2 Factory inspection
6.2.1 Factory inspection Sampling inspection should be carried out in accordance with the one-time sample inspection of GB2828. 6.2.2 The items for factory inspection are Articles 4.1 to 4.11 of this standard, and the inspection level is specified as II. According to GB2828, the unqualified products are classified and the qualified quality level AQL value is specified: a. 4.1~4.3 are Class A unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 1.5; 5.4.4~4.10 are Class B unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 4.0; c. 4.11 are Class C unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 10. 6.3 Type test
6.3.1 Type test is generally scheduled to be conducted once a year ; Products should also be subject to type inspection in any of the following situations: a. Trial design and identification of new products or old products transferred to the factory for production; b. After formal production, if there are major improvements in structure, materials, and processes that may affect product performance; c. During normal production, periodic inspection should be carried out regularly or after a certain amount of production has been accumulated; d. When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; e. When there is a significant difference between the factory inspection results and the last type inspection: JB/T7399-94
When the national quality supervision agency proposes a requirement for type inspection. 6.3.2 The items of type inspection are Articles 4.1 to 4.12 of this standard, and samples for type inspection should be randomly selected from products that have passed the factory inspection.
6.3.3 Type inspection sampling adopts GB2829 one-time sampling inspection, and the specified discrimination level is According to GB2829, the technical requirements in Chapter 4 are classified as unqualified, and the unqualified quality level RQL value is specified: a. 4.1~4.3 are Class A unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 30 (Ac=0, Rc=1); b. 4.4~4.10 are Class B unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 65 (Ac=1, Rc=2); c. 4.11 is Class C unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 100 (Ac=2, Rc=3). 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 Product marking
a. Product name;
b. Product model and number;
c. Manufacturer name and trademark;
d. Date of manufacture:
e. The nominal value of the objective lens focal length and the relative aperture shall be marked on the objective lens frame. 7.1.2 Packaging marking
The packaging marking of the instrument shall comply with the requirements of ZBY003. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The packaging of the instrument shall comply with the requirements of ZBY003. 7.2.2 The instrument shall be accompanied by a product certificate of conformity, which shall indicate the measured value of the objective lens focal length, focal length grade and image quality grade. The Pero plate shall also be accompanied by a certificate of conformity, which shall also indicate the measured value of the line pair spacing and the verification limit deviation of the line pair spacing. 7.3 Transportation
The instrument should be transported by sheltered transport. 7.4 Storage
The instrument storage environment should be ventilated and free of acid, alkali and other harmful substances. Packaged instruments should be stored in a sheltered place with no acid, alkali and other harmful substances around.
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry.
This standard was drafted and managed by the Shanghai Institute of Optical Instruments. 8
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
JB/T 7399-94
Published by the Institute of Comprehensive Technology and Economics of Instrument and Instrumentation, Ministry of Machinery Industry; Printed by the Printing Service Department of Beijing Machinery Enterprises Association
Issued by the Institute of Comprehensive Technology and Economics of Instrument and Instrumentation, Ministry of Machinery Industry*
First bottle in December 1995
Print run: 250 pieces
First printing in December 1995
Cost: RMB 10.002 Test procedure
Place the star point plate on the microscope workbench, illuminate the star point hole with the microscope light, focus the microscope until the star point hole is clear, and then use the micrometer eyepiece to measure the diameter d' of the star point image. Calculate the star point hole diameter d according to the following formula: dmd'/p
Where: β is the magnification of the microscope objective. 5.7.2 The star point hole is located on the focal plane of the objective lens and its center deviation (Articles 4.7.2 to 4.7.4 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place a cross-shaped graticule plate on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens, use the theodolite telescope to focus the cross-shaped graticule image on the cross-shaped graticule plate until it is clear and coincides with the cross-shaped graticule on the telescope, and use this as the zero position. Then replace the star point plate and its illuminator. Without refocusing the telescope, the diffraction image of the star point with relatively concentrated energy should be observed, and its deviation angle from the zero position should be measured. 5.8 Autocollimation eyepiece (Article 4.8 of this standard) 5.8.1 Diopter adjustment range (Article 4.8.1 of this standard) Test tool
A diopter with a measuring range greater than -4 to +4 diopters. Test procedure
Check with a diopter.
