title>JB/T 4398-1987 Rules for electronic equipment of towing vehicles - JB/T 4398-1987 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 4398-1987 Rules for electronic equipment of towing vehicles

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 4398-1987

Standard Name: Rules for electronic equipment of towing vehicles

Chinese Name: 牵引车辆电子设备规则

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1987-11-30

Date of Implementation:1988-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrician>>Electrical Equipment and Appliances>>K63 Traction Electrical Equipment

associated standards

Procurement status:nor IEC 571

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1988-07-01

other information

drafter:Chen Suijiu

Drafting unit:Xiangtan Traction Electrical Equipment Research Institute

Focal point unit:Xiangtan Traction Electrical Equipment Research Institute

Proposing unit:Xiangtan Traction Electrical Equipment Research Institute

Publishing department:National Machinery Industry Commission of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard applies to electronic equipment installed on tractor vehicles for control, regulation, protection and power supply purposes. This standard does not apply to main circuit power electronic equipment. JB/T 4398-1987 Rules for Electronic Equipment of Traction Vehicles JB/T4398-1987 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Pressing Machinery Ring Industry Standard JB/T43981987
1 Scope of application
1.1 Scope
This standard applies to installation on towing vehicles Electronic equipment used for control, regulation, protection and power supply purposes; not suitable for main circuit power electronic equipment. It is used with the following power sources: the battery on the vehicle;
low-voltage power supply (transformer, voltage divider, auxiliary power supply) directly or indirectly connected to the contact network. The dividing line between power electronic equipment and control electronic equipment is determined by the components that ensure the electrical isolation of the two parts (such as transformers, pulse transformers, etc.). These components are usually close to or inside the power electronic equipment and can be considered to belong to power electronic equipment. of. In the case of electrical isolation, the dividing line can also be defined in a similar manner. 1.2 Object
The electronic equipment to which this standard applies can equip the following types of traction vehicles; vehicles powered by high-voltage DC, rated voltage Vehicles powered by high-voltage AC of industrial frequency or special frequency between 600V and 3000V; multi-current vehicles that can be powered by the above-mentioned power supplies: vehicles with independent power supply with batteries, internal combustion engines, electric transmissions or other transmission systems vehicle. This standard also applies to electronic equipment installed on motor vehicles or distributed in trucks and buses. These rules or any part thereof may be applied to electronic equipment installed on other vehicles upon mutual agreement between the user and the manufacturer. Such as DC electric railway vehicles, mining locomotives, battery (road) vehicles, electric wheel dump trucks with a power supply voltage lower than 600V, or externally powered road vehicles (trolley buses, etc.). 2 Definitions
The definitions of terms used in this standard are derived from GB2900.35 "Electrical Terminology" and related electronic industry standards. 3 Classification of electronic equipment
should be classified as much as possible according to the type of circuit (main circuit, auxiliary circuit or pneumatic circuit) in which the electronic equipment works: main circuit equipment (main circuit breaker, tap changer, starter or brake contactor, etc.) or auxiliary circuit equipment (electro-pneumatic valve, relay, etc.) electronic device for control, detection or indication, static converter (rectifier bridge, transformer, chopper, etc.) internal transistor valve Control devices: excitation adjustment devices for rotating electrical machines (motors, generators), control devices (battery charging, heating, air conditioning devices) monitoring and safety devices (wheel slippage, voltage selection, etc.), information transmission devices (wireless telephone stations, Vehicle broadcast equipment, speed control, etc.); air (or vacuum) brake control:
other equipment (lighting inverter, etc.).
4 Conditions of use
4.1 Normal conditions of use| |tt||4.1.1 Distance
If the altitude at which the equipment operates normally is not specified, it is deemed that the altitude does not exceed 1200m. 4.1,2 Ambient temperature
If the ambient air temperature outside the towing vehicle is not specified, it is considered that the temperature is between -25°C and 40°C, and the annual average temperature does not exceed 25°C.
The ambient air temperature inside the towing vehicle (directly near the electronic components) can vary between -25°C and 70°C. However, after consultation between the user and the manufacturer, the upper limit can be set above or below 70°C according to the installation conditions and ventilation methods of the equipment. 4.1.9 Shock and vibration
