title>HG/T 20701.4-2000 Quality Assurance Procedure for Container and Heat Exchanger Engineering Design - HG/T 20701.4-2000 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20701.4-2000 Quality Assurance Procedure for Container and Heat Exchanger Engineering Design

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20701.4-2000

Standard Name: Quality Assurance Procedure for Container and Heat Exchanger Engineering Design

Chinese Name: 容器、换热器专业工程设计质量保证程序

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-11-22

Date of Implementation:2001-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Raw Materials Industry, Communications, Broadcasting Engineering>>P72 Petrochemical, Chemical Engineering

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HG/T 20701.4-2000 Quality Assurance Procedure for Container and Heat Exchanger Engineering Design HG/T20701.4-2000 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

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Container and heat exchanger professional design quality assurance procedures HG/T20701.4-2000
Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the container and heat exchanger professional design quality assurance procedures, which are applicable to design quality assurance work. 2
HG/T 20701.6-2000
HG/T 20701.8-2000
Referenced standards
《Detailed Rules for Review of Engineering Design Documents for Containers and Heat Exchangers》《Key Points for Review of Drawings of Container and Heat Exchanger Manufacturers》《Format and Preparation of Equipment Data Sheets for Container and Heat Exchangers》 "Instructions" "Design Regulations for Container and Heat Exchanger Professional Equipment Schematics (Equipment Engineering Drawings)" "Instructions for the Preparation of Container, Heat Exchanger and Special Equipment Professional Engineering Design Regulations" "Instructions for the Preparation of General Technical Regulations for Container, Heat Exchanger and Special Equipment Professional Equipment"
"Format and Preparation Instructions for Equipment/Material (Inquiry, Order) Purchase Requisition and Technical Specification"
"Management Measures for Equipment Professional Engineering Design Data" 3
File Management
Acceptance Conditions
The person in charge of the profession is responsible for accepting the conditions. The person in charge of the profession shall, according to the design schedule, request the conditions and data from the profession that proposed the design conditions, distribute them to relevant personnel, and establish engineering files in accordance with the requirements of HG/T20701.14-2000 "Management Measures for Equipment Professional Engineering Design Data" for management and reference. 3.1.2 The person in charge of the profession shall check that all acceptance conditions have been prepared, reviewed and signed by the profession that proposed the conditions in accordance with the requirements of the quality assurance procedures.
3.1.3 The person in charge of the profession shall verify the acceptance conditions. If there are any incomplete or doubtful conditions, they shall be promptly reported to the person in charge of the profession who proposed the conditions, and in writing if necessary. 3.1.4 The person in charge of the profession shall regularly check the acceptance conditions to ensure that the acceptance conditions used by the professionals in their work are the latest versions [this is especially important when completing the manufacturing version or construction version of the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing)]. 3.2 Proposing conditions
3.2.1 All proposed conditions of this profession shall be uniformly managed and proposed by the person in charge of the profession. All proposed conditions shall be compiled, reviewed and signed according to the quality assurance procedures. 3.2.2 The person in charge of the profession shall keep the original documents compiled by the profession and establish engineering files in accordance with the requirements of HG/T20701.14-2000 "Management Measures for Engineering Design Data of Equipment Specialties". 3.2.3 In addition to saving the original documents, the person in charge of the profession shall also save a copy of each version and store it in the data book together with the data sending form.
Acceptance conditions should include:
Design commencement report;
Engineering design basic data;
User's regulations and opinions;
Engineering design regulations
4 Engineering material selection regulations (material memorandum). Acceptance conditions
4.2 Preparation, review and signature
4.2.1 The engineering design regulations are prepared by the professional person in charge under the guidance of the professional group leader in accordance with the format and requirements specified in HG/T20701.9-2000 "Explanation for the Preparation of Professional Engineering Design Regulations for Containers, Heat Exchangers and Special Equipment". If necessary, the opinions of the material professional should also be included.
4.2.2 After the engineering design regulations are prepared, they should be submitted to the professional group leader for preliminary review, and then distributed to the director or chief engineer, material professional and other relevant departments for review. 4.2.3 The professional person in charge summarizes the review opinions of all parties and signs the document after modification. 4.2.4 The signed engineering design regulations shall be sent to the design manager, who shall send them to the user for review. The adopted opinions shall be incorporated into the design regulations by the compiler.
