title>JB/T 8498-1996 Technical requirements for spiral blade resin sand continuous mixer - JB/T 8498-1996 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8498-1996 Technical requirements for spiral blade resin sand continuous mixer

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8498-1996

Standard Name: Technical requirements for spiral blade resin sand continuous mixer

Chinese Name: 螺旋叶片式树脂砂连续混砂机 技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1996-11-07

Date of Implementation:1997-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Processing Machinery and Equipment>>J61 Casting Equipment

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Foundry Machinery Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:National Foundry Machinery Standardization Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules for spiral blade continuous resin sand mixers. This standard applies to spiral blade continuous resin sand mixers with resin as a binder. JB/T 8498-1996 Technical requirements for spiral blade continuous resin sand mixers JB/T8498-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 8498-96
Spiral Blade Continuous Resin Sand Mixer
Technical Conditions
1996-11-07 Issued
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
1997-01-01 Implementation
This standard is formulated based on the existing technical level of spiral blade continuous resin sand mixer in my country. In order to meet the needs of domestic and foreign trade, technology and economy, it stipulates the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and other technical contents of spiral blade continuous resin sand mixer. This standard shall be implemented from January 1, 1997. Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard.
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Foundry Machinery Standardization. The drafting units of this standard are: Jinan Foundry and Forging Machinery Research Institute, Suzhou Tongli Machinery Factory. The main drafters of this standard are: Shi Daizeng and Wang Zhen. 1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Spiral Blade Resin Sand Continuous Mixer
Technical Conditions
JB/T 8498-96
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules for spiral blade resin sand continuous mixers. This standard applies to spiral blade resin sand continuous mixers with resin as binder (hereinafter referred to as mixers). 2. Referenced Standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T5226.1-1996 Electrical equipment of industrial machinery Part 1: General technical conditions GB7932-87
JB 1644-91
ZB J31 006—89
3 Technical requirements
General technical conditions for pneumatic systems
General technical conditions for foundry machinery
Technical conditions for safety protection of foundry machinery
Method for determination of noise of foundry machinery Determination and verification of sound pressure level Standard sand for foundry binder
Technical conditions for machine tool packaging
3.1 Sand mixers shall comply with the provisions of this standard and be manufactured according to the drawings and technical documents approved through the prescribed procedures. 3.2 The purchased parts used in the sand mixer shall comply with the provisions of the current standards and be accompanied by a product certificate. 3.3 Safety and Health
3.3.1 The safety protection of the sand mixer shall comply with the relevant provisions of JB5545. 3.3.2 There should be no abnormal impact sound and screaming sound when the sand mixer is running. 3.3.3 The noise of the sand mixer when running empty should not be greater than 75dB(A). 3.3.4 When the rated production rate of the sand mixer is greater than or equal to 10t/h, there should be an exhaust device at the discharge port. 3.4 The appearance quality requirements of the sand mixer shall comply with the provisions of 5.1~~5.7 and 5.8.2 in JB1644-91. 3.5 Pneumatic System
3.5.1 The pneumatic system of the sand mixer should not leak. 3.5.2 The pneumatic system of the sand mixer shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB7932. 3.6 The electrical system of the sand mixer shall comply with the provisions of GB/T5226.1. 3.7 The mass flow rate error of the raw sand delivery system should not be greater than 5%. 3.8 Resin and curing agent delivery system
3.8.1 The parts and components in the curing agent delivery system that come into contact with the curing agent should be made of corrosion-resistant materials that are compatible with the curing agent. 3.8.2 The delivery system of the resin and curing agent should not have blockage and leakage. 3.8.3 The mass flow rate error of the resin and curing agent should not be greater than 1.5%. 3.8.4 The delivery system of the resin and curing agent should have a filter device. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on November 7, 1996
Implemented on January 1, 1997
3.9 Assembly
JB/T 8498-96
3.9.1 The gap between the sand mixing blades of the sand mixer and the inner wall of the mixer shell should not be greater than 3mm. 3.9.2 The requirements for the main joint surface of the sand mixer shall comply with the provisions of 4.6 in JB1644-91. 3.10
The hardness of the wear-resistant surface of the sand mixer blade should not be less than 60HRC. 3.11 Idle operation requirements
3.11.1 The continuous idle operation time of the sand mixer should not be less than 2h. 3.11.2 The actions of each automatic and manual operating mechanism should be flexible, accurate and reliable, and the test should be repeated more than five times. 3.11.3 The working mechanisms and operating mechanisms of the sand mixer should be coordinated with each other and move smoothly. 3.11.4 The safety and sanitation of the sand mixer shall comply with the provisions of 3.3. 3.11.5 The discharge port of the sand mixer should stop steadily at any position within the effective working range, and the cantilever part should not move freely when the machine is stopped. 3.12 Load operation requirements
3.12.1 An idle operation test should be carried out before the load operation test. 3.12.2 Under the conditions of rated productivity, the continuous load operation test time should not be less than 30min. 3.12.3 The working mechanisms of the sand mixer should be coordinated, flexible, reliable and operate smoothly. 3.12.4 The temperature rise of the rolling bearing should not be greater than 35°C, and the maximum temperature should not be greater than 70°C. 3.12.5 The safety protection device of the sand mixer should be sensitive and reliable. 3.12.6 The relative error of the sand mixing uniformity of the sand mixer should not be greater than 5%. 3.12.7 After shutdown, there should be no residual sand in the sand mixer that affects the normal operation. 3.12.8 The productivity of the sand mixer should not be lower than the rated productivity. 4 Test method
