首页 > 演讲稿 > TED英语演讲稿:你能控制他人的注意力吗?


类别:英语演讲稿 整理时间:2023-10-14 11:17:44


Hi, sir, how are you? Good to see you, sir. You have a ring, a watch. Do you have a wallet on you? Joe: I don't. Apollo Robbins: Well, we'll find one for you. Come on up this way, Joe. Give Joe a round of applause. Come on up Joe. Let's play a game.


Pardon me.

I don't think I need this clicker anymore. You can have that. Thank you very much. I appreciate that.

Come on up to the stage, Joe. Let's play a little game now. Do you have anything in your front pockets? Joe: Money. AR: Money. All right, let's try that. Can you stand right over this way for me? Turn around and, let's see, if I give you something that belongs to me, this is just something I have, a poker chip. Hold out your hand for me. Watch it kind of closely. Now this is a task for you to focus on. Now you have your money in your front pocket here? Joe: Yup. AR: Good. I'm not going to actually put my hand in your pocket. I'm not ready for that kind of commitment. One time a guy had a hole in his pocket, and that was rather traumatizing for me. I was looking for his wallet and he gave me his phone number. It was a big miscommunication.

So let's do this simply. Squeeze your hand. Squeeze it tight. Do you feel the poker chip in your hand? Joe: I do. AR: Would you be surprised if I could take it out of your hand? Say yes. Joe: Very. AR: Good. Open your hand. Thank you very much. I'll cheat if you give me a chance. Make it harder for me. Just use your hand. Grab my wrist, but squeeze, squeeze firm. Did you see it go? Joe: No. AR: No, it's not here. Open your hand. See, while we're focused on the hand, it's sitting on your shoulder right now. Go ahead and take it off. Now, let's try that again. Hold your hand out flat. Open it up all the way. Put your hand up a little bit higher, but watch it close there, Joe. See, if I did it slowly, it'd be back on your shoulder. (Laughter) Joe, we're going to keep doing this till you catch it. You're going to get it eventually. I have faith in you. Squeeze firm. You're human, you're not slow. It's back on your shoulder. You were focused on your hand. That's why you were distracted. While you were watching this, I couldn't quite get your watch off. It was difficult. Yet you had something inside your front pocket. Do you remember what it was? Joe: Money. AR: Check your pocket. See if it's still there. Is it still there? (Laughter) Oh, that's where it was. Go ahead and put it away. We're just shopping. This trick's more about the timing, really. I'm going to try to push it inside your hand. Put your other hand on top for me, would you? It's amazingly obvious now, isn't it? It looks a lot like the watch I was wearing, doesn't it?

(Laughter) (Applause)

Joe: That's pretty good. That's pretty good. AR: Oh, thanks. But it's only a start. Let's try it again, a little bit differently. Hold your hands together. Put your other hand on top. Now if you're watching this little token, this obviously has become a little target. It's like a red herring. If we watch this kind of close, it looks like it goes away. It's not back on your shoulder. It falls out of the air, lands right back in the hand. Did you see it go? Yeah, it's funny. We've got a little guy. He's union. He works up there all day. If I did it slowly, if it goes straightaway, it lands down by your pocket. I believe is it in this pocket, sir? No, don't reach in your pocket. That's a different show. So -- (Squeaking noise) -- that's rather strange. They have shots for that. Can I show them what that is? That's rather bizarre. Is this yours, sir? I have no idea how that works. We'll just send that over there.

That's great. I need help with this one. Step over this way for me. Now don't run away. You had something down by your pants pocket. I was checking mine. I couldn't find everything, but I noticed you had something here. Can I feel the outside of your pocket for a moment? Down here I noticed this. Is this something of yours, sir? Is this? I have no idea. That's a shrimp.

Joe: Yeah. I'm saving it for later.

AR: You've entertained all of these people in a wonderful way, better than you know. So we'd love to give you this lovely watch as a gift. (Laughter) Hopefully it matches his taste. But also, we have a couple of other things, a little bit of cash, and then we have a few other things. These all belong to you, along with a big round of applause from all your friends. (Applause)

oe, thank you very much.


So, same question I asked you before, but this time you don't have to close your eyes. What am I wearing?



Attention is a powerful thing. Like I said, it shapes your reality. So, I guess I'd like to pose that question to you. If you could control somebody's attention, what would you do with it?

英语 演讲稿 控制 他人
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