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China standard book number

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 5795-1986

Standard Name:China standard book number

Chinese Name: 中国标准书号

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Implementation:1987-01-01

Date of Expiration:2002-08-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A19 Editing, Publishing

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 5795-2002

Procurement status:ISO 2108-1978 IDT

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:1987-01-01

other information

Introduction to standards:

The purpose of this standard is to use a unique worldwide standard identification code for each version of each book published by a publisher registered in China, so that the use of computers or other modern technologies for book trade management and information exchange can be more efficient and reliable, and to create convenient conditions for the classification, statistics, and sales and display of books. GB/T 5795-1986 China Standard Book Number GB/T5795-1986 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
The purpose of this standard is to use a unique worldwide standard identification code for each version of each book published by a publisher registered in China, so that the use of computers or other modern technologies for book trade management and information exchange can be more efficient and reliable, and to create convenient conditions for the classification, statistics, and sales and display of books.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
China standard book number
China standard book number
UDC 389.6 (51)
The purpose of this standard is to provide a worldwide unified identification code for each version of each book published by a publishing house registered in the country, so as to achieve higher efficiency and reliability in the trade management and information exchange of books using counters or other modern technologies, and to create convenient conditions for the classification, statistics and sales display of books. 1 Structure of Chinese Standard Book Number
A Chinese Standard Book Number consists of two parts: an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and a book classification number. The International Standard Book Number (ISN) is the main body of the Chinese Standard Book Number and can be used independently.
1.1 Structure of International Standard Book Number (ISBN) The International Standard Book Number consists of ten digits divided into the following four sections: The first section is a group number
The second section is the publisher number
The third section is the book serial number
The fourth section is the verification code
1.1.1 Group number: The group number is the code for a country, region, language or other organization group. It is compiled by the International ISBN Center (lnternationalISBN aenc) distribution. [National group number is a single digit "7. 1.1.2 Publishing house number: China's national standard book number is carefully assigned. The number of digits varies depending on the number of books published by the applying publishing house. For the setting of publishing house numbers, please refer to Chapter 2 of this standard.
1.1.3 Book serial number: The publishing house is responsible for the distribution. The number of digits L of the book serial number of each book published by each publishing house is fixed. The calculation formula is as follows:
L=9 (number of group numbers + number of publishing house numbers) (1)
1.1.4 Check code: It is the tenth digit of the internal standard book number. Its value (the sum of the first digits of the foreign standard book number (C→C) weighted by 10 to 2 in turn and calculated according to formula (2) with 11 as the modulus: ZC ×(11-1), 11)
Cu =1- MoDs
武: MOD—…remainder function.
When the MO function value is 1 (C=10), the code is represented by ×; when the MO function value is (C=11), the code is still represented by .
1.2 Structure of book classification and sub-number
Book classification and sub-number consists of two parts: the classification number of the subject to which the drawing belongs and the sub-number, separated by a period ",". For example: A +125
TP 301 Etc.
1.2.1 Classification number: It is assigned by the publisher according to the subject category of the book and the basic categories of "Chinese Library Book Classification Method". Industrial technology books are assigned by grade (see Appendix A). Therefore, this code is 1 to 2 Chinese characters. 1.2.2 Sub-number: It is the serial number of different books with different classification numbers published by the same publishing house, and is assigned by the publisher. Issued by the National Bureau of Standards on 19860116
1987 01-01 Implementation
The maximum number should not exceed the number of the first paragraph of the international standard book number (see 1.1.3). 2 Setting of publisher numbers
In order to meet the needs of publishers applying for Chinese standard book numbers in a fairly long historical period, and to allocate publisher numbers that are suitable for their publishing volume to each publisher, this standard has developed the following setting table for the segment range of publisher numbers: Length of publisher number
2 digits
3 low digits
4 low digits
5 digits
6 low digits
Printing and storage format of Chinese standard book numbers Publisher number example
00 - 09
500 7999
Publishing house number
The Chinese standard book number should be on the copyright page and the back cover (or dust jacket) of the book. The international standard book number should be preceded by 1SBN, and the four parts of the book number (group, publishing house, book serial number, check code) should be connected by a hyphen. For example: ISBN 7-01---134069-6
The international standard number and the classification number should be separated by a half-line or a slash. For example:
ISBN7—144-11316—×/TP:1(64The font of the Chinese Standard Book Number should not be less than 13th grade typesetting (new size 5): or:
When storing the ISBN part of the Chinese Standard Book Number in a computer, the ISN and hyphen can be omitted in the corresponding field, such as: 701140696, to save storage space. When reading this compressed form of the number from the computer, the publisher number segment listed in Chapter 2 of this standard can be used. Model setting table, print ISBV segment format. A
Appendix A
List of categories adopted in the "Chinese Library Book Classification System" (supplement))
Marxism, Leninism, Mao Yangdong Thought and Philosophy
General Social Sciences
Politics, Law
Culture, Science, Education, Sports
Language, Writing
History, Geography
General Natural Sciences
Mathematical Sciences and Chemistry
Astronomy, Earth Sciences||tt| |Biological sciences
Medicine, health
Agriculture, forestry
General introduction to professional technology
General 1 professional technology
Additional notes,
Mining engineering
Petroleum, natural gas industry
Metallurgy, metal technology
Machinery, funeral industry
Weapons industry
Power engineering
Electrical technology
Radio electronics, telecommunications technology
Automation technology, computing technology
Chemistry Education
Light industry, handicraft
Architectural science
Water conservancy engineeringbzxZ.net
Aerospace. Space flight
Environmental science
Comprehensive books
The structure of the international standard book number of this standard is exactly the same as the provisions of the international standard 1S02108-1978 "Documentation work - International Standard Book Number (ISBN)".
This standard was proposed by the Seventh Branch of the National Technical Committee for Documentation Standardization. This standard was drafted by the "Book Number" Drafting Group of the Seventh Branch. The main drafters of this standard are:
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.