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HG 20559.4-1993 Pipeline instrument flow chart pipeline numbering and marking

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Standard ID: HG 20559.4-1993

Standard Name: Pipeline instrument flow chart pipeline numbering and marking

Chinese Name: 管道仪表流程图管道编号及标注

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

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Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:>>>>P7 Chemical Industry>>Comprehensive Chemical Industry>>G04 Basic Standards and General Methods

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HG 20559.4-1993 Pipeline Instrumentation Flowchart Pipeline Numbering and Marking HG20559.4-1993 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

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Pipeline Numbering and Marking in Pipeline Instrumentation Flowchart HG20559.4-93
Compiled by: Process System Design Technology Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry Approved by: Chemical Industry
Effective Date: November 1, 1994 1.0.1 Objects of Pipeline Numbering
1 Numbering of Pipelines
The pipeline numbers specified in this regulation apply to pipeline instrumentation flow charts (PI charts). All pipelines shown on the charts shall be numbered, except for the following cases. Pipelines processed and configured together with equipment and machinery, that is, detailed PI charts or pipeline layout charts are provided by the seller (manufacturer), and the engineering design unit does not need to prepare pipeline layout charts, that is, pipelines that do not require statistical materials, include:
(1) Pipelines supplied by the seller (manufacturer) in complete sets of equipment or units, etc. (2) Pipelines inside equipment and machinery. For example: inserted pipes (a section inserted into the equipment), internal heat exchange pipes, etc. Equipment pipe openings are directly connected (no pipeline is required in the middle). For example: stacked heat exchangers, towers and reboilers close together, etc. Equipment pipe ports that are directly connected to valves, blind plates, and plugs without pipelines. For example: the equipment's own drain port, vent port, pressure test port, leak test port, spare port, and public engineering connection port. If a pipeline is connected to the valve behind the above-mentioned port, the pipeline must be numbered. The vent pipe and shower pipe on the pipeline refer to the drainage pipe that discharges to the floor (not to the ditch or pit), and the safety valve inlet duct that directly discharges to the atmosphere (this safety valve has no outlet duct). The heating pipes and jacketed pipes on the equipment, machinery, and pipelines are not numbered on the PI diagram. The bypass pipe of the control valve, the same spare (or bypass) pipe of the small pipe fittings or valve group used for switching. Instrument pipelines, such as pressure gauge pipes, various instrument signal pipelines, etc. 1.0.2 Composition of pipeline number The pipeline number consists of five parts, each of which is separated by a short dash. (1) The first part: material code.
(2) The second part: the engineering process (main item) number of the process (main item) where the pipeline is located and the pipeline sequence number. The second part is simply referred to as the pipeline number.
(3) The third part: the nominal diameter of the pipeline. (4) The fourth part: the pipeline grade.
(5) The fifth part: the insulation, heat preservation, fire protection and sound insulation code. (6) The first and second parts are combined to form a collectively referred to as the "basic pipeline number", which is often used to record pipelines in table files, to mark the pipeline connection relationship in drawings and pipeline instrument flow charts, and to mark the boundaries of different pipeline numbers for the same pipeline.
Typical diagram
Part III
Basic pipeline number
Part IV
Part V
: Description of each part of the pipeline number
(1) Part I
Material code
Project process (main item) number
Serial number
Pipeline sequence number
Nominal diameter
Pipeline grade
Heat insulation, heat preservation, fire prevention and sound insulation
Pipeline material category
Sequence number
Nominal pressure of pipeline
Material code: The material medium flowing in the pipe is represented by the specified capital English abbreviations. The material letter codes can be found in "Material Codes and Abbreviations on Pipeline Instrument Flowcharts" (HG20559.5-93). Material codes required in the project but not included in the regulations should be compiled by the person in charge of the process system according to the project requirements and applied in the project after approval by the design manager. (2) Part II
Project process (main item) number and pipeline sequence number: It consists of two or three units, generally composed of numbers or numbers with letters (the letters must occupy one digit and the size is the same as the numbers) Note ①. α. Engineering process number unit
The process (main item) number of the engineering project is given by the engineering project and is assigned to each process (main item) by the device. It is represented by two digits, such as 01, 10, etc. 6. Pipeline sequence number unit
The sequence number is a specific number for a material medium in a process (main item) arranged in sequence. Each process is numbered from 01 (or 001) for each material medium. The pipeline sequence number is represented by two (or three) digits. When the pipeline number is more than 999, the pipeline sequence number is represented by four digits. c. Serial number unit
When there are completely identical systems in a process (main item) (referring to the equipment, instruments, pipelines, valves and pipe fittings of each system are exactly the same), these identical and repeated pipeline numbers, except for the serial number unit, all other parts and units of the pipeline number are exactly the same.
