title>HG/T 2702-1995 Expandable (KZ) type packer rubber cartridge for oil and gas fields - HG/T 2702-1995 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 2702-1995 Expandable (KZ) type packer rubber cartridge for oil and gas fields

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2702-1995

Standard Name: Expandable (KZ) type packer rubber cartridge for oil and gas fields

Chinese Name: 油气田用扩张(KZ)式封隔器胶筒

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1995-05-05

Date of Implementation:1996-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Rubber and plastic industry >> 83.140 Rubber and plastic products

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Rubber Products and Auxiliary Materials>>G43 Rubber Seals

associated standards

alternative situation:HG 4-1421-81

Publication information

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Introduction to standards:

HG/T 2702-1995 Expandable (KZ) Packer Rubber Cylinder for Oil and Gas Fields HG/T2702-1995 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Expansion (K) type packer rubber cartridge for oil and gas
Subject content and scope of application
Replaces HG 4-1421-81
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of expansion (KZ) type packer rubber cartridges for oil and gas fields.
This standard is applicable to expansion (KZ) type packer rubber cartridges for stratification testing, water injection, acidizing and fracturing in oil and gas fields. 2 Reference standards
GB/T528 Determination of tensile properties of vulcanized rubber and thermoplastic rubber GB/T531 Test method for Shore A hardness of vulcanized rubber GB/T1690 Test method for carboxyl resistance of vulcanized rubber GB/T3512 Test method for hot air aging of rubber GB/T 5721
General provisions for marking, packaging, transportation and storage of rubber sealing products GB/T7759 Determination of permanent deformation of vulcanized rubber under constant deformation at room temperature and high temperature HG/T2701 Compression (YS) type packer rubber sleeve for oil and gas fields 3 Terms
3.1 Expansion pressure
The pressure at which the outer diameter of the rubber sleeve expands to the specified size in the free state (without casing). 3.2 Eccentricity
The deviation of the axis of the rubber sleeve from the axis of the casing caused by the uneven internal structure of the rubber sleeve in the process of sealing the annular space.
3.3 Protrusionwww.bzxz.net
The phenomenon that the shoulder of the rubber cylinder is squeezed into the annular space in the sealing annular space. 4 Classification
4.1 Product code
The code of the expansion (KZ) type packer for oil and gas fields is composed of its outer diameter, working temperature and working pressure difference. Example:
90.5 —30
-Working pressure difference, MPa
Working temperature (×10℃)
-Outer diameter of rubber cylinder, mm
Expansion type packer rubber cylinder
Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on May 5, 1995 and implemented on January 1, 1996
HG/T 2702 - 9s
4.2 Category
Expansion (KZ) type packer rubber tube is classified according to the working temperature and working pressure difference, see Table 1. Table 1
4.3 Type and size
Working temperature,
T working pressure MPa
4.3.1 Type: The expansion (KZ) type packer rubber tube is composed of rubber material, frame material and metal pipe head. Its type is shown in Figure 1
2-Frame Frame layer, 3—rubber layer
Meeting pipe head;
4.3.2 Size: The size of the expansion (KZ) type packer rubber sleeve shall comply with the provisions of Figure 2 and Table 2. Figure 2
w Type
Rubber sleeve code
KZ 113-9-50
Kz 139-5- 50
5 Technical requirements
The physical properties requirements of the rubber material shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. 3
Tensile strength, MPa
Batch elongation, %
Hardness, Shore A
Hot air aging, 90℃×24hChange in elongation. % whole, constant source × 241 accumulation change rate, %
compression permanent deformation, type B, %
The performance requirements of the finished product shall comply with the provisions of Table 4 5.2
M 72×3
M 60 × 3
Not less than
Not less than
Not greater than
Not greater than
Rubber code
Kz 139-5-50
5.3 Appearance quality
Expansion performance
Not more than
Expansion pressure
Not more than
HG / T 2702 —95
MPax min
50 × 5
25 × 5
50 ×5
not more than
not more than
not more than
Labor performance
Verification casing
Adaptation casing
124 ~ 127
5.3.1 There shall be no cracks, splits or exposed fabric on the surface of the rubber sheet. The holes, rubber materials and skeleton materials are not allowed to delaminate. 5.3.2 The surface of the rubber sheet is not allowed to have defects exceeding the limits specified in Table 5. Table 5
Defect name
Joint decay marks
Test method
6.1 Appearance
The length is not greater than 2mm, the width is not greater than 1mm, the height or depth is not greater than 0.5mm, and no more than 2 places. The length is not greater than 2mm, the height or depth is not greater than 0.5mm, and no more than 3 places. The depth of the inner surface joint marks is not greater than 0.5mm, the width is not greater than 1mm, and the length is unlimited. The skeleton material is not allowed to be exposed when the rubber is missing at both ends. The depth of the rubber missing within the inclined surface is not greater than! mm, and the total area is not greater than 0mm. Visual inspection is used.
6.2 Size
