title>Information description of product for electronic commerce transaction—Bulk stock - GB/T 40037-2021 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Information description of product for electronic commerce transaction—Bulk stock

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 40037-2021

Standard Name:Information description of product for electronic commerce transaction—Bulk stock

Chinese Name: 电子商务产品信息描述大宗商品

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2021-04-30

Date of Implementation:2021-11-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment>>Information technology applications>>35.240.60 Information technology in transportation and trade

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A10 Commerce, Trade, Contract

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2021-04-01

other information

drafter:Sun Zhaoyang, Wang Shuguang, Wang Xiaodong, Shi Xiaobin, Wang Zhimin, Gong Wei, Fang Xiaotian, Liu Xiaoyu, Feng Lin, Hu Pengjun, Liu He, Jia Li, Zhang Mingzhuang, Zheng Xinli, Lei Guofeng, Cheng Yue, Ma Lan, Xian Kuitong, Yang Lei, Yue Gaofeng, Zhang Hongping, Wu Gongxing, Sui Yuan, Cao Xinjiu, Jiang Qiaogen, Lei Chuze, Chen Rongxing, Li Zhiwei, Lu Qiuping, Wei Zhiquan, Kuang Yongting, Wen Xieying

Drafting unit:Shandong Provincial Institute of Standardization, China National Institute of Standardization, Easypay E-commerce Co., Ltd., Shandong Guangyu Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Tianyan Weizhen Network Technology Co., Ltd., Xi'an High-tech Industrial Deve

Focal point unit:National Electronic Business Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 83)