5.8.2 Field of view quality (Article 4.8.2 of this standard) Test tool
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Visual observation using the autocollimation method.
5.9 Plane reflector (Article 4.9 of this standard) 5.9.1 Flatness of plane reflector (Article 4.9.1 of this standard) Test tool
Tyman-Green interferometer (or plane interferometer of equivalent accuracy) with an error not exceeding λ/15. Test procedure
Test according to the method in Article 6 of GB11168. 5.9.2 Effective aperture of plane reflector Test tool
5.92.2 Test procedure
Measure with a ruler.
5.9.3 Plane reflector base (Article 4.9.2 of this standard) Test tool
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Observe visually using the autocollimation method.
5.10 Lighting quality (Article 4.10 of this standard) 5.10.1 Illumination of the graticule (Article 4.10.1 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place the cross-shaped graticule, cross-shaped tape scale graticule, Pero plate and resolution plate on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens, and observe the lighting quality in the field of view through the theodolite telescope eyepiece. 5.10.2 Illumination of the star point plate (Article 4.10.2 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place the star point plate on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens and install the corresponding illuminator. Visually observe the star point diffraction image when out of focus through the theodolite telescope. It should have sufficient brightness.
5.11 Appearance and sensory requirements of the instrument (Article 4.11 of this standard) Visual and hand inspection.
5.12 Storage and environmental conditions (Article 4.12 of this standard) Test in accordance with the provisions of ZBY002.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection classification
Product inspection is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. 6.2 Factory inspection
6.2.1 Factory inspection Sampling inspection should be carried out in accordance with the one-time sample inspection of GB2828. 6.2.2 The items for factory inspection are Articles 4.1 to 4.11 of this standard, and the inspection level is specified as II. According to GB2828, the unqualified products are classified and the qualified quality level AQL value is specified: a. 4.1~4.3 are Class A unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 1.5; 5.4.4~4.10 are Class B unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 4.0; c. 4.11 are Class C unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 10. 6.3 Type test
6.3.1 Type test is generally scheduled to be conducted once a year ; Products should also be subject to type inspection in any of the following situations: a. Trial design and identification of new products or old products transferred to the factory for production; b. After formal production, if there are major improvements in structure, materials, and processes that may affect product performance; c. During normal production, periodic inspection should be carried out regularly or after a certain amount of production has been accumulated; d. When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; e. When there is a significant difference between the factory inspection results and the last type inspection: JB/T7399-94
When the national quality supervision agency proposes a requirement for type inspection. 6.3.2 The items of type inspection are Articles 4.1 to 4.12 of this standard, and samples for type inspection should be randomly selected from products that have passed the factory inspection.
6.3.3 Type inspection sampling adopts GB2829 one-time sampling inspection, and the specified discrimination level is According to GB2829, the technical requirements in Chapter 4 are classified as unqualified, and the unqualified quality level RQL value is specified: a. 4.1~4.3 are Class A unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 30 (Ac=0, Rc=1); b. 4.4~4.10 are Class B unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 65 (Ac=1, Rc=2); c. 4.11 is Class C unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 100 (Ac=2, Rc=3). 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 Product marking
a. Product name;
b. Product model and number;
c. Manufacturer name and trademark;
d. Date of manufacture:
e. The nominal value of the objective lens focal length and the relative aperture shall be marked on the objective lens frame. 7.1.2 Packaging marking
The packaging marking of the instrument shall comply with the requirements of ZBY003. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The packaging of the instrument shall comply with the requirements of ZBY003. 7.2.2 The instrument shall be accompanied by a product certificate of conformity, which shall indicate the measured value of the objective lens focal length, focal length grade and image quality grade. The Pero plate shall also be accompanied by a certificate of conformity, which shall also indicate the measured value of the line pair spacing and the verification limit deviation of the line pair spacing. 7.3 Transportation
The instrument should be transported by sheltered transport. 7.4 Storage
The instrument storage environment should be ventilated and free of acid, alkali and other harmful substances. Packaged instruments should be stored in a sheltered place with no acid, alkali and other harmful substances around.
