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贵州航天职业技术学院英语期末考试题 贵州航天职业技术学校

类别:试题 整理时间:2023-11-14 14:10:13





1.What isthe mandoing A.Asking theway.B.Giving directions.C.Correcting amistake.

2.What dresssize does the womanwant A.




3.What isthe womanlikely to do A.Make aphone call.B.Handle the problem.C.Have arest.

4.Which tourdoesthe man seemto be interested ininto aretirement homewas anextremely painfulexperience for them.Indeed,old agefor them,and manyold Americanscan meannot onlythe possiblefailure ofones health,but theloss ofidentity andself-worth.W:Yes,its true.What doyou have to say about theproblem ofold ageM:Many expertshave giventalks herethat havefocused on the medicalcare and the developmentof publicservices forsenior citizens.Today,Id liketo focusmy commentsonthemeaningful rolesthat elderlycan playand shouldplay in our society.【谈论老年人的社会角色】Text10W:Talking aboutpersonal relationships,well,Fd naturallythink of my relationshipwith my mother.Whenever Ineed help,my motheris alwaysthere forme.She oftentells methat I can beanyone Iwant,as longas Fmconfident ofmyself.She seesmy talentand pushesme to do thebest Ipossibly can.As I was growingup,we wereoften onthe moveI hadto admitthat movingso oftenmade mefeel lonely.But mymother dideverything shecould tohelp mefeel happy.In fact,so muchtraveling wasreally a good thingbecause itmade usclose.I respectmymotherso muchas shenever treatsme as a child,but asan equal.She givesme thefreedom tomake mistakesand tolearn from them alLUnlike friendshipsthat canfade orbreak.I knowIll alwaysbe connectedto mymother nomatter whatI face.She isnot justa rolemodel,but someoneI love.【谈论亲子关系】第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15分;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂平7vv^O ADictionaries arenot closedbooks.There isstill plentyof roomfor morewords in these greatsvocabulary authorities.New words are continuallybeing createdand addedto ourlanguage.And manyof todayz sword expertscan credita famousmathematician withof themethod bywhich theydevelop manynew words.The mathematicianwas namedCharles L.Dodgson.In additionto workingwith figures,Dodgson wrotebook sh.His imaginativestories andpoems havemade Dodgsonbeloved togenerations ofreader sh.We knowhim,however,not by the nameof Dodgsonbut byhis penname,.Lewis Carrollhas delightedcountless readers,young andold,with Alicein Wonderlandjhroughthe LookingGlass,and numerouspoems.In theseworks,Carroll developednonsensical wordssuch aschortle andgalumph.Many of these wordsare withmore commonwords in the Englishlanguage.Carroll referredto hismade-up words as portmanteau1words,named aftera kindof leathersuitcase thatopens intotwo compartments.The namewas wellsuited,because mostof Carrolls wordshad twocompartment Ratherthan beingentirely fabricated虚构),they wereusually madefrom partsof twodifferent words.A snark,for example,clearly camefrom asnake andashark.Although Carrolldied longago,his techniquecontinues tobe usedtoday.We clearlysee influencein suchwordsassmog,brunch,and guesstimate.

21、What doesthe underlinedsentence probablymean according to thepassage A.Dictionaries areopen to the public.B.Dictionaries arehelpful to the public.C.Dictionaries areready towelcome newwords.D.The vocabulariesin dictionariesare limited.

22、Dodgson smade-up words.A.are basedon differentwords B.are borrowedfrom otherlanguages,all comefrom hispoems C.are stillwidely used