The serial number is represented by a capital English printed letter, and English letters and I are usually not used. For the pipes of equipment and pipe fittings (such as pumps, filters, instruments, bypasses, etc.) that serve as backup for each other and parallel equipment of the same size and overlap (such as parallel heat exchangers, etc.), they are not within the scope of serial numbering. Note: ① In a joint plant design, if the device is to be identified, the second part of the pipe number can be composed of three or four units. The first unit is the device identification number, which is represented by two (or three) digits, such as 01. The second unit is the process number of the project, which is represented by two digits, such as 01. The third unit is the serial number, which is represented by capital English printed letters, such as "A". The fourth unit is the pipeline sequence number, which is represented by two (or three) digits, such as 001. Example:
Pipeline sequence number
-serial number
Process (main item) number of the project
Device identification number
(3) The third part
Pipeline size: expressed in the nominal diameter of the pipe. The second part of the pipe number
a. For metric size pipes, such as DN100 and DN150, they are only expressed as 100 and 150, and the unit of metric size: "mm\ is omitted.
b. For imperial size pipes, such as welded steel pipes, they are also expressed in nominal diameter, such as 2\ is expressed as 50, and the unit "mm" is omitted.
c. Other methods of expressing pipe size must be approved by the design manager before use according to the characteristics and requirements of the project, and must be indicated on the first page of the pipeline instrument flow chart. (4) The fourth part Note ②
Pipeline grade: It consists of three units. Pipeline grade is compiled by pipeline material professionals according to project characteristics and requirements, and provided to process system professionals for marking. The composition of the three units of pipeline grade is as follows: a. First unit: the nominal pressure grade code of the pipeline, expressed in uppercase English printed letters. 6. Second unit: the sequence number is expressed in Arabic numerals, starting from 1. c. Third unit: the category of pipeline materials, expressed in uppercase English printed letters. 497
Pipeline grade has It is composed of several units. The content, meaning and representation method of each unit are compiled according to the pipeline material professional. Note: ②
Pipeline grade regulations are expressed. (4) is only for example (5) Part V
Insulation, heat preservation, fire prevention and sound insulation code, with a specified one (or two) capital English print letters. The code letters are shown in "Insulation, heat preservation, fire prevention and sound insulation code for pipeline instrument flow chart" (HG20559.6-93). If the pipeline does not have insulation, heat preservation, fire prevention and sound insulation, Typical examples of pipeline numbers (see Table (1) No device identification number
a. No serial number unit
Medium code
b. With serial number
Medium code
Pipeline number
Process number of the project
Sequence number
Nominal diameter
Table 1.0.2. 4—1
Pipeline grade
Pipeline number
Project process number
Serial number
Sequence number
Nominal diameter
—B2E -TO
Insulation code
Pipeline grade
Insulation code
(2) With device identification number
a. Without serial number
Medium code
6.Serial number
Medium code
Pipeline number
Device identification numberProject process numberSequence number02
Nominal diameter
Pipeline number
Nominal diameter
Device identification numberProject process numberSerial numberSequence number02
PG-0204A07|| tt||HO-0331B102-50-
Pipeline grade
Insulation code
Pipeline grade
Insulation code
When a certain pipeline numbering method is used in the project, it is necessary to use a typical example to indicate it on the first page of the pipeline1.0.2.5
instrument flow chart, and explain the meaning of each part and unit. 499
2.0.1 General requirements
2 Pipeline numbering and marking rules The pipelines on the pipeline instrument flow chart are numbered based on the process (main item) and the medium. Each type of pipeline in each process is numbered from 01 (or 001) and numbered in the order of the pipeline in the process. The number of pipeline numbers should be as small as possible, provided that the requirements of design, ordering, construction, operation, accident handling and maintenance are met and confusion and errors are not generated. The pipeline numbering method used in each process of a device should be the same. Different devices (or due to different design units) can use different pipeline numbering methods. After the pipelines are numbered, if some pipelines are to be cancelled due to the progress of engineering design, their pipeline numbers are usually no longer used. These cancelled numbers are not used on the newly added pipelines. 2.0.2 Process pipelines Within the process
(1) The numbering sequence of the process pipelines within the process should be determined according to the actual situation. Generally, Usually, each process medium pipeline is numbered one by one according to the diagram sequence and process sequence, starting from the first figure of the pipeline instrument flow chart. On each flow chart, the process number is as shown in the flow chart, flowing forward from equipment to equipment. For example, the numbering sequence of the reflux system of a distillation tower should be from the top of the tower to the condenser, the collection tank (reflux tank), the reflux pump and then back to the tower. (2) The pipeline is numbered sequentially from the starting equipment to the next equipment. The process number unit of the project in the pipeline number (such as "12" in Figure is consistent with the process number "12" in the equipment position number of the equipment at the beginning of the pipeline. The pipeline between two equipments, regardless of whether the specifications or sizes change, is assigned only one pipeline number. If there is a pipeline branching to other equipment or pipelines in the middle, another pipeline number is assigned, as shown in Figure 2.,0.2.1-1 (as an example, the pipeline numbers in the following figures only represent basic pipeline numbers).
