This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking and packaging of marine flange cast steel stop check valves (hereinafter referred to as stop check valves) with flange connection dimensions in accordance with GB/T 569 and GB/T 2501. This standard applies to stop check valves for ship piping systems. GB/T 585-1999 Marine flange cast steel stop check valves GB/T585-1999 Standard download decompression password:
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ICS 47. 020. 30 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T585-1999 Marine flanged cast steel stop check valves Marine rast steel flanged stop check valves1999-04-15 Issued 1999-12-01 Implementation National Quality and Technical Supervision Commission issued GB/T5B5—1999 This standard is a revision of GB/T585-19996 marine flanged cast steel stop check valve and GB/T1116881989 marine flanged cast steel stop check valve (four-position). The flange connection dimensions specified in this standard are in accordance with GB/T 660 and GB/T 2501. The flange equivalent to GB/T 2501 adopts ISO2084. The junction length equivalent adopts ISO5752, which meets the needs of building export licenses. According to the flange end of GB/T250I, the specification has been expanded. After the revision, PN1.0 MPa, nominal diameter is DN 200, DN 250 and DN 3001. For the original PN1.6 MPa, nominal diameter is increased / DX 175, DN 200 and DN 250. This standard is effective from now on, and replaces GB/T555-1976, GB/T11698:1983, CBM49-1981, CBM 52-1981, CBM 55-1981, CBM 58-1981, CBM 50-1981. This standard was proposed by China State Shipbuilding Corporation. This standard is owned by the 601 Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation. The unit of this standard is Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Corporation. The main drafters of this standard are: Weng Shigong, Qiu Jinquan, Guo Peixian, and Mai Xiang. 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Marine cayt steel flanged stop rheck valves Marine cayt steel flanged stop rheck vaves GB/T 585—1999 Daishan GB/T 35—1976 GB/T 11688 1989 This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking and packaging of marine cayt steel flanged stop rheck valves (hereinafter referred to as stop rheck valves) of GB/T569 and GB/L2501. This standard applies to the check valves of the ship's general system. ? Referenced Standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised. The parties using this standard should discuss the currency of the following standards. GB/5-1965 Seat connection dimensions and sealing surface for marine use GB/T G00--1991 General technical conditions for marine pipelines GB/T 2501-1989 Marine flange connection dimensions and sealing surface (four-digit) GB/T3032-1989 Marking of marine general pipeline accessories GR/T 11698-1989 Structural length of marine flange-connected metal valves CB/T 3927--1S99 Wall thickness of marine castings 3 Product classification 3.1 The types of stop valves are specified as follows: Type A: - Flange connection dimensions are in accordance with GB/T 569 straight-through double stop check valve: B type -. Flange connection dimensions according to GBT569 right-angle stop check valve: AS type · · Flange connection dimensions according to GB/T2501 true-through stop positive return valve; flange connection dimensions according to GB/T 2501 right-angle stop check valve, BS diameter 3.2 Basic parameters of stop check valves are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Basic parameters of stop check valves Nominal pressure PN State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision 1999- 04 - 15 Approved nominal diameter N 65~150 125--150 65--100 20~-50 200--30n 1G0-250 20~150 65--100 200-55 Nearby media: water, lubricating oil, sugar oil and temperature not exceeding 300°C; fresh water, oil, fuel oil and steam with a temperature not exceeding 400°C; washing water, dispersant oil, tender oil and resistance not exceeding 300°C; fresh water, lubricating oil, fuel oil and liquid with a