This standard is equivalent to ISO8099:2000 "Wastewater Collection System for Small Boat Toilet" (English version). This standard specifies the design, manufacture and installation requirements of temporary sewage collection (for subsequent treatment) systems. This standard applies to small boats with a hull length of no more than 24m. GB/T 11686-2002 Wastewater Collection System for Small Boat Toilet GB/T11686-2002 Standard download decompression password:
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ICS 47.080 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T11686--2002 Small craft- Toilet waste retention systems Small craft- Toilet waste retention systems (IS0 8099:2000, IDT) 20020828 Issued General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China 2003-01-01 Implementation This standard is equivalent to IS0 8099:20006 Small craft toilet waste retention systems (English version), GB/T 11686-2002 This standard is formulated on the basis of CB/T 3884-1999 Small craft toilet waste treatment, storage and recycling systems. This standard is equivalent to IS0 8099:2000. For ease of use, this standard has made the following abbreviation changes: a) "This international standard" is changed to "this standard", b) the front of ISO8099:2000 is deleted. Compared with (B/T388±-1999), the main changes of this standard are as follows: ... - Add 4 terms · Delete terms, ... · Add "The system installation should prevent the diffusion of harmful gases in the boat" in the general requirements, add "The system should be able to be used in an ambient temperature of +1!~-%C℃" in the general requirements, add "The terminal outlet accessories should be accessible to reduce the possibility of pollution caused by accidents" in the design and installation; add the electrical (system should be full of GB/T18 8142002 (ISO13297:2000) and ISO10133 electrical requirements. Appendix A of this standard is a normative appendix, and Appendix B is an informative appendix. This standard was proposed by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the 708th Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry. The drafting unit of this standard: the 708th Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry. The main drafters of this standard: Li Zhensheng, Lin Debian, Wang Zhouzheng. Scope Wastewater collection and storage system for small boat toilets This standard specifies the design, manufacture and installation requirements of the temporary sewage collection and storage system (for subsequent treatment). The standard is suitable for boats with a length of not more than 24 m. 2 Normative references GB/T11686—2002 The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference. For the dated referenced documents, all the amendments (excluding errors) or revised versions thereof are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to the agreement reached on this standard are encouraged to study and use the latest versions of these documents. For the referenced documents without date, the latest versions are applicable to this standard. G1/7317-2001:55 Unsealed pipe explosion (RE9SO228-1.1994) CB/188142002 Small boat electrical system AC installation (ISO13297:200JPT) JS090931,194 Small version Heiner plug and through-hole accessories Part 1: Metallic bamboo 1S) 10133:2000 Small boat electrical system 3. Terms and definitions for ultra-low pressure drainage devices The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1 Relention system The interconnected sanitary equipment, including hoses, pipes, storage containers, and screens, designed to receive, retain, discharge, and dispose of water. Sewage Human excreta and septic tank water discharged from a toilet or other facility intended to receive or retain human excreta. Including flushing equipment. Accessibility Essible The ability to be inspected, removed, or maintained without dismantling permanent structures. Accessibility Readable accessibility The ability to be accessed, inspected, or maintained by any part of the structure or by the use of any tool. portable holding tank Portable storage container Container designed to be moved and separated from its contents. Storage tank Container designed to receive and store sewage from toilets and other places for disposal at a later time. 1) EN 145 0033-:(Published in:097)1 GB/T 11686-·-2002 4 General requirements 4.1 The system should be able to be used in an ambient temperature range of +1℃~+60℃ and can withstand an ambient temperature of 40℃+60℃ when emptying. 4.2 The system should be installed to prevent the emission of harmful gases in the condensate. 5 Materials The material composition can withstand the corrosion of the following substances: a) Sewage: b) Water, sea water or flushing water containing the following items. Impurities; Wastewater discharged from toilet system; --Oily bilge water: c) Disinfectant, deodorant and antifreeze solution recommended by the system manufacturer d) Household cleaning agent recommended by the system manufacturer:) Gaseous, liquid or solid compounds that may be produced when the system is in operation. 6 Design and Installation 6.1 Performance 6.1.1 Introduction The sewage collection system after installation on the ship shall have the performance specified in G.1.2 to 6.1.11. 6.1.2 Operation It shall be ensured that the system can be used at least when the boat is trimmed 2%\, and trimmed 10\ by bow or stern, that is, it can discharge wastewater from the toilet or collection system. 6.1.3 Back siphonage It shall be ensured that at least 30° of heel in any direction for a monohull, 20° of heel in other directions, and 10° of heel fore or aft, the contents in the storage container are prevented from siphoning back and escaping gas through the wash fittings. 