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类别:试题 整理时间:2023-07-15 15:10:03

2022―2023学年八上外研版Module5模块综合测试题Class NameNumber总分100分、单项选择20分

1.---1just cameback fromShanghai Disneyland.Can youguess howmuch Ipaid forthe MickeyMouse toy---,But itcant becheap.Ive heardeverything isvery expensivethere.A.No ideaB.Sounds goodC.l agreeD.That/s right

2.Cross Mountainsand Seas《经山历海》is amoving TVseries.And theplays wellin it.A.doctor B.actress C.waiter D.writer

3.---Could youplease theBeijing WinterOlympic Village”---Of course.This way,please.A.pick meup B.show mearound C.follow me to D.help mewith

4.---What shouldI doafter Ireceive apresent frommy classmate---Its towrite anemail tosay thankyou.A.expensive B.interesting C.cheap D.common

5.They didnttry theirbest.Thats thething thatmakes peopleangry,not the参考答案

一、单项选择(20分)ABBDA DACDD

二、完形填空(20分)DBACB DBDBD















1.took placein

2.main ideaof

3.one of the greatest

4.at thesame time

6.agreed tobuy

七、书面表达(15分)My FavoriteTV ProgrammeThere aremany differentkinds ofprogrammes onTV everyday.As amiddle schoolstudent,I likewatching sportsprogrammes best.I likeSportsworld somuch becauseit coversall kinds of sports.It makesme exerciseactively.Whats more,there area numberof interestinginterviews withfamous players.I canlearn alot from them.I thinkit isnecessary forus tospend sometime watching TV everyday.Certain programmescan notonly makeus relaxbut alsobroaden ourhorizons.But weshould alwaysremember toprotect oureyes whilewatchingTV.score.A.main B.usual C.natural D.perfect

6.---Hi,John,I heardyou had a newEnglish teacher.Could youplease herto me---Of course.A.teach B.tell C.send D.describe

7.---Whats thematter Youlook tiredand unhappy.---1wanted to get mykite in the treeand Itried manytimes.But Ifailed.A.in theend B.in thebeginning C.in the future D.at themoment

8.Dad saysI domy homeworknow,I canwatch TVfor anhour thisevening.A.before B.until C.if D.when

9.My fatherto takemetoHainan assoon asthe winterholiday startsthis year.A.accepted B.trained C.allowed D.offered

10.---Would you like tojoin mein makingcakes tomorrowA.lt doesntmatter.B.Dont worry.C.You/re welcome.D.ld love to.

二、完形填空20分During the2021Spring Festivalin China,most peoplewere movedby anew movie-Hi,Mom.It appearsto be a bigsuccess.It wasdirected导演by afamous humorousstar JiaLing.She isalso afamous1in someshort humorousscenes onTV programmes.She actsa daughter2world isturned upside-down afterher motherdies3an accident.In themovie,she finds4transported back被带回到to1981,where shemeets hermotheracted byZhang Xiaofeiandthe people in heryouth.Jia triesto improveher5life byusing ideasfromthefuture,but shemakes afew mistakesand cantcarry outher plan.Jia hastried to6her loveto herreal-life motherin themovie,because hermother diedof atraffic accidentseveral years ago.The filmis basedon hermemories of the timeshe7with hermother together.Thanks toHi,Moms powerfulperformance,Jia isalready China/s mostcommercially8female女性的filmmaker.The moviehelps meunderstand theold sayingbetter---The treewants to be quiet9the winddoesnt stop;the sonwants tofulfill履彳亍his dutybut thereare noelders around.We shouldoften goback hometo takecare ofour10,and spendmore timewith them.Life isonly once,but theheart ofour lovelyfamily hascountless times.

1.A.doctor B.teacher C.director D.actress

2.A.who B.whose C.which D.where

3.A.in B.on C.by D.at

4.A.themselves B.myself C.herself D.yourself

5.A.brothers B.mothers C.fathers D.sisters

6.A.say B.write C.give D.show

7.A.took B.spent C.cost D.paid)

8.A.wonderful B.careful C.hopeful


9.A.and B.but C.or D.until)

10.A.teachers B.friends C.children


三、阅读理解(20分)Classic booksnever gorut offashion.The bookThe Outsidersfirst cameout in

1967.Although thebook isold,it isstill worthreading.It iswritten byUS writerS.E.Hinton.The booktells thestory of a14-year-old boycalled PonyboyCurtis.He struggleswith difficultissues ofright and wrong in a societywhere heis anoutsider.The storytook placein Oklahoma,US,in

1965.In thebook,the childrenare dividedinto twogroups.One includesCurtis andGreasers.It ismostly made up ofpoor kids.They havelonger hairand oftensmoke ata youngage.The othergroup iscalled theSocs,which ismadeupof richchildren.They wearexpensive clothesand drivehigh-tech cars.Those twogroups donot getalong well.The bookonly showsus two weeks of the boyslife.I wastouched bythe friendshipamong the boys.When anyof themhas aproblem,the otherswill help.Although they are notwell educated(教育),they arekind andbrave.For example,when Johnnywas hurtand inhospital,his friendsvisited himalmost everyday.They broughthim foodand toldhim interestingstories.I alwaysdream ofhaving astrong friendshiplike this.This bookshows thegood personalities(品质)in thoseordinary people.I advisethat teenagersread thisbook andI hopethey canenjoy it.l.What doesthe writermean bysayingClassic booksnever go out offashion.A.Books forclassroom readingare popular.B.Good booksare worthreading allthe time.C.Students shouldread somefashionable books.D.We needto readgood booksin classes.