If the shock and vibration endured by the electronic equipment are not specified, it can be considered that the vibration is a sinusoidal waveform, its frequency f is between 3Hz and 100Hz, and its vibration A ( Expressed in mm) expressed by the following equation
f is between 3Hz and 10Hz
f is between 10Hz and 100Hz Between
The maximum acceleration of the impact is equal to 30m/s in each of the three directions: longitudinal, transverse and vertical. When the electronic equipment is installed on the bogie or thermal engine, higher values ??may be used with mutual agreement between the user and the manufacturer. 4.1.4 Relative humidity
If the relative humidity of the external ambient air is not clearly stated, when the air temperature is lower than 40°C, the upper limit is set between 90% and 95%.
4.2 Special conditions
When the conditions of use are different from those mentioned in 4.1, special measures should be agreed upon by both the user and the manufacturer, such as when: the height exceeds 1200ml||tt ||The external ambient temperature is higher than 40
The internal or external temperature is lower than -25℃,
The maximum ambient temperature inside the vehicle is lower than or higher than 70C: high average temperature plus high air humidity, there are Thunderstorm, sand or snowstorm, oil vapor, corrosive gas and radiant heat, etc.; when installed on bogie or heat engine.
If it is necessary to test the effectiveness of these measures, a selective type test project can be established to conduct tests on the vehicle itself according to a method mutually agreed by the user and the manufacturer.
5Power supply
5.1 Powered by batteries
For equipment powered by batteries, the rated supply voltage is the voltage specified by the battery. The voltage should be preferably selected from the following values,
24, 48, 72, 110V.
5.1.1 Fluctuation of supply voltage
Except for special circumstances specified by the user, electronic equipment powered by batteries without voltage stabilizing devices should operate at all voltages between 0.7U and 1.25U Positive belt operation (here U is the rated supply voltage). Any supply voltage outside these fluctuation limits should be determined by mutual agreement between the user and the electronic equipment manufacturer. For supply voltages lower than 0.7U, all precautions should be taken to prevent any damage to electronic equipment so that it can function normally afterward.
5.1.2 Dynamic capacity of the battery
The di&t value that the battery can provide should be calculated or measured for calculation or measurement The circuit structure should be agreed upon by both the vehicle manufacturer and the electronic equipment supplier.
5.2 Powered by a transformer
The rated supply voltage of equipment powered by the secondary winding of a transformer is equal to the effective no-load voltage at the outlet of the secondary winding when the primary winding of the transformer is powered at its rated voltage. value. If an auxiliary transformer is provided between the above-mentioned secondary winding and the equipment, its rated voltage is equal to the product of the above-mentioned voltage and the transformation ratio of the auxiliary transformer. The minimum value of the voltage supplied by the circuit at maximum instantaneous load shall be notified to the manufacturer of the electronic equipment. 5.2.1 Fluctuation of power supply voltage
Except for special circumstances specified by the user (such as the use of voltage stabilizing devices), electronic equipment directly powered by AC contact lines, all power supplies between 0.7U and 1.1U It should be able to work normally under the voltage (here U is the rated supply voltage). 5.2.2 Waveform of AC voltage
Figure 1
As shown in Figure 1, immediately after the fundamental wave peak C, the first When the deviation (a-d) between the maximum value a and the minimum value d of the actual waveform of the fluctuation does not exceed 20% of the fundamental wave peak c, that is, 1a-d1≤0.2c, the waveform can be considered sinusoidal. Note: This kind of avoidance of the fundamental wave may appear at all points in the period between 0 and 360, and the waveform can pass through zero at several places in one period. 5.2.3 Fluctuation of system frequency
Unless otherwise specified, the allowable fluctuation range of system frequency is as follows: for 50Hz system, it is 49.5~50.5Hz. For other frequencies, such as the case of alternators driven by heat engines, the allowable fluctuations should be determined by mutual agreement between the user and the manufacturer.
5,3 Equipment powered by a voltage divider connected to the catenary has a rated supply voltage equal to that supplied by the voltage divider when the catenary voltage is at its nominal value Output neutral voltage.
The maximum and minimum values ??of the voltage output by the voltage divider under maximum instantaneous load should be notified to the electronic equipment manufacturer. 5.3.1 Fluctuation of power supply voltage