6.1.4 Sewage escapewwW.bzxz.Net It shall be ensured that at least 30° of heel in any direction for a monohull, 20° of heel in other directions, and 9% of the capacity of the storage container is prevented from escaping from the storage container to the outside of the boat, and at the maximum expected heel or trim conditions, i.e. 45° for monohull boats, powerboats and 30° for multihull boats, sewage is prevented from escaping into the boat. 6.1.5 Fastening The storage container shall be securely fastened and all connecting joints shall be independently provided. 6.1.6 Location and accessibility Pump-out fittings shall be accessible, have access to the pump-out fittings, and be appropriately located relative to the water and fuel filling fittings to reduce the possibility of accidental contamination. 6.1.7 Indication of stored liquids When storage containers are installed in accessible locations, the liquid level of the storage container contents shall be visible when the storage container is filled to 3/4 of its volume by hand or other means. 6.1-8 Accessible openings Storage containers with a capacity greater than 400 kg shall have accessible, sealable (i.e., vapor-tight and vapor-tight) openings with a minimum diameter or size of 75 mm for flushing, cleaning, and maintenance of the storage container interior. 6.1.9 Walls of containers Storage containers shall have no common side walls, roof, or floor with fuel tanks and drinking water tanks. 2 6.1.10 Hoses and pipes Connecting hoses and pipes should be securely fastened to prevent damage from operation and vibration. 6.1.11 Accessibility of accessories and connections Accessories and connections of storage containers should be accessible to facilitate inspection and maintenance. 6.2 System ventilation of fixed storage containers GB/T11686—2002 6.2.1 Ventilation pipe The system should be equipped with a venting pipe that can discharge the gas in the system to the outside of the boat when the container storage temperature is 9G% and the heel angle reaches 20°. 6.2.2 Rigid containers The minimum inner diameter of the venting pipe with a capacity of less than 400 l should be 19-mm. If the vessel is provided with an automatic (vacuum-opened) or manual relief valve with a total area of at least 100 mm2, a vent pipe with an inner diameter of not less than 16 mm2 may be used. For a capacity of 400 l and above, the minimum inner diameter of the vent pipe is 38 mm. If multi-pole vent pipes are used, their inner diameter shall be at least 19 mm and the total vent cross-sectional area shall be at least equivalent to that of a single vent pipe with a cross-sectional area of 110 m2. As an alternative measure, if the vessel is provided with an automatic (vacuum-opened) or manual relief valve with a minimum total area of at least 100 mm2, a vent pipe with an inner diameter of not less than 1 mm2 may be used. If a manual relief valve is installed, a signboard with a symbol or text acceptable to the country of use shall be placed near the pump-out attachment on the deck to indicate that the relief valve must be opened before pumping out. 6.2.3 Flexible container Flexible (detachable) containers should have at least one ventilation tube with a minimum inner diameter of 16 mm. 6.2.4 Inner diameter of accessories For accessories that connect ventilation tubes with a length less than 6 times the inner diameter of the accessories, the inner diameter H should not be less than 5 times the inner diameter of the ventilation tube. 6.2.5 Prevention of blockage - pressure resistance The design and manufacture of the ventilation system should minimize the possibility of blockage caused by the discharge of materials in the container or ice generated by climatic conditions. The ventilation system should be able to withstand a negative pressure of 50 kPa without damage. 6.2.6 Flow area The minimum flow area through the ventilation mesh cover or the equivalent flow area of any filter installed in the ventilation system should not be less than the minimum flow area of the ventilation tube or its accessories. 6.3 Electrical system The electrical system should meet the electrical requirements in GB3/T18814 and 1S(10133). 6.4 Pipes/Hose The pipes or hoses between the washing room and the storage container and between the storage container and the deck pump-out fittings shall be as short as possible and have the following internal features: flat, no backflow - to allow free flow of sewage They shall be internally inspected in accordance with the recommendations of the washing machine manufacturer; if the manufacturer does not provide recommendations, the minimum internal diameter shall be 38 mm. See 6.5 and Chapter 11. 6.5 Seacock fittings Storage systems with the possibility of direct discharge of sewage to the outside shall be equipped with suitable seacocks at their through-hull fittings. Any seacocks used for direct discharge to the outside shall comply with the requirements of ISO9093-1 and shall be sealed in the closed position. 6.6 Deck pump-out fittings Fixed system components shall be equipped with deck pump fittings in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 11. The typical installation diagram of the toilet storage system is shown in B.1 and B.2 of Appendix H: 7 Requirements for fixed storage containers 7.1 The designed vent should be able to discharge at least 90% of the contents of the storage container through the deck outlet accessories. 7.2 The partitions in the storage container (if any) should have openings to allow running water and steam to flow through the top and bottom. 3 GB/T 11686-2002 7.3 The design and manufacture of the accessories including the cleaning feather holes should ensure that there is only an airtight and watertight shell. Requirements for portable storage containers 8-1 The capacity of the portable storage container should be less than 10 20 1., and should not be