
一、完形填空Are youtraveling to an English-speaking countryIf you are,one of the mostimportant thingsyou need to knowis]to ask for directions.Here aresome usefulphrases(惯用法).Remember tobe2when askingfbr directions,and dontforget tosay“Thank you!”“How doI get to.??”――This is the simplest3to asksomeone for directions.When youuse this phrase,the otherperson willeither tellyou whichmode oftransport(交通方式)to takeor will4your route(路线).“Where exactly(确切地)am I”一Sometimes inorder tounderstand the directions well,you haveto5where exactlyyou are,for example,which streetyouareon.“What isthe quickestway toget to…”一Let ussay thatyou haveto go somewhere6train,and the train comesat certaintimes,then youneed toget to thetrainstation quickly.If youneedto gosomewhere7,ask thisquestion.“Where is.??”―This phraseis alsouseful8you ask for directions.If youknow youare veryclose to your destination(目的地)and youjust needa littleguidance infinding the place,you can9thisphrase.Now youare ready to travelto anEnglish-speaking countryand to ask fordirections.Enjoy your10and havefun!
1.A.who B.where C.how D.why
2.A.polite B.quiet C.honest D.fair skillC.talk D.way changeC.follow D.explain
3.A.reasonB.B.find outC.bring outD.take out
46..AA..b sytudy B.B.on C.with D.from
7.A.often B.suddenly C.fast D.secretly beforeC.though D.when missC.invent D.
5.A.work out
8.A.since B.expect
9.A.use B.B.shows C.travels D.questions
10.A.meals Somepeople have a very poor sense of direction.Unluckily,I amone of
二、阅读单选them.I havevisited aplace manytimes but I maystill getlost therethe nexttime.When I was alittle girl,I neverdared askstrangers the way.And soI usedto walkround incircles andhope thatby chanceI wouldget tothe placeT wasgoing to.Now,I amno longertoo shy toaskpeople fordirections,but Ioften receivehelpless oreven wronginformation.So Itry toavoid givingpeople wrong directions.If anyoneever asksme the way somewhere,I alwayssay,“Sorry,I ama strangerhcrc.^^Once onmy wayto workI wasstopped bya man.He asked me ifI couldtell himthe waytotheFriendship Building.I gavehim myusual reply.But justas Iwalked ononly afew steps,I realizedthat hehad askedthewayto my office building.However,I hadno timeto turnback andlook fbrhim.I wasrushing tomeet withsomeone atmyofficeand I didnt want to keephim waiting.When Ijust gotto myoffice,the secretaryshowed in the manwho hadaskedmefordirections.Imagine howembarrassed I was andhow surprisedhe waswhen wesaw eachother atthe firstsight!
11.The writeralways refusesto givepeople directionsbecause.A.shes astranger tothe cityB.she doesntknow thepeople C.she hasno timeto helpothers D.shes afraidof givingwrongdirection
12.A manstopped thewriter onthewayto.A.sell hersomething B.askforthe timeC.make friendswith herD.askforthedirection
13..The FriendshipBuilding isthe placewhere thewriter.A.lives B.studies C.works D.teaches
14.The wordembarrassed“in thelast paragraphmeansA.尴尬B.困惑C.激动D.拮据
15..Which of the followingis TRUEaccording tothe passage A.The writeris tooshytogive.B.The writerhas a verypoorsenseofdirection.C.The writernever gotlost whenshe wasyoung.D.The manwas quitenervous.What isthe bestplace youhave evervisited?Japan inApril duringthe CherryBlossom Festival(樱花节).April isthe mostbeautiful timeto gothere andits agreat timeto seethe sightsand learnabout theculture.?Have youreyes everrested uponthe pyramidsin EgyptVisiting Egyptis anadventure.Please payattention tomy adviceand goonly inDecember orJanuary becauseat anyother timein theyear itis justtoo hot,dry anddusty.Enjoy!?Barcelona,Spain ismy favoritecity.Ifs anexpensive place to go,but itis reallyworth thevisit.If yougo insummer,you wontregret it.?Lisbon atsunset isa wonderfulsight tosee!The colorsofthesunlight arevery beautiful!Saint George9s Castlein thecity isa fascinatingplace tolook at.?Florence,Italy isa citythat ishard toforget.Rome isalso prettycool andthe food is excellent,butIalways feelworried thatmy possessionsmay bestolen whileI amthere.?Oslo,Norway.I wentthere whenIwasabout11years oldand mybest friendsfamily wasoriginally from theplace.It wasreally beautifuland whatI rememberis thateveryone Isaw therehad blondehair.
