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Carbon monoxide Detecors

Basic Information

Standard ID: JJG 915-2008

Standard Name:Carbon monoxide Detecors

Chinese Name: 一氧化碳检测报警器检定规程

Standard category:National Metrology Standard (JJ)

state:in force

Date of Release2008-12-22

Date of Implementation:2009-06-22

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:General>>Metrology>>A61 Chemical Metrology

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces JJG 915-1996

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2009-06-22

other information

drafter:Cai Jianhua

Drafting unit:Shanghai Institute of Metrology and Testing Technology

Focal point unit:National Environmental Chemical Metrology Technical Committee

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:National Environmental Chemical Metrology Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

This regulation applies to the initial verification, continuous verification and in-use inspection of carbon monoxide detection alarms (hereinafter referred to as instruments) for detecting carbon monoxide gas concentrations in non-mine working environments. Instruments can be divided into instruments for continuous measurement and instruments for discontinuous measurement. JJG 915-2008 Verification Regulation for Carbon Monoxide Detection Alarms JJG915-2008 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This regulation applies to the initial verification, continuous verification and in-use inspection of carbon monoxide detection alarms (hereinafter referred to as instruments) for detecting carbon monoxide gas concentrations in non-mine working environments. Instruments can be divided into instruments for continuous measurement and instruments for discontinuous measurement.

1 Scope (1)
2 Overview (1)
3 Metrological performance requirements (1)
3.1 Measuring range (1)
3.2 Indication error (1)
3.3 Repeatability (1)
3.4 Response time (1)
General technical requirements (1)
4.1 Appearance (1)
4.2 Inspection of alarm function and alarm setting value (2)
5 Control of measuring instruments (2)
5.1 Verification conditions (2) 5.2 Verification
items (2)
5.3 Verification method (2)
5.5 Calibration cycle (4) Appendix
A Carbon monoxide detection alarm calibration record (5)
Appendix B Inner page of calibration certificate (6)
Appendix C Inner page of calibration result notice (7)

Some standard content:

