Reference No.: 18894-2006
中华人民共和国安全生产行业标准Chinese Industrial Standard for Safety in ProductionAQ6206-2006
Coalmine High-Low Concentration Methane TransducersIssuedonNovember2,2006
StateAdministration ofProduction Safety Supervision of ChinaContents
Coalmine carriercatalysis andheat conduction combinedhigh-low concentrationmethanetransducersareinstrumentstomonitormethanegasinhighgasandcoalandgasburstminesinChinese coalmine safety monitoring systems.This standard is hereby set up according to relatedstatelaws and standards in ordertomeetproduction safetyrequirements.This standard is proposed by State Administration of Production Safety Supervision of ChinaThis standard is under the jurisdiction of Sub Technical Committeefor Coalmine SafetyunderNational Technical CommitteeforProduction SafetyStandardizationThis standard is responsibly drafted by Chongqing Branch under Coal Science Academy andChongqingMiningProductionSafetyEquipmentTestCenter.ThisstandardisspecificallydraftedbyHuangQiang,FanRong,WangTaoYuQing,DuWenjunChen Fumin and Shi Faqiang.
Coalmine High-Low Concentration Methane Transducers1Scope
This standard specifies technical requirements, testing methods, rules for inspection, markingpacking, operating instruction, transport and storage of coalmine carrier catalysis and heatconductioncombinedhigh-lowconcentrationmethanetransducers.This standard applies to carrier catalysis and heat conduction combined high-low concentrationmethane transducers with measuring ranges (0-40)% CH4 and (0-100)% CH4 used in undergroundcoalmine environment monitoring (known as transducers for short hereafter)2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in the text.constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisionsof, any of these publications (excluding contents of corrigenda) do not apply. However, parties toagreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying themost recent editions of the standards indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition ofthenormativedocumentreferredtoapplies.GB 191-2000Packaging-Pictorial marking for handling of goodsGB/T 2423.1-2001 Environmental testing for electric and electronic and electronic products--Part2:Testmethods--Tests A:Cold
GB/T 2423.2-2001 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2: Testmethods--Tests B: Dry heat
GB/T 2423.4-93 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products -TestDb: Damp heat, cyclic
GB/T 2423.5-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2: Test methodsTest Ea and guidance: Shock
GB/T 2423.8-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2: Test methodsTestEd:Freefall
GB/T 2423.10-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products-Part 2: TestmethodsTestFcandguidance:Vibration(Sinusoidal)GB 3836.1-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres--Part 1: General requirementsGB 3836.2-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 2: Flameproof enclosured
GB 3836.4-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres--Part 4: Intrinsic safetyGB4208-93Degrees of protectionprovided by enclosure (IPcode)GB9969.1-1998 General principles for preparation of instructions for use of industrial productsGB 10111-88 Methods for and sampling by utilizing dices of random numberAQ 6202-2006 Coal mina carrier catalytic element for methane detectionMT 210-90 Basic test methods for electric and electronic products for coal mine communicationtesting and control
MT/T 772-1998
Measuringmethodsfortheprimaryperformances of coal mine supervision3 Terms and Definitions
3.1Displayed value
Measurednumericalvaluedisplayedontransducer.3.2 Zero point此内容来自标准下载网
Valuedisplayed on transducer which operates normallyin clean air.3.3Calibration point
Standard gas samplevalue selectedfortransducertomeetmeasuring accuracy3.4 Alarm point
Alarm actuation valuepresetfor transducer accordingto applicationrequirement3.5Basicerror
Transducer measurementerrorvalue determined under normal testconditions3.6Stability
Performances of transducer to maintain its zero point, calibration point and alarm point withinallowed variation ranges within specified operating conditions and time.3.7 response time T90
Time required for transducer output to reach 90% stabilized value when methane concentrationshows stepchange.
4 Technical Requirements
4.1General Requirements
4.1.1 Transducers shall meet requirements provided herein and be manufactured according tospecified procedure and drawings and technical documents approved by a state-authorizedinspection agency.
4.1.2 Transducer outfitting with associated equipment shall be qualified by an anti-explosioninspection agency authorized by a competent authority. Equipment associated with transducersshall carry mining product safety certificate with validity.4.1.3 Transducer anti-explosion type shall be mining intrinsic safety and explosion suppressiontype, marked with “Exibdi\.4.2OperatingConditions
Temperature: (0-40) °C;
Relative humidity:≤98%;
Atmosphericpressure:(80-116)kPa;Wind speed: not more than 8 m/s4.3StorageTemperature:(-40-60).4.4 Output Signal Types
Following signaltypes shouldbeuseda)currenttype:DC(1-5)mA, (4-20)mA;b) frequency type: (200-1,000) Hz (pulse width more than 0.3ms), (200-2,000) Hz;c) digital signal type: transmission rate 1,200bps, 2,400 bps, 4,800 bps, 9,600 bps, not lower than3V.
4.5Requirements for TransducerAppearance and Structure4.5.1Transducer display window shall have good light transparence, numbers and symbols shallbe legible and complete.
4.5.2 Transducer surface,plating or coating shall be free of air bubble, crack, obvious flake-off orstain.
4.5.3 Transducers shall be structure-reasonable, firm and durable, with suspension or supportstructure suitable forunderground mine installation.4.5.4 Transducer enclosure, connectors and parts shall take anti-corrosion measures, coating shallbe uniform, firm, color-consistent; printed circuit board shall be painted with at least 2 passes ofcorrosion-proof,mould-proof andmoisture-proofpaint.4.6 Transducers shall take disperse sampling mode, and sampling probe shall be provided withprotectivecoverto avoid dustandwind impact.4.7 Transducer measurement value shall be indicated in % volume concentration, displayeddigitally,withresolution not lower than 0.01% CH4 in low concentrationrange and withresolution not lower than O.1% CH4 in high concentration range, and positive value and negativevalue can be displayed.
4.8 In transducers, carrier catalysis element and heat conduction element operating switchoverpoint setting ranges within (2.00-4.00)%CH4, where different switchover points can be set forswitchover fromlow concentrationtohigh concentration and switchoverfrom high concentrationto low concentration respectively. Transducers shall have function to protect carrier catalysiselement.
4.9Transducers shouldhaveremote-adjusted andcalibratedfunction.4.10BasicError
4.10.1StabilityofDisplayedValueWithin range (0.00-4.00)% CH4,when methane concentration is constant,variation oftransducer's displayed value or output signal value (converted to methane concentrationvalue)shallnotexceed0.04%CH4.Within range (4.00-100)% CH4, when methane concentration is constant, variation of transducer'sdisplayed value or output signal value (converted to methane concentration value )shall not exceed0.4%CH4.
4.10.2 Basic errors of transducer shall meet values specified belowBasic error of transducer at carrier catalysis element detection shall meet values specified in Table1.
Table1Basic Errors (at Carrier Catalysis Element Detection)Measuring Range(% CH4)
Basic Error
±10% truevalue
Basic errors of transducer at heat conduction element detection and with measuring range(4.00-40.0)%CH4 shall meetvalues specified in Table 2.Table 2 Basic Errors (measuring range 4.00%CH4-40% CH4)MeasuringRange(%CH4)
Basic Error
Basic errors of transducer at heat conduction element detection and with measuring range(4.00-100)%CH4 shall meetvalues specified inTable3.Table 3Basic Errors (measuring range (4.00 %CH4-100%CH4)Measuring Range(% CH4)
Basic Error
4.10.3Additional erroroftransducerat switchoverpoint shall notexceed1.00%CH4.4.11 Transducers shall be able to operate normally within input voltage range 9V-24V, while theibasic errors shall not exceed values specified in When cross section area of single core of transducer cable is 1.5mm2, transducer andassociated equipment transmission distance shall not be less than 2 km, displayed value or outputsignal value of associated equipment (converted to methane concentration value) shall meetspecificationsgivenin4.
Basic error of transducer continuously operating for 15 days shall not exceed values specified in4.10.2.
Transducerresponsetimeshallbenomorethan20 seconds.4.15AlarmFunction
4.15.1 For transducers with alarm function, alarm point shall be able to preset arbitrarily withinrange (0-4)%CH4, and difference between displayed alarm value and preset value shall not exceed±0.05%CH4.
4.15.2 Pressure level of sound signal at 1m away from alarm transducer shall be no less than 80dB(A); light signal shall be seen clearlyat20m away4.16 Insulation resistance between transducer intrinsic safety end and enclosure shall be no lowerthan 50MQ2undernormal condition,and no lower than1.5MQ2 after withstanding alternativehumid and hottest.
4.17 transducer intrinsic safety end and enclosure shall be able to withstand 500V 50Hz 1mindielectric test without breakdown or flickering, with leak current not more than 5 mA.4.18 With transducer tested at 8m/s wind, when displaying carrier catalysis element indicationvalue, its indication value drift shall not exceed ±0.01%CH4; when displaying heat conductionelement indication value, its indication value drift shall notexceed +0.1%CH4.4.19 When tested at operating temperature, transducers shall satisfy requirements specified in4.10.2.
4.20 After tested at storage temperature, transducers shall satisfy requirements specified in After tested at alternative humid and hot condition, transducers shall satisfy requirementsspecified in4.10.2.
4.22 After transducers have experienced vibration test, their connectors and parts shall not loose orfall down,and satisfyrequirements specified in After transducers have experienced impact test, they shall not show any damage, theirconnectors and parts shall not loose or fall down, and satisfy requirements specified in After transducers have experienced falling test, their connectors and parts shall not loose orfall down,and satisfyrequirements specified in4. Anti-Explosion Requirements4.25.1 Transducers shall be of mining intrinsic safety and explosion suppression structure andmeetGB3836.1-2000,GB3836.2-2000andGB3836.4-20004.25.2 In transducers, any elements associated with intrinsic safety performance shall meetrequirements given in 7 in GB3836.4-2000, under normal operating and fault states, shall notoperate under more than max current, voltage and 2/3 of power rating value specified for elementinstallationconditionandtemperaturerange4.25.3 Transducer enclosure protection performance shall meet protection class IP54 specified inGB4208-93.
4.25.4 If transducer enclosure is plastic, enclosure surface insulation resistance shall not exceed1G
4.25.5 If transducer enclosure is plastic, enclosure fire retardation performance shall meet 7.4 inGB3836.1-2000.
4.25.6 Transducers shall be able to pass spark ignition test specified in 10.1-10.4 ofGB3836.4-2000. Transducer and associated equipment, after connected via cable not lower than2km (cross section area of single core is 1.5mm°), shall be able to pass spark ignition test specifiedin 10.1-10.4 of GB3836.4-2000.4.25.7 Max surface temperature of transducer at both normal and faulty states shall not be higherthan150c
4.25.8 Transducer enclosure structure, electrical gap and creepage distance shall meetrequirementsgivenin6inGB3836.4-20004.25.9 Carrier catalysis elements used in transducers shall meet requirements specified in AQ6202-2006 Carrier Catalysis Elements for Coalmine Methane Detection, and shall carry validmining product safety certificate.5TestingMethods
5.1 Testing Conditions
5.1.1Environmental ConditionsUnless otherwise specified in environmental test or related standards, tests shall be carried outunderfollowingconditions:
b)Relative humidity: 45%-75%;c)Atmosphericpressure:(80-116)kPa.5.1.2 Gas Sample for Test
Methane standard sample taken from air (known as standard gas sample for short) shall be oneprovided by a unit certified by a national metering authority, whose uncertainty shall not be largerthan 3%. Gas sample application shall meet requirements described in Table 4.Test Item
Basic error test
Required Gas Sample and ValueRange(%CH4)0.50,1.50,2.00,3.50,20.0,35.0,75.02.00,20.00
Note: Deviation of standard gas sample value from nominal value of standard gas sample shall notexceed±10%
5.1.3Major Test Instruments Gas flowmeter
Measuring range: (30-300)mL/min; accuracy: Class Stop watch
Resolution 0.01s. Frequency meter
(0-2,000)Hz; stability: ≤1x10- Regulated DC power supplyOutputvoltage:(0-30)V; outputcurrent:2A5.1.3.5 Voltmeter and ammeter4-1/2-digitdigitalavometer,withaccuracynotworsethanClass0.5.5.2Appearance and Structure InspectionTransducer appearance and structure shall be checked visually and meet requirements given in 4.5hereof.
5.3 Stability of Displayed Value and BasicErrorAll following tests required for transducer adjustment and calibration shall be conducted by usingremote control associated with transducer, where remote control shall be used by observing itsoperating instructionbook.
In following tests requiring gas supply, except alarm error test and test of additional error atswitchover point, gas flow rate for other tests shall be kept at gas flow rate for transducercalibration specified in enterprise product standard (known as specified flow rate for short).