Proposing unit:National Electronic Business Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 83)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 40037-2021.Information description of product for electronic commerce transaction-Bulk stock.
1 Scope
GB/T 40037 specifies the information description attributes, commodity classification, information model, information description, and extension methods and principles
of bulk commodities in e-commerce transactions. GB/T 40037 applies to the publication, exchange, storage, query and retrieval of spot information of bulk commodities in e-commerce transactions.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 2260 Administrative division code of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 2659 Codes for names of countries and regions in the world
GB/T 6512 Codes for modes of transport
GB/T 7408 Data elements and exchange formats Date and time representation for information exchange
GB/T 17295 Codes for units of measurement for international trade
GB 32100 Coding rules for unified social credit codes for legal persons and other organizations
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Electronic commerce
Business activities of selling goods or providing services through information networks such as the Internet.
Bulk stock
Material goods that can enter the circulation field but are not in the retail stage and have commodity attributes and are bought and sold in large quantities for industrial and agricultural production and consumption.
[GB/T 18769-2003, definition 2.1]
Any concrete or abstract thing that exists, has existed or may exist, including the relationship between things.
Example: a person, object, event, concept, process, etc.
Note: The existence of an entity does not depend on whether there is data available about it.
[GB/T 18391.1-2009, definition 3.2.10]
This standard specifies the information description attributes, commodity classification, information model, information description and extension methods and principles of bulk commodities in e-commerce transactions. This standard applies to the publication, exchange, storage and query retrieval of spot information of bulk commodities in e-commerce transactions.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Information description of product for electronic commerce transaction-Bulk stock
Published on 2021-04-30
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Administration of Standardization
Implemented on 2021-11-01
GB/T 40037—2021
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Information description attributes
Classification of bulk commodities
Information model·
Information description
8 Extension methods and principles
Appendix A (informative appendix)
Classification of bulk commodities in the petrochemical industry
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.12009. The standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electronic Business (SAC/TC83). GB/T40037—2021
Wood Standard Drafting Units: Shandong Provincial Standardization Research Institute, China National Institute of Standardization, Yipaike E-commerce Co., Ltd., Shandong Guangyu Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Tianyan Weizhen Network Technology Co., Ltd., Xi'an High-tech Industrial Development Zone Pioneer Park Development Center, Xinjiang Asia-Europe International Materials Trading Center Co., Ltd., Materials and Equipment Department of China Petrochemical Corporation, Shaner Architecture University, Xinjiang Industrial and Commercial University, Dongqinkang Hotel Supplies Co., Ltd., Foshan Xiaolin Smart Technology Development Co., Ltd., Yongkang Zhuoyu Hardware Tools Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Sun Zhaoyang, Tu Shuguang, Tu Xiaodong, Shi Xiaobin, Tu Zhimin, Gong Wei, Fang Tian, ​​Liu Xiaoyu, Feng Lin, Hu Pengjun, Liu He, Jia Li, Zhang Mingzhuang, Zheng Xinli, Lei Guofeng, Cheng Yue, Ma Lan, Xian Chentong, Yang Zao, Yue Gaofeng, Zhang Hongping, Wu Gongxing, Sui Yuan, Cao Xinjiu, Jiang Qiaogen, Lei Chuze, Chen Rongxing, Li Zhiwei, Lu Qiuping, Wei Zhiquan, Shui Ting, Wen Xieying. rrKaeerkAca
1 Scope
E-commerce product information description
GB/T 40037—2021
This standard specifies the information description attributes, commodity classification, information model, information description and extension methods and principles of commodities in e-commerce transactions:
This standard applies to the publication, exchange, storage and query retrieval of commodity spot information in e-commerce transactions. 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For references with a date, the version with the date applies to this document. For references without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T2260 Administrative division code of the People's Republic of China Code for names of countries and regions around the world
GB/T 2659
G3/'1 6512
Code for modes of transport
GB/T 7408
Data elements and exchange formats Date and time representation for information exchange Code for units of measurement for international trade
GB32100 Coding rules for unified social credit codes for legal persons and other organizations 3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Electronic commerce
Business activities of selling goods or providing services through information networks such as the Internet. 3.2
Bulk stock
Material goods that can enter the circulation field but are not in the retail stage, and are used for agricultural production and consumption in large quantities with commodity attributes,
[GB/T187692003. Definition 2.1]
Any concrete or abstract thing that exists, has existed or may exist, including the relationship between things: Examples: a person, object (object), event, concept, process, etc. Note: The existence of an entity does not depend on whether there is data available about it. LGB/T18391.1—2009, definition 3.2.10]3.4
·Characteristic of an object or entity
[G13/T18391,1—2009, definition 3,1,11
GB/T 40037—2021
Information element
The basic unit of information.
Information entity
A group of information elements that describe the same characteristics of dataInformation description attributes
Basic attributes
This standard uses the nine attributes shown in Table 1 to describe information, in which:Description attributes: attributes that describe information entities and information elements;Definition and description: Description of attributes
Table 1 Information description attributes
Description attributes
Chinese name
English name
Data type and format
Unit of measurement
Data type and format
Data type
Chinese names of information entities and information elementsDefinition and description
English names of information entities and information elements. English names are spelled in the Oxford English Dictionary. Explanation of the meaning of information entities and information elements. Valid value ranges of information entities and information elements and regulations for valid operations on values ​​within the value range. See Table 2 for data types and format representation. Indicates whether an entity or information element is required or optional. See 1.3 for the representation of constraints/conditions. Names that are different from information entity and information element names but represent similar concepts. The set of values ​​allowed by information elements.
