JB/T 7697-2001 This standard is a revision of JB/T 7697-1995 "Technical Conditions for Metal Cooling Fans for Bulldozers". During the revision, product models and specifications, process detection of magnetic flaw detection of fan blades were added; the test methods and inspection rules for technical indicators such as noise were supplemented. This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, and storage of metal cooling fans for construction machinery. This standard is applicable to metal cooling fans for construction machinery with an outer diameter greater than 600mm. This standard was first issued in 1995, and this is the first revision. JB/T 7697-2001 Technical Conditions for Metal Cooling Fans for Construction Machinery JB/T7697-2001 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
ICS53.100 Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T7697-2001 Metal cooling fan for construction machinery Technical conditions Construction machineryTechnical specificationsforall-metaltypecoolingfan 2001-04-03Promulgated China Machinery Industry Federation 2001-10-01Implementation JB/T7697-2001 Compared with JB/T7697-1995 "Metal Cooling Fan for Bulldozer 7697-1995", the main technical contents have been changed as follows: - Added the models and specifications of fan products; Added the detection process of magnetic flaw detection of fan blades; - Supplemented the test methods of fan disc sound, weight wind speed and driving power; Supplemented the content of inspection rules and adjusted the AQL value; Technical conditions". The name of the standard is changed to "Technical specifications for all-metal type cooling fan for construction machinery". This standard replaces JB/T7697-1995 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and managed by the Mechanical Industry Engineering Machinery Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is similar to JB/T. The responsible drafting units of this standard are: Tianjin Engineering Machine Plate Research Institute, Shanghai Fengdie Engineering Machinery Parts Factory. The main drafters of this standard are: Yang Chengshan, Xu Xiangshan, Xi Rongting. This standard was first issued in 1995, and this is the first revision. Scope Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Metal Cooling Fan for Construction Machinery Technical Conditions ConstruetionmachineryTechnical specificationsfor all-metal type cooling fanJB/T7697-2001 Replaces JB/T7697-1995 This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging and storage of metal cooling fans for construction machinery. This standard applies to metal cooling fans for engineering machinery with an outer diameter greater than 600mm (hereinafter referred to as fans) 2 Cited standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T 700—1988 GB/T2828-1987 JB/T 59461991 JB/T51007—1992 Product classification Carbon structure Batch inspection counting sampling procedure and sampling table (applicable to continuous batch inspection) General technical conditions for engineering machinery painting Reliability test method, fault classification and evaluation of crawler bulldozers Fan classification See Table 1, Figure 1 and Figure 2. According to the structure According to the air flow direction Double tray fan Double tray fan with fan selection Forward type fan Reverse type fan Approved by China Machinery Industry Federation on April 3, 2001 Implemented on October 1, 2001 a) Double tray fan Rotation direction Air flow direction a) Forward type fan JB/T7697-2001 1-front and rear support plates; 2-blade selection; 3-blades Figure 1 Classification by structure b) Double support plate with blade feeding fan Rotation direction Air flow direction b) Reverse fan Figure 2 Classification by air flow direction (facing the diesel engine fan end) 3.2 Product marking method 3.2.1 The product marking consists of the following parts.口口口口 Standard number Airflow direction code Location hole diameter, mm Outer diameter, mm Structural type code Product name 3.2.2 Marking example JB/T7697-2001 The marking of the metal cooling fan for engineering machinery with double pallet and selection structure, outer diameter 870mm, positioning hole diameter Φ160mm, and positive airflow direction is: Fan FSD870×160ZJB/T7697—20014Technical requirementswwW.bzxz.Net The fan assembly shall comply with the provisions of this standard and be manufactured according to the product drawings and technical documents approved by the prescribed procedures. 4.1 The positioning hole size of the fan and the static balance of the air room shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 2. 4.2 Fan outer diameter D Location hole size d Static balance Bolt hole diameter 4×413 6×Φ13 6×Φ13.5 6×Φ13.5 The fan blades and support plates are made of carbon structural steel, and their mechanical properties shall comply with the provisions of GB/T700. Bolt hole center diameter d 4.4The surface of the fan blades, feeder plates and support plates shall be smooth and flat, and shall not have defects such as cracks, rust, burrs, etc. 4.5The surface of the fan support plate shall be shot peened, and no transverse scars are allowed. One longitudinal scar with a length not exceeding 2mm and a width not exceeding 0.3mm is allowed. 4.6The riveting of the fan blades, feeder plates and support plates shall be firm and shall not be loose. 4.7 The fan assembly should be treated with anti-rust treatment, and then coated with anti-rust paint and topcoat, and comply with the provisions of JB/T5946. 