When the power supply voltage is directly related to the DC catenary voltage, its upper and lower limits should comply with the changes in the system power supply (see GB999 DC power traction voltage series".||tt| |For information on communication contact network, see Chapter Powered by a rotating unit or a static converter 3
When the electronic equipment is powered by a stable power supply, a rotating motor-generator set with a regulator, or a static converter, its supply voltage The variation limit, frequency and waveform of this voltage should be determined through consultation between the user and the manufacturer. 6 Allowable surge voltage
Allowable surge voltage (non-repetitive, that is, the intermittent time is greater than 5000 times the surge time) instantaneous surge to the zero potential of the power supply applied at the connection point between the electronic equipment and the external circuit When the maximum amplitude of the surge voltage is the following value, the electronic equipment should be able to withstand it and should not be damaged: the ear can function normally. U=7kV
Smell D= when passing by 0.1μs
Elapsed time n=1,9μs
Elapsed time D=5.0μs
Elapsed time D=50μs
Elapsed time D=100μs
For design purposes, its waveform can be considered as shown in Figure 2. If the electronics are not grounded, this voltage is measured relative to the vehicle body. 7 Installation
The installation and layout of equipment on the vehicle should be decided through joint consultation between the electronic equipment manufacturer, the vehicle manufacturer and the user. Regarding the location and installation method of electronic equipment on the vehicle, it should be able to work properly even when the vehicle is in operation and is often exposed to snow (especially powdery snow) and dust.
In addition, the operation of electronic equipment should be unaffected by electromagnetic fields inside the vehicle as well as vibrations, shocks and collisions. Where possible, the power supply to the equipment should be from a separate electrical conductor, connected as directly as possible to the power supply, and this conductor should be used only to power electronic circuits.
To the extent possible, electronic equipment should be installed to minimize external electrical interference. If one pole of the vehicle battery is grounded through the chassis, it is up to the user to inform the electronic equipment manufacturer. If the electronic equipment that are directly connected to each other is supplied by several manufacturers, the user and each electronic equipment manufacturer should jointly negotiate to determine a reference potential.
8 Short-circuit protection
The power supply should have its own short-circuit protection, and the protection type adopted shall be agreed upon by both the user and the manufacturer. 9 Testing
It is reasonable to conduct experiments that require high cost only when necessary. Most of the test projects recommended in this standard can be carried out normally in the factories of electronic equipment manufacturers. 9.1 Types of tests
There are three types of tests: type tests, inspection tests and research tests. The differences between these three types of tests are explained below. 9.1,1 Type testing
Type testing is conducted to verify whether the product meets the requirements (technical conditions) negotiated and specified between the user and the manufacturer. Type testing should be conducted on a single product produced according to certain design and manufacturing procedures. If the entire set of electronic equipment or its individual components is identical to or similar to one that has been tested before, and the manufacturer can provide a valid type 4
type test report, the content shall be can meet the contract requirements. In this case, if there is an agreement, it is not necessary to repeat these tests on the unit. According to the agreement between the user and the manufacturer, samples can sometimes be taken from the products being produced or delivered. On the samples Some or all of these tests are repeated to verify that the quality of the product still meets specified requirements. Selective type test items (see Article 9.2) will only be carried out when expressly stipulated in the contract. 9.1.2 Inspection test
The inspection bending test is conducted to verify that the performance of the product is consistent with the results measured in the type test. In principle, it should be conducted with the manufacturer on each complete set of products of the same type. After mutual agreement between the user and the manufacturer, the user can also take out samples during the manufacturing process to verify the results of the product test. 9.1. Research tests
Research tests can be arranged according to the special requirements of users or manufacturers. The purpose of this test is to obtain additional information on the use of electronic equipment and is only carried out when expressly provided for in the contract. The results of the research silk test are not grounds for rejecting the product. 9.2 Project Test
The test items and quoted regulations on the entire set of electronic devices are shown in Table 1. Wrapping 1
performance test
dielectric strength test
surge voltage test