4.2.5 The reviewer shall finally review the documents and sign them. The director of the department or the chief engineer shall review the final text of the engineering design regulations and sign them after confirming that all opinions have been included in the regulations. 4.2.6 The final text of the engineering design regulations shall be sent to the design manager by the professional leader, who shall send the document to the user for confirmation and then publish it. 4.2.7 The engineering design regulations are important design documents and should be modified as little as possible after they are officially published. Most modifications generally come from the user and are submitted in the form of a user change notice. When the container and heat exchanger professionals themselves require any modifications, a modification description should be attached in advance to obtain user confirmation. 5 Equipment schematics (equipment engineering drawings) and/or data sheets for containers and heat exchangers 5.1 Acceptance conditions Acceptance conditions should include: Engineering schedule and quality plan Basic data for engineering design: Engineering design regulations; Engineering material selection regulations (material memorandum); Equipment table: Process data sheet containing equipment analysis sketch; Heat exchanger data sheet containing heat exchanger analysis data such as average wall temperature: Container connection summary table containing design pressure and maximum operating temperature; Heat exchanger connection summary table containing design pressure; Equipment elevation or equipment layout drawing; Equipment and pipeline insulation (cold insulation) regulations; Equipment and pipeline painting regulations: Connection diagram containing interfaces for control points such as pressure, temperature, liquid level, etc.; Pipeline plane design drawings or pipe opening orientation drawings: Elevation, orientation and type of supporting components of equipment operating platform and fertilizer ladder. The elevation, orientation, type, load and summary table of the pipe racks and supporting components that need to be pre-welded on the equipment; 16
Local loads acting on the equipment connection points; Position of fixed supports for horizontal containers and heat exchangers. 18
For the inquiry version of the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing), all the above conditions are not required, only 1 to 13 items of information are required. 5.1.2 The professional person in charge shall review all acceptance conditions, distribute them to the designers and verifiers, and put forward engineering design requirements to them, and review the data sheets and engineering design requirements with the designers and verifiers. 5.2 Draw (compile) the inquiry version of the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) and/or data sheet. The designer shall integrate all necessary information. This includes container, heat exchanger analysis data and sketches, instrument and container connection diagrams, structural materials, design requirements, adopted specifications, standards and calculation data. And draw (compile) the inquiry version of equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) and/or data sheet according to the requirements of HG/T20701.8~2000 "Design Regulations for Container and Heat Exchanger Professional Equipment Schematic (Equipment Engineering Drawing)" and HG/T20701.7-2000 "Format and Preparation Instructions for Container and Heat Exchanger Professional Equipment Data Sheet".
5.3 Review and Signature
5.3.1 The designer shall carefully check his work according to HG/T20701.52000 "Detailed Rules for Review of Container and Heat Exchanger Professional Engineering Design Documents" and sign in the "Design" column. 5.3.2 The reviewer (or professional person in charge) shall check the correctness, drawing quality, lines, dimensions, graphic layout and completeness of the set drawings according to the requirements of HG/T20701.5-2000. Errors found on the drawings shall be corrected by the designer and returned to the reviewer.
