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JB/T 8102-1999 Belt filter press

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8102-1999

Standard Name: Belt filter press

Chinese Name: 带式压榨过滤机

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1999-07-12

Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

Date of Expiration:2008-11-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:21.010

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J77 Separation Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces JB/T 8102.1-95 (original standard number GB 9067-88); JB/T 8102.2-95 (original standard number GB 10899-89); JB/T 8102.3-95; replaced by JB/T 8102-2008

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:2000-01-01

other information

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Separation Machinery Standardization

Publishing department:National Technical Committee for Separation Machinery Standardization

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8102-1999 This standard is a revision and merger of JB/T 8102.1-95 "Belt filter press type and basic parameters", JB/T 8102.2-95 "Belt filter press technical conditions" and JB/T 8102.3-95 "Belt filter press test methods". This standard specifies the belt filter press type and basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage. This standard applies to belt filter presses. This standard was first issued on April 18, 1988 as GB 9067-88, and on February 28, 1989 as GB 10898-89 and GB 10900-89, and was adjusted to JB/T 8102.1~8102.3-95 in April 1996. JB/T 8102-1999 Belt Press Filter JB/T8102-1999 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Belt Press Filter
Filter belt press
Published on July 12, 1999
National Bureau of Machinery Industry
Implementation on January 1, 2000
This standard is a revision of JB/T8102.1-95 (Types and Equivalent Verticals of Belt Press Filters), JB/T8102.2-95 (Technical Conditions of Belt Press Filters) and JB/T8102.3-95 (Test Methods of Belt Press Filters), and merges one standard into one standard. Only the original standard was revised. The main technical content has not changed. The appendix A and appendix B of this standard are both informative appendices. From the date of implementation of this standard, it replaces JB/8102.1-95, JB/T8102.2-95 and JB/T8102.3-95. This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Separation Machinery. The drafting unit of this standard is Hefei General Machinery Research Institute. The main drafters of the standard are Xiao Haihuan and Xi Tangben. 1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Belt Press Filter
Filter bell prtss
JB/T 8102-1999
Replacement J1121-.8102.3—95
This standard specifies the type, basic punch number, technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules of the type squeeze filter. Marking, packaging, transportation and other requirements.
This standard is applicable to the belt type sample press filter. 2 Reference standards
The provisions contained in the listed standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is downgraded, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be subject to revision. When using this standard, the latest versions of the following standards may be used: GB 191HHO
GB.T 2100—1980
GB.T 2649—1989
GB.T 2650 — 1989 | | tt | 989
JB.T 6418—1992
JB/T 7217—194
3 Terminology
3.1 General
Packaging, storage and transportation diagrams
Shape and position tolerancesTolerance values ​​at the end
Stainless steel, acid-resistant steel, parts, technical conditions
Mechanical properties of welded jointsAcid-free sampling methodImpact test method for welded jointsForce method for welded jointsTensile test method for welded jointsBending and compression test methods for welded joints
Separation mechanical sound Determination of sound power cracking 1. Processing and labeling
General technical conditions for packaging of electromechanical products
Light 1 Re-use cast carbon steel parts
: Generally used for low-quality parts such as hammers for free forgings for structural use.
Determination method for cleanliness of separation machinery
General technical conditions for coating of separation machinery
Determination of the deviation of the belt.
3.2 Transmission
The roller that transmits reverse power.
The roller that supports the filter belt.
Approved by the State Administration of Industry and Information Technology on July 12, 1999 and implemented on January 8, 2000
3.4 ​​Pressing
The roller used to press the filter cake
3. 5 Tensioning
The data for tensioning the travel belt.
3.6 Guide
The guide that changes the direction of the cross-belt operation.
3.7 Discharge
The guide that is set for discharging.
4 Type
4.1 Belt type positive filter installation Its structural characteristics can be divided into) Operation number (DY type):
b) Pressure hidden section diaphragm extrusion method type (DYG type)
Filter section high card belt pressure type [YD type]
d) Relative wheel type (YX type);
|) Point empty pre-dehydration type (DYZ type)
The structural diagram of the ordinary type is shown in 1
4.2 The model is composed of the following additional parts
Modification code