temperature cycle test||tt| |High temperature test (dry heat)
High temperature test (damp heat)
Test in corrosive atmosphere 1)
Dust , Comprehensive test of moisture and heating 1
Hold, impact and magnetic density test 1)
Ice cellar resistance test 1)
Type test
9.8,1|| tt||9.2.2
9.2.7||tt| |9,2.8
Check Test
0.2.1||tt ||0.2.2
Note: ① Before conducting the above tests, the printed circuit board must undergo the following inspections and tests: Visual inspection of soldering on all boards, No.
Research test|| tt | | 9.2.5 | | tt | | 9.2.9 | When it is so large that it is not suitable for the temperature test and vibration test equipment of the manufacturer, the user and the manufacturer will 2
make provisions to decompose the equipment into sub-assemblies with respective functions. When performing extreme temperature tests, possible interactions between subassemblies must be considered. When vibration tests are conducted on sub-assemblies, care must be taken to retain the function of the demand reduction device. For electronic devices produced in small quantities, the type test sequence should be determined through consultation between the user and the manufacturer. 1) It is a selective test project.
9.2.1 Performance tests
The entire electronic device, or its sub-assemblies if necessary (see 9.2), shall be subjected to all performance tests to verify whether these performances meet the technical conditions.
The measurement should be carried out when the ambient temperature of the test area is 25±10°C. 9.2.2 Dielectric strength test
is carried out on the assembled printed circuit board (samples taken according to Note ① of Article 9.2). The purpose of this test is to prevent components from being installed too close to the surrounding Metal parts. When conducting the test, the circuit board should be connected in a working condition. A sinusoidal AC test voltage with a nominal frequency of 50 Hz is applied for 1 min between the metal frame of the electronic device and all terminals of the shorted circuit board. For circuit boards with metal brackets, the test voltage should be carried out between all sockets of the short-circuited pins and the metal bracket. The effective value of the test voltage shall be: 500V for rated supply voltage up to and including 72V, and 1000Y for rated supply voltage between 72V and 125V.
There should be no breakdown or flashover during the test.
For the installation of printed circuit boards (which itself consists only of a frame and connections). The dielectric strength test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of JB2286 & Basic Technical Conditions for Traction Electrical Appliances. For components of electronic circuits directly connected to medium-voltage or high-voltage circuits, the insulation strength test shall also be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB2286: and the protective devices provided shall be taken into account.
9.2.8 Surge voltage test
The surge voltage specified in Article 6 should be applied to all terminals connecting the electronic equipment to the external circuit (the connection method may also be magnetic coupling), Surge voltages are likely to occur in these locations and damage equipment. The surge voltage waveform is determined by Figure 2.
Fig. 2
The equipment should be in operation when surge voltage is applied. Surge voltage should be applied in two directions, positive and negative. When electronic equipment is connected to a power source, the RF voltage should be superimposed on the existing normal supply voltage. Unless the user and the manufacturer agree otherwise, the waveform parameters shall be as follows: U=1.5kV±3%
D=50μ5±20%, impedance is 100±20% (resistive) for the convenience of testing, The waveform in Figure 2 can be replaced by the waveform in Figure 3. Corresponds to 1 above.The waveform parameters of 5kV50us are as follows, U=1.8kV±3%
The impedance is 1009±20% (resistive)
This waveform can be generated by the circuit shown in Figure 4. The specified waveform is obtained when the output end of the surge voltage generator is not connected to a load. After the test, if the electronic equipment is not damaged and it is confirmed that the equipment operates normally during the test, the test can be considered qualified. 6
9.2.4 Low temperature test
0.| |tt||Ci
Figure 3
Figure 4
Ro=1002||tt ||Ci=13uFR2=52 or C,=5μFR,=132
The electronic device does not apply any voltage Place it in the test box (room), so that the box (indoor temperature) gradually decreases from the ambient temperature (25±10°C) to -25°C or reaches the agreed minimum temperature (see Article 4.2), and the elapsed time is equal to or greater than half hours. The device is maintained at a low temperature of minimum temperature (deviation ±3°C) for 2 hours. This period is calculated from the time when the temperature inside the thermal insulation box (room) (measured by several thermometers) is consistent. At the end of the period, keep the equipment at low temperature for performance testing (see Article 9.2.1) 9.2.5 High temperature test (dry heat)