23、This passageis mainlyabout.A.how Dodgsonwrote hisworks B.how Englishwordsarecreated,how adictionary iswritten C.how Dodgsoncreated newwords BHi Maand Bobby,!don z t know what youz reup tothis Sunday,but ifyou reat aloose end,come overto myplace.We Jre goingto have a barbecue.Tom HiTom,Thanks mate,but I m completelysnowed underat themoment I havetowrite anessay byMonday afternoon,so IIIbe workingall weekend.I zve gotnothing arrangedfor thefollowing weekendthough,so maybewe canmeet thenI IIcall youlater.Bobby DearTom,Uke Bobby,I zm abit tiedup tomorrow.Unfortunately,I haveto goto mygreat unclefor a family lunch.He wasill sowe thoughtit mightnot happen,but itlooks asif it going ahead.I reallycan zt getout ofit becauseit sthe oldman zs60th birthdayand mostof thefamily willprobably be there.Ma Okyou guys,Imcalling offthe barbecue.Judging fromthe greysky,it zs goingto rain all weekendanyway.Maybe youII havedone yourvarious dutiesbytheend ofthe eveningand we can gofor instead!If you want torelax,I IIbeinThe Hart,a pubon KingStreet.Gloria andI aremeeting thereat about8:30,as longas nothingelse popsup!Don zt forgetit closesat10:30on Sundays.Ok,time to put myfeet upand takeit easylLaterJom

24、What doesTom intendto doat firstA.To have afamilylunch.B.To invitehis friendsto abarbecue.C.To gofor adrink withhis friends.D.To askfor helpfrom his friends.25s Theunderlined partsnowed under1inthesecond emailmeans A.buried undersnow B.very boredC.extremely busyD.entirely relaxed

26、Which statementis TRUEaccordingto the emailsA.Bobby isnot availablethis Sunday.B.Maz hasto visithis unclefor heis ill.C.The barbecuewill takeplace ontime.D.Tom willhold aparty withhisfriends.27s What will Tomprobably doafter sendingthe lastemail A.Prepare thebarbecue.B.Go to the pub.C.Have arest.D.Call hisfriends,c Thenext timeyou gogrocery shopping,try speakingto othercustomers.One summerday,I took a smileand awarm heartinto asmall storein Oregonand gotfar more thangroceries.I lovefresh produce(农产品)inthestore,and notjust for the amazingcolors providedbysummers bounty(慷慨)orthechance tojoy overnew choicesfrom othercountries.It salso becauseI justlove watching people picktheir produce.The dayI wasthere Ifound asale onamazing cherrytomatoes-along witha womanither late70s.Despite thefact thatwe werestrangers,we beganto discussapples.She notedproblem with the Pink Ladies.They tastedlike Iwas eatingan unripegreen applefrom there/she said,twisting herface asif stilltasting thesour apple!wondered ifthis issomething mostofmygeneration caneven rememberdoing,surely do.I mentionedthat Ioften couldnot resistthe greenyet temptingfruit swingingfrom anapple tree.This wasthe startfor aseries ofdiscussions aswe shopped-covering suchtopicshas nutrition,new foodsand thequality ofproduce.By thistime athird womanhad joinedinourconversation.The threeof uscontinuedalongu,unexpected friends,chatting aboutfamily sizeandthetroubles amom mighthaveservingu healthfulfoods thatplease thewhole family.Eventually weall wentour separateways,but inthe dairy(奶制品)section Iheard smallvoice say,I finallycaught upwith you.It wasthe firstwoman Iz dtalked to,extending bagof apricots(杏)to me.T donztknow ifyour familywill eatthese/she added,but theyhaveasuper dealon them.Again Iwas broughtback tomy childhood,when Ialso ateapricots straightfromthe tree.My mouthwatered atthe rememberedflavor.The oldlady diantrealize thatshed givenme farmorethanproduce.With thatofferingcamem asense ofcommunity,a flashbackto dayswhen itwas OKto talkto astranger,shebroughts backmemories ofsummer fruitsright fromthetree-and afeeling thatsomehowthosem apricotswere athank-you forsharing mytime withher in a veryunlikely place.

28、One reasonthe authorlikes fresh produce ingrocery shopis thatA.she enjoysobserving peopleselecting fresh produce.she likeswatchingpeopletasting freshproduce.she producesfreshproduceherself.she sellsfreshproduceherself29s Whatmight betheproblemwith thePinkLadiesnoted bythe oldlady A.Their pricewas toohigh.B.Their colorwas toogreen.C.Their tastewas toosour.D.Their sizewas toosmall.