4.1 Determination of noise
Under idling conditions, the noise of the sand mixer is measured according to the method specified in JB/T6331.2. 4.2 Determination of mass flow rate error of resin and curing agent a) Disconnect the raw sand conveying system, after the sand mixer starts working, adjust the resin and curing agent to 1.2% and 0.6% of the rated raw sand mass flow rate respectively, use a stopwatch to time the resin or curing agent, weigh it, and repeat the measurement five times. b) Calculate the relative error of the mass flow rate of
resin or curing agent according to formula (1). E, =
m: - mm × 100%
Where: E; - relative error of the mass flow rate of resin or curing agent;; m; - mass flow rate of each resin or curing agent, kg/sm - arithmetic mean of the mass flow rate of five resin or curing agents, kg/s. c) Determine
and take the maximum absolute value of E;, which is the relative error of the mass flow rate of the sand mixer resin or curing agent. 4.3 Determination of the error of the mass flow rate of raw sand
4.3.1 Disconnect the resin and curing agent delivery system. After the raw sand delivery system of the sand mixer works as required, use a stopwatch to time it, take no less than 50kg of raw sand respectively, and repeat the measurement five times. 4.3.2 The calculation and determination of the relative error of the mass flow rate of raw sand shall be in accordance with the provisions of 4.2b) and 4.2c). 4.4 Determination of the relative error of the uniformity of mixed sand
The determination of the relative error of the uniformity of mixed sand is shown in Appendix A (Appendix of Standard Push). 4.5 Determination of the temperature rise and maximum temperature of rolling bearings After 30 minutes of continuous load operation, use a spot thermometer to measure the maximum temperature of the bearing housing immediately, and then add a 3℃ correction value, which is the maximum temperature of the bearing. The bearing temperature rise is equal to the maximum temperature minus the ambient temperature. Inspection rules
5.1 Factory inspection
5.1.1 Each sand mixer must be inspected and qualified by the manufacturer before it can be shipped. 5.1.2 Factory inspection is carried out in accordance with 3.4, 3.5.1, 3.9.1, 3.11, and 6.3. All items should be qualified. 5.2 Type inspection
5.2.1 Type inspection should be carried out in any of the following situations: a) When new products are identified;
b) After formal production, if there are major changes in structure, materials, and processes that may affect product performance; c) When production is resumed after more than two years of suspension; d) During normal production, once every three years;
e) When the factory inspection results are significantly different from the previous type inspection results; f) When the national quality supervision agency proposes a requirement for type inspection. 5.2.2 During type inspection, 2% of each batch of products that have passed the factory inspection shall be randomly selected, but no less than one unit shall be inspected each time. The type inspection items are all the items specified in this standard. 5.2.3
5.2.4 All the type inspection items shall be qualified. 6 Marking, packaging and storage and transportation
6.1 The nameplate and label on the sand mixer shall comply with the provisions of JB1644. 6.2 The packaging of the sand mixer shall comply with the provisions of ZBJ50014. 6.3 The random technical documents of the sand mixer shall comply with the provisions of JB1644 random technical documents. 6.4 The packaging, storage and transportation of the sand mixer shall comply with 7.4 and 7.5. 3
AI process materials
a) Raw sand: particle size group is 21;
Appendix A
Determination of relative error of sand mixing uniformity
(Appendix of standard)
b) Resin: furan type, viscosity is not more than 0.1Pa·s, mass flow rate is 1.5% of the mass flow rate of raw sand; c) Curing agent: saturated aqueous solution of p-toluenesulfonic acid, mass flow rate is 50% of the mass flow rate of resin. A2 Sand sample preparation
Mix sand according to the rated production rate of the sand mixer and the specified requirements. Sampling starts from 3s after the sand is discharged. Five sand samples with a mass of 3g (accurate to 0.001g) are randomly taken each time. Sampling is carried out three times in total. The interval between each sampling is not less than 5min, and they are placed in a constant weight porcelain boat respectively. A3 Burning of sand samples
Put the porcelain boat containing each sand sample into a high temperature furnace, gradually raise the temperature to 1000-1050°C, and keep it at this temperature for 30 minutes. Take it out and place it in a dryer to cool to room temperature. Weigh the mass of each sand sample after burning (accurate to 0.001g). A4 Calculation
A4.1 Calculate the uniformity error of the sand sample containing binder at each sampling. a) The loss of binder on ignition of the sand sample is calculated according to formula (A1): Q, = mu=mi × 100% - Q.
Where: Q-the loss of binder on ignition of the sand sample at the time of the first sampling; mij
-the mass of the i-th sand sample before burning at the time of the first sampling, g; mi\-the mass of the j-th sand sample after burning at the time of the i-th sampling, g; Q. The loss of original sand, %.
b) The average burning loss of the binder in the sand sample is calculated according to formula (A2): Q: =
-the average burning loss of the binder in the sand sample at the time of the first sampling,%. Where: Q
A4.2 When the three samplings are taken, the average burning loss of the binder in the sand sample is calculated according to formula (A3): 2Q: bZxz.net
Where: Q
-the average burning loss of the binder in the sand sample at the time of the third sampling,%. A4.3 When the three samplings are taken, the relative error of the uniformity of the binder in the sand sample is calculated according to formula (A4): Q: =
X 100%
Where: Q:-the relative error of the uniformity of the binder in the sand sample at the time of the first sampling. A5 Determination
A5.1 The maximum absolute value of Q: is the relative error of the uniformity of the sand mixing machine. (A1)
A5.2 If there is any dispute over the test results, it is allowed to re-test with the standard sand specified in ZBJ31006, and the re-test results shall prevail.
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