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初中英语?人教版?八年级上册---Unit5Do youwant to watch agame showUnit5第4课时Section B2c-3c测试时间25分钟测试日期年月日学生姓名分数_I.用所给词的适当形式填空

1.Jackie Chanis agreatact.

2.Zhou Xunhavea newmovie.

3.Faye Wongis asuccesssinger.

4.He oftengo to themovies onSunday night.

5.He isafun man.II.单项选择

1.―Do you like movieBig Hero6―Yes,it isinteresting movie.I likeit very much.A.a;an B.the;an C.a;the D.the;a

2.Can youtell mewhat happenedhim justnow A.with B.for C.to D.at

3.Yesterday Lucytold ussuch goodthat wewere allamazed atit.A.news B.ideas C.suggestion D.answer

4.―The picnicis onlyin threedays.Have youmade any―Not yet.So letsdiscuss whatto prepare.A.wishes B.plans C.mistakes D.friends III.按要求完成句子,每空一词

1.He hopesto be a policeman.对画线部分提问he tobe

2.―do yousoap operas根据情景完成对话―I cantstand them.

1.1think comediesare fantastic.对画线部分提问youlikecomedies

4.―Do youplan towatch anaction movie根据情景完成对话―,.I plantowatcha comedy.

5.You didvery well.改为同义句You dida.IV.根据内容及首字母提示完成短文Jack

1.I actionmovies verymuch.He thinksthey arevery

2.e.There aremany picturesof

3.a movieson thewall inhis room.

4.0weekends,he oftengoes to

5.s actionmovies with his friends.John doesn*t like to goto the6,m buthe likes Beijing

7.0verymuch.He hasmany picturesof MeiLanfang.He oftenwatches itat home

8.a school.He

9.w tobeaBeijing Operaartist艺术家.Jacks grandmotherlikesBeijingOpera,

10.t.She thinksits veryinteresting.










10.V.完形填空Time fliesso fastand ChineseNew Yearis coming.It istime]me towrite downmy NewYears resolutions.The firstresolution isabout improvingmy2with myfamily,Im going to spendmore timetalking tomy parents.And Im going to play with my youngerbrother andteach3how tosolve解决problems inhis life.My secondresolution hasto dowith my

4.Last term,I gotgood gradesin allmy subjectsexcept English.So nextyear,lm goingto spendmuch time5my English.I hopeI canget good6in Englishnext term.My7resolution isabout improvingmy health.I hardlyever didexercise before,8I wasbusy withmy schoolwork.Next year,lm goingto doexercise often.9,1mgoingto playball gamesafter school.The lastresolution isabout self-improvement.Im goingto10a newhobby-reading books.I willread morebooks aboutcomputer andhistory.I thinkit willopen myeyes.

1.A.with B.for C.through D.to

2.A.information B.education c.news D.relationships

3.A.him B.her C.you D.them

4.A.friends B.classmates C.studies D.family

5.A.questioning B.improving c.breaking D.wondering

6.A.frograms B.prizes C.lessons D.grades

7.A.second B.third C.fourth D.fifth

8.A.because B.after C.so D.but

9.A.However B.For sureC.For exampleD.All inall

10.A.take upB.dress upC.make upD.find outVI.阅读理解The wordhobby isan interestingword.Every personhas onething heor shelikes todo for fun娱乐.Some peopleliketo collect收集things likestamps orstory books.Others liketoplayfootball orgo window shopping whereyou canlook atmany beautifulthings withoutbuying them.I havemany hobbiesI doforfun.I sometimesplay golfwithmysons.I playtennis withall thefamily.I liketocollectmusic books.I alsocollect musical instruments乐器from Chinalike theerhu,the dizi,the xiao,the suona,and thepipa.These arethe instrumentsof Chinawhich cannotbe foundin America.My favouritehobby isfishing.I liketo goand seemy brotherin thestate州of Alaskawhere fishingis wonderful.The twoof ustake aboat andgotoa smallriver wherewe fishfor salmon,Americas mostfamous fish.

1.The wordhobby means.A.collecting stampsB.playing tenniswith yourfriends C.something youenjoy doingin yourfree timeD.something youcan seeat thewindowshopping

2.Whats thewriters mostliked hobbyA.Playing golfwithhisson.B.Fishing.C.Collecting Chinesemusicalinstruments.D.Collecting musicbooks.

3.Salmon is.A.a riverwhere peoplecan gofishing B.a townnear AlaskaC.a kindof instrumentD.a kindof fishD TheGreens likeshopping on the Internet.They allthink itseasy andfun toshop on the Internet.Mr.Green likesreading books.He usuallybuys newbooks on the Internet.But sometimeshe istoo busyand hasno timeto lookfor bookshe wants.So hisdaughter Lucy often helpshim tobuy books.Mrs.Green likesbeautiful clothes.She alwayswatches newskirts ordresses inclothes shopsfirst andthen buyssome ofthem onthe Internet.Of course,they arecheap.But sometimesshe isupset becausemany otherwomen wearthe sameclothes asher!Lucy likeslistening tomusic.She oftenbuys CDsonthe Internet.They areusually cheap.But theonly problem问题is thatsome CDssound听起来a littlebad.Eric buysmany thingsonthe Internet,from schoolthings totoys.Sometimes hisparents thinkhe alwaysspends too much money on shopping!

1.Who likeswearing beautifulclothes in the Green family A.Eric.B.Lucy.C.Mr.Green.D.Mrs.Green.

2.What doesMr.Green likedoing A.Reading books.B.Buying clothes.C.Listening tomusic.D.Playing withtoys.

3.What doesthe underlinedword upsetmean inChinese A.无聊的B.沮丧的C.疲劳的D.轻松地

4.Why doesMrs.Green likeshopping ontheInternetA.Because shestoo busyto goshopping.B.Because shedoesnt likegoingtoshops.C.Because shewants tosave money.D.Because shedoesnt likeclothes inshops.

5.Which ofthe followingis NOTtrue A.There arefour peopleintheGreenfamily.B.Only Mr.Green buysbooks ontheInternet.C.Lucyoftenbuys CDsontheInternet.D.Mr.Green andMrs.Green thinkEric spendstoomuchmoneyonshopping.参考答案I.用所给词的适当形式填空







2.C考查固定搭配句意你能告诉我他刚才发生什么了吗sth.happens/happened tosb.为固定搭配,意为“某人发生某事〃,所以选C


4.B考查名词词义辨析wish意为希望;plan意为“计划〃;mistake意为“错误”;friend意为“朋友〃make plans意为制订计划,结合句意“你制订了一些计划吗?”可知选B III.按要求完成句子,每空一词

1.What does;hope

2.What;think of

3.How do

4.No;I dont

5.good jobIV.根据内容及首字母提示完成短文










10.too V.完形填空1-5BDACB6-10DBACA VI.阅读理解CBD。

测试题 人教版 八年级 英语
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