Place the electronic device in the test box (room) under normal power supply , so that the temperature of the box (room) gradually rises from the ambient temperature (25±10℃) to 70℃, or reaches the agreed maximum temperature (see 4.2 and 4.1.2). The temperature tolerance is ±2C. The time is equal to or greater than half an hour.
The electronic device is maintained at this temperature for 6 hours. This period is calculated from the time when the overflow in the test chamber (measured by several thermometers) is consistent. |tt||Performance tests are performed at the end of this period in order to determine the ultimate temperature that causes irrecoverable failure or damage to the equipment. As a research test, a test may be performed (in accordance with 7
During the test, the user and the manufacturer agree to specify the temperature and test time). The above can try to determine another limit temperature of the equipment failure. When the temperature decreases, this failure can be automatically eliminated, 9.2. .6 High temperature test (damp heat)
The electronic device is placed in the test box (room) without applying voltage, so that the temperature in the box (room) rises from the ambient temperature (25 ± 10°C) to 55 ±2℃, the elapsed time is between 1.5h and 2.5h, and the relative temperature is between 80% and 100%, and then maintained at a temperature of 55±2℃ and a sample humidity of 95% to 100%. 10h. At the end of this period, the temperature is reduced to ambient temperature (25±10°C) for 3h while the relative temperature is maintained between 80% and 100%: after this period, performance tests and dielectric strength tests are performed. Only when the temperatures in the test chamber (room) measured by several thermometers are consistent (with a deviation of ±2 within the ambient temperature range) can these tests be started. 9.2. Tests in corrosive atmospheres (such as Salt chip) The salt spray test on electronic equipment is subject to the following limitations: the salt spray test is not suitable as a general corrosion test. If this test still needs to be carried out due to special circumstances, the following method is recommended. The device should be tested under the conditions required for use (e.g. it should be equipped with protective oxygen), and the equipment should be placed as close as possible to the actual conditions of use. Scissors
The solution for making salt spray is to dissolve 50 ± 1 gram of sodium fluoride (NaC1) used for analytical reagents in distilled or soft water, and finally make a volume of 1 at 20t The pH value of a 0.02 liter solution should be between 6.5 and 7.2, otherwise the solution cannot be used. The temperature of the solution and air used to create the salt spray should be equal to the temperature of the test chamber. 9.2,7.2 Test procedure
During the test, the temperature in the test chamber should be maintained at 35±2℃. During the entire test period, the test chamber should remain closed and the spray of salt solution should be continuous and uninterrupted. The duration of the test shall be specified to be suitable for the intended purpose and shall be carried out in accordance with the agreement between the user and the manufacturer. At the end of the test. The equipment is first rinsed with tap water for 5 minutes, then rinsed in distilled water, shake off water droplets by hand, and stored for 1 to 2 hours under standard atmospheric conditions in the test area. Thereafter, the ground components undergo a visual inspection, followed by necessary measurements and verifications to check their correct operation. 9.2.8 Comprehensive test of dust, moisture and heating. Place the electronic device in operation in the test box (room) with a relative humidity of 80% to 100%, and place the inside of the box (room) within 1.5h to 2.5h. The temperature is determined by the environment
bar) and its temperature deviation is +2℃. | | tt | Specified) sprayed electronic equipment. The quantity and application method shall be determined by consultation between the user and the manufacturer. At the end of this test, performance tests and insulation strength tests shall be carried out. | |tt|| Complete sets of electronic equipment or sub-assemblies (see 9.2), together with accessories and mounting accessories (including shock-absorbing facilities, if the device is designed to be installed on such facilities) shall be under the environmental conditions of the test area, in Three mutually perpendicular directions are subjected to the tests of the following 9.2.9,1 to 9.2.9,3. When conducting these tests, the equipment shall be fastened to a suitable position on a vibration table that generates sinusoidal vibration and can adjust the amplitude and frequency. Determine the resonance frequency
In order to determine the critical frequency of resonance that can be generated, the frequency should be gradually changed from 3Hz to 100Hz in no less than 4 minutes, and the amplitude of the vibration should be as described in Article 4.1.3. is a function of frequency. If resonance occurs, maintain the corresponding frequency for several minutes in each case for confirmation. Continuous perturbation test
The equipment in motion is subjected to the following continuous vibration test. , its duration shall be negotiated by both the user and the manufacturer, but shall not be less than 8