Main parameters of loose material code of parts in contact with the separated materials: effective width of filter belt, mm
Characteristic code
Model code
The representation of model code and special code shall comply with the provisions of Table 1 and Table 2 respectively. 43
Long-distance high-pressure type
Village pressure type
Vacuum pre-water type
Hydraulic control
Powerful control
Electric shock
Hand-held light control
The model code of the combined belt pressure filter should be expressed in the form of a fraction, the numerator and denominator of which are the filter material first and then the classification code of 4.3.1
4.3.2 If two control methods are used at the same time, the main one shall be selected to indicate. 4.4 Material number shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. Material refers to the material of the majority of components in contact with the filter material or the surface lining
Components in contact with the filter material
Strands or rubber
Type shoe paint
Others except (layer
4.5 The order of type code and modification is represented by letters A, B, C... respectively. The meaning of modification is the modified design of the belt filter with significantly changed structure or performance. 4.6 Marking example
a) Pneumatic control, press surface rubber, filter belt effective width 1000mm, ordinary belt press machine after the first modification design:
JBrT Bt02—1999
Belt filter DYQ1000XAJB/TS102-1999h) hydraulic control, pressing silver material is corrosion-resistant needle, filter belt effective width 2000mlm, and has high-pressure belt pressure shaping belt squeeze filter Belt press filter DYD2000-NJB/T8102—1999e) hydraulic control, pressing roller surface is plastic coating, filter belt effective width 300mm, and first vacuum dehydration, and then relative pressure ladder belt press machine:
Belt press filter DYD/X3000-SJB piece R102—199 No. 5 basic replacement age
The basic parameters of belt press filter should comply with the provisions of Table 1. Table 4
Effective belt width
6 Technical requirements
Line speed of belt
6.1 The standard type pressure filter shall comply with the provisions of this standard and shall not be manufactured according to the drawings and technical documents approved by the specified process. 6.2 The materials and purchased parts selected for the commercial type pressure filter shall have the certificate of conformity of the supplier. If there is no certificate of conformity, it shall be used only after passing the manufacturer's inspection.
6.3 The casting and acceptance of castings shall comply with the provisions of GB/T2100 or GB/T11352 and JB/T14408. 6.4 The forging and acceptance of moving parts shall comply with the provisions of JB.T4385. 6.5 The welding liquid and splashing particles on the weld shall be removed from the weld. The weld shall be smooth and smooth, and cracks and other defects that affect the strength are allowed. 6.6 The welding key must be welded with welding rods that are equivalent to or better than the parent body, and the mechanical properties of the sample shall be tested in accordance with the provisions of GB/T2649, GB/2650, GB/T2651 and GB/T2653. 6.7 The axis of the roller and the surface of the roller shall not be less than the 10th grade accuracy in GB/T1184. 6. For rollers with a sealed (impermeable) or surface coating layer, the adhesive layer: coating layer and the main metal surface shall be tightly and firmly attached. 6.9 Rollers with a diameter greater than 300mm should be statically balanced, and the allowable unbalanced torque is 2.5N·m. 6.10 The exposed metal surface should be smooth, and its quality should meet the requirements of JB/T7217. 6.11 The absolute resistance of the power network and the protection circuit to the frame is greater than 2M0. JB/T8102—1999
6.12 After assembly, the whip should rotate flexibly and smoothly without jamming. 6.13 The filter belt speed should meet the requirements of the design rating. .14 The filter belt life should be greater than 1500b.
6.5. The cleanliness of the pressure system should not exceed 2500mlg/m. 6. The load test of the belt filter press should meet the following requirements: a) The action of the emergency stop device and the pneumatic equipment should be correct and reliable; b) The action of the hydraulic and pneumatic system should be flexible, accurate and reliable; 5. The pressure system should be above 10m at 125 times the maximum working pressure, and the pressure drop should be less than 10% of the test pressure. The pneumatic system should not have leakage:
a) The deviation of the filter belt relative to the filter belt should not be greater than 1mm1: The noise level of the belt filter press (including the cleaning device) should not exceed 10% (A) 6.1? After the empty car test, a load test can be carried out. The test material is the actual material used or the material with similar properties. Under the condition of the maximum speed and tension of the belt, the continuous operation shall meet the following requirements: a) The requirements for the filter belt shall meet the provisions of 6.16d: b) The interval between the filter belt emergency stop shall be at least 8h) The filter belt shall be cleaned after the cleaning device is installed; d) After the operation is completed, the temperature outside the bearing shall be measured, and its value shall not be higher than 60℃. The temperature rise shall not be higher than 20%: e) The following data shall be measured and shall meet the requirements of the design value. Production capacity
