title>GB/T 17846-1999 Electric bilge pumps for small boats - GB/T 17846-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 17846-1999 Electric bilge pumps for small boats

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 17846-1999

Standard Name: Electric bilge pumps for small boats

Chinese Name: 小艇 电动舱底泵

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-08-31

Date of Implementation:2000-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Shipbuilding and offshore structures >> 47.080 Small vessels

Standard Classification Number:Ship>>Ship Equipment>>U37 Small Ship Equipment

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 17846-2009

Procurement status:idt ISO 8849:1990

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:2004-04-16

other information

Release date:1999-08-31

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:China State Shipbuilding Corporation Seventh Institute No. 708

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Small Boat Standardization

Publishing department:State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision

competent authority:China State Shipbuilding Corporation

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the requirements for electric bilge pumps used to remove bilge water from small boats. This standard applies to direct current (dc) electric bilge pumps with a rated voltage less than 50V. GB/T 17846-1999 Electric bilge pumps for small boats GB/T17846-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

1CS _47.080
t: 37
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 17846-1999
idt ISO 8849:1990
Snaill craft Electrically operated bilge pumps1999-08-31 Issued
2000-06-01 Implementation
Issued by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision
W.GB/T 17846—1999
This standard is equivalent to ISO8849:1990 Small craft Electrically operated bilge pumps.
This standard is proposed by China State Shipbuilding Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the 708th Institute of the 7th Research Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation. This standard was drafted by: 708th Institute of the Seventh Research Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, 601st Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation. The main drafters of this standard are: Li Zhensheng, Lin Dehui, Zhang Jisheng, Luo Chunyan. W.bzsosocomCE/T 17846---1999
ISO Foreword
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) worldwide. The work of preparing international standards is carried out by ISO technical committees. Any member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to participate in the technical committee. Governmental or non-governmental international groups in contact with ISO may also participate in this work. ISO works closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (FEC) on all subjects of electrotechnical standardization. The international standard documents adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting before being accepted as international standards by the ISO Council. According to the ISO constitution, at least 75% of the members shall vote for the standard to be effective. International Standard ISO8849 was prepared by the Technical Committee IS0/FC188. W.bzsosocom1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Small craft-Electriealty operated bilge-pumps
Small craft-Electriealty operated bilge-pumps This standard specifies the requirements for electric bilge pumps used to discharge bilge water from small craft. This standard applies to direct current (dc) electric bilge pumps with a rated voltage of less than 50V. 2 Referenced Standards
GB/T 17846--1999
The provisions contained in the following inscriptions constitute the provisions of this standard by reference in this standard. At the time of publication of this standard, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB/T17726—1999 Protection of small boat electrical installations against ignition of surrounding flammable gases (idtISO8846:1990) 3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Automatic automatic pump
Equipped with a sensing device to start and stop at a predetermined liquid level. 3.2 Ignition-protect CD device An installation that complies with the requirements of G/T 17726.
3.3 Nominal voltages
DC voltages commonly used on boats, such as 6.12, 24 and 32V. 3.4 Non-submersible pump Non-submersible pump designed to work on water.
3.5 Submersible pump Gubmergible pump
A pump designed to work completely immersed in water. 4—General requirements
4.1 Bilge pumps should be designed to run continuously at 120% of the nominal voltage, at which point the pump will consume the least amount of power within the recommended characteristic range.
4.2 Bilge pumps and devices for converting bilge pumps to automatic operation should comply with the anti-ignition requirements of GB/T17726. 4.3 The rated value of the bilge pump should be the pumping capacity in psi per minute or hour achieved at 0 kPa and 10 kPa still water. The pumping capacity of the bilge pump should be determined by measuring the pump at the nominal voltage. 4.4 Bilge pumps should be equipped with facilities to tighten them to a minimum. 4.5 Materials used in the manufacture of bilge pumps intended to come into contact with seawater shall be: a) selected or coated to be corrosion resistant;
6) electrochemically compatible;
Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on August 31, 1999 and implemented on June 1, 2000bZxz.net
c) resistant to corrosion caused by volatile oil (gasoline), oil and diesel and cleaning agents. 4.6 Submersible pumps shall be provided with filters or other means to prevent the entry of waste into the suction of the pump. Suction filters and screens shall be designed so that they can be cleaned
4.7 Each bilge pump shall be accompanied by an installation and operating manual. There shall be a circuit diagram next to it, indicating the normal position of each conductor and including the control switches in the circuit and the shield grounding (if applicable). For bilge pumps without integral protection, the recommended overcurrent protection shall be stated. The installation instructions should require that remotely mounted pumps be fitted with filters or other means to prevent debris from entering the pump suction. 4.8 Bilge pumps should be capable of operating at their design voltage for at least 7 hours without risk of fire, or should be provided with means integral to the pump system to automatically cut off the supply to prevent risk of fire. 5 Electrical requirements
5.1 The bilge pump should be of the two-wire type, with both the live and return wires insulated from the motor and the pump's external terminals. 5.2 The conductors used to connect the power supply should be of a relatively high strength copper wire. 5.3 If the bilge pump is provided with leads from an external motor, the specifications of these leads should comply with the requirements for the power they transmit and their nominal cross-section should not be less than 1mm, except where these leads are routed in a sheath, in which case the nominal cross-section may be 0.8mm. The insulation of the conductors should be suitable for use in tidal locations. 5.4 The submersible system should have a watertight electrical connection. It is recommended that a section of watertight cable be used at some of the connections so that the pump and power supply can be connected above the normal bilge water level.
5.5 For non-submersible pumps, if external terminals are provided, these terminals shall be designed or protected to prevent short circuits caused by accidental contact with conductive objects.
5.6 Metal parts in the pump that may come into contact with bilge water may be sources of stray currents and they shall be provided with grounding means. 5.7 The following measures shall be taken to prevent the bilge pump from being in a continuous stalled state. Full-turn overcurrent protection:
Overcurrent protection in the circuit whose value is sufficient to protect the bilge pump motor; able to withstand rotor rotation for 7 hours at an ambient temperature of 60°C, with a surface temperature not exceeding 150°C and no signs of scorching, burning or melting.
5.8 The bilge pump shall be able to withstand a voltage of 500V for 1 minute without a leakage current exceeding 1mA. This test voltage shall be applied between the current-carrying parts and the non-current-carrying metal parts. If the system is internally grounded, the grounding wire shall be disconnected for the purpose of this test. 5.9 Automatic bilge pumps shall be provided with manual override switches. 6 Marking
6.1 The bilge pump shall be permanently and clearly marked with at least the following: - the name or trademark of the manufacturer or special mark; type identification;
year of manufacture (which may be a code):
electrical rating in volts (V) and amperes (A), or in volts (V) and watts (W). 6.2 GB/T17846 (idtISO8849) and "Marine\ sample" shall be marked in an appropriate manner to indicate that the bilge pump complies with this standard. W
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