2), the temperature tolerance is ±2C, and the elapsed time is equal to or greater than half an hour.
The electronic device is maintained at this temperature for 6 hours. This period is calculated from when the overflow in the test chamber (room) (measured by several thermometers) is consistent.
Perform performance testing at the end of this period. In order to determine the extreme temperature that causes irreversible failure or damage to the equipment, as a research test, a consultation test can be carried out (in accordance with 7
temperature and test time). During the test, you can try to determine another limit temperature for equipment failure. When the temperature decreases, this failure can be automatically eliminated. 9.2.6 High Temperature Test (Damp Heat)
The electronic device will test it without applying voltage. Place it in the test box (room), so that the temperature in the box (room) rises from the ambient temperature (25±10°C) to 55±2°C. The elapsed time is between 1.5h and 2.5h, and the relative temperature is between Between 80% and 100%. Then maintain it for 10 hours at a temperature of 55±2°C and a relative humidity of 95% to 100%. At the end of this period, the temperature is allowed to drop to ambient temperature (25 ± 10°C) for 3 hours while the relative temperature remains between 80% and 100%: after this period, performance tests and dielectric strength tests are carried out. Only start these tests when the temperatures in the test chamber (room) measured by several thermometers are consistent (the deviation is ±2 within the ambient temperature range). 9.2. Conducting salt spray test on electronic equipment in corrosive atmosphere (such as salt chip) is subject to the following limitations: Salt spray test is not suitable as a general corrosive test. If this test still needs to be carried out due to special circumstances, the following method is recommended. The device should be tested under the conditions required for use (e.g. it should be equipped with protective oxygen), and the equipment should be positioned as closely as possible to the actual conditions of use. Scissors
The solution for making salt spray is to dissolve 50 ± 1 gram of sodium fluoride (NaC1) used for analytical reagents in distilled or soft water, and finally make a volume of 1 at 20t The pH value of a 0.02 liter solution should be between 6.5 and 7.2, otherwise the solution cannot be used. The temperature of the solution and air used to create the salt spray should be equal to the temperature of the test chamber. 9.2,7.2 Test procedure
During the test, the temperature in the test chamber should be maintained at 35±2℃. During the entire test period, the test chamber should remain closed and the spray of salt solution should be continuous and uninterrupted. The duration of the test shall be specified to be suitable for the intended purpose and shall be carried out in accordance with the agreement between the user and the manufacturer. At the end of the test. The equipment is first rinsed with tap water for 5 minutes, then rinsed in distilled water, shake off water droplets by hand, and stored for 1 to 2 hours under standard atmospheric conditions in the test area. Thereafter, the ground components undergo a visual inspection, followed by necessary measurements and verifications to check their correct operation. 9.2.8 Comprehensive test of dust, moisture and heating. Place the electronic device in operation in the test box (room) with a relative humidity of 80% to 100%, and place the inside of the box (room) within 1.5h to 2.5h. The temperature is determined by the environment
bar) and its temperature deviation is +2℃. | | tt | Specified) sprayed electronic equipment. The quantity and application method shall be determined by consultation between the user and the manufacturer. At the end of this test, performance tests and insulation strength tests shall be carried out. | |tt|| Complete sets of electronic equipment or sub-assemblies (see 9.2), together with accessories and mounting accessories (including shock-absorbing facilities, if the device is designed to be installed on such facilities) shall be under the environmental conditions of the test area, in Three mutually perpendicular directions are subjected to the tests of the following 9.2.9,1 to 9.2.9,3. When performing these tests, the equipment shall be fastened to a suitable position on a vibration table that generates sinusoidal vibration and can adjust the amplitude and frequency. Determine the resonance frequency
In order to determine the critical frequency of resonance that can be generated, the frequency should be gradually changed from 3Hz to 100Hz in no less than 4 minutes, and the amplitude of the vibration should be as described in Article 4.1.3. is a function of frequency. If resonance occurs, maintain the corresponding frequency for several minutes in each case for confirmation. Continuous perturbation test
The equipment in motion is subjected to the following continuous vibration test. , its duration shall be negotiated by both the user and the manufacturer, but shall not be less than 8