30、Why didthe oldlady bringa bagof apricotstothe author A.She foundthe apricotswere onsale inthe shop.B.She learnedthat the author wantedto buyapricots.C.She wantedto sendthe apricotsasagift totheauthor.D.She knewthat theauthor zs familyliked eatingapricots.

31、According totheauthor,what isthe extravalue ofgrocery shoppingA.It addsflavor andcolor toher boringdaily life.B.It helpsher tosee the importance offamily life.C.It givesher achance tolearn aboutnutrition knowledge.D.It bringsher unexpectedfriendship andsweet memories.D Angeroften makesus uncomfortable.When youfind your anger toouncomfortable,please letitgo.But rememberto createa healthyanger inyour childrenis toa healthyanger inyourself.Once youre betterat experiencinganger andin ahealthy way,you llbe able to model agoodstyle of anger for your kids.Some kidsdeal withanger bycreating a false selfa childwho isperfect for.People whohave developed afalse self areoften passiveaggressive andsee becausethey zve hidaway allthe feelingswith depthand character.How dowe keepkids fromcreating falseselves Weneed toraise them in whereit zs safeto expressfeelings.Once youfeel morecomfortable with youranger,you can teach yourchildren whyanger isa helpfulemotion.When youranger,help themexamine whatit isthat hasmade themangry.Why didit makethe angryHow didit dothat Then,you canteach themthat whileemotions are never andare alwaysvalid,our expressionsof ouremotions arewithin ourcontrol.People whoare afraidof theirown angerwill neverlearn how to listento whatis tryingto tellthem.Instead ofteaching ourkids thattheir anger is wrong,that happyareneverangry,or thatall feelingsofangerlead toviolence andfear,wecanchildren thatangerisOK.Anger isnatural,it isnormal,and itcan beexperienced andin ahealthy way.

32、What isthe mainidea ofthe firstparagraph A.The evening tour.B.The half-day tour.C.The full-day tour.

5.Where arethe speakersA.At acanteen.B.At aclinic.C.At abank.第二节(共15小题,每小题15分,满分



6.What doesthe womanthink ofthe matchA.Entertaining.B.Encouraging.C.Boring.

7.What dothe speakersplan to do on Tuesday afternoonA.Watch a game.

8.Play tennis.A.Anger makesus uncomfortable.B.Anger isdifficult todeal with.C.Parents oftenlose theirtemper athome.D.Parents shouldmodelagood angerstyle.

33.What woulda childbe likeif hedevelopedafalseself3A.Polite andoptimistic.B.Perfect andhelpful.C.Negative andindirect.D.Rude anddishonest

34、What sthe mainpurpose ofthe last2paragraphs A.To givetips tocreate healthieranger.B.To suggestways toavoid anger.C.To showthe harmanger doesto kids.D.To stresstheimportanceof expressinganger.

35、In whichpart ofa websitecan weread thepassage A.Fooda;Recipes B.Psycholog;healthy.C.Life EntertainmentD.School amp;Society C.Go tothe cinema.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题

8.What doesthe manadvise Mrs.White todo A.Go ona dietB.Do moreexercise.C.Get enoughsleep.

9.Which canbe includedin Mrs.Whites breakfastA.Eggs.B.Sausages.C.Porridge.

10.What isthemanA.A teacher.B.A physician.C.A chef.听第8段材料,回答第11至14题

11.How doesNancy lookto DanielA.Confused.B.Excited.C.Anxious.

12.Why doesDaniel mentionhis performanceinaplay A.To comfortNancy.B.To expresshis regretC.To showhis pride.

13.What isNancy goingtodonext weekA.Take aschool test.B Have a check-up.C.Go infor acompetition.

14.What doesDaniel offertodofor NancyA.Rewrite herlines.B.Drive her tothetheatre.C.Help herwiththepractice.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题

15.What wasProf Stonesgrandfather afraidof A.Leaving hishome.B.Parting fromhis son.C.Taking earlyretirement

16.What doesold agemean tomany elderlyAmericans ALack ofmoral supportB.Loss ofself-worth.C.Change ofliving habits.