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines (—) The sequence number of pipelines should be retained until it ends at a device or at the connection point of another pipeline, as shown in Figure
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines (II) (4) Equipment venting (including the inlet pipe and outlet drain pipe of the safety valve) and draining, as long as there are pipelines, pipeline numbers should be assigned.
(5) Pipelines connecting equipment or pipelines to multiple devices with the same position number and subscripts (not series) and branch pipelines from multiple devices with the same position number to other equipment or collecting pipelines should be assigned pipeline numbers. α. When there is a main pipe (i.e., there is a cap at the end of the pipe), the main pipe is assigned a pipeline number, and the branch pipelines to each device are numbered separately, 501
as shown in Figure
Figure—3 Numbering and marking of process pipelines (III) PL
6. When there is no main pipe, the pipeline to the farthest equipment with the same number shall be assigned a pipeline number, and the rest shall be assigned another pipeline number. As shown in Figure PI
Numbering and marking of process pipelines (IV)
(6) There are several situations for pipelines from one equipment (or pipeline) to another equipment: a. From different pipe ports of one equipment to different pipe ports (or a pipeline) of another equipment, each pipe shall be assigned a pipeline number, as shown in Figure 502
Figure Numbering and marking of pipes connecting the pipe ports on equipment (F0303
6. When different pipe ports (or pipes) of one equipment are connected to the same pipe port of another equipment, each pipe must be assigned a pipe number, as shown in Figure F0302
Figure Numbering and marking of pipes connecting the pipe ports on equipment (II) When one pipe port of one equipment (or pipeline) is connected to multiple pipe ports on another equipment, there are two situations as follows: (a) The multiple pipe ports of the receiving equipment have the same purpose. Only one pipe port is used normally, and the other pipe ports are spare ports or switching ports, and only one pipe number is assigned, such as the feed port of the tower, as shown in Figure 503||tt ||Figure Numbering and marking of pipes at the connecting ports of equipment (III) If there are multiple receiving pipe ports with the same purpose (used at the same time) and multiple (6)
connecting ports with different purposes on the receiving equipment, each pipe must be numbered. As shown in Figure, PL-0408 and PL-0409. C0403
Return pipe
Numbering and marking of pipes at the connecting ports of equipment (IV) (7) The bypass pipe connecting two pipes (not the bypass of the control valve), the bypass pipe of the inlet and outlet of the safety valve, and the return pipe of the equipment and pipeline must all be numbered, such as the return pipe of the pump in Figure (8) The process pipeline with a serial number is similar (5) stipulates that only the same pipes in each same series, except for the change of series numbers, the rest of the pipe numbers and units are exactly the same. For the main pipes before the series and the main pipes of each series, regardless of whether there are heads (such as flange covers) on the main pipes, a pipe number that does not belong to the series must be assigned to the main pipe 504
, and then the branches and connecting pipes are numbered according to the series, as shown in Figure
0408 (total 8
(pipeline number boundary
Series A
Series B
Series C
3 (pipeline number boundary)
0403 (First
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines with serial numbers Between sequences
(1) The process pipeline from the equipment or pipeline of one process to the equipment or pipeline of another process (or several processes) is numbered according to the starting process number and is valid until the end of the process.
