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Ted英语演讲稿:On TED英语演讲稿jaywalker

类别:英语演讲稿 整理时间:2023-10-19 09:20:30

Ted英语演讲稿:On what we think we know?我们以为自己知道的

Whereas good interpretation -- I'll use an example from nearby -- is San Francisco Exploratorium, where all the things that -- the demonstrations, and so on, are made out of everyday objects that children can understand, it's very hands-on, and they can engage with, and experiment with. And I know that if the graduates at MIT and in the Imperial College in London had had the battery and the wire and the bit of stuff, and you know, been able to do it, they would have learned how it actually works, rather than thinking that they follow circuit diagrams and can't do it. So good interpretation is more about things that are bodged and stuffed and of my world, right? And things that -- where there isn't an extra barrier of a piece of glass or machined titanium, and it all looks fantastic, OK?

我举一个例子,离这里很近,旧金山探索馆 在那里所有的东西,展示品之类的 都是用孩子能懂的日常用品做成的 都可以动手玩,孩子们可以专心玩好好体验 我知道麻省理工毕业生 以及伦敦帝国学院毕业生 手上有电池电线点亮灯泡的话 他们会明白其中的原理 而不是觉得他们照着电路图来做是做不到的 好的教学方法不是 沉溺陶醉在自己世界里对吧? 那些东西也不该被隔着 用玻璃或是钛制品隔开 看起来很漂亮就好,好吗?

And the Exploratorium does that really, really well. And it's amateur, but amateur in the best sense, in other words, the root of the word being of love and passion.

旧金山探索馆在这点做得非常好 看上去很业余,但业余得很对头 也就是说,根本的出发点是出自爱和热情

So, children are not empty vessels, OK?So, as "Monty Python" would have it, this is a bit Lord Privy Seal to say so, but this is -- children are not empty vessels.

所以,孩童不是空瓶子 用“巨蟒剧团”的说法 就是有点像英国掌玺大臣会说的 意思是说孩童不是空无一物的瓶子

They come with their own ideas and their own theories, and unless you work with those, then you won't be able to shift them, right?

他们生来就有自己的想法和理念 如果你没从这些地方着手,就改变不了他们 对吧?

And I probably haven't shifted your ideas of how the world and universe operates, either. But this applies, equally, to matters of trying to sell new technology.

我大概没有改变大家的想法 对于世界和宇宙到底如何运作 不过这些道理同样可以用在推销新科技上也

For example, we are, in Britain, we're trying to do a digital switchover of the whole population into digital technology [for television].

例如,在英国,我们试着把全部的电视 都换成新科技的数位电视

And it's one of the difficult things is that when people have preconceptions of how it all works, it's quite difficult to shift those.

有个难题是 人们对事物运作的方式一旦有了成见 就很难去改变

So we're not empty vessels; the mental models that we have as children persist into adulthood. Poor teaching actually does more harm than good.

我们不是空瓶子,我们保有心智模式 从幼年到成年一直都存在 不良的教学是弊多于利

In this country and in Britain, magnetism is understood better by children before they've been to school than afterwards, OK? Same for gravity, two concepts, so it's -- which is quite humbling, as a, you know, if you're a teacher, and you look before and after, that's quite worrying. They do worse in tests afterwards, after the teaching.

在美国和英国,在磁力知识上 孩童在就学前学得比较好 重力知识也一样,两个不同概念,这实在可悲 如果你是个老师,看见受教前和受教后的差别 实在令人忧心,学童在受教后考得更差

And we collude. We design tests, or at least in Britain, so that people pass them. Right? And governments do very well. They pat themselves on the back. OK?

我们都是共犯,我们设计测验方式 至少在英国是这样,好让人们能通过考试 政府也帮了不少忙,他们推波助澜 懂吗?

We collude, and actually if you -- if someone had designed a test for me when I was doing my biology exams, to really understand, to see whether I'd understood more than just kind of putting starch and iodine together and seeing it go blue, and really understood that plants took their mass out of the air, then I might have done better at science. So the most important thing is to get people to articulate their models.

我们都是共犯 如果有人替我设计测验 在我要考生物的时候 让我能真正明白,明白我是否真的懂了 不是只在淀粉中加入碘液 看着反应呈现蓝色 而且能真正明白植物是从空气中茁壮的 我的科学可能就会学得比较好 所以,最重要的是要让人们能表述清楚他们的模型

Your homework is -- you know, how does an aircraft's wing create lift? An obvious question, and you'll have an answer now in your heads. And the second question to that then is, ensure you've explained how it is that planes can fly upside down. Ah ha, right.

回家作业是,机翼是怎样帮助飞机起飞的? 这问题很好懂,大家心中也有答案了 注意事项是 你要确保自己能解释为何飞机头向下的时候也能飞, 对吧

Second question is, why is the sea blue? All right? And you've all got an idea in your head of the answer. So, why is it blue on cloudy days? Ah, see.

英语 演讲稿
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