2), the temperature tolerance is ±2C, and the elapsed time is equal to or greater than half an hour.
The electronic device is maintained at this temperature for 6 hours. This period is calculated from when the overflow in the test chamber (room) (measured by several thermometers) is consistent.
Perform performance testing at the end of this period. In order to determine the extreme temperature that causes irreversible failure or damage to the equipment, as a research test, a consultation test can be carried out (in accordance with 7
temperature and test time). During the test, you can try to determine another limit temperature for equipment failure. When the temperature decreases, this failure can be automatically eliminated. 9.2.6 High Temperature Test (Damp Heat)
The electronic device will test it without applying voltage. Place it in the test box (room), so that the temperature in the box (room) rises from the ambient temperature (25±10°C) to 55±2°C. The elapsed time is between 1.5h and 2.5h, and the relative temperature is between Between 80% and 100%. Then maintain it for 10 hours at a temperature of 55±2°C and a relative humidity of 95% to 100%. At the end of this period, the temperature is allowed to drop to ambient temperature (25 ± 10°C) for 3 hours while the relative temperature remains between 80% and 100%: after this period, performance tests and dielectric strength tests are carried out. Only start these tests when the temperatures in the test chamber (room) measured by several thermometers are consistent (the deviation is ±2 within the ambient temperature range). 9.2. Conducting salt spray test on electronic equipment in corrosive atmosphere (such as salt chip) is subject to the following limitations: Salt spray test is not suitable as a general corrosive test. If this test still needs to be carried out due to special circumstances, the following method is recommended. The device should be tested under the conditions required for use (e.g. it should be equipped with protective oxygen), and the equipment should be placed as close as possible to the actual conditions of use. Scissors
The solution for making salt spray is to dissolve 50 ± 1 gram of sodium fluoride (NaC1) used for analytical reagents in distilled or soft water, and finally make a volume of 1 at 20t The pH value of a 0.02 liter solution should be between 6.5 and 7.2, otherwise the solution cannot be used. The temperature of the solution and air used to create the salt spray should be equal to the temperature of the test chamber. 9.2,7.2 Test procedure
During the test, the temperature in the test chamber should be maintained at 35±2℃. During the entire test period, the test chamber should remain closed and the spray of salt solution should be continuous and uninterrupted. The duration of the test shall be specified to be suitable for the intended purpose and shall be carried out in accordance with the agreement between the user and the manufacturer. At the end of the test. The equipment is first rinsed with tap water for 5 minutes, then rinsed in distilled water, shake off water droplets by hand, and stored for 1 to 2 hours under standard atmospheric conditions in the test area. Thereafter, the ground components undergo a visual inspection, followed by necessary measurements and verifications to check their correct operation. 9.2.8 Comprehensive test of dust, moisture and heating. Place the electronic device in operation in the test box (room) with a relative humidity of 80% to 100%, and place the inside of the box (room) within 1.5h to 2.5h. The temperature is determined by the environment
bar) and its temperature deviation is +2℃. | | tt | Specified) sprayed electronic equipment. The quantity and application method shall be determined by consultation between the user and the manufacturer. At the end of this test, performance tests and insulation strength tests shall be carried out. | |tt|| Complete sets of electronic equipment or sub-assemblies (see 9.2), together with accessories and mounting accessories (including shock-absorbing facilities, if the device is designed to be installed on such facilities) shall be under the environmental conditions of the test area, in Three mutually perpendicular directions are subjected to the tests of the following 9.2.9,1 to 9.2.9,3. When performing these tests, the equipment shall be fastened to a suitable position on a vibration table that generates sinusoidal vibration and can adjust the amplitude and frequency. Determine the resonance frequency
In order to determine the critical frequency of resonance that can be generated, the frequency should be gradually changed from 3Hz to 100Hz in no less than 4 minutes, and the amplitude of the vibration should be as described in Article 4.1.3. is a function of frequency. If resonance occurs, maintain the corresponding frequency for several minutes in each case for confirmation. Continuous perturbation test
The equipment in motion is subjected to the following continuous vibration test. , its duration shall be negotiated by both the user and the manufacturer, but shall not be less than 8
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