Process 01
The equipment or pipeline connection of the process is terminated, as shown in Figure
Workshop 02
Process 03
Numbering and marking of process pipelines between processes (without the main pipe in and out of the device boundary) (2)
Numbering of process pipelines coming from or sending out of the device boundary (general situation), as shown in Figure
Pipeline grade
Insulation code
When a certain pipeline numbering method is used in a project, it is necessary to use a typical example to indicate it on the first page of the pipeline1.0.2.5
instrument flow chart, and explain the meaning of each part and unit. 499
2.0.1 General requirements
2 Pipeline numbering and marking rules The pipelines on the pipeline instrument flow chart are numbered based on the process (main item) and the medium. Each type of pipeline in each process is numbered from 01 (or 001) and numbered in sequence according to the order of the pipeline in the process. The number of pipeline numbers should be as small as possible, provided that the requirements of design, ordering, construction, operation, accident handling and maintenance are met and confusion and errors are not generated. The pipeline numbering method used in each process of a device should be the same. Different devices (or due to different design units) can use different pipeline numbering methods. After the pipelines are numbered, if some pipelines are to be cancelled due to the progress of engineering design, their pipeline numbers are usually no longer used. These cancelled numbers are not used on the newly added pipelines. 2.0.2 Process pipelines Within the process
(1) The numbering sequence of the process pipelines within the process should be determined according to the actual situation. Generally, Usually, each process medium pipeline is numbered one by one according to the diagram sequence and process sequence, starting from the first figure of the pipeline instrument flow chart. On each flow chart, the process number is as shown in the flow chart, flowing forward from equipment to equipment. For example, the numbering sequence of the reflux system of a distillation tower should be from the top of the tower to the condenser, the collection tank (reflux tank), the reflux pump and then back to the tower. (2) The pipeline is numbered sequentially from the starting equipment to the next equipment. The process number unit of the project in the pipeline number (such as "12" in Figure is consistent with the process number "12" in the equipment position number of the equipment at the beginning of the pipeline. The pipeline between two equipments, regardless of whether the specifications or sizes change, is assigned only one pipeline number. If there is a pipeline branching to other equipment or pipelines in the middle, another pipeline number is assigned, as shown in Figure 2.,0.2.1-1 (as an example, the pipeline numbers in the following figures only represent basic pipeline numbers).
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines (—) The sequence number of pipelines should be retained until it ends at a device or at the connection point of another pipeline, as shown in Figure
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines (II) (4) Equipment venting (including the inlet pipe and outlet drain pipe of the safety valve) and draining, as long as there are pipelines, pipeline numbers should be assigned.
(5) Pipelines connecting equipment or pipelines to multiple devices with the same position number and subscripts (not series) and branch pipelines from multiple devices with the same position number to other equipment or collecting pipelines should be assigned pipeline numbers. α. When there is a main pipe (i.e., there is a cap at the end of the pipe), the main pipe is assigned a pipeline number, and the branch pipelines to each device are numbered separately, 501
as shown in Figure
Figure—3 Numbering and marking of process pipelines (III) PL
6. When there is no main pipe, the pipeline to the farthest equipment with the same number shall be assigned a pipeline number, and the rest shall be assigned another pipeline number. As shown in Figure PI
Numbering and marking of process pipelines (IV)
(6) There are several situations for pipelines from one equipment (or pipeline) to another equipment: a. From different pipe ports of one equipment to different pipe ports (or a pipeline) of another equipment, each pipe shall be assigned a pipeline number, as shown in Figure 502
Figure Numbering and marking of pipes connecting the pipe ports on equipment (F0303
6. When different pipe ports (or pipes) of one equipment are connected to the same pipe port of another equipment, each pipe must be assigned a pipe number, as shown in Figure F0302
Figure Numbering and marking of pipes connecting the pipe ports on equipment (II) When one pipe port of one equipment (or pipeline) is connected to multiple pipe ports on another equipment, there are two situations as follows: (a) The multiple pipe ports of the receiving equipment have the same purpose. Only one pipe port is used normally, and the other pipe ports are spare ports or switching ports, and only one pipe number is assigned, such as the feed port of the tower, as shown in Figure 503||tt ||Figure Numbering and marking of pipes at the connecting ports of equipment (III) If there are multiple receiving pipe ports with the same purpose (used at the same time) and multiple (6)
connecting ports with different purposes on the receiving equipment, each pipe must be numbered. As shown in Figure, PL-0408 and PL-0409. C0403
Return pipe
Numbering and marking of pipes at the connecting ports of equipment (IV) (7) The bypass pipe connecting two pipes (not the bypass of the control valve), the bypass pipe of the inlet and outlet of the safety valve, and the return pipe of the equipment and pipeline must all be numbered, such as the return pipe of the pump in Figure (8) The process pipeline with a serial number is similar (5) stipulates that only the same pipes in each same series, except for the change of series numbers, the rest of the pipe numbers and units are exactly the same. For the main pipes before the series and the main pipes of each series, regardless of whether there are heads (such as flange covers) on the main pipes, a pipe number that does not belong to the series must be assigned to the main pipe 504
, and then the branches and connecting pipes are numbered according to the series, as shown in Figure
0408 (total 8
(pipeline number boundary
Series A
Series B
Series C
3 (pipeline number boundary)
0403 (First
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines with serial numbers Between sequences
(1) The process pipeline from the equipment or pipeline of one process to the equipment or pipeline of another process (or several processes) is numbered according to the starting process number and is valid until the end of the process.
