
初中英语?人教版,八年级上册--Unit2How oftendo youexercise Unit2第2课时Section AGrammar Focus-3c测试时间25分钟测试日期年月日学生姓名分数:I.用所给单词的正确形式完成句子
1.Some ofmy classmatesdont like to goshop.
2.Maybe hissister exerciseevery day.
3.How oftenyour fatherdo thehousework
4.You shouldeat somefruit andvegetables tokeep health.
5.The oldman neversleep solong.II.用所给词的适当形式填空
1.The oldmanexercise everymorning.
1.1usually goskateboardon Sundays.
3.The twinscan watchTV threetimea week.
4.Mr.Green goes to themoviestwo a month.
5.Everyone wantshavea strongbody.III.单项选择
1.―The doctortold menot toeat toomuch,but Ifind itis difficult.―The doctoris right.you eat,you will be.A.The less;the healthierB.The less;the morehealthier C.The least;the healthierD.The more;the morehealthier
2.―How oftendo youchat withyour friendsonline―Im busywith mystudy.A.Only onemonth.B.About twiceamonth.C.Almost every day.D.Maybe intwo weeks.
3.―do yougo tothe cinema―Once amonth.A.How longB.How farC.How o代en D.How much
4.―His fathergoes shopping.―Yes.He doesntlike itat all.A.usually B.never C.sometimes D.ever
5.―Your brotherfell asleepin classthis morning.―Because helate lastnight.A.gave upB.stood upC.looked upD.stayed upIV.按要求完成句子,每空一词
1.1often playcomputer gameson Saturdays.对画线部分提问you oftenon Saturdays
2.My fathersurfs theInternet threetimes a week.对画线部分提问your fathersurf theInternet
3.What programdo youlike best改为同义句your program
4.Do youshop every day改为同义句Do youeveryday
5.He isalways late for school.改为否定句He islateforschool.V.完形填空Mrs.Green isan oldwoman.Shes74years old.She isold,but she is veryhealthy andlooks_
1.Why Becauseshe hasa healthylifestyle生舌方式.Mrs.Green oftenexercises.She goesshopping three2_a weekon foot.She thinks3_is good for health.Mrs.Green hasaan4_.Every morningshe takes_5dog fora walkfor halfan hour.She oftenwashes clothesand_6her house.Mrs.Green hasa_7eating habit.She eatsvegetables everyday.She eatsmeat onceaweek.She drinksmilk andeats anegg_8breakfast.She eatsan apple everyday.She oftensays,Eating anappleeveryday isgoodforhealth/7Sometimes Mrs.Green_9TV afterdinner.Her favorite_10is HealthyLiving.She doesntlike soapoperas.She oftengoesto bed atnine thirty.She sleepsfor eighthours everynight.
1.A.old B.young C.wonderful D.thin
2.A.names B.prices C.dates D.times
3.A.walking B.sleeping C.dancing D.running
4.A.cat B.panda C.elephant D.dog
5.A.his B.your C.her D.my
6.A.gives B.cleans C.makes D.asks
7.A.bad B.terrible C.good D.busy
8.A.for B.from C.with D.of
9.A.tells B.reads C.looks D.watches
10.A.story B.question C.program D.activity VI.阅读理解Peter isthirteen yearsold.He isin Grade Two thisyear.He likesto playfootball andwatch football matches.And heoften reads newspapers.He doeshis bestto knowwhere andwhen thereis going to bea football match.Now Peter is havinglunch.He islistening tothe radio,too.He isvery happybecause thereis goingtobea nicefootballmatchon TV at fourthis afternoon.He wantsto watchit verymuch.But heis goingto have English andChinese lessons.He thinkshard andfinds away.“Hello,Mrs.Black/Peter saysto histeacher onthe telephone,zz Peter is ill in bed.He wantsto askfor halfa daysleave请半天假.”“Oh,Km sorryto hearthat.says Mrs.Black,〃But whosthat”“Its myfather,Mrs.Black.
1.Peterisa.A.middle schoolstudent B.Young PioneerC.worker D.teacher
2.Peter willbe innext year.A.GradeTwoB.Grade ThreeC.Grade OneD.school
3.Peter oftenreadsnewsnewspaper because.A.he likesto readnews B.he likesto readstories C.he wantto knowwhen andwhere afootballmatchwillbeD.his fatherwants himto readthem
4.Peter wantsto askfor halfa daysleave because.A.his fatheris illin bedB.he wantsto watchthe footballmatch C.he doesntliketo haveEnglishor Chineselessons D.heisillinbed
5.Which sentence句子is rightA.Mrs.Black isgoingtotake Peterto seea doctorB.Peter likesto watchTVatfour inthe afternoonC.Peterisa stupid笨的boy D.Peter isntan honest诚实的boy.参考答案I.用所给单词的正确形式完成句子I.shopping
5.sleeps II.用所给词的适当形式填空
2.B how often问的是频率,因此答句要回答频率,再结合句意可知,只有B项符合题意,所以选B
3.C答句Once amonth.意为“一个月一次〃,表示频率,应用howoften提问,所以选C
4.B由答语中的He doesntlike itat all.说明他〃从不〃购物,所以选B
5.D句意一一你弟弟今天上午在课堂上睡着了一一因为他昨晚熬夜了give up放弃;stand up起立;look up查阅;stay up熬夜根据句意可知选D IV.按要求完成句子,每空一词
1.What do;do
2.How oftendoes
4.go shopping
5.never V.完形填空1-5BDADC6-10BCADC VI,阅读理解ABCBD。
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