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry.
This standard was drafted and managed by the Shanghai Institute of Optical Instruments. 8
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
JB/T 7399-94
Published by the Institute of Comprehensive Technology and Economics of Instrument and Instrumentation, Ministry of Machinery Industry; Printed by the Printing Service Department of Beijing Machinery Enterprises Association
Issued by the Institute of Comprehensive Technology and Economics of Instrument and Instrumentation, Ministry of Machinery Industry*
First bottle in December 1995
Print run: 250 pieces
First printing in December 1995
Cost: RMB 10.002 Test procedure
Place the star point plate on the microscope workbench, illuminate the star point hole with the microscope light, focus the microscope until the star point hole is clear, then use the micrometer eyepiece to measure the diameter d' of the star point image, and calculate the star point hole diameter d according to the following formula: dmd'/p
Where: β is the magnification of the microscope objective. 5.7.2 The star point hole is located on the focal plane of the objective lens and its center deviation (Articles 4.7.2 to 4.7.4 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place a cross-shaped reticle on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens, use the theodolite telescope to focus the cross-shaped reticle image until it is clear and coincides with the cross-shaped reticle of the telescope, and use this as the zero position. Then replace the star point plate and its illuminator. Without refocusing the telescope, the diffraction image of the star point with relatively concentrated energy should be observed, and its deviation angle from the zero position should be measured. 5.8 Autocollimation eyepiece (Article 4.8 of this standard) 5.8.1 Diopter adjustment range (Article 4.8.1 of this standard) Test tool
A diopter with a measuring range greater than -4 to +4 diopters. Test procedure
Check with a diopter.
5.8.2 Field of view quality (Article 4.8.2 of this standard) Test tool
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Visual observation using the autocollimation method.
5.9 Plane reflector (Article 4.9 of this standard) 5.9.1 Flatness of plane reflector (Article 4.9.1 of this standard) Test tool
Tyman-Green interferometer (or plane interferometer of equivalent accuracy) with an error not exceeding λ/15. Test procedure
Test according to the method in Article 6 of GB11168. 5.9.2 Effective aperture of plane reflector Test tool
5.92.2 Test procedure
Measure with a ruler.
5.9.3 Plane reflector base (Article 4.9.2 of this standard) Test tool
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Observe visually using the autocollimation method.
5.10 Lighting quality (Article 4.10 of this standard) 5.10.1 Illumination of the graticule (Article 4.10.1 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place the cross-shaped graticule, cross-shaped tape scale graticule, Pero plate and resolution plate on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens, and observe the lighting quality in the field of view through the theodolite telescope eyepiece. 5.10.2 Illumination of the star point plate (Article 4.10.2 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place the star point plate on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens and install the corresponding illuminator. Visually observe the star point diffraction image when out of focus through the theodolite telescope. It should have sufficient brightness.
5.11 Appearance and sensory requirements of the instrument (Article 4.11 of this standard) Visual and hand inspection.
5.12 Storage and environmental conditions (Article 4.12 of this standard) Test in accordance with the provisions of ZBY002.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection classification
Product inspection is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. 6.2 Factory inspection
6.2.1 Factory inspection Sampling inspection should be carried out in accordance with the one-time sample inspection of GB2828. 6.2.2 The items for factory inspection are Articles 4.1 to 4.11 of this standard, and the inspection level is specified as II. According to GB2828, the unqualified products are classified and the qualified quality level AQL value is specified: a. 4.1~4.3 are Class A unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 1.5; 5.4.4~4.10 are Class B unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 4.0; c. 4.11 are Class C unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 10. 6.3 Type test
6.3.1 Type test is generally scheduled to be conducted once a year ; Products should also be subject to type inspection in any of the following situations: a. Trial design and identification of new products or old products transferred to the factory for production; b. After formal production, if there are major improvements in structure, materials, and processes that may affect product performance; c. During normal production, periodic inspection should be carried out regularly or after a certain amount of production has been accumulated; d. When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; e. When there is a significant difference between the factory inspection results and the last type inspection: JB/T7399-94
When the national quality supervision agency proposes a requirement for type inspection. 6.3.2 The items of type inspection are Articles 4.1 to 4.12 of this standard, and samples for type inspection should be randomly selected from products that have passed the factory inspection.