Process 01
The equipment or pipeline connection of the process is terminated, as shown in Figure
Workshop 02
Process 03
Numbering and marking of process pipelines between processes (without the main pipe in and out of the device boundary) (2)
Numbering of process pipelines coming from or sending out of the device boundary (general situation), as shown in Figure
Pipeline grade
Insulation code
When a certain pipeline numbering method is used in a project, it is necessary to use a typical example to indicate it on the first page of the pipeline1.0.2.5
instrument flow chart, and explain the meaning of each part and unit. 499
2.0.1 General requirements
2 Pipeline numbering and marking rules The pipelines on the pipeline instrument flow chart are numbered based on the process (main item) and the medium. Each type of pipeline in each process is numbered from 01 (or 001) and numbered in sequence according to the order of the pipeline in the process. The number of pipeline numbers should be as small as possible, provided that the requirements of design, ordering, construction, operation, accident handling and maintenance are met and confusion and errors are not generated. The pipeline numbering method used in each process of a device should be the same. Different devices (or due to different design units) can use different pipeline numbering methods. After the pipelines are numbered, if some pipelines are to be cancelled due to the progress of engineering design, their pipeline numbers are usually no longer used. These cancelled numbers are not used on the newly added pipelines. 2.0.2 Process pipelines Within the process
(1) The numbering sequence of the process pipelines within the process should be determined according to the actual situation. Generally, Usually, each process medium pipeline is numbered one by one according to the diagram sequence and process sequence, starting from the first figure of the pipeline instrument flow chart. On each flow chart, the process number is as shown in the flow chart, flowing forward from equipment to equipment. For example, the numbering sequence of the reflux system of a distillation tower should be from the top of the tower to the condenser, the collection tank (reflux tank), the reflux pump and then back to the tower. (2) The pipeline is numbered sequentially from the starting equipment to the next equipment. The process number unit of the project in the pipeline number (such as "12" in Figure is consistent with the process number "12" in the equipment position number of the equipment at the beginning of the pipeline. The pipeline between two equipments, regardless of whether the specifications or sizes change, is assigned only one pipeline number. If there is a pipeline branching to other equipment or pipelines in the middle, another pipeline number is assigned, as shown in Figure 2.,0.2.1-1 (as an example, the pipeline numbers in the following figures only represent basic pipeline numbers).
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines (—) The pipeline sequence number should be retained until it ends at a device or at the connection point of another pipeline, as shown in Figure
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines (II) (4) Equipment venting (including the inlet pipe and outlet drain pipe of the safety valve) and draining, as long as there are pipelines, pipeline numbers must be assigned.
(5) Pipelines connecting equipment or pipelines to multiple devices with the same position number and distinguished by subscripts (not series) and branch pipelines from multiple devices with the same position number to other equipment or collecting pipelines must be assigned pipeline numbers. α. When there is a main pipe (i.e., there is a cap at the end of the pipe), the main pipe is assigned a pipeline number, and the branch pipelines to each device are numbered separately, 501
as shown in Figure
Figure—3 Numbering and marking of process pipelines (III) PL
6. When there is no main pipe, the pipeline to the farthest equipment with the same number shall be assigned a pipeline number, and the rest shall be assigned another pipeline number. As shown in Figure PI
Numbering and marking of process pipelines (IV)
(6) There are several situations for pipelines from one equipment (or pipeline) to another equipment: a. From different pipe ports of one equipment to different pipe ports (or a pipeline) of another equipment, each pipe shall be assigned a pipeline number, as shown in Figure 502
Figure Numbering and marking of pipes connecting the pipe ports on equipment (F0303
6. When different pipe ports (or pipes) of one equipment are connected to the same pipe port of another equipment, each pipe must be assigned a pipe number, as shown in Figure F0302
Figure Numbering and marking of pipes connecting the pipe ports on equipment (II) When one pipe port of one equipment (or pipeline) is connected to multiple pipe ports on another equipment, there are two situations as follows: (a) The multiple pipe ports of the receiving equipment have the same purpose. Only one pipe port is used normally, and the other pipe ports are spare ports or switching ports, and only one pipe number is assigned, such as the feed port of the tower, as shown in Figure 503||tt ||Figure Numbering and marking of pipes at the connecting ports of equipment (III) If there are multiple receiving pipe ports with the same purpose (used at the same time) and multiple (6)
connecting ports with different purposes on the receiving equipment, each pipe must be numbered. As shown in Figure, PL-0408 and PL-0409. C0403
Return pipe
Numbering and marking of pipes at the connecting ports of equipment (IV) (7) The bypass pipe connecting two pipes (not the bypass of the control valve), the bypass pipe of the inlet and outlet of the safety valve, and the return pipe of the equipment and pipeline must all be numbered, such as the return pipe of the pump in Figure (8) The process pipeline with a serial number is similar (5) stipulates that only the same pipes in each same series, except for the change of series numbers, the rest of the pipe numbers and units are exactly the same. For the main pipes before the series and the main pipes of each series, regardless of whether there are heads (such as flange covers) on the main pipes, a pipe number that does not belong to the series must be assigned to the main pipe 504
, and then the branches and connecting pipes are numbered according to the series, as shown in Figure
0408 (total 8
(pipeline number boundary
Series A
Series B
Series C
3 (pipeline number boundary)
0403 (First
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines with serial numbers Between sequences
(1) The process pipeline from the equipment or pipeline of one process to the equipment or pipeline of another process (or several processes) is numbered according to the starting process number and is valid until the end of the process.