4.8 When the fan outer diameter is less than or equal to 800mm, the fan's axial runout is 2.5mm, and when the fan outer diameter is greater than 800mm, the fan's axial runout is 3.0mm. 4.9 The installation angle deviation of the fan blade is ±1°4.10 The noise value of the fan assembly, the weight wind speed before the radiator and the driving power shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. 2 Fan outer diameter Fan speed Fan assembly reliability operation 1000h without failure. 5 Test method JB/T7697-2001 ≤100 ≤100 ≤105 ≤105 ≤110 ≤110 ≤115 ≤115 5.1 The appearance quality, marking and packaging of the fan shall be inspected by visual inspection. Weight Wind speed kg/(m2·s) Infant power 5.2 The dimensional accuracy, position accuracy and installation angle of the fan blades shall be inspected by general measuring tools and special measuring tools. The static balance of the fan shall be measured in a static balance test on a special test bench. 5.3 5.4 Flaw detection Magnetic flaw detection shall be carried out at the blade root of the fan. 5.5 Noise test 5.5.1 Test equipment The noise test device, measuring instruments and measuring points of the fan shall comply with the provisions of Figures 3 and 4. The measuring positions are LI and L in the single fan state: LI and Ly in the combined fan state. 5.5.2 Measuring points The noise is measured at the fan speed corresponding to the engine. The fan speed can be selected from the equation 200×n (n=1, 2, 3..). Representation of measurement results The measurement value adopts A sound level, recorded as dB(A): The measurement results are shown in Figure 5. 5.6 Weight wind speed test The weight wind speed test of the fan can be carried out at the same time as 5.5. 5.6.1 5.6.2 The test device, measuring position and measuring instruments shall comply with the provisions of Figure 6. 4 5.6.3 The measuring points shall comply with the provisions of 4.5.2. JB/T 76972001 5:6.4 Read the wind speed (m/s), find the average of the measured values, and then calculate the weight wind speed. The value shall be expressed in accordance with the provisions of Figure 5. 5.7 Driving power test 5.7.1 The driving power test of the fan can be carried out simultaneously with 5.5. 5.7.2 The measuring points shall be in accordance with the provisions of 5.5.2. 5.7.3 The measured value is the product of the indicated value of the dynamometer and the fan speed. The value shall be expressed in accordance with the provisions of Figure 3. 5.8 Reliability test The reliability test of the fan can be carried out simultaneously with the relevant tests of JB/T51007. Measuring positions L,, Ly, L,The height is The center height of the fan Radiator protection device Radiator surface ratio Radiator recommendation Wind guide wing Figure 3 Noise test device Noise analyzer Figure 4 Recorder 6 Inspection rules 6.1 Factory inspection Jintong Jiajiajiahui Jingshang Shang DC dynamometer JB/T7697-2001 Wind island combination Wind period monomer Fixed point 50 F20014001600 18002000122002400 2600Fan speed Figure 5 Measurement result ( 050[= ) SL1× 9 6 ×170 (1020 Location of wind speed measurement point Figure 6 Weight wind speed test Each fan must be inspected and qualified by the inspection department of the manufacturer before it can leave the factory. The inspection items include the fan's overall dimensions, fan positioning hole diameter, fan assembly static balance, fan blade installation angle deviation and surface quality. 6.2 Type inspection 6.2.1 Sampling plan and inspection level The fan type inspection items shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 4. Sampling inspection shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T2828, using a secondary sampling plan, A For Class C and Class B non-conformities, the general inspection level III shall be used; for Class B non-conformities, the special inspection level S-2 shall be used, see Table Inspection batch N Generally, the inspection batch N is 51~90. 6.2.3 Sampling plan JB/T7697—2001 The sampling plan shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 4, or determined by negotiation between the supply and demand parties. During the inspection, if the number of non-conformities for each item is equal to or less than the corresponding qualified judgment number (Ac), the batch of products shall be accepted, otherwise rejected. Table 4 Unqualified categories Class A unqualified Class B unqualified Class C unqualified 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage Inspection items Diameter of positioning hole during wind period Outer diameter of fan Static balance of wind room assembly Fan disc sound Driving power Weight Wind speed Installation angle deviation of south wind blade Reliability End face runout of wind room blade Fan Position of bolt holes Surface quality Rust prevention measures Each fan should be marked with the manufacturer's name or trademark, product model and standard number. 7.1 Inspection level General inspection level II Special inspection level S-2 General inspection level II 7.2Each fan must be cleaned and treated with rust prevention before packaging, and then packed in a box with a fixed device. The box should be accompanied by a certificate of conformity signed by the inspector of the manufacturer's quality inspection department and a packing list. 7.3The outer surface of the box should be marked with: a) Product name and model: b) Manufacturer's name and address, zip code: c) Quantity and total weight; d) "Handle with care", "Moisture-proof", "Pressure-proof" and other words or symbols: e) Packing date. 7.4 The packed fans should be stored in a ventilated and dry warehouse. Under normal storage conditions, the manufacturer should ensure that the fans will not rust within 12 months from the date of leaving the factory. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.