6.3.3 Type inspection sampling adopts GB2829 one-time sampling inspection, and the specified discrimination level is According to GB2829, the technical requirements in Chapter 4 are classified as unqualified, and the unqualified quality level RQL value is specified: a. 4.1~4.3 are Class A unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 30 (Ac=0, Rc=1); b. 4.4~4.10 are Class B unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 65 (Ac=1, Rc=2); c. 4.11 is Class C unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 100 (Ac=2, Rc=3). 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 Product marking
a. Product name;
b. Product model and number;
c. Manufacturer name and trademark;
d. Date of manufacture:
e. The nominal value of the objective lens focal length and the relative aperture shall be marked on the objective lens frame. 7.1.2 Packaging marking
The packaging marking of the instrument shall comply with the requirements of ZBY003. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The packaging of the instrument shall comply with the requirements of ZBY003. 7.2.2 The instrument shall be accompanied by a product certificate of conformity, which shall indicate the measured value of the objective lens focal length, focal length grade and image quality grade. The Pero plate shall also be accompanied by a certificate of conformity, which shall also indicate the measured value of the line pair spacing and the verification limit deviation of the line pair spacing. 7.3 Transportation
The instrument should be transported by sheltered transport. 7.4 Storage
The instrument storage environment should be ventilated and free of acid, alkali and other harmful substances. Packaged instruments should be stored in a sheltered place with no acid, alkali and other harmful substances around.
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry.
This standard was drafted and managed by the Shanghai Institute of Optical Instruments. 8
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
JB/T 7399-94
Published by the Institute of Comprehensive Technology and Economics of Instrument and Instrumentation, Ministry of Machinery Industry; Printed by the Printing Service Department of Beijing Machinery Enterprises Association
Issued by the Institute of Comprehensive Technology and Economics of Instrument and Instrumentation, Ministry of Machinery Industry*
First bottle in December 1995
Print run: 250 pieces
First printing in December 1995
Cost: RMB 10.001 Flatness of plane reflector (Article 4.9.1 of this standard) Test tool
Tyman-Green interferometer (or plane interferometer of equivalent accuracy) with an error not exceeding λ/15. Test procedure
Test according to the method in Article 6 of GB11168. 5.9.2 Effective aperture of plane reflector Test tool
5.92.2 Test procedure
Measure with a ruler.
5.9.3 Plane reflector mount (Article 4.9.2 of this standard) Test tool
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Visual observation by self-collimation method.
5.10 Lighting quality (Article 4.10 of this standard) 5.10.1 Illumination of the reticle (Article 4.10.1 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place the cross-shaped reticle, cross-shaped tape reticle, Pero plate and resolution plate on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens respectively, and observe the lighting quality in the field of view through the theodolite telescope eyepiece. 5.10.2 Illumination of the star point plate (Article 4.10.2 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place the star point plate on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens and install the corresponding illuminator. When visually observing the star point diffraction image through the theodolite telescope, the star point diffraction image should be bright enough when out of focus.
5.11 Appearance and sensory requirements of the instrument (Article 4.11 of this standard) Visual and hand-feel inspection.