Process 01
The equipment or pipeline connection of the process is terminated, as shown in Figure
Workshop 02
Process 03
Numbering and marking of process pipelines between processes (without the main pipe in and out of the device boundary) (2)
Numbering of process pipelines coming from or sending out of the device boundary (general situation), as shown in Figure Within the process
(1) The numbering sequence of process pipelines within the process should be determined according to the actual situation. Usually, each process medium pipeline is numbered one by one according to the diagram sequence and process sequence starting from the first figure of the pipeline instrument flow chart. On each flow chart, the process numbering is as shown in the flow chart as it flows from equipment to equipment. For example, the numbering sequence of the reflux system of a distillation tower should be from the top of the tower to the condenser, the collection tank (reflux tank), the reflux pump and then back to the tower. (2) The pipeline is numbered sequentially from the starting equipment to the next equipment. The process number unit of the project in the pipeline number (such as "12" in Figure is consistent with the process number "12" in the equipment position number of the equipment at the beginning of the pipeline. The pipeline between two equipments, regardless of whether the specifications or dimensions are changed or not, is assigned only one pipeline number. If there is a pipeline branching to other equipment or pipelines in the middle, it is assigned another pipeline number, as shown in Figure 2.,0.2.1-1 (as an example, the pipeline numbers in the following figures only represent basic pipeline numbers).
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines (—) The pipeline sequence number should be retained until it ends at a device or at the connection point of another pipeline, as shown in Figure
Figure 2. 0.2.1-2 Numbering and marking of process pipelines (II) (4) For equipment venting (including the inlet pipe and outlet drain pipe of the safety valve) and draining, as long as there are pipelines, pipeline numbers must be assigned.
(5) Pipelines connecting equipment or pipelines to multiple devices with the same position number and subscript distinction (not in series) and branch pipelines from multiple devices with the same position number to other equipment or collecting pipelines must be assigned pipeline numbers. α. When there is a main pipe (that is, there is a head at the end of the pipe), the main pipe is assigned a pipeline number, and the branch pipelines to each device are numbered separately, 501
As shown in Figure
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines (III) PL
6. When there is no main pipe , assign a pipeline number to the pipeline to the farthest device with the same number, and assign another pipeline number to the rest. As shown in Figure PI
Numbering and marking of process pipelines (IV)
(6) There are several situations for pipelines from one device (or pipeline) to another device: a. From different pipe openings of one device to different pipe openings of another device (or a pipeline), each pipe must be assigned a pipeline number, as shown in Figure 502
Figure Numbering and marking of pipelines connecting pipe openings on equipment (F0303
6. From different pipe openings of one device (or a pipeline) to the same pipe opening of another device, each pipe must be assigned a pipeline number, as shown in Figure All the root pipes should be assigned a pipe number, as shown in Figure F0302
Figure Numbering and marking of pipes connecting pipes on equipment (ii) There are two situations in which one pipe port of a device (or pipeline) connects to multiple pipe ports on another device: (a) The multiple pipe ports of the receiving device have the same purpose. Only one pipe port is used normally, and the other pipe ports are spare ports or switching ports. Only one pipe number is assigned, such as the feed port of the tower, as shown in Figure 503
Figure Numbering and marking of pipes connecting pipes on equipment (iii) If there are multiple receiving pipe ports with the same purpose (used at the same time) and multiple (6)
connection ports with different purposes on the receiving device, each pipe should be assigned a pipe number. For example, PL-0408 and PL-0409 in Figure C0403
Return pipe
Numbering and marking of pipes on equipment (IV) (7) Bypass pipes connecting two pipes (not the bypass of the control valve), bypass pipes of the inlet and outlet of the safety valve, and return pipes of equipment and pipes must all be assigned pipe numbers, as shown in Figure Pump return pipe (8) Process pipe numbers with series numbers are similar to those in (5), except that the same pipes in each series have the same pipe numbers and units except for the change in series numbers. For the main pipes before the series and the main pipes of the branches of each series, regardless of whether there are heads (such as flange covers) on the main pipes, a pipe number that does not belong to the series must be assigned to the main pipe 504
, and then the branches and connecting pipes are numbered according to the series, as shown in Figure