17.WhatwillProf Stonetalk aboutnext concerningelderly peopleA.Public servicesthey askfor.B.Health careavailable tothem.C.Contributions theycan make.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题

18.What doesthe speakersmother wanthertobe A.A confidentperson.B.A warm-hearted person.C.A humorousperson.

19.Why didthe speakerfeel lonelyin herchildhood A.She oftentraveled byherself.B.Her familymoved frequently.C.Her motherwas busyworking.

20.What doesthe speakermainly talk about A.Importance ofhome schooling.B.Mother-daughter relationship.C.A rolemodel inher family.听力原文Text1M:Excuse me.I gotlost Itookabus toCity Hall,but Icant findthe place.W:This isthe ConcertHall,not CityHall.To gothere,you shouldtake thebus atGrand Hotelover there.【问路和指路】Text2M:Can Ihelp youW:Fm lookingfor asize twelvedress.M:Ohz letme see.An eight,a ten.Ah,you1re lucky.Ihavethe prettiestdress hereinatwelve.Why dontyou tryit on【商场购物――买衣服】Text3W:Do youthink you can takecare ofeverything inthe officetoday M:No problem.Just gohome andtake arest.If thereis anythingI feelIcannot handle,I willcall you.【职场请假】Text4W:We havea half-day tour,a full-day tourand aneveningtour.Which onewould youlike M:What isthe scheduleofthehalf-day tourW:It setsout at8:30a.m.and returnsat2:00p.m.【旅游信息咨询】Text5M:Now whatseems tobethetrouble.Mrs StevensW:Ive beenvery dizzylately.And lastnight,I hadsome chestpain.M:Dont worry.Let mehavealook.【医院看病】Text6W:Wow.That wasa greatmatch.I reallylike watchingtennis games.M:Me too.I thinktennis isan excitingsport.W:I thinkso.Do youplay tennis,John M:Yes,but notvery well.Do youplay W:A little.How aboutagameonTuesdayafternoon M:Sure.【谈论网球比赛和约定打网球】Text7M:Mrs.White,Im afraidwe havetoputyou ona strictdiet Fromnow on,you*re goingto haveto stayaway fromsalty food.W:Does thatmean Icant have any morefast foodM:Right Youcanthaveanyfried foodor steaks.W:What aboutbreakfast foodlike eggsand sausagesM:Those areall badforyou.But youcan haveporridge,bread andorange juice.W:Well.What aboutlunch anddinner M:Haveasalad fotlunch.As fordinner,youcanhave allthe vegetablesyouwant.Fish andchicken arealso okay.W:What aboutdessert CanI stillhave ice-cream M:Yes,but nottoo much.【健康饮食建议】Text8M:Hi Nancy!You lookworried.Whafs wrongW:Well,Daniel,have youever feltnervous onstage M:Sure.Do youremember thatplay Iwas ina fewyears agoI knewmy linesbut Iwas terrifiedto haveto recitetheminfront ofan audience.As soonas Isaw thecrowd ofpeople downthere,my heartbeat sofast thatIwasunable tosayasingle word.W:Thafs howI feeljust thinkingabout thespelling competitionnext week.M:I didntknow youmade ittothefinals.W:Fm worriedIll getnervous andfreeze onstage.I mightforget howto spelleverything,even myown name.I dontknowwhattodo.M:Nancy.I knowthat yourenot goingto forgethowtospell yourname.Ill helpyou getthrough this.Ill gototheschool hallwithyouto practice.Then Illteach youan exercisemy baseballcoach taughtme.Believe me.It works.W:I feelmuch betternow.Thanks,Danial.【如何克服舞台紧张】Text9W:Hello,ladies andgentlemen!Today,we haveinvited Prof.Stone totalkaboutthe roleof elderlypeople inour society.Welcome toour show,Prof,Stone.M:To beginwith,Id liketo tella storyfrom myown life.Several yearsago,when mygrandparents werewell intotheir80s,they wereno longerabletocare forthemselves verywell.My grandfatherwas afraidof leavingthe onlyhome theyhad knownforthepast60years.The ideaof havingto selltheir homeand move。

贵州 技术 学院 英语 期末考试
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