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六年级上册第一单元练习Class:Name:No.Score:Listening Part听力部分(40分)

一、听音,选出你听到的内容,把字母序号写在括号里(每小题I分,共10B.rice C.read分)B.dancing C.dance

1.A.red B.cats C.Kate

2.A.dancer B.did C.does

3.A.kites B.happy C.hospitals

4.A.do B.climbing C.reading

5.A.hobbies B.teacher C.teaches

6.A.singing B.comic C.computer

7.A.teach B.people C.pen pal

8.A.comes B.playing footballC.watching TV


1.A.She likessinging.B.She istall andthin.C.She is an artteacher.

2.A.No,he cantB.Yes,she is.C.No,he doesnt.

3.A.I likereading.B.She likes dancing.C.He liveson afarm.

4.A.I amreading.B.She is going tocook.C.She iswatching TV.

5.A.Yes,she lives.B.No,she doesnt.C.Yes,he does.



10.A.drawing pictures

1.Cindy likesreading stories and dancing.

2.Mike comesto school by bustoday.

3.Oliver is writing ane-mail to his pen pal.

4.My brotherlikes playingsports and doing word puzzles.

5.My penpal livesin thecity.


1.How oldis Amy^D D D D DDD O DDD OO DODD_G Dn uA.She istwenty yearsold.B.She istwelve yearsold.C.She istwo yearsold.

2.Where doesAmys penpal live A.She livesin Shanghai.B.She livesin Beijing.C.She livesin Australia.

3.How doesdoes Alicego to school A.By bus.B.By subway.C.On foot.

4.What doesAlice oftendo on the weekendA.She oftenreads books.B.She often plays thepipa.C.She oftenstudies Chinese.

5.Where isAlice goingnext weekA.She is going toShanghai.B.She isgoing to Beijing.C.She isgoing toAustralia.Writing Part笔试部分60%

六、看图片,读句子把句子的编号写在相对应的图片下每小题1分,共5分A.Tims penpal likescartoons.He watchesTV atnight every day.B.Bobs penpal is a man.He worksin ahospital.C.Shes BilFspen paLSe likessinging.She oftensings songswith hisfriends.D.Whats Janespen palshobby He likes listening to musicand dancing.E.She playsthe pianoevery day.Shes verygood atit.

1.---Whats yourfather like---A.Hes strict.B.He isa teacher.C.He likessports.

2.---What yourpen palshobby---He likesreading stories.A.is B.am C.are

3.Oliver now.A.go to the bookstore.B.iswritinga letterC.writes aletter

4.Zhang Pengisgoingtohispenpala Chinesesong.A.teach B.teaches C.teaching

5.Jane studiesChinese andher homeworkevery afternoon.A.do B.does C.doing

6.1come toschoolby bike.My sisteralso=bybike.A.go B.comes C.come

7.John candinner forhis family,he likesvery much.A.cooks;cook B.cook;cook C.cook;cooking

8.Two studentsdancing.One studentsinging A.likes;likes B.like;like C.like;likes

9.---Does Yifanlive inBeijing---.He livesin Shanghai.A.Yes,he does.B.No,he doesnt.C.No,he isnt.()

10.Helikesfootball,so hefootball every day.A.playing;playing B.plays;plays C.playing;plays

八、根据对话内容,补全对话,将字母代号填在相应的横线上(每小题1分,共5分)Tim:Hey,Amy!Look atmy picture.Amy:1Tim:Hes myuncle.A.Does helive inShanghai,too Amy:Wow!Hes socool.2B.Whos thatyoung manTim:He isa footballplayer.C.Yes,I do.Amy:Really3D.Can I also learnfootball withyou Tim:Yes.And heteaches mefootball everyweek.E.What doeshe doAmy:Do youlike football,too Tim:4Amy:5Tim:Sure.See youontheplayground!


1.Oliver doeswordpeveryday.

2.Mike likesChina very much.He sChinese veryhard.

3.Its anice day.Lets goh.

4.My sisterlikesdverymuch.She wantsto bea dancer.

5.I wantto senda pto mynew penpal.

6.Chen Jieisgoingtota tripnext weekend.

7.Do you1in NewYork

8.My fathercan cdelicious foodfor us.

9.Shes goingto thesandbuys somefruits.

10.S andwait ata redlight.

十、阅读短文,判断对错对的写“T”,错的写“F”(每小题2分,共10分)There arethree peoplein my family:my father,my motherand I.We havedifferent hobbies.My fatherlikes playingfootball.He isbusy.So heoftenplaysfootball for a rest.My motherlikes dancing.She saysit canhelp herkeep healthy.Do youknow whatmy hobbiesare Ilike doingkung fuanddoingword puzzles.Oh,Ialsolike drawingcartoons.These aremy family9s hobbies.I lovemyfamily.)

1.There arefour peoplein myfamily.)

2.My fatherand I have the same hobby.)

3.My fatheroften listensto musicforarest.

4.Dancing canhelp mymother keephealthy.

5.1have threehobbies.卜

一、阅读理解根据短文,选择最佳选项每小题2分,共10分Im Liu Yun.I livein theUK now.Ihavea penpal.Her nameis Amy.Amy livesin theUSA.Her fatherisadoctor.He goesto workby car.Her motherisascientist.She goesto workby subway.Amy likeslistening tomusic.We likethesamethings.She goestoschoolby bus.She doeshomework andreads storieseveryday.Amy saysher familyare goingtoBeijingsoon to visit the Great Wall.Fm veryhappy.Im goingtovisit theGreat Wall,too.Tell mesomething aboutyour friends.

1.Where doesLiu YunliveA.She livesin theUSA.B.She livesin theUK.C.She livesin Australia.

2.How doesAmys mothergo towork A.By car.B.By subway.C.By bus.

3.What isLiu Yunshobby A.She likeslisteningtomusic.B.She likeswatching TV.C.She likesreading stories.

4.Is Amycoming toChina A.No,she isnt,B.Yes,she is.C.Yes,she does.

5.Who willvisittheGreatWallA.Amy and LiuYun.B.Amys family.C.Amys familyandLiuYun.


1.Where doesPeter live

2.What isTims hobby

3.How doesMiss Whitego towork

4.Does helike doingword puzzlesand goinghiking

5.What doesLi Leido everyweekend。

单元 练习 教学
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