0408 (total 8
(pipeline number boundary
Series A
Series B
Series C
3 (pipeline number boundary)
0403 (first
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines with series numbers Sequence interval
(1) From equipment or pipeline of one process to another process (or several processes) ) The process pipelines of the equipment or pipelines are numbered according to the starting process and are valid until the end of the process as shown in Figure
Workshop 02
Process 03
Numbering and marking of process pipelines between processes (without the main pipes entering and exiting the device boundary) (2)
Numbering of process pipelines coming from or sending out of the device boundary (general situation), as shown in Figure Within the process
(1) The numbering sequence of process pipelines within the process should be determined according to the actual situation. Usually, each process medium pipeline is numbered one by one according to the diagram sequence and process sequence starting from the first figure of the pipeline instrument flow chart. On each flow chart, the process numbering is as shown in the flow chart as it flows from equipment to equipment. For example, the numbering sequence of the reflux system of a distillation tower should be from the top of the tower to the condenser, the collection tank (reflux tank), the reflux pump and then back to the tower. (2) The pipeline is numbered sequentially from the starting equipment to the next equipment. The process number unit of the project in the pipeline number (such as "12" in Figure is consistent with the process number "12" in the equipment position number of the equipment at the beginning of the pipeline. The pipeline between two equipments, regardless of whether the specifications or dimensions are changed or not, is assigned only one pipeline number. If there is a pipeline branching to other equipment or pipelines in the middle, it is assigned another pipeline number, as shown in Figure 2.,0.2.1-1 (as an example, the pipeline numbers in the following figures only represent basic pipeline numbers).
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines (—) The pipeline sequence number should be retained until it ends at a device or at the connection point of another pipeline, as shown in Figure
Figure 2. 0.2.1-2 Numbering and marking of process pipelines (II) (4) For equipment venting (including the inlet pipe and outlet drain pipe of the safety valve) and draining, as long as there are pipelines, pipeline numbers must be assigned.
(5) Pipelines connecting equipment or pipelines to multiple devices with the same position number and subscript distinction (not in series) and branch pipelines from multiple devices with the same position number to other equipment or collecting pipelines must be assigned pipeline numbers. α. When there is a main pipe (that is, there is a head at the end of the pipe), the main pipe is assigned a pipeline number, and the branch pipelines to each device are numbered separately, 501
As shown in Figure
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines (III) PL
6. When there is no main pipe , assign a pipeline number to the pipeline to the device with the same number that is farthest away, and assign another pipeline number to the rest. As shown in Figure PI
Numbering and marking of process pipelines (IV)
(6) There are several situations for pipelines from one device (or pipeline) to another device: a. From different pipe openings of one device to different pipe openings of another device (or a pipeline), each pipe must be assigned a pipeline number, as shown in Figure 502
Figure Numbering and marking of pipelines connecting pipe openings on equipment (F0303
6. From different pipe openings of one device (or a pipeline) to the same pipe opening of another device, each pipe must be assigned a pipeline number, as shown in Figure All the root pipes must be assigned a pipe number, as shown in Figure F0302
Figure Numbering and marking of pipes connecting pipes on equipment (ii) There are two situations in which one pipe port of a device (or pipeline) connects to multiple pipe ports on another device: (a) The multiple pipe ports of the receiving device have the same purpose. Only one pipe port is used normally, and the other pipe ports are spare ports or switching ports. Only one pipe number is assigned, such as the feed port of the tower, as shown in Figure 503
Figure Numbering and marking of pipes connecting pipes on equipment (iii) If there are multiple receiving pipe ports with the same purpose (used at the same time) and multiple (6)
connection ports with different purposes on the receiving device, each pipe must be assigned a pipe number. For example, PL-0408 and PL-0409 in Figure C0403
Return pipe
Numbering and marking of pipes on the connection ports of equipment (IV) (7) Bypass pipes connecting two pipes (not bypass of control valves), bypass pipes of safety valve inlet and outlet, and return pipes of equipment and pipes shall all be assigned pipe numbers, as shown in Figure Return pipe of pump (8) Process pipe numbers with series numbers are similar to those in (5), except that the same pipes in each series have the same pipe numbers and units except for the change of series numbers. For the main pipes before the series and the main pipes of the branches of each series, regardless of whether there are heads (such as flange covers) on the main pipes, a pipe number that does not belong to the series shall be assigned to the main pipe 504
