
11.一is thelibrary―Its overthere.A.When B.What C.Where
2.________,where isthe zooA.Sorry B.Excuse meC.OK
3.一How can I_______the cinema―Go straightand thenturn left.A.get to B.get on C.gel off
4.What_interesting filmit is!A.a B.an C.the
5.Lets_________some Italianfood.A.have B.has C.to have
6.Turn left________the cinema.A.on B.of C.at
7.If you want tosee adoctor,you cango to the_________.A.hospital B.library C.cinema
8.Can youhelp_______find theway A.he B.his C.him
9.―Is therea post office nearhere一Y es,_______.A.there is B.there isntC.it isio.―_has GPS―Robin.A.Who B.How C.Where
1.The parkis______the zoo.A.far B.far fromC.next
2.Sam isin frontof Peter.Peter is_________Sam.A.beside B.between C.behind
3.1want tosend apostcard.Lets go to the_________.A.postofficeB.library C.museum
4.The museumi isDongfeng Street.A.on B.to C.with
5.He can________the boysfind therestaurant.A.helps B.helping C.help
6.What_______―interesting film!A.a B.an C./
7.Turn left________the cinema,and thengo_________.A.of;straight B.at;to leftC.at;straight
8._,sir.Can youhelp me―Sure.A.Excuse meB.Thanks C.Im sorry
9.―Where isthe PalaceMuseum-You canask thepoliceman.A.It*s nearthe park.B.Excuse me.C.Sorry,I dontknow.
10.―How canI―Turn rightat theschool.A.get to there B.get thereC.gets thereUnit
21.Go ata light.A.red B.green C.yellow
2.1come to school____________bike.A.by B.on C.in
3.―_________―canIget to the BowenBookstore―By taxi.A.Where B.What C.How
4.You must__________right beforeyou cross the road.A.look B.looks C.looking
5.Usually Igo to the park________foot.A.by B.on C.atl.This is________―Smith.She isour Englishteacher.A.Mr B.Mrs C./
2.You cancrosstheroad_________a greenlight.A.at B.on C.of
3.________go ata yellowlight.A.Must B.No C.Dont
4.The subwayis very________,but thebike isvery slow.A.good B.fast C.slow
5.Its farfrom here.You can_______a busto getthere.A.take B.by C.on
6.The giftis________my sistcr_______Canada.A.of;at B.for;on C.from;in
7.Chinese foodis differentAmerican food.A.from B.with C.of
8.Dont yourchild runon thebus.A.letting B.let C.lets
9.We go toschoolby bike.we walk.A.always;Often B.usually;Sometimes C.usually;Often
10.一do yougoto Beijing―I oftengo thereby train.A.How B.Where C.What Unit
31.My mothertells usa storythe moon.A.for B.in C.about
2.My family___________going togel togetherthis evening.A.are B.is C.am
3.“F”is_____________friend.Wc willhave agood timetogether.A.toB.for C.on
4.You can__________together withall your friends.A.are B.is C.be
5.Im going to playthe piano____________.A.last nightB.yesterday C.tomorrow evening
6.My motherand I________some fruitat theshop tonight.A.am going to buyB.are goingto buyC.buys
7.Im__________to drawpictures now.A.learn B.learning C.goingtolearn
8.She isgoingtothe bookstore____________this Sunday.A./B.onC.in
9.You traveltothemoon.That isa.A.space bookB.film C.space travel
10.You canlook upnew wordsin it.Its a.A.comic bookB.dictionary C.storybook
1.Usually mymother the dishes after dinner.A.do B.doing C.does
2.1want tothe supermarket with my sister this afternoon.A.go B.to goC.going
3.How manydo youhave A.hobby B.hobbys C.hobbies
4.Lets________Chinese together.A.study B.studying C.studies
5.Im writing________letter tomy newpen pal.A.a B.an C./Unit
41.Usually mymother_________thedishesafterdinner.A.do B.doing C.does
2.1want_________tothesupermarketwithmysisterthisafternoon.A.go B.to goC.going
3.How many________do youhave A.hobby B.hobbys C.hobbies
4.Lets________Chinese together.A.study B.studying C.studies
5.Im writing________letter tomy newpen paLA.a B.an C./
1.My motherteaches me_________.A.cook B.cooks C.to cook
2.Sally likes________emails toher penpals.A.writing B.writes C.write
3.My grandfather_______in Beijing.A.live B.lives C.living
4.1like salad一____?A.a lotB.lots ofC.a lotof
5.1often myhomework inthe evening,but mysister often_______to music.C.Are A.do;listen B.do;listens C.does;listens
6.SoiTy,I donthave_______water.A.some B.a C.any
7.Do youwant tolearn_________music A.of B.about C.for
8.We can________our books.A.share B.sharing C.to share
9.Its thatyou likeclimbing mountainstoo.A.idea B.amazing C.hobby
10.we gotothe park A.Shall B.Does Doeshe often________football afterschool Unit5A.play B.plays C.playing
1.Do youlike_________pictures A.draw B.draws C.
2.drawing They________very hardfor usevery day.
3.A.work B.works C.working She is goodat dancing.Sheisa_________.
4.A.singer B.dancer C.cleaner Marywants to_________a reporter.
5.A.am B.is C.be IAf.y colu eal nik eer dancingvery muBc.h d,ayn ocu erc anbe a―C.writer
1.Im goingto________a businessman.A.is B.am
2.C.be_______youwantto bea cleanerA.Do B.Does C.Are
3._______Dannys sistera pupilA.Do B.Is C.Does
4.Our musicteacher willbe_________this evening.A.at hereB.in hereC.here
5.you goingto workin afactory
10.Bob thecomputer.A.likes usingB.likes useC.like useA.Are B.Is C.Do Sam________very hard.He________to gototheuniversity.A.study;want B.studys;wants C.studies;wants What.your newfriend looklike____________A.isB.does C.are Myfather often__________school.A.take meB.lake meto C.takes meto Unit
61.John is________angry.A.little B.few C.a little
2.―_________does Billfeel一He feelsworried.A.What B.How C.Where
3.Whats thematter_________you A.toB.with C.of
4.________worry,little Tom.Ill gowith you.A.Dont B.Doesnt C.Are
5.-Sarah feelscold.What shouldshe doA.She shouldtake adeep breath.B.She shouldgo swimmingC.She shouldwear warmclothes.
1.How_________you feel A.do B.does C.are
2.How does_________feelA.your parentsB.Jenny C.yourfriends
3.He should_________up early.A.gets B.get C.getting
4.Everyone________happy.A.are B.is C.am
5.What arethey talkingA.of B.for C.about
6.Can he________100A.counts B.count toC.counts to
7.How doesthis picture_________.you feelA.lets B.makes C.make
8.He_______his head.He issad.A.hurts B.hurting C.to hurt
9.The catlikes to_______the mouse.A.chase B.chases C.chasing
10.He isill,______―we cantgototheparktoday.A.so B.for C.because。
* 声明:资源收集自网络或用户分享,版权归原作者所有。
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