5.12 Storage and environmental conditions (Article 4.12 of this standard) Test in accordance with the provisions of ZBY002.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection classification
Product inspection is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. 6.2 Factory inspection
6.2.1 Factory inspection sampling inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the one-time sample inspection of GB2828. 6.2.2 The items for factory inspection are Articles 4.1 to 4.11 of this standard, and the inspection level is specified as II. According to GB2828, the unqualified products are classified and the qualified quality level AQL value is specified: a. 4.1~4.3 are Class A unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 1.5; 5.4.4~4.10 are Class B unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 4.0; c. 4.11 are Class C unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 10. 6.3 Type test
6.3.1 Type test is generally scheduled to be conducted once a year ; Products should also be subject to type inspection in any of the following situations: a. Trial design and identification of new products or old products transferred to the factory for production; b. After formal production, if there are major improvements in structure, materials, and processes that may affect product performance; c. During normal production, periodic inspection should be carried out regularly or after a certain amount of production has been accumulated; d. When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; e. When there is a significant difference between the factory inspection results and the last type inspection: JB/T7399-94
When the national quality supervision agency proposes a requirement for type inspection. 6.3.2 The items of type inspection are Articles 4.1 to 4.12 of this standard. Samples for type inspection should be randomly selected from products that have passed the factory inspection.
6.3.3 Type inspection sampling adopts GB2829 one-time sampling inspection, and the specified discrimination level is According to GB2829, the technical requirements in Chapter 4 are classified as unqualified, and the unqualified quality level RQL value is specified: a. 4.1~4.3 are Class A unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 30 (Ac=0, Rc=1); b. 4.4~4.10 are Class B unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 65 (Ac=1, Rc=2); c. 4.11 is Class C unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 100 (Ac=2, Rc=3). 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 Product marking
a. Product name;
b. Product model and number;
c. Manufacturer name and trademark;
d. Date of manufacture:
e. The nominal value of the objective lens focal length and the relative aperture shall be marked on the objective lens frame. 7.1.2 Packaging marking
The packaging marking of the instrument shall comply with the requirements of ZBY003. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The packaging of the instrument shall comply with the requirements of ZBY003. 7.2.2 The instrument shall be accompanied by a product certificate of conformity, which shall indicate the measured value of the objective lens focal length, focal length grade and image quality grade. The Pero plate shall also be accompanied by a certificate of conformity, which shall also indicate the measured value of the line pair spacing and the verification limit deviation of the line pair spacing. 7.3 Transportation
The instrument should be transported by sheltered transport. 7.4 Storage
The instrument storage environment should be ventilated and free of acid, alkali and other harmful substances. Packaged instruments should be stored in a sheltered place with no acid, alkali and other harmful substances around.
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry.
This standard was drafted and managed by the Shanghai Institute of Optical Instruments. 8
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
JB/T 7399-94
Published by the Institute of Comprehensive Technology and Economics of Instrument and Instrumentation, Ministry of Machinery Industry; Printed by the Printing Service Department of Beijing Machinery Enterprises Association
Issued by the Institute of Comprehensive Technology and Economics of Instrument and Instrumentation, Ministry of Machinery Industry*
First bottle in December 1995
Print run: 250 pieces
First printing in December 1995
Cost: RMB 10.001 Flatness of plane reflector (Article 4.9.1 of this standard) Test tool
Tyman-Green interferometer (or plane interferometer of equivalent accuracy) with an error not exceeding λ/15. Test procedure
Test according to the method in Article 6 of GB11168. 5.9.2 Effective aperture of plane reflector Test tool
5.92.2 Test procedure
Measure with a ruler.
5.9.3 Plane reflector mount (Article 4.9.2 of this standard) Test tool
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Visual observation by self-collimation method.
5.10 Lighting quality (Article 4.10 of this standard) 5.10.1 Illumination of the reticle (Article 4.10.1 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedurebZxz.net
Place the cross-shaped reticle, cross-shaped tape reticle, Pero plate and resolution plate on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens respectively, and observe the lighting quality in the field of view through the theodolite telescope eyepiece. 5.10.2 Illumination of the star point plate (Article 4.10.2 of this standard) Test tools
Same as Article of this standard. Test procedure
Place the star point plate on the focal plane of the collimator objective lens and install the corresponding illuminator. When visually observing the star point diffraction image through the theodolite telescope, the star point diffraction image should be bright enough when out of focus.
5.11 Appearance and sensory requirements of the instrument (Article 4.11 of this standard) Visual and hand-feel inspection.
