title>CB/T 3948-2001 Inflatable rubber ball for marine use - CB/T 3948-2001 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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CB/T 3948-2001 Inflatable rubber ball for marine use

Basic Information

Standard ID: CB/T 3948-2001

Standard Name: Inflatable rubber ball for marine use

Chinese Name: 船用充气橡胶靠球

Standard category:Ship Industry Standard (CB)

state:in force

Date of Release2001-11-15

Date of Implementation:2002-02-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:47Shipbuilding and offshore structures

Standard Classification Number:Road and water transport>>Ship maintenance and repair>>R30 Ship maintenance and repair comprehensive

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CB/T 3948-2001 Marine Inflatable Rubber Ball CB/T3948-2001 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

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Record number: 9843-2002
People's Republic of China Ship Industry Standard
CB/T 3948-2001
Marine Inflatable Rubber Fenders2001-11--15 Issued
National Defense Science, Technology and Industry Commission Issued
2002-02-01 Implementation
CB/T 3948-2001
Qiyuanyuan non-ball is made of medium light rubber and other commercial plastics. After filling with air, it will be attached to the lead-like head to reduce the connection between the lead and the nipple. It has the advantages of energy absorption, impact resistance, etc., and is still a necessary protective facility for the head. This standard was proposed by the Ship Repair Sub-Technical Committee of the National Ditch and Ocean Standardization Technical Committee: This standard was jointly issued by the three parties of the Shandong Tianchong Ship Repair Technology Research Institute. The international reform units of this standard: China Shipbuilding Industry Comprehensive Technology and Economic Research Institute, Jinan Yilin Airbag Container Factory. The main drafters of this standard: Hu Xianglao, Ying Shishen, Sun Juxiang, Zhang Shuxun, Wei, Shao Xiao. 1 Specification
Inflatable rubber ball for ship
Standard specifies the following inflatable rubber ball: hereinafter referred to as "inflatable rubber ball" for short: structural dimensions, requirements, test results, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage, etc.
This standard applies to the manufacture and acceptance of inflatable rubber balls made of rubber or other high-strength materials. 2 Reference standards
The provisions of the listed standards are used in this standard and are included in the provisions of this standard. When this standard is revised, the version shown is valid: All parties using this standard should consider using the following version: GB 528-1998 Determination of stress-strain properties of rubber or thermoplastic rubber parts/3- 99 Rubber Test Method for Hot Air Aging GA3512-1983 Rubber Hot Air Aging Test Method 3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Outer rubber
Rubber on the outer side of the ball, used to prevent wear and tear of the ball frame material 3.2 Fabric layer einfoeemen:syn:ha.ic.cordleyan Tube frame material composed of rubber cloth. 3.3 Inner layer innerrt.bber
Non-ball inner rubber, used to prevent paint from filling the body and maintain strength 3.4 End method.flnrgforbotber.s
Metal parts of the two ends of the ball, which can be equipped with air nozzles, other rings, etc. a.5 Inflatable irierrul prrsr
Non-spherical film, in the case of large shrinkage deformation, within 3.6 compression fi empty shape rate cetla.iorpercen2ge When the change is positive, the non-spherical surface in most directions changes from a round shape to a non-spherical shape, the ratio of the highest compression height to the northern sphere is: see Tao and formula (Figure 1 Flag ball compression deformation diagram
In the formula: -
one shows the deformation rate, 5
is rotten and still quality:
ball diameter,:
4 Classification
4.1 Structural formula
See the main configuration of the ball
CB/T 3948-2001
1-outer 2 sections: 2-cloth layer: 3-inner section: 4-flange Figure 2 ball joint transmission type
4.2 Size and filling force
The nominal diameter and length of the ball body and the filling force of the product are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Nominal diameter and length of the ball body and initial filling pressure 500
4. 3 Product marking
C. 05. 0. 06
This product has a nominal diameter of 1.500mm and a length of 3000mm: the initial filling pressure is D.45M1\a. The ball mark is palm ball 1500X2000-0.0CR/T3948-20015 requirements
5.1 Materials
5. 1. 1 Inner and outer layer rubber
CB/T 3948-2001
The mechanical properties of the inner and outer layer rubber before aging and after aging at 70℃+1×96h are shown in the table? Table 2 Mechanical properties of inner and outer rubber layers
New degree, MP
Current degree,)
Good quality and old North coefficient, No.
Elongation at break, aging effect, meaning
Other changes, () degree
Outer plate
Inner plate
e: 400
In addition to the requirements of, the following special requirements shall be met: If the adhesive layer is not greater than Rkn/m
After aging at 0℃ for 1×22h, the permanent deformation rate shall be less than 10%; b
Grain measurement
After ozone treatment (sample with 20% and dissolved at 50×40℃ for 6h), there should be no cracking. G
There should be no cracking at -10℃; there should be no sticking at 70℃; there should be no serious swelling and cracking. 5.1.2 The density of nylon knotted fabric is (9±5 strands/10cm width, and the density of nylon knotted fabric is (280±10)/strand/5 .2 Performance
The ball is in the standard position, and the pressure is reduced for 21 hours. 5.2.1
5.2.2 When the ball is compressed and deformed by 60%, it should recover more than 97% of its true diameter within 5 minutes! 5.2.3 The reaction force R and absorbed energy of the ball when the compression deformation rate is not less than 100% should not be less than the standard in Table 3. Table 3 The reaction force R and absorbed energy of the ball when the compression deformation rate is not less than 60% GEAXL
icox Hrrk
:urx sb(H:
: filling difference · 1G%
inflated at 0.E
the micro positive force of the beat speed should not be less than about 12 times the inflation force 5.2.4
5.3 small dimensional deviation
rate or ten bad dimensional small deviation see table 4,
the inflation pressure is C.0
5.4 elasticity
CB/T 3948·-2001
Table 4 Main dimensions of vertical ball
Main dimensions
-10%, -5%
+10%, -5%
The axial orientation of the ball at 3 times the viewing angle shall be less than [2%. 5.5 Appearance
The appearance of the vertical ball shall be smooth, color-free, without cracks, bubbles, wrinkles, irritation, or other defects. 5.6 Accessories