After modification, the checker (or professional person in charge) shall sign in the "Check\" column. 5.3.3
5.3.4 The reviewer (or professional group leader) shall review the drawings according to the requirements of HG/T20701.5-2000. After the review opinions are supplemented and modified by the designer, the reviewer (or professional group leader) shall sign in the "Review" column. 5.3.5 The professional person in charge shall keep the original equipment diagram (equipment engineering drawing) and each version of the modification record. 5.3.6 The professional person in charge shall distribute these drawings and materials together with the drawing and material sending sheet to the relevant disciplines and departments according to the distribution requirements of the engineering drawing and material distribution sheet. 5.4 Ordering version
5.4.1 The equipment diagram (equipment engineering drawing) and/or data sheet of the ordering version are based on the inquiry version. The relevant contents discussed and confirmed by the buyer and seller during the manufacturer coordination meeting or ordering period should be supplemented or modified in this 22
version. 5.4.2 The designer shall indicate the modification mark in the layout, fill in the modification content, sign, and indicate the date in the "Modification" column, and then submit it to the reviewer (or professional person in charge) for review and signature. 5.5 Manufacturing version
5.5.1 The professional person in charge shall check that all acceptance conditions in Article 5.1.1 must be final and reviewed. The manufacturing version equipment diagram (equipment engineering drawing) is based on the inquiry version (or order version) and is issued by the pipeline professional 5.5.21
The pipeline plan design drawing (or pipe opening orientation drawing) and the relevant information provided by the pipeline machinery and civil engineering professionals shall be supplemented with the support and pipe opening orientation drawing, pipe rack, ladder, platform, supporting components to be pre-welded on the equipment, and the position of the fixed support of the horizontal equipment shall be clarified. The designer shall indicate the modification mark and the words "for manufacturing version" in the modification column of the drawing, and sign and fill in the date after verification by the reviewer (or professional person in charge). Then, the professional person in charge shall send it to the relevant professionals and departments. 5.6 Construction version
The construction version of the equipment schematic drawing (equipment engineering drawing) (for the equipment data sheet, the final version) is usually published after receiving the final confirmation (CF) drawing of the manufacturer and no further modification is expected. 5.6.2 Before the construction version is published, the designer shall fill in the modification mark or content in the modification column and indicate the words "for construction version", and the professional person in charge shall sign and fill in the date after review, and send it to the relevant professionals and departments by the professional person in charge. General technical regulations for equipment
Acceptance conditions
Acceptance conditions should include:
Engineering design regulations;
Engineering design basic data;
Engineering material selection regulations (material memorandum); process data sheet and heat exchanger data sheet containing container analysis sketch; relevant engineering standards and instructions.
6.2 Preparation, review and signature
6.2.1 General technical regulations for equipment are an important technical document in the technical annex of equipment procurement. Usually, under the guidance of the professional team leader, the professional person in charge of containers and heat exchangers compiles them according to the format specified in HG/T20701.10-2000 "Instructions for the preparation of general technical regulations for containers, heat exchangers and special equipment". When the company (institute) has relevant general technical regulations for equipment, the professional person in charge should study and decide on the selection, revision or rewriting together with the professional team leader, department director or department director engineer. 6.2.2 When the general technical regulations of equipment need to be modified or re-compiled, the modified or re-compiled general technical regulations of equipment shall be checked by the professional group leader first, and then published to the material professional and other relevant departments for review. After the professional person in charge summarizes and compiles the review opinions of various parties, he shall sign in the "Compilation" column of the document. 6.2.3
6.2.4 The professional group leader shall conduct the verification work, confirm that all opinions have been included, sign in the "Verification" column, and then send it to the director of the department or the chief engineer for review, signature and submission to the chief engineer (or deputy chief engineer) for approval. The final general technical regulations of equipment shall be submitted to the design manager by the professional person in charge, and then sent to the purchasing department by the design manager. 6.2.55
The general technical regulations of equipment are important technical documents. The documents that have been reviewed and published should be modified as little as possible, otherwise 6.2.6
It will affect the design and equipment delivery schedule, and sometimes the equipment price. 7 Acceptance conditions for equipment/material (inquiry, order) technical specifications and/or purchase requisitions
Acceptance conditions should include:
Equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) and/or data sheet: 1
General technical provisions of equipment;
3Technical attachments related to the equipment/material (inquiry, order) technical specifications and/or purchase requisitions. 7.2 Preparation, review and signature
7.2.1 The equipment/material (inquiry, order) technical specification and/or purchase order shall usually be prepared or filled in by the designated engineer in accordance with HG/T20701.11-2000 "Format and Preparation Instructions for Equipment/Material (Inquiry, Order) Purchase Order and Technical Specification", and ensure that the equipment/material (inquiry, order) technical specification and/or purchase order number, the equipment name and position number used, and the technical attachments (official version) involved in the equipment/material (inquiry, order) technical specification and/or purchase order are accurate.
7.2.2 The professional person in charge and the professional team leader shall review the content and completeness of the equipment/material (inquiry, order) technical specification and/or purchase order, and check whether each attachment used is correct, and then sign, copy and send. 7.2.3 The technical specifications and/or purchase orders for equipment/materials (inquiry, ordering) that have been reviewed and signed by the professional leader and the professional team leader shall be sent by the professional leader to the design manager for approval and then sent to the purchasing department. 8 Acceptance conditions for the technical comparison table and evaluation opinions of the manufacturer's (commercial) quotation
The acceptance conditions should include:
Technical attachments to the manufacturer's (commercial) quotation:
Technical specifications and/or purchase orders for equipment/materials (inquiry, ordering); relevant general technical regulations, engineering standards, and procedure manuals for equipment; relevant equipment schematics (equipment engineering drawings) and/or data sheets. 8.2 Review and Signature
The professional leader shall review the manufacturer's (commercial) quotation to see whether it meets the requirements of the equipment/material (inquiry, ordering) technical specifications 8.21
and/or purchase orders and their attachments.