Filtration effect: Concentrate volume, filtrate content: Cabinet energy cost standard: Power consumption, water consumption.
) Test method and inspection rules
1.1 Test method
7.1.1 Parallelism measurement of auxiliary lines between rollers (excluding adjustment and rollers) Take adjacent rollers at will, measure the distance between the busbars of the adjacent rollers at the ends of the rollers, measure 3 times at both ends and take the average value: and measure the roller diameter at the same time, and then calculate the parallelism of the roller axis. The number of rollers measured should not be less than 50% of the total number. The accuracy of the measuring tool used should not be less than 0.05mm,
7.J.2 Insulation resistance Measurement
Use 500V megohmmeter to measure the insulator resistance of the control circuit and the power circuit to the machine channel and the electric control cabinet respectively. The instrument box skin shall not be lower than level 1. T,,,3 Filter belt linear speed measurement
Make a mark on the edge of the filter belt, measure the time taken for the filter belt to run 3, and calculate the filter belt operating speed. The timer accuracy shall not be lower than 0.15:7.1.4 Filter belt life measurement
Continuously record the working time from the filter belt being put into use to failure (cleaning filter belt maintenance time), and the assessment method is the user visit or manufacturer's "quality disk tracking".
7.1.5 Hydraulic system cleanliness measurement
Measure the mass of various dirt in the main parts (oil cylinder, piston, oil channel, cylinder road) of the hydraulic system and the front area of ​​the pool where the pressure is changed.
Measurement method is determined by the weight method specified in JB6418. 7.1.6 Air load test
The test should be carried out at the designed shear speed and maximum working tension, and the test should be carried out continuously for 21 seconds, and should meet the requirements of 6.16. The electrical system is operated 3 times in a cycle to check the reliability of the emergency stop parts and electrical equipment. The hydraulic and pneumatic systems are operated 3 times in a row to check the flexibility, accuracy and reliability of the system. The tightness of the hydraulic system
Observe the pressure drop of the pressure gauge, and at the same time check the sealing of the exposed surfaces and joints of the system parts and components, which should meet the requirements of 6.16c).
7.1..4 The sealing of the pneumatic system
Under normal working conditions. Check the sealing of the exposed surfaces and joints of the system parts and components. Filter belt tracking disc
Besides the unloading data, take the end surface of the filter as the reference, measure the deviation of the upper and lower filter belts during the sinking, and take the measured value as the filter belt deviation of the machine. The disc used shall not be less than 0.5mm. Noise
When the cleaning device is opened, the water pressure must reach the design pressure: test according to GB/T10894, 7.1. Load test
The test is carried out under the condition of the maximum speed and tension of the filter belt, and runs continuously for 8 hours. 7.1. 7.1 Bearing temperature and humidity
After the machine has run for 2 hours, directly measure the bearing outside the world. The bearings of the measuring disc must include the transmission roller bearing, the pressure protection bearing, the cover bearing and the guide bearing. The measurement shall be made by a semiconductor thermometer with an accuracy of not less than ± 5%. Filter content W
a) Sampling location and method: Take samples from the middle and both sides of the belt at the material collection point, each sample shall be not less than 30g. b) Determination method: One sample shall be weighed with a 1/10,000 precision balance and then placed in a drying oven. The drying temperature shall be determined according to the relevant standards. The sample shall be dried for 1.5 hours and weighed with a 1/10,000 precision balance. Then, it shall be placed in the drying oven for further drying. The sample shall be taken out of the oven every 0.5 hours until the difference between the two weighing pans is less than 2 m. Then, it shall be calculated according to formula (1): W-(1I-=)×100%
Where: mass of sample before drying, mg;
m,--mass of sample after drying, mg;
) Number of determinations: Measure 3 times at different times and take the arithmetic average. ) For materials that are not easy to heat, the determination shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations of relevant departments. Solid content of liquid G
a) Sample quantity and method: Take 1 portion of filtrate sample from the gravity dehydration section and the filtration dehydration section respectively, each portion is less than sml. )
