山东省滕州市党山中学2022-2023学年九年级英语上学期单元检测试题Unit3 山东省滕州市党山乡介绍

一、完形填空Are youtraveling to an English-speaking countryIf you are,one of the mostimportant thingsyou need to knowis]to ask for directions.Here arcsome usefulphrases(惯用法).Remember tobe2when askingfor directions,and dontforget tosay“Thank you!”“How doI get to...―This isthe simplest3to asksomeone for directions.When youuse this phrase,the otherperson willeither tellyou whichmode oftransport(交通方式)to takeor will4your route(路线).“Where exactly(确切t也)am I”――Sometimes inorder tounderstand the directions well,you haveto5where exactlyyou are,tbr example,which streetyouareon.“What isthe quickestway toget to...―Let ussay thatyou haveto go somewhere6train,and thetrain coniesat certaintimes,then youneed toget to the(rain stationquickly.If youneedtogosomewhere
7、ask thisquestion.“Where is…”一This phraseis alsouseful8you ask for directions.If youknow youarc veryclose toyour destination(Fl的地)and youjust needa littleguidance infinding the place,you can9thisphrase.Now youare readyto traveltoanEnglish-speaking countryand(o askfor directions.Enjoy your10and havefun!
1.A.who B.where C.how D.why
2.A.polite B.quiet C.honest D.fair skillC.talk D.way changeC.follow D.explain
3.A.reason B.B.find outC.bring outD.take outon C.with D.from suddenlyC.fast D.secretly beforeC.
4.A.study B.though D.when missC.invent D.expect
5.A.work outB.shows C.travels D.questions
6.A.by B.
7.A.often B.Is itpossible tolook throughthe Internet,talk withyour friendson apps,or evenread amap
8.A.since B.on yourcoat in the nearfuture Yes,your coal!
9.A.use B.It maysound silly,but itssomething scientistsare workingon.Researchers atShanghais
10.A.meals Fudan University havemade a new typeof cloththat canbe usedas adigital screen.Professor
二、阅读单选PengHuisheng and his teamhave spent10years tryingto make“digital cloth.The firstis to find out the right thread(线).After testingmany ofthem,they choosetwo specialones:One canlight up,and(he othercan conduct(传导)electricity.The resultshave beenadmirable.The clothis notonly wearableand foldable,but alsowashable.After beingput through100wash-and-dry cyclesin awashing machineand folded10,000timcs,the clothkept almostunchanged.It isjust likeputting aphone screeninto the coat.Wear itand thenit canshow youa lotof informationyou want.Peng believesthat thenew clothcould beused formany things.For example,it couldallow adriver toview aGPS map on theirarm whilethey drivearound.It couldalso help people communicatebetter if they havelanguage difficultiesor disabilities.In onetest,Pengs teamcollected brainwavesfrom volunteerswho hadeither beenplaying agame ormeditating.The waveswere thenturned into messages like“nervous orrelaxed”and shownon thecloth.This couldhelp deaf-mute聋哑的people“talk”to eachother in the future.uWc hope that newmaterials willshape next-generation下?代electronic devicesby changingthe waywe communicatewith themJ saidPeng.
11.The writerstarts totalk aboutthe coatwith a.A.story B.lesson C.game D.question
12.We canleam fromthe passagethat.A.they onlyuse onekind ofthread tomake thecoat B.it isnot easytofindouttherightthreadfor thecoat C.thecoatwill changea lotwhenvc washit many times D.there isa smartphoneand aphone screenin thecoat
13.Paragraphs4and5mainly talkabout.A.what thecoat islike B.how theGPS worksC.where tobuy thecoat D.how itcan helpus
14.The underlinedword“meditating”in Paragraph5meansin Chinese.A.争吵B.打架C.冥想D.讨论
15.What isthe besttitle forthis passageA.A DigitalCoat asa ScreenB.A CoolExperience asa ScientistC.Study inFudanUniversityD.Travel with a CoatSome peoplehave avery poorsense ofdirection.Unluckily,I amone ofthem.I havevisited aplace manylimes but I maystill getlost therehe nexttime.When I was alittle girl,I neverdared askstrangers the way.And soI used to walkround incircles andhopethatby chanceI wouldget tothe placeI wasgoing to.Now,I amno longertoo shy to askpeople fordirections,butIoften receivehelpless oreven wronginformation.So Itryo avoidgiving peoplewrong directions.If anyoneever asksme the way somewhere,I alwayssay,“Sorry,I ama strangerhere.^^Once onmy wayto workI wasstopped bya man.He asked me ifI couldtell him the waytotheFriendship Building.I gavehim myusual reply.But justas Iwalked ononly afew steps,I realizedhat hehad askedhe wayto my office building.However,I hadno timeto turnback andlook forhim.Iwasrushing tomeet withsomeone atmyofficeand Ididnt wantto keephim waiting.When Ijust gotto myoffice,the secretaryshowed in the manwho hadaskedmefordirections.Imagine howembarrassed Iwas andhow surprisedhe waswhen wesaw eachother althe firstsight!
16.The writeralways refusesto givepeople directionsbecause.A.shes astranger tothe cityB.she doesntknow thepeople C.she hasno timeto helpothers D.shes afraidof givingwrong direction
17.A manstopped thewriter on the wayto.A.sell hersomething B.askforthe timeC.make friendswith herD.askforthedirection
18.The FriendshipBuilding istheplacewhere thewriter.A.lives B.studies C.works D.teaches
19.The wordembarrassed“inthelast paragraphmeansA.尴尬B.困惑C.激动D.拮据
20.Which ofthe followingis TRUEaccording tothe passageA.The writeris tooshytogive.B.The writerhas avery poorsense ofdirection.C.The writernever gotlost whenshe wasyoung.D.The manwas quitenenous.