, and then the branches and connecting pipes shall be assigned series numbers according to the series, as shown in Figure
0408 (total 8
(pipeline number boundary
Series A
Series B
Series C
3 (pipeline number boundary)
0403 (first
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines with series numbers Sequence interval
(1) From equipment or pipeline of one process to another process (or several processes) ) The process pipelines of the equipment or pipelines are numbered according to the starting process and are valid until the end of the process as shown in Figure
Workshop 02
Process 03
Numbering and marking of process pipelines between processes (without the main pipes entering and exiting the device boundary) (2)
Numbering of process pipelines coming from or sending out of the device boundary (general situation), as shown in Figure Numbering and marking of pipes for connecting pipes on equipment (III) If there are multiple receiving pipes for the same purpose (used at the same time) and multiple (6)
connecting pipes for different purposes on the receiving equipment, each pipe should be assigned a pipe number. For example, PL-0408 and PL-0409 in Figure C0403Www.bzxZ.net
Return pipe
Numbering and marking of pipes for connecting pipes on equipment (IV) (7) Bypass pipes connecting two pipes (not bypass of control valves), bypass pipes for inlet and outlet of safety valves, and return pipes of equipment and pipes should all be assigned pipe numbers, as shown in Figure Pump return pipe (8) The process pipe numbers with serial numbers are similar to those in (5), except that for the same pipes in each series, except for the change in serial numbers, the rest of the pipe numbers and units are exactly the same. For the main pipes before the main pipes assigned to the series and the main pipes of each series of branches, no matter whether there are heads (such as flange covers) on the main pipes, a pipe number that does not belong to the series must be assigned to the main pipe 504
, and then each branch pipe and connecting pipe must be numbered according to the series, as shown in Figure
0408 (total 8
(pipeline number boundary
Series A
Series B
Series C
3 (pipeline number boundary)
0403 (first
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines with series numbers Sequence interval
(1) From equipment or pipeline of one process to another process (or several processes) ) The process pipelines of the equipment or pipelines are numbered according to the starting process and are valid until the end of the process as shown in Figure
Workshop 02
Process 03
Numbering and marking of process pipelines between processes (without the main pipes entering and exiting the device boundary) (2)
Numbering of process pipelines coming from or sending out of the device boundary (general situation), as shown in Figure Numbering and marking of pipes for connecting pipes on equipment (III) If there are multiple receiving pipes for the same purpose (used at the same time) and multiple (6)
connecting pipes for different purposes on the receiving equipment, each pipe should be assigned a pipe number. For example, PL-0408 and PL-0409 in Figure C0403
Return pipe
Numbering and marking of pipes for connecting pipes on equipment (IV) (7) Bypass pipes connecting two pipes (not bypass of control valves), bypass pipes for inlet and outlet of safety valves, and return pipes of equipment and pipes should all be assigned pipe numbers, as shown in Figure Pump return pipe (8) The process pipe numbers with serial numbers are similar to those in (5), except that for the same pipes in each series, except for the change in serial numbers, the rest of the pipe numbers and units are exactly the same. For the main pipes before the main pipes assigned to the series and the main pipes of each series of branches, no matter whether there are heads (such as flange covers) on the main pipes, a pipe number that does not belong to the series must be assigned to the main pipe 504
, and then each branch pipe and connecting pipe must be numbered according to the series, as shown in Figure
0408 (total 8
(pipeline number boundary
Series A
Series B
Series C
3 (pipeline number boundary)
0403 (first
Figure Numbering and marking of process pipelines with series numbers Sequence interval
(1) From equipment or pipeline of one process to another process (or several processes) ) The process pipelines of the equipment or pipelines are numbered according to the starting process and are valid until the end of the process as shown in Figure
Workshop 02
Process 03
Numbering and marking of process pipelines between processes (without the main pipes entering and exiting the device boundary) (2)
Numbering of process pipelines coming from or sending out of the device boundary (general situation), as shown in Figure
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