b) Determination method: After the two samples are mixed, take 100mL of the filtrate and filter it with a fast-connected qualitative filter paper. The filter paper and the filtered solids are put into an oven. The drying temperature varies with the material and is determined according to relevant standards. The sample is dried for 1.5 hours and weighed with a 1/10,000 fine balance. 102-1999
After that, put it back into the drying oven and continue to dry it. Take it out and weigh it every 0.5h until the weight of two weighings is less than 2m3. Then calculate according to (2:1):
Where: g: mass of dried filter paper and solid after drying, ng: mass of filter paper dried in advance, m: volume of filtrate, L. Production capacity method
The mass of deionized water discharged per hour (measured by absolute desiccant). The measurement must be carried out after the liquid content of the filter cake reaches the requirements of the relevant standards. The fixed weight method: Use a stopwatch to measure the duration of sampling [generally 3-10m3], weigh the sample mass, and then calculate the production capacity. Power
Use the two-wattmeter method or the three-wattmeter method or a three-phase watt-hour meter to measure the total input power of the main machine, and then convert it into power consumption (kw·hit). The sugar content of the instrument is lower than 1 level. Use the rotor flowmeter to measure the water inlet of the cleaning device, and then convert it into water consumption (price), the table summary is not less than 1 paper 7.1. Information record content and format
Empty load test record table see Appendix A (recommended Appendix) Store load test record table see Appendix B (recommended record) 7.1 Factory inspection
7.2.1 Each type of pressure sample should be submitted to the factory inspection. After the inspection, it can be shipped with the product certificate attached. 72.2 Factory inspection 7.3 Type inspection
7.3.1 When the product reaches the sales status, it shall be subject to type inspection or testing: 1) New product or product transfer factory production trial identification: 2) After formal production, if the product is subject to major changes: 3) National quality supervision agencies shall conduct type inspection number request 7.3.1 In addition to the "delivery" inspection content, the type inspection shall also include the contents of 6.14, 6.15, and 6.17. 8. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
8.1 Each belt filter press should have a fixed label on the time display position. The type and size should comply with the provisions of GB.T「3306. The content of the label includes:
a) Product model and name:
b) Main technical parameters:
- Belt effective width, mm;
Belt linear speed range, m.min:
- Belt tension, kN.m5
Main engine transmission power, k w;
一 Overall dimensions (length × width × height) mm:
一 Mobile phone quality, t;
e) Factory number:
d) Date:
) Keyi Factory name:
82 There is a sign indicating the rotating furnace at the bottom of the motor or transmission shaft. 4.3 The packaging of the belt-type Lekong filter should comply with the provisions of 0B/T1338. &.4 The markings on the packaging box should comply with the provisions of GB191. 8.5) The random documents shall include:
Packing list;
h) Product certificate;
e) Product manual (including the instruction manual of the main supporting accessories);
%6) The belt-type control machine shall be stored in a relative humidity of less than 80%, a temperature of less than 40℃, under ventilation, in a sheltered place, and in a place where there is no corrosive gas.
9) Quality guarantee period
If the user complies with the conditions of use and storage, within 12 months from the date of shipment from the manufacturer, if the product is damaged or cannot be operated normally due to poor manufacturing, the manufacturer shall replace or repair it for the user free of charge. See Table A1 for the no-load test record.
Manufacturer name:
Xing. Name and model card
(Appendix of reminder
Empty negative medicine test record
Empty negative false test record table
Product number
Effective width of the belt
Testing committee number
Measurement item
Level of axial thermal parallelism
Effervescent resistance
Filter belt linear speed
Electric damage blade
Sealability of concentrated pressure system
Sealability of pneumatic system
Test site
Internal inspector
Station range
Main engine transmission power
Instrument setting table
Test date
Audit date
Load test record see table BI
Manufacturer name:
Product name and model
Technical data| |tt||Anhui Zangzhenggong
Parallelism of the axis
Insulation current
Line speed
Strength of the belt
Hydraulic system sealsWww.bzxZ.net
Sealness of the pneumatic system
Clearance of the hydraulic system
Bearing temperature
Oil bearing temperature rise
Heat consumption
Water volume
Production capacity
Test tank
Tax auditor
JB/ T8102-199
Load test record
Table B1 No-load test record
Product number
Effective insurance
Filter belt tension
Card machine action cutting rate
Instrument table
According to the Australian date
Application period
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