The professional leader shall complete the technical comparison table and evaluation opinions of the manufacturer's (commercial) quotation. 8.2.2
The professional team leader shall check the technical evaluation form and evaluation opinions. The professional person in charge shall include the professional team leader's verification opinions into the technical evaluation form and evaluation opinions. 8.2.4
The professional team leader shall confirm that the verification opinions have been included and sign, and send it to the director of the department or the chief engineer for review and signature. 8.2.6 The professional person in charge shall send the technical evaluation form and evaluation opinions to the design manager. 25
Acceptance conditions should include:
Manufacturer's drawings and materials
Acceptance conditions
Manufacturer's drawing file catalog and related drawing file materials; Equipment (order) technical specifications and/or purchase orders and their attachments: 2
Related equipment general technical regulations, engineering standards, procedure manuals, etc.; 3
4Related equipment schematics (equipment engineering drawings) or data sheets. 9.2 Review and Signature
9.2.1 After receiving the drawings and materials from the manufacturer, the professional person in charge shall check them according to the manufacturer's drawing file catalog or data delivery list, and forward the relevant drawings and materials to the relevant professionals for review after preliminary review by this professional. 9.2.2 The drawings and materials of the manufacturer shall be checked in advance by the designer or checker who has completed the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) and/or data sheet, and then sent to the professional person in charge for review. 9.2.3 The review of the drawings and materials of the manufacturer is mainly to review whether the drawings and materials of the manufacturer meet the requirements of the equipment (order) technical specifications and/or purchase orders and their attachments. 9.2.4 The review of the drawings and materials of the manufacturer shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures and requirements specified in HG/T20701.6-2000 "Key Points for Drawing Review of Container and Heat Exchanger Professional Manufacturers". 9.2.5 The designer or checker who undertakes the review of the drawings and materials of the manufacturer shall record the review opinions of this professional and other professionals on the drawings. If the manufacturer's drawings deviate from the design requirements, for issues related to chemical process, the process engineer should be consulted; for issues related to materials, the material engineer should be consulted. After the review, the designer or checker who undertakes the review work should stamp the review seal on the drawings and put "" in front of the "Approved" or "Approved after Modification" column, and sign and indicate the date in the signature column.
9.2.6 The professional person in charge should organize the quality status of the manufacturer's drawings and materials into a brief written document and send it to the manufacturer along with the reviewed and signed manufacturer's drawings and materials in accordance with the engineering procedures. 26
10.1.1 Acceptance conditions should include:
Equipment construction drawings
1 Engineering equipment construction drawing design system regulations;
Acceptance conditions
2 Equipment schematics (equipment engineering drawings) or equipment design condition drawings confirmed by relevant professionals. 10.1.2 The person in charge of the discipline shall check the validity of the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) and whether it has been confirmed and signed by the relevant disciplines; when the project stipulates that the "equipment design condition drawing" is used directly as the design condition, the person in charge of the discipline shall review the "equipment design condition drawing". The person in charge of the discipline shall distribute the "Uniform Regulations for the Design of Engineering Equipment Construction Drawings", the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) or the "Equipment Design Condition Drawing" to the designers and reviewers. 10.2 Drawing Equipment Construction Drawings
The designer shall draw the equipment construction drawings and prepare strength calculations according to the requirements of the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) or the "Equipment Design Condition Drawing" and the specified design standard specification "Uniform Regulations for the Design of Engineering Equipment Construction Drawings". 10.3 Review and Signature
10.3.1 The designer shall carefully check his work according to the requirements of Chapter 4 of HG/T20701.5-2000 "Detailed Rules for Review of Engineering Design Documents for Containers and Heat Exchangers" and sign in the "Design" column. 10.3.2 The checker shall check all drawings and strength calculations of the equipment in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 4 of HG/T20701.5-2000. In addition to marking errors and problems on the drawings, the checker shall also carefully fill in the "Review Record" and "Quality Assessment Card". Errors and problems found shall be corrected by the designer and returned to the checker. After the drawings and strength calculations are checked and modified, the checker shall sign in the "Check" column 10.3.3
10.3.4 The reviewer shall review the drawings and calculations according to the requirements of Chapter 4 of HG/T20701.5-2000. In addition to marking the problems found during the review on the drawings, the "Review Record" and "Quality Assessment Card" shall be carefully filled in. The review problems shall be supplemented and modified by the designer, and after verification by the verifier, the reviewer shall sign in the "Review" column. 10.3.5 The general drawings and key component drawings of Class III containers and complex key equipment shall be reviewed by the reviewer according to the requirements of HG/T20701.5~2000. In addition to marking the problems found during the review on the drawings, the "Review Record" and "Quality Assessment Card" shall be filled in. The review problems shall be supplemented and modified by the designer, and after review by the verifier and reviewer, the reviewer shall sign in the "Review" column.