temperature not exceeding 400°C; 1999-12-01 implementation: GB/T585 1999 3.3: PV1.0, 1.6 and 2.5 MPa. The structure and basic dimensions of A-type and B-type stop check chambers are shown in Figure 1, Figure 2 and Table 2. DN20~~50 Figure 1A type, AS type stop check valve (DN20~150) Table 2 Figure 2B type, BS type stop check valve (DN20~150) PV1.0.PN1.6 and PN2.5MP A type. B type stop check valve basic dimensions structural size Type A type 125!400 M111180 Type A type B type 14.712.7 GB/T 585—1999 3.4PN4.0 and PN6.4MPa A, B type stop check valve structure and basic dimensions see Figure 3, Figure 4 and Table 3, DN205 Figure 3A type AS stop check valve Figure 4B type, BS type load-carrying check valve Table 3PN4.0 and PN6, 4MPa A, B type stop check valve basic dimensions nominal nominal joint dimensions F30334 3.5PN4.0, PN1.6 and PN2.5MPa AS For the structure and basic dimensions of the AS and BS positive check valves, please refer to Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Table 4 (DN20~150 see Figure 1 and Figure 2; DV175~300 see Figure 5 and Figure 6). Nominal GH/T 585 -- 1999 Figure 5AS positive check valve (DN175--310) Figure 6S positive check valve (DN173~-300) Table 4 Basic dimensions of AS and BS positive check valves with PN1.0, PN1.6 and PN2.5MPa! ASBSES 150480 390!115 625547 2171203 115765 M: 6250 M21360 M211 595 3h : I | 24 50 1 :3 m: u24 216 31.2:32.0 55.6:61.4 11.5±4.2 1721. 8 20. 6 26.7124.6 3. 4 37. 5 59. 9 57, 1 CB/T 585—1999 3.6PV4.C and PN6. 4MPa AS type BS type cut-off stop The structure and basic dimensions are shown in Figure 3, Figure 4 and Table 5. Table 5 FN2. 5 and PN6. 4MPa AS type, 13S type cut-off, stop The basic dimensions of the nominal nominal Force diameter [145109374115 190 : 5503 : 40: 28C 31436:391:15 166415 1175 243,113 272 + 363 + 5 304 251155 310! 30 50: 300| 150354323 15: 3.7 mark indicates 085 115 t22 04110] 3:105119 235/190:158250/130 15511078 1 50 66 1701258860176| |tt||81801351027288 M21%250 39. $42. 4 IM20 |280 24 1 23 [33.350. 10. a! g, ?| |tt||[123 11 9 12. 8 11.9 11 $21,4/20.3 13|27.c25.6 Nominal pressure is 2.5 MPa, nominal diameter is 50 mm = single benefit, slow speed, etc., in accordance with CB/T 559 The true through-type ship is used in the casting pin and the certificate is correct. The load stop and return A25050GB/T585-1999 is used. The nominal pressure is 1: 0 MPa, and the nominal diameter is 2[i1 t1 , flange connection dimensions conform to GB/T 2501 true angle marine standard heat stop: technical requirements of BS10900 G3/585-19994 4.1 End The mathematical requirements for positive rounds are based on LFR/T 600.4.2 Please refer to the fee for some important materials for review during the quarter. Main parts of the stopper: Material: Part name: Sealing plate: FNS2.5 M1: PN4. MPa Casting under high carbon solution 4.3 The flange connection dimensions for the end-stop shall be in accordance with the specifications of GB/569, GB/T25014.4AS type and BS type. Distance, stop: The average length of the return joint is in accordance with GB/T 11638, 4.5 and the remaining width of the stop is in accordance with (R3927. Material 230-4A1r HiCNigFi HIXr13| |tt||31T $72 -398 /T 599 -1988 GB/I 1220 - 1092 GB/T 18357H5 5Test methods and inspection rules GB/T 585 5.1 Test methods and inspection rules for stop check valves are in accordance with GB/T6005.2 Type inspection and factory inspection items are shown in Table 7. 1999 Table 7 Stop check valve Items of valve type inspection and factory inspection Determination of mechanical properties of parts Appearance Hydraulic pressure test of valve surface Hydraulic pressure test of sealing |tt||Each stop valve shall be inspected item by item in Table 7 before leaving the factory. 5.3 Marking and packaging The marking of the stop valve shall comply with GB/T3032. The packaging of the return valve is in accordance with GB/T600. Special CB 772 regulations Conforms to the regulations of GB/T600 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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