This standard specifies the graphic symbols for bulkheads, doors, windows and holes in bulkheads, hatches and hatch covers in ship layout drawings. GB 3894.1-1983 Graphic symbols for bulkheads, doors, windows and holes in bulkheads, hatches and hatch covers in ship layout drawings GB3894.1-1983 Standard download decompression password:
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UDC 003.62/.69:629.12.011.8 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB 3894.1—83 Figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships --Bulkheads, doors, windows and openiags on wall, hatches and hatch coversPromulgated on October 28, 1983 Implemented on May 1, 1984 National StandardApproved WNational Standard of the People's Republic of China Figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships --Bulkheads, doors, windows and openiags on wall, hatches and hatch coversThis standard is equivalent to the ISO 1964-1975, Class 1 and Class 9, with minor additions. UDC 003.B2.63:629.12.011 GB 3B94.1—88 This standard specifies the graphic symbols for indicating bulkheads, doors, windows and bulkhead openings, hatches and hatch covers in ship layout drawings. The graphic symbols of this standard are drawn at a scale of approximately 1:100. All drawings may be drawn according to the size and proportion of the equipment they represent. This standard specifies basic enclosure symbols, which may be used in combination with other graphic symbols. Various special equipment, machines, etc. not mentioned in this standard may be represented by graphic symbols similar to their actual shapes, but this should be noted on the drawings. Bulkheads, doors, windows and bulkhead openings 1.1- Symbols Flame retardant division, Class A Fire retardant division, Class B Fire retardant division, Class C Insulation Oiltight Graphic derivative symbols A-60, A-30, A-15, A-B-15, B-0 Note: The number after the symbol indicates the time limit for temperature rise (minutes). Refer to Chapter 2, Section 1, Series 3 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 194. 1.2 Hulkheads and partitions Issued by National Bureau of Standards No. 183-10-28 and implemented on May 1, 1984 GB. *9a. Metal hulkhead or wall Wood other non-metal bulkhead or wall Prefabricated partition (such as perforated plate, expanded metal, wire mesh) Curiain a. Metal bulkhead with non-metal liaingb. Metal bulkhead with inetal lining5. Fire - resisting metal bulkhead (vithoatinsulatiouy having zero time temperatutelinitatinnd. Metal bulkhead with insulatione: A-class fire-resistant bulkhead - withinsulation with insulation*1S01964-1975. Graphical symbolsBARE formatW sequenceGB 3B94.1—88Hinged door Double section door Hinged lower and Self-closing door Hinred self -closing Horion sliding door Horirontally sliding Vertically sliding Spring door Swing door Non-metal Non-metal Non-(mela] Non-metal Non-metal Non-metal Non-metal Non-metal Non-metal 8. Fire resisting horizontally slidingmetal door,haying a 15min temperaturelimitation Graphic symbol W GB 3894.1-83 Continued 3 b.Metal bulkhead with wooden liningHingrd woodan door (without lining) inmetal bulkhead with wooden lining℃。 Mesh in wooden wall\1 Jlinked mesh door in wiadun wall,metal doorwithinsulatiuubulkhead'with insulation :,Double-leaf spring-loaded door Twu-leal swing door 「,With window r with view window g:Double-leaf horizontal sliding door Twu Jcaf horizentally-slidink Note: For the sake of simplicity in drawing, it is assumed that the bulkhead and the door are made of the same material. Other combinations are shown in the following examples. *IS196—1975 does not include this graphic symbol. Graphic symbols W sequence Fixed square window GB3894.1--83 Non-opening window apening te Side opening square window Hinged window,opening at the side Opening the outside openingiag to the inside Hinged window, opening upwardsor downards Horizontally sliding windaw Vertically sliding window Yertically sliding window Hingedwindow,opening upwards,inmetai bulkhead with metal liningb,Double hinged window in bulkhead with melal lining Double hinged window in bulkhead with melal lining Double hinged window in bulkhead with melal lining Double hinged window in bulkhead with melal lining Double hinged window in bulkhead with melal lining Double hinged window in bulkhead with melal lining Double hinged window in bulkhead with melal lining Double hinged window in bulkhead with melal lining Double hinged window in bulkhead with melal lining Double hinged window in bulkhead with melal lining Double hinged window in bulkhead with melal lining Double hinged window in bulkhead with melal lining Double hinged window in bulkhead with melal lining Double hinged window in bulkhead with melal lining Double hinged window in bulkhead with melal lining Double hinged window in bulkhead with melal lining 3894.168 Non-upening side scuttle L or Hinged side scutlte opening upwards or downwards opening sidewards Sidewards upening scuttle in bulkheadwith lining Clear opening in (metal) bulkheadTable 7 Deck seuttle Man-hole with corer Hand- hole with, caver Access hatch with cover Hatch way with cover Graphic symbol Graphic symbol Graphic number W2.5 Combination example GB 3884.1-83 Table 7 Hatch without zover Metal hatch cover Metal hatch cover Waoden hatch cover Hatch with sliding cover (metal or wooden) Skylights (to be presentedprrording to form) Access hatchcover Raised hatch with sliding cover.and hinged end dors *ISO1964-1975 does not have this graphic symbol. Additional Notes: This standard was proposed by China State Shipbuilding Corporation and is under the jurisdiction of the Basic Standards Subcommittee. This standard was drafted by China Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Design and Research Institute. The main authors of this standard are Tang Yunlan and Xu Lan. Graphic number W Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.