Measure with a measuring tool with a graduation value of 0.05mm. 6.3 Test methods for physical properties of rubber materials 6.3.1 Tensile strength and elongation at break shall be in accordance with GB/T528. 6.3.2 Determination of hardness shall be in accordance with GB/T531. (3.3 Hot air aging shall be in accordance with GB/T3512, wet compounding in ground water shall be in accordance with HG/T2702-95. 6.3.5 Compression set shall be in accordance with GB/T7759. 6.4 Finished product performance test shall be in accordance with Appendix A. |tt||7 Inspection rules
7.1 Rubber materials
Rubber materials for production shall be fully inspected in accordance with the provisions of Table 3. If the monthly usage is less than 10 batches, the inspection shall be carried out once a month. If the monthly usage is more than 10 batches, the inspection shall be carried out not less than times a month. If one of the inspection results is unqualified, double the sample shall be taken for re-testing. If it is still unqualified, the item shall be temporarily changed to be inspected batch by batch until it stabilizes, and then normal inspection can be resumed. 7.2 Product performance
7.2.1 The rubber cylinder shall be no more than 300 pieces. One batch, 3 samples are randomly inspected in each batch. 7.2.2 Expansion and pressure resistance performance
Among the 3 samples, 1 sample is allowed to have an expansion pressure higher than the specified index, but not more than 20% of the specified index; 1 sample is allowed to have a core greater than the specified index, but not more than 1mm; 1 sample is allowed to have a protrusion higher than the specified index, but not more than 3mm. Otherwise, double samples should be taken for retesting of unqualified items. If they are still unqualified, the batch of products is unqualified.
7.2.3 Fatigue performance | |tt||After the fatigue test, if all three samples meet the standard requirements, the batch of products is qualified. If all three samples do not meet the standard requirements, the batch of products is unqualified. If one or two of the three samples do not meet the standard requirements, then take 2 or 4 samples for retest. If all the retested samples meet the standard requirements, the batch of products is qualified. Otherwise, the batch of products is unqualified. 7.3 Appearance of finished products
Should be checked piece by piece,
7.4 Product size
Should be measured piece by piece.
Marking. Packaging, transportation and storage
Marking, packaging, transportation and storage shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T5721. A1 Test equipment
HG/T 2702 — 95
Appendix A
Expansion (KZ) type rubber cartridge finished product performance test method (supplement)
A1.1 Test pump and corresponding packer steel body, A1.2 Pressure gauge, with an accuracy of 1.5 level, and the range is selected according to the test pressure, A1.3 Through caliper and steel ruler
A2 Test specimen
Before the test, the specimen must be parked at room temperature (18-28℃) for more than 4h. A3 Test conditions
The temperature for expansion, pressure resistance and fatigue performance tests is Room temperature, pressurized medium is clean water, A4 test procedure
A4.1 Expansion performance test
A4.1.1 Assemble the packer and record the original data of the rubber tube, A4.1.2 Pressurize the center hole tube with a small displacement. When the outer diameter of the rubber tube expands to the specified outer diameter, record its expansion pressure, A4.2 Pressure resistance performance test
Put the casing short section on the packer correctly, add the working pressure difference from the center tube, stabilize the pressure for 3 times, measure the eccentricity value at both ends of the casing, and calculate the eccentricity value according to formula (A1).
Where: AL--maximum eccentricity, mm;
Lmaximum clearance, mm;
Lminimum clearance, mm.
After the rubber tube is stabilized for a specified time, the pressure is released, the sleeve is removed, and the maximum protruding length of the rubber tube shoulder is measured (measured from the end of the steel bowl). After 5 minutes of recovery, the residual deformation of the rubber tube shoulder is measured again. The residual deformation is calculated according to formula (A2), W—.
Where: A@-—residual deformation, %;
--outer diameter of the shoulder of the rubber tube after the test, mm;. —Outer diameter of shoulder before rubber cylinder test, mИA4,3 Fatigue performance test
After the expansion and pressure resistance test, the rubber cylinder is properly put on the casing short joint, and then pressurized by the central pipe. The fatigue pressure difference of the fracturing rubber cylinder is the working pressure difference plus 20MPa, and the fatigue pressure difference of the water injection rubber cylinder is twice the working pressure difference. Each time the pressure is stabilized for 5 minutes, the pressure is released until winter, and it is restored for 5 minutes. This is repeated until the specified fatigue times (no jamming, no leakage). Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Northwest Rubber Products Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by Tieling Rubber Products Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Yan Xinglin, Zhao Wanrong, Zhang Yeqiang, and Cao Yuanli. The original standard HG4-1421-81 "Expandable Packer Rubber Cylinder for Oil and Gas Fields" issued by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China will be invalid from the date of implementation of this standard.
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