National Metrology Verification Regulation of the People's Republic of China JIG.915
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
2008 12 ~ 22 Issued
2009 06 - 22 Implementation
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine·Issued JJG915—2008
Verification Regulation of
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
JJG 915---2008
Replaces JJG915--1996
This regulation was approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on December 22, 2008, and took effect on June 22, 2009.
Responsible unit: National Technical Committee for Metrology of Environmental Chemistry Drafting unit: Shanghai Institute of Metrology and Testing Technology Participating drafting unit: Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. This regulation entrusts the National Technical Committee for Metrology of Environmental Chemistry to be responsible for the interpretation of this regulation. Main drafters;
3JG 5-2008
Cai Jianhua (Shanghai Institute of Metrology and Testing Technology) Participating drafters:
Wang Xiaoyan (Shanghai Institute of Metrology and Testing Technology) Chen Lan (Shanghai Institute of Metrology and Testing Technology) Zhu Xinren (Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.) 1
3"Metrological performance requirements
Measurement application
3.2Indication error
3.4Response time
4General technical requirements
JJG 915—2008
4.2 Inspection of alarm function and alarm setting value 5 Control of measuring instruments-
Verification conditions
5.2 Verification items….
5.3 Verification methods….
5.4 Processing of verification results
Verification cycle-
Appendix B
Appendix C
-Verification record of carbon dioxide detection alarm
Inside page of verification certificate
Inside page of verification result notice
1 Scope
JIG 915—208
Carbon Monoxide Detection Alarm Calibration Procedure
This procedure is applicable to the initial calibration, subsequent calibration and in-use inspection of carbon monoxide detection alarms (hereinafter referred to as instruments) for detecting carbon monoxide gas concentrations in non-mining working environments. Instruments can be divided into continuous measurement instruments and non-continuous measurement instruments. 2 Overview
The instrument is mainly composed of a sensor plus electronic components and a display part. The sensor converts carbon monoxide gas in the environment into an electrical signal, which is then processed by electronic components and displayed as a concentration value. According to the sampling method, the instrument can be divided into quasi-dispersion type and suction type. 3 Metrology performance requirements
3.1 Measurement range
(0~2 000)μmol/mol.
3.2 Indication error
Absolute error: ±5μmol/mol;
Relative error: ±10%,
It is sufficient to meet the above.
3.3 Repeatability
3.4 ​​Response time
Diffusion type ≥60s:
Absorption type ≤30%.
3.5 Drift
3.5.1 Zero drift: 3umol/mol. 3.5.2 Range drift: ±5%.
General technical requirements
4.1 Appearance
4.1.1 The instrument shall be marked with the name of the manufacturer, instrument model and number, manufacturing date, manufacturing license mark and number of the measuring instrument, and the accessories shall be complete: and the instruction manual shall be attached. 4.1.2 The display of the instrument shall be clear and complete. Each regulator component should be able to work normally, and each fastener should not be loose. 4.1.3 The instrument should not have any external damage that affects its normal operation. The coating of the newly manufactured instrument should not have obvious color scratches and peeling, and the joints of each component should be flat. 4.1.4. Diffusion instruments should be equipped with special label covers. 1
4.2 Inspection of alarm functions and alarm setting values ​​JJG915—2008
4.2.1 After the instrument is turned on, the sound or light alarm should display normally. 4.2.2 Check the alarm setting value of the instrument.
4.2.3 If the instrument is set with more than two alarm setting values, mainly check the lower limit alarm setting value of the instrument. 5 Measuring instrument control
The measuring instrument control of the instrument includes initial verification, subsequent verification and in-use inspection. ENE
5.1 Verification conditions
: 111Ambient temperature: (0GS7OH
5.1.1 Verification environment conditions Relative humidity: ≤8# There should be no electromagnetic interference that affects the normal operation of the instrument. 5.1.2 Verification equipment Gas standard material
Cyclone gas standard material (
monoxide in air
hereinafter referred to as standard gas), its expanded uncertainty should not be greater than 2.0% (k=2). Zero point gas
High purity nitrogen (purity not less than 99.999% Flow rate Controller
The flow controller consists of two gas flow meters, as shown in Figure 1. The gas flow meter range is:
(0~1000)mL/min, and the accuracy level is not less than level 4. Stopwatch:
Resolution ≤0.1S.
5.2 Verification items
Verification items are shown in the table
Verification items
Alarm concentration value
Alarm function
Indication error
Response time
First verification
List of verification items
Continuous verification
Note: 1 "+" means items to be inspected, "-" means items that can be inspected Items not to be inspected 2 After the instrument has been repaired and its main components have been replaced, it should be inspected in accordance with the requirements for the initial inspection 5.3 Inspection method
5.3.1 Appearance
Use visual inspection and hand feel method in accordance with the requirements of 4.1. 2
Inspection during use
5.3.2 Adjustment of the instrument
Preheat and stabilize the instrument and adjust the zero point and indication according to the requirements of the instrument manual When calibrating the instrument, connect the standard gas, flow controller and the instrument to be inspected as shown in Figure 1. Use the flow controller to control the flow of the standard gas according to the sampling method of the instrument to be inspected. When calibrating a diffusion instrument, the flow rate should be based on the requirements of the instrument manual. If the instrument manual does not clearly require If the requirement is met, it is generally controlled within the range of (200 ± 50) mL/min: When calibrating the suction instrument, it must be ensured that the bypass flowmeter in the flow controller has a flow discharge flow controller
flow controller inlet
tested instrument
standard gas
5.3.3 Alarm setting value and alarm function inspection instrument startup stability, pass a concentration of about
instrument alarm lower limit
5.3.4 Indication value
Pass the flowmeter
1.5 times the instrument alarm
set value, record
(lower limit)
set value and observe whether the instrument sound or light alarm
is normal. For the instrument
, pass the first calibration and subsequent calibration with a concentration of about
in turn. Use zero gas to adjust the zero point of the instrument, and use standard gas with 1.5 times the instrument alarm lower limit) setting value, 30% of the upper limit of the measurement range, and 70% of the upper limit of the measurement range. Record the actual reading of the instrument after the gas is passed through and repeat the measurement. Record the instrument display value A respectively. According to formula and 4, take the 4 with the largest absolute value. Sum
(1) and formula (2
half calculate the indication difference of the instrument at the three concentration test points as the indication error of the instrument.
Where: 4.
Relative error
A—Absolute error
A—The arithmetic mean of the instrument reading values ​​at the three concentration test points: LOH
A,·Concentration value of standard gas