Used to represent the size of the same quantity to be compared. Conventions that define the specific quantity used. Units of measurement are given names and symbols by convention: for some quantities of the same magnitude, even if they are not the same kind of quantities, their units may have the same names and symbols; for different objects: the units of measurement are also different. For details, see GB/T 740S Supplementary Notes on Information Entities and Information Elements. The data type of the information entity is "complex type". The data type representation method of the information element is shown in Table 2. Table 2 Data type representation method
Data type
Ning character type
Numeric type
Date type
R Time type
Binary stream
Data type representation method
Can include any character numeric value including alphabetic characters, numeric characters or Chinese characters, etc.
The format follows the specifications in GB/T 740S
The format follows the specifications in GB/T 740S 408
Image, audio, WAN, RM, AVI, MPEG and other binary stream file formats -rrKaeerkAca-
4.2.2 Data format
The data format of information elements is expressed in the following forms: a) Character type and numeric type are followed by a positive integer to indicate a fixed-length format; Example 1: (6 indicates a 6-bit fixed-length character: Example 2: V16 indicates a 16-bit fixed-length value b) Character type and numeric type are followed by "\x..y" to indicate a format from the smallest to the largest length; Example 3: (1.10 indicates a character with a short length of 1 bit and a maximum length of 10 bits: Example 4: NI..6 indicates a value with a short length of 1 bit and a maximum length of 6 bits c) Character type is followed by "..ul" to indicate a format with an uncertain length Example 5: C..ul indicates a character with an uncertain length, which is mostly human-valued content, d) Numeric type (N) is followed by "..xy\ to indicate a decimal place: Example 6: V..17, 2 indicates a value with a maximum of 17 digits and two decimal places. C) Binary stream (1Y) can be followed by the media format of the body. Indicates different formats. Example 7: BY-JPEG indicates "IPEG\ format file. Indication of constraints/conditions
Used to indicate whether a information entity or information element is mandatory or optional. The representation method is as follows: a) M: Mandatory, indicating that the information entity or information element is mandatory: GB/T40037—2021
b) C: Conditionally mandatory, indicating that the information entity or information element is mandatory under certain conditions. It should be selected when the conditions defined in the constraints are met. The specific conditions are described in the remarks; (: Optional, indicating that the information entity or information element is optional according to actual use.)
5 Commodity classification
5.1 Overview|| tt||Commodity classification is an important part of commodity information description. Commodity classification includes but is not limited to: a) The major categories of bulk commodities are energy and chemical industry, basic raw materials and agricultural and sideline products; b) Different industries can further divide bulk commodities in the industry into medium, small and large categories according to the characteristics of the industry; c) The spot trading market or platform of bulk commodities can further classify the traded bulk commodities according to the actual trading needs: using commodity attribute codes:
2 Coding method
The coding of bulk commodity classification in e-commerce transactions consists of the classification code of bulk commodities and the commodity attribute code. The classification code adopts 8 digits and 4 segments. The coding requirements include but are not limited to: a) The first and second digits of the code represent the major category:
b) The 3rd and 4th digits of the code represent the sub-category;
c) The 5th and 6th digits of the code represent the sub-category; The digit code indicates a subcategory;
dl) The 7.8th digit indicates the group:
The character "0" in the code is used to fill in the code of the higher level to achieve a unified digit length of the code in the code table, and it should not be used in other cases;
The character derivative \99"-share is used to indicate "others" f)
The coding structure is shown in the figure, and the examples of the classification of commodities in the chemical industry are shown in Appendix A3
GB/T40037—2021| |tt||The information model of bulk commodities in e-commerce transactions mainly includes information entities such as trader information, commodity information, and transaction process, among which: major categories
l) Trader information describes the relevant information of corporate legal persons participating in bulk commodity transactions, including basic information and credit information; transaction process information is the information of the entire process of bulk commodity transactions, including transaction information, delivery information and goods flow information, among which: Figure 1 Classification and Coding Structure
Commodity attribute code is an optional element, which is defined by the user. The extension principle is shown in 8.1. b) Commodity information is the subject information of bulk commodity transactions, including production information, quality information and transmission information: Users can expand the information of bulk commodities in e-commerce transactions according to actual needs when the information entities and information elements in this standard cannot meet the special needs of bulk commodities in e-commerce transactions. The extension method is shown in Chapter 8. 1) Transaction information includes listing transaction information and bidding transaction information: 2) Goods flow information includes transportation information and warehousing information. Transaction process information
The information model of bulk commodities in e-commerce transactions is shown in Figure 2. 6 Information model
Guanwu Vegetable Transfer Information
Dajing Commodity Information
Commodity Information
Trader Information
Mubei Interest
Credit Information
Brand Exchange Products
Figure 2 Bulk Commodity Information Model
7 Information Description
The description of the basic information of the trader is shown in Table 3.
7.1 Dealer Information
7.1.1 Basic Information
Zhejiang No. First
odapo yuug
seauppu Auuduos
GB/T 40037—2021
802 I 15
au saua
glucose tea mother
KaeerkAca-1Basic information
Zhejiang number first
odapo yuug
etaonpa|| tt||seauppu Auuduos
GB/T 40037 —2021
802 1./19)
sup su aipa
Kou B po||tt ||Hollaichuan
GB/T 40037202
Issue 621715
au saua|| tt||Grass Pulp Tea Mother
KaeerkAca-1Basic information
Zhejiang number first
odapo yuug
etaonpa|| tt||seauppu Auuduos
GB/T 40037 —2021
802 1./19)
sup su aipa
Kou B po||tt ||Hollaichuan
GB/T 40037202
Issue 621715
au saua|| tt||Grass Pulp Tea Mother
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