16.If yougo toJapan inApril,you can.A.feel toodry anddangerous B?visit thebeautiful SaintGeorges CastleC.enjoy thebeautiful cherryblossom
17.Which countryisthebest choiceif you want totake anadventure A.Egypt.B.Italy.C.Spain.
18..When isit bestto visitBarcelona A.In April.B.In summer.C.In autumn.
19.If youare interestedin castles,youd bettergo to.A.Egypt B.Lisbon C.Barcelona
20.What canwe inferfromthe passageA.You willspend lotsof moneyin Egypt.B?People inOslo arereally handsome.C.The writerthinks there are alwaysmany thievesin Rome.
三、阅读判断The favoritefood in the United States isthe hamburger.The favoriteplacetobuy ahamburger isa fast food restaurant.At fast food restaurant,people order their food,wait afew minutes,and carryit totheir tablesthemselves.People alsotake theirfood outoftherestaurant andeat itin theircars orin theirhomes.At somefast food restaurant,people canordertheirfood,pay forit andpick itup withoutleaving theircars.There aremany kindsof fast food restaurantin the United States.The greatestin numbersell hamburgers,French friesand soon.They arepopular amongAmericans.Besides,therearemany fastfood restaurantsthat serveChinese food,Mexican food,Italian food,chicken,seafood andice-cream.The ideaof a fastfoodrestaurant isso popularthat nearlyevery kindof foodcan befound inone.Fast foodrestaurant arepopular becausethey reflect(反映)American lifestyle.Customer(顾客)can wearany typeof dresswhen theygo toa fastfood place.Second,they arefast.People whoare busydo notwant to spend time preparing theirown foodor waitingwhile someoneprepares it.In fastfood restaurants,food isnot expensive.Therefore(因止匕),people oftenbuy andeat atafastrestaurant,while theymay notbe abletogotoamore expensiverestaurant veryoften.
21.In theUnitedStatesthe favoritefoodisChinese food.
22.Americans likefastfoodrestaurant becausethey aretoo busyto wantto spendtimepreparingor waiting.
23.None offastfoodrestaurants sellshamburgers orFrench fries.
24.The foodin fastfoodrestaurantis seldom(彳艮少)ready beforethe customersorder it.
25.The besttitle forthepassageis TheFast FoodRestaurant intheU.S.A.
四、阅读还原6选5阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项选项中有一项为多余选项Sometimes youcomplain(抱怨)to yourparents something.Your friends9bikes arebetter thanyours.
26.Then yourmother orfather maysay,“When Iwas yourage,there werentany computers or videogames.
27.It wassecond-hand andtoo bigfbr me,“So,is lifebetter forteenagers nowIt istrue thatmany teenagerscan getmore thingsnowadays.
28.Parents havemore moneytospendon eachchild.Technology(科技)is probablythe greatestchange inour life.Forty yearsago,no onecould imaginea worldwith computersand smartphones.Now thesethings arenecessary inour everydaylife.
29.However,technology oftenmeans wespend moretime oncomputersorsmartphones athome.
30.So they arent ashealthy as they wereinthe past.Young peoplestill geton wellwith theirfriends,but somepeople thinkteenagers todaydont haveso manysocial activitiesastheydid inthepast.A.Now afamily issmaller thanbefore.B?Teenagers dontdo enoughexercise.C.Ididntget abike untilIwassixteen.D.We cantimagine livingwithout them!E.Parents areworried abouttheir children.F.Maybe yourcomputer isntgood enough.
五、语法填空“Thank you“is widelyused ina modernsociety.It isaverygood manner.You shouldsay“Thank you”
31.whenever othershelp youor say something kindtoyou.For example,when someoneopens thedoor foryou,when someonesays youhave doneyour work
32.good,when someonesays youhave boughta niceshirt,or
33.you cityis verybeautiful,you shouldsay“Thank you.Thank you”is usednot onlybetween friends,but alsobetween parentsand children,brothers andsisters,husbands and
34.wife.“Excuse me”is anothershort
35.politely usage.We useit asthe sameas Thank you”.When youhear someonesaysobehind you,youd better
36.gettoknow thatsomebody wantsto walkpast youwithout
37.touch you.It
38.be politeto interrupt打断others whiletheyaretalking.If youwanttohaveaword withone ofthem,please sayExcuse me”
39.one,and thenbegin totalk.You shouldalso doso whenyouwant
40.coughor makeany unpleasantnoise beforeothers.Lets sayThankyouand Excuseme^^intheright situation.
3.60词左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数Nice tomeet you,Mr.Brown.。
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