For the inspection of the instrument during use, the instrument's set value should be determined first, and the concentration should be selected to be approximately 1.1 times the standard gas is good and the zero point and indication are adjusted. After the standard gas is passed in, record the display value of the instrument, measure 3 times, and calculate the indication error of the instrument according to formula (1) or formula (2). 5.3.5 Repeatability
Use zero point gas to adjust the zero point of the instrument, pass in standard gas with a concentration of about 70% of the upper limit of the measurement range, and after the reading is stable, record the instrument display value A. Repeat the above measurement 6 times, and the repeatability is expressed as the relative standard deviation of a single measurement. Calculate the repeatability S of the instrument according to formula (3): 1
>(A, -A)2
Where: A,--instrument reading value;
JJG 915--2008
A-the arithmetic mean of the instrument reading value;
n--the number of measurements (n=6).
5.3.6 Response time
For the first calibration and subsequent calibration of the instrument. Use zero gas to adjust the zero point of the instrument, pass standard gas with a concentration of about 70% of the upper limit of the measuring range, remove the standard gas after reading the stable value, pass zero gas until the instrument stabilizes, then pass standard gas with the above concentration, and use a stopwatch to record the time from the moment the standard gas is passed to the time when the instrument displays 90% of the stable value. Repeat the measurement three times, and take the average of the three measurements as the response time of the instrument. For the in-use inspection of the instrument. While checking the indication error of the instrument in use, calibrate the response time of the instrument. Measure twice and take the average value as the response time of the instrument. 5.3.7 Drift
After passing zero gas until the instrument stabilizes, record the instrument display value A, then pass standard gas with a concentration of about 70% of the upper limit of the measuring range. After the instrument stabilizes, record the reading Am, and remove the standard gas. The non-continuous measurement instrument runs continuously for 1 hour: repeat the above steps every 15 minutes. The continuous measurement instrument runs continuously for 4 hours, repeat the above steps every 1 hour, and record the instrument display values ​​A and A (i=1, 2, 3, 4). Calculate the zero drift according to formula (4) and take the △ with the largest absolute value as the instrument's zero drift value. A = A - Ax
Calculate the range drift according to formula (5) and take the △ with the largest absolute value as the instrument's range drift value: Au = (A -A)=(An-A2 × 100%
5.4 Handling of verification results
Instruments that pass the verification according to the provisions and requirements of this regulation shall be issued with a verification certificate; instruments that fail the verification shall be issued with a verification result notice and the first day of failure shall be noted. 5.5 Verification cycle
The verification cycle of the instrument is 1 year.
If there is any doubt about the test data of the instrument or the instrument has been replaced with a major component or repaired, it should be sent for inspection in time. Appendix A
Inspection unit
Instrument model
Manufacturer Manufacturer
Calibration environment temperature
Standard gas uncertainty
Appearance and functional inspection
Indication error
Standard gas concentration value
East value 1
Standard gas concentration value
Response time
Standard gas concentration value
Zero point value
Surplus value
Zero point shift:
Calibration conclusion
JJG 915—2008
Calibration record of carbon monoxide detector
Measuring range
Instrument No.
Observation: □Normal; Others
Sound and light alarm: Normal: Others
Alarm concentration value:
Value 1
Indication 3
Indication 2
Average value
Indication 3
Absolute error/(μmol/mol)bzxz.net
Indication 4
Indication 5
Response time measurement value/s
Range drift:
Calibration period
Relative error/%
Indication value 6
Response time
Appendix B
Calibration items
Alarm concentration value
Alarm function
Indication error
Response time
Zero drift
Range drift
JJG 915—2008
Inside page of calibration certificate
Technical requirements
Calibration results
Result judgment
Appendix C
Calibration items
Alarm concentration value
Alarm function
Indication error
Ring time
Zero drift
Current drift
Instrument failure items:
Inside page of calibration result notice
Technical requirements
Calibration results
Result judgment5 Calibration cycle
The calibration cycle of the instrument is 1 year.
If there is any doubt about the test data of the instrument or the instrument has replaced major components or been repaired, it should be sent for inspection in time. Appendix A
Inspection unit
Instrument model
Calibration environment temperature
Uncertainty of standard gas
Appearance and functional inspection
Indication error
Standard gas concentration value
East value 1
Standard gas concentration value
Response time
Standard gas concentration value
Zero point value
Surplus value
Zero point shift:
Calibration conclusion
JJG 915—2008
Calibration record of carbon monoxide detector
Measuring range
Instrument No.
Observation: □Normal; Others
Sound and light alarm: Normal: Others
Alarm concentration value:
Value 1
Indication 3
Indication 2
Average value
Indication 3
Absolute error/(μmol/mol)
Indication 4
Indication 5
Response time measurement value/s
Range drift:
Calibration period
Relative error/%
Indication value 6
Response time
Appendix B
Calibration items
Alarm concentration value
Alarm function
Indication error
Response time
Zero drift
Range drift
JJG 915—2008
Inside page of calibration certificate
Technical requirements
Calibration results
Result judgment
Appendix C
Calibration items
Alarm concentration value
Alarm function
Indication error
Ring time
Zero drift
Current drift
Instrument failure items:
Inside page of calibration result notice
Technical requirements
Calibration results
Result judgment5 Calibration cycle
The calibration cycle of the instrument is 1 year.
If there is any doubt about the test data of the instrument or the instrument has replaced major components or been repaired, it should be sent for inspection in time. Appendix A
Inspection unit
Instrument model
Calibration environment temperature
Uncertainty of standard gas
Appearance and functional inspection
Indication error
Standard gas concentration value
East value 1
Standard gas concentration value
Response time
Standard gas concentration value
Zero point value
Surplus value
Zero point shift:
Calibration conclusion
JJG 915—2008
Calibration record of carbon monoxide detector
Measuring range
Instrument No.
Observation: □Normal; Others
Sound and light alarm: Normal: Others
Alarm concentration value:
Value 1
Indication 3
Indication 2
Average value
Indication 3
Absolute error/(μmol/mol)
Indication 4
Indication 5
Response time measurement value/s
Range drift:
Calibration period
Relative error/%
Indication value 6
Response time
Appendix B
Calibration items
Alarm concentration value
Alarm function
Indication error
Response time
Zero drift
Range drift
JJG 915—2008
Inside page of calibration certificate
Technical requirements
Calibration results
Result judgment
Appendix C
Calibration items
Alarm concentration value
Alarm function
Indication error
Ring time
Zero drift
Current drift
Instrument failure items:
Inside page of calibration result notice
Technical requirements
Calibration results
Result judgment
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.