5.12 Storage and environmental conditions (Article 4.12 of this standard) Test in accordance with the provisions of ZBY002.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection classification
Product inspection is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. 6.2 Factory inspection
6.2.1 Factory inspection sampling inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the one-time sample inspection of GB2828. 6.2.2 The items for factory inspection are Articles 4.1 to 4.11 of this standard, and the inspection level is specified as II. According to GB2828, the unqualified products are classified and the qualified quality level AQL value is specified: a. 4.1~4.3 are Class A unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 1.5; 5.4.4~4.10 are Class B unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 4.0; c. 4.11 are Class C unqualified products, and the qualified quality level is 10. 6.3 Type test
6.3.1 Type test is generally scheduled to be conducted once a year ; Products should also be subject to type inspection in any of the following situations: a. Trial design and identification of new products or old products transferred to the factory for production; b. After formal production, if there are major improvements in structure, materials, and processes that may affect product performance; c. During normal production, periodic inspection should be carried out regularly or after a certain amount of production has been accumulated; d. When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; e. When there is a significant difference between the factory inspection results and the last type inspection: JB/T7399-94
When the national quality supervision agency proposes a requirement for type inspection. 6.3.2 The items of type inspection are Articles 4.1 to 4.12 of this standard, and samples for type inspection should be randomly selected from products that have passed the factory inspection.
6.3.3 Type inspection sampling adopts GB2829 one-time sampling inspection, and the specified discrimination level is According to GB2829, the technical requirements in Chapter 4 are classified as unqualified, and the unqualified quality level RQL value is specified: a. 4.1~4.3 are Class A unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 30 (Ac=0, Rc=1); b. 4.4~4.10 are Class B unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 65 (Ac=1, Rc=2); c. 4.11 is Class C unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 100 (Ac=2, Rc=3). 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 Product marking
a. Product name;
b. Product model and number;
c. Manufacturer name and trademark;
d. Date of manufacture:
e. The nominal value of the objective lens focal length and the relative aperture shall be marked on the objective lens frame. 7.1.2 Packaging marking
The packaging marking of the instrument shall comply with the requirements of ZBY003. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The packaging of the instrument shall comply with the requirements of ZBY003. 7.2.2 The instrument shall be accompanied by a product certificate of conformity, which shall indicate the measured value of the objective lens focal length, focal length grade and image quality grade. The Pero plate shall also be accompanied by a certificate of conformity, which shall also indicate the measured value of the line pair spacing and the verification limit deviation of the line pair spacing. 7.3 Transportation
The instrument should be transported by sheltered transport. 7.4 Storage
The instrument storage environment should be ventilated and free of acid, alkali and other harmful substances. Packaged instruments should be stored in a sheltered place with no acid, alkali and other harmful substances around.
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry.
This standard was drafted and managed by the Shanghai Institute of Optical Instruments. 8
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
JB/T 7399-94
Published by the Institute of Comprehensive Technology and Economics of Instrument and Instrumentation, Ministry of Machinery Industry; Printed by the Printing Service Department of Beijing Machinery Enterprises Association
Issued by the Institute of Comprehensive Technology and Economics of Instrument and Instrumentation, Ministry of Machinery Industry*
First bottle in December 1995
Print run: 250 pieces
First printing in December 1995
Cost: RMB 10.00During normal production, an inspection should be carried out periodically or after a certain amount of production has been accumulated; d. When the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; e. When there is a significant difference between the factory inspection result and the last type inspection result: JB/T7399-94
When the national quality supervision agency proposes a requirement for type inspection. 6.3.2 The items of type inspection are Articles 4.1 to 4.12 of this standard. Samples for type inspection shall be randomly selected from products that have passed the factory inspection.
6.3.3 Type inspection sampling adopts GB2829 one-time sampling inspection, and the specified discrimination level is According to GB2829, the technical requirements in Chapter 4 are classified as unqualified, and the unqualified quality level RQL value is specified: a. 4.1~4.3 are Class A unqualified, and the unqualified quality level is 30 (Ac=0, Rc=1); b. 4.4~4.10 are Class B unqualified, and the un
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