三、阅读判断Mrs.Smith oftenfelt lonelywhen her husband went to work.The roomwas smalland shealways spentonly halfan hourtidying it.She couldntget upearly inthe morning,so Mr.Smith had to cook breakfast himself.She usuallyhad somebread andmilk forlunch andonly cookedsupper forherself andherhusband.They hadno TV.Mr.Smith always wentto bed atnine.It wasa wintermorning.The sunwas shiningand it was warmeroutside thanitwasin heroom.The womansat onthe stepof ashop,looking at the busytraffic.At thatmoment,a manwith amap inhis handwas comingtowards her.“Excuse me,madam.said the man.Could youtell mehow togettothe nearesthospital,please”Mrs.Smith lookedat himup anddown.4iHc seemsa farmer.^the womansaid toherself.“Let melaugh athim.”Then sheturned tohim andsaid,“Lie downinthemiddle ofthe street,and youllsoon besent toa hospital.”“Please setan exampletome,then.said theman.She hadto tellhimtheway andthen shesaid,4i thinkyou mustbe ina cityfbr thefirst time.Its muchmore beautifulthan thefield.Is thatright”“Yes,madam,“said thefarmer witha smile.But Ithink it is builtonthefield!”根据短文内容,判断句子正误,对的在括号内填“T”,错的填“片
21.Mrs.Smith spentmuch limetidying heroom.
22.Mr Smithalwayswenttobedat9because hehadtocookbreakfastthe nextmorning.
23.Mrs.Smith meta manwithamapona wintermorning.
24.The womanwas gladto helptheman.
25.The farmeranswered thewoman cleverly.
四、阅读还原7选5What willthe worldofthenext generationlook likeMany peopletoday areconfident thattechnology isgoing tohelp solvesome ofthe mostchallenging problems we haveon Earthtoday.Other peopleare worriedthat whilenew technologymay solveold problems,it mayalso createnew ones.No technologyis perfect.
26.When wedream aboutthe future,many ofus liketo thinkthat we will heable totake tothe skiesin ourown personalflying car.The advantagesare clear.This technologywould allowtotal freedomof movement.We couldfly at480km perhour,avoiding trafficlights andbusy roads.
27.If thecars becomepopular,there islikely tocause avery heavytraffic.And whatwill happenifthecars breakdown
28.3D printersarc alreadyusedtomake life-size modelsof carparts,and man-made bodyparts,such ascars.As wemove intothe future,3D printingwill changehewaywe makethings andthewaywe treatsick people.The disadvantageis thatsuch amachine isvery expensive.
29.Several companiesare tryingto builda practicalrobot suit.This isan electronicsuit withrobot armsand legswhich followsthe wearersmovements.It allowsyou tolift heavyobjects andwalk longdistances,even nighthelppeoplewalk againafter diseaseor injury.However,one disadvantageatthemoment iscost.Even asimple robotsuit cancost hundredsof thousandsof pounds.
30.A heavysuit likethis needsa lotof power,and battery电池life isshort.Looking ahead,itisnot difficultto imaginea future.One day,wewill be ableto flyto work,print outanewpair ofshoes orlift acar aboveour heads.Although thereare someproblems tosolve beforeall ofthis ispossible,we cancertainly drcamof aworld wheretechnology makeslife easierand saferfor millionsof people.A.Another problemis batterylife.B.Finally,imagine havingyour ownIron Mansuit.C.These areproblemswemust expectinthe future.D.Each inventionhas advantagesand disadvantages.E.An advantageof3D printingis thatyou canmake productsanywhere.F.However,some peoplebelieve therewillbeproblems withtraffic control.G.3D printingis anothernew technologywith excitingpossibilities forthefuture.
五、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的词或括号中所给单词的正确形式,每空不多于三个词Tofu is
31.kind ofpopular foodin China.Here isone ofthe
32.story abouthow itwas invented.In theHan Dynasty,there wasa nian
33.loved his parents verymuch.But theywere
34.old thatthey couldonly eatsoft food,so theman decided
35.cook somesoybeans大豆fbr them.He mashedthe soybeansand madethem intosoup.The soybeansoup didnttaste very
36.good inthe beginningbecause therewere toomany soybeancrumbs碎屑in it.The mantook thecrumbs away,
37.hisparentsstill didntlike it.He thoughtand thoughtmanytimes.At lasthe
38.add somesalt andheated itagain.When thesoup cooleddown,it turned
39.a pieceof jelly胶状物.The manwas
40.surprise byits tasteandhisparents lovedit verymuch.Finally,people aroundthe countryall learnedhow tomake ofu.And thisis howtofu wasinvented.
41.书面表达地震专家Mr.Jones接受你校学生会的邀请,将在星期五下午三点半来你校做题为“What Shouldyou DoWhen anEarthquake Happens”的讲座假设你是学生会主席李刚,请你给Mr.Jones发一封e-mail告诉他如何乘车到你校60词左右提示:乘坐4路车到中山路下,过马路一直往前走,在第一个十字路口向左转,然后会看见右边有一书店,你们学校就在书店旁边。
* 声明:资源收集自网络或用户分享,版权归原作者所有。
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