5.5. The metal yang of the ball shall include flanges at the end, rings, and gas-discharging nozzles. The gas-discharging nozzles shall be standard and shall be well sealed. 5.6.2 The accessories of the metal yang ball shall have anti-corrosion performance. 5.6.3 Is there a sheath? The following is a description of the "sheath" ball, which can be different from the female clothing quality engineer: Test method
6.1 Appearance
Visual inspection of external quality: The result is in accordance with the requirements of 5.5 62 Six deviations
The ball is inflated with air or water, and the inflated force is appropriate to the correct force: Use a steel ruler with a scale value of ! Measure the axial length of the ball: At the same time, measure the diameter of the non-ball at 1/4%, 1/2/, 3/4, and take the average value to calculate the deviation. If the result is in accordance with the requirements of 3.3. 6.3 Deformation
Following .2, add the total of 3x10 and 10min, and then measure the special length and true diameter of the ball according to the method in 6.2. According to formula (2) and formula (2), let the axial and radial extension of the ball meet the requirements of 5.4. --2x10
Calculate the extension point of the racket: %:
——The cone length of the non-ball when the inflation pressure is 3F, u : The average length of each ball when inflated to P, mm; : The diameter of the ball when the pressure is 3: mm; : The diameter of the ball when the pressure is 6.4: Inflate the ball and record the pressure and temperature. After 24 hours, the difference between the pressure and the temperature when inflated should not exceed 2). The result should meet the requirements of 2.1.5. The system shall be stopped, the compression rate shall not exceed 80%, after some compression deformation, keep the pressed state for 1, then release the pressure cutter at a speed, and record the time for the ball to recover. The result shall meet the requirements of 3.2 4. 6.6 The reaction force under pressure shall be released by CB/T 3948—2001 6.6.1 The ball is placed on the press machine, and the pressure is applied vertically in six directions. The pressure speed shall not exceed 80/-2m, and the compression deformation rate shall not increase by 54. The reaction force value shall be calculated as follows: the ball shrinkage deformation rate is 0% or more. The results include the requirements of 5.2.3: 6.6.2 Double energy formula 13 calculation;
by the ball pressure deformation absorption of the purple, k;
R)-reverse kN:
-compression height, m2.
6.7 Explosion test
6.7.1 The performance test can be used for product ball test, directly obtained, "and the rate of ball performance or look at the end of the small size! (The size after reduction should not be less than 1/5 of the production ball) The test specification of the whole test industry, the size of the reduced or test ball should be similar to the product ball, and its material and manufacturing process should be the same as the product paint village 6..2 Reduced! The number of layers of the test ball cord is different from the product cord layer. The number of layers of the test ball cord layer of the product is different from the product cord layer. The test quantity of the small size test ball cord layer is the number of layers of the product cord layer. The knowledge of the city staff layer teaching
production station star
production is a strong ball type explosion debt stop force can be installed formula (5) near the proposed plan: p
where: - product with ball bursting pressure, Ps: Dn
production - reduced size test table ball bursting pressure, ratio: quality ... - reduced size test respect non-ball diameter, m - product ball diameter,
product ball cloth layer number
small size test military ball emperor city layer number. 7--3
6.7.3 buy standard ball filled with water to make the non-ball pressure gradually lead to high, vertical weight broken, Record the bursting pressure value, test for 3 times, take the average value of the bursting pressure of the test as the service or standard bursting pressure value: the result should meet the requirements of 5.2.4 7 Inspection rules
7.1 Inspection classification
The inspection of the ball is divided into type inspection and inspection! 7.2 Type inspection
7.2.1 Type inspection is a series of inspections: a) When the product style is connected to the production:
h) When the original material of the product is changed:
c) When the product structure is changed:
When the process change may affect the product design:
C) When the product structure is changed:
When the process change may affect the product performance:
C) When the product structure is changed:
When the process change may affect the product performance:
C) When the product structure is changed:
When the product structure is changed:
When the process change may affect the product design performance:
C) When the product structure is changed:
When the product structure is changed:
When the product structure is changed:
When the product structure is changed:
When the process change may affect the product performance:
C) When the product structure is changed:
When ... Every 26 months:
\When the production is restarted in the 6th month
8: Sichuan production base:
When the national quality supervision and inspection department puts forward requirements: Type inspection according to table
Table 6 Inspection items
Inspection items
Minimal deviation
Region and area
Test method number
“The items that need to be inspected are” the order in which the small inspection is required. 7.2.3 The number of inspection items is 3.
Type inspection
1.2.4 If all the inspection items of the ball’s type inspection meet the requirements of Table 6, it is considered to have passed the type inspection.
7.3.2 Each ball shall be fully inspected at the factory and can be shipped to the factory after passing the inspection. The ball shall be shipped with a certificate of conformity mark
Each ball shall be accompanied by a product certificate and instructions for use and maintenance. The ball shall bear the following marks:
Product name:
Product specification;
Product inspection number:
〉\Expiry date.
9 Packaging, transportation and storage
9.1 Packaging
Products should be packed in plastic bags
and inspected
When transporting over short distances, the balls should be hoisted, folded or rolled. The balls should be stored in a safe, dry and ventilated area. 9.3.2 Storage conditions of the balls: 9.3.3 The balls should not come into contact with acids, degrading agents, greases and organic solvents.
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