2.The storyin thebook tookplace.A.in1965B.in1967C.14yearsagoD.twoweeksago

3.The authorofthebook dividedtheboysinto twogroups accordingto.A.their booksB.their studiesC.their friendsD.their familieswealth

4.The writeralways dreamsabout astrong inhis life.A.health B.friendship C.house D.knowledge

5.The writerwrote thispassage to.A.tell ushis earlyB.introduce abook toteenagers C.explain whatis rightandwrongto usD.remember hisold friendsat schoolB Lisa:Two yearsago,I cameto Beijingand soonfeel inlove withthe city.Now Imliving here.I likeall kindsof nicefood here.And Ilike to see theBeijing Opera.I thinkit is traditional and interesting.Erica:On weekdays,I amalways busywith mystudy.So theweekend isa goodtime torelax.Some ofmy friendslovetogooutto play,but Ilike to watch cartoonsat home.I thinktheyareexciting andI canlearn alot.Rose:When Imfree,1always spendmy timeon films.Comedies aremy favorite.They arefunny andmake mefeel relaxed.When Iwas alittle kid,I gotinterested inthem.And Ihope tobe acomedy actressone day.Bill:I enjoywatching action movies.They usuallyhave excitingstories anddescribe somereal heroes.I alsowant tobea hero inthefuture.I wantto helppeopleinneed.This weekendI plantowatchanother greatactionmovie.

6.What doesLisa thinkoftheBeijing OperaA.It/straditionalandinteresting.B.lt/s relaxingand exciting.C.lts excitingbut toolong.D.lt/s longand boring.

7.Erica likesat weekends.A.going outto playB.seeing theBeijing OperaC.watching cartoonsD.watching actionmovies

8.The underlinedworcTThey referstoA.Comedies B.Cartoons C.Operas D.Action movies

9.Who wantstobeaheroand helpothers A.Lisa B.Erica C.Rose D.Bill

10.Which partis the passage probablyfrom ina magazineA.Plays B.Stories C.Science D.Interests

四、从方框中选择最佳选项补全对话(5分)A:We willtalk aboutour favorite writers today.

1.B:Lao She.He wascalled a“Great Masterof Language.A:You/re right.

2.B:Four Generationsunder OneRoof《四世同堂》.

3.A:And itmainly talksabout thelife ofQis family,doesnt itC:Yes,it does.Do youlike Lao She A:Yes,but CaoYu ismy favoritewriter.

4.B:Have youwatched anyof hisplays A:Yes.Last yearI sawSunrise《日出》in Beijing.

5.B:You musthave hadan enjoyabletime.A:You bet!A.I wanttoseeTeahouse.B.Its anovel.C.Then whichwork doyoulikebest D.He haswritten lotsof plays.E.Lingling,whos yourfavoritewriterF.LaoShe was oneofthegreatest Chinese writers.G.The performanceswas great.

五、根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(10分)Jin Yongwas thepen nameofa Chinesewriter.His realname wasZha Liangyong.In1924,hewaslb inHaining,inthenorth ofZhejiang Province.In1944,he studiedina2c inChongqing.He joinedthe newspaperTa KungPao inShanghai in

1946.In1955,he gota3c tobegin writinghis firstwuxia novel.It was an excellentone sohe gotplenty offans.4B1955and1972,he wrote15works.He triedeverything to5i hiswriting.In2009,Jin Yongwont theYou BringCharm to the World”Award for

2008.He feltvery pleasedtogetthe prize.His booksare6w popularin China.He7daworld calledJianghu.He wantsto showhis fansa wonderful8s.I adviseyou to9r someof hisworks inyour freetime.They areso excitingthat youw川love themat once.Jin Yongpassed awayin Octoberin

2018.What agreat10p!His losswasagreat blowtothewhole world.


1.The storyAustria in


2.Do youknow thethepassage你知道这篇文章的大意是什么吗?

3.Lu Xunwas_____________________________________Chinese writersin China.Lu Xun是最伟大的中国作家之一

4.They stoodup__________________________________.他们同时站起来

5.My fatheraChinese-English dictionaryfor me.我爸爸同意买一本汉英词典给我

七、书面表达(15分)假设你是某国际学校的中学生李华某节英语课上,老师让同学们分享自己最喜欢的电视节目请以My FavoriteTV Programme为题,根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文提示



3.对看电视的看法My FavoriteTV ProgrammeThere aremany differentkindsofprogrammes onTV everyday.As amiddle schoolstudent,。

模块 综合 测试题 英语 八年级
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