10.3.6 Before the equipment construction drawings are entered into the database, the equipment general drawings shall be countersigned by relevant professionals. 27
10.4 Modification
After the equipment construction drawings are stored in the database, if any problems are found, they should be modified. For general problems, the form of a modification notice 10.4.1
can be adopted; for major problems, such as those involving structural changes, the relevant drawings should be modified, and the new version should replace the previous version of the drawings that have been stored in the database.
Carry out.
Quality assurance procedures for equipment construction drawings modification refer to the equipment construction drawing design quality assurance procedures described in this chapter. The professional person in charge should keep a copy of the original equipment construction drawing and each version of the modified drawing or modification notice. 11
Engineering standards and/or procedure specifications
Acceptance conditions
Acceptance conditions should include:
1 Relevant documents published by the process;
2 Basic data for engineering design;
3 Engineering design regulations.
11.2 Preparation, review and signature
11.2.1 The engineering standards and/or procedure specifications shall be prepared by the professional person in charge in a certain format under the guidance of the professional group leader.
When the company (institute) has relevant engineering standards and/or procedure specifications, the professional person in charge shall study and decide with the professional group leader, the director of the department or the chief engineer to select, revise or rewrite them. 11.2.2 After the engineering standards and/or procedure specifications are prepared, they shall be first checked by the professional group leader, then sent to the director or chief engineer for review, and finally sent to other relevant departments and professionals for review. 11.2.3 After summarizing the review opinions, the professional person in charge shall sign the document. 11.2.4 The professional group leader, the director or the chief engineer shall check the final text and sign it before sending it to the chief engineer for final approval. 11.2.5 The engineering standards and procedure specifications that have been reviewed and signed shall be distributed to the relevant professions and departments by the professional person in charge according to the requirements of the drawing and data distribution sheet.
12.0.1When the design reaches a certain stage and some conditions are still missing, in order not to affect the normal progress of the design work, we can refer to the design experience of similar projects or this profession and publish certain design conditions to the relevant professions first, but the words "to be determined" should be clearly marked in the relevant parts of these issued documents. Once the professional person in charge receives the supplementary conditions sent by the relevant profession, he should check, confirm or modify them in time, and immediately issue a formal document to replace them after removing the words "to be determined". 12.0.2If our company undertakes the design of equipment construction drawings, it should prepare unified regulations for the design of engineering equipment construction drawings before carrying out the design of equipment construction drawings. Its design quality assurance procedures shall refer to Chapter 4 "Engineering Design Regulations". 12.0.3In order to ensure the quality of modifications, modifications must be made in accordance with the steps specified in the design quality assurance procedures, and modification marks shall be marked at the modified parts, and a brief description, date and signature shall be noted in the modification column. 12.0.4In order to facilitate the implementation of the design quality assurance procedures, the following review procedures (see Chapter 13) are specially formulated for reference and implementation.
In order to ensure the quality of this procedure Correct implementation, the professional team leader, department director or chief engineer should regularly check the implementation 12.0.5
Engineering design regulations.
Quality assurance review procedures (see attached table)
Container, heat exchanger equipment schematics (equipment engineering drawings) and/or data sheets. General technical regulations for equipment.
Equipment/material (inquiry and order) technical specifications and/or purchase orders. Technical evaluation table and evaluation opinions of factory (commercial) quotations. Manufacturer's drawings and materials.
Equipment construction drawings.
Engineering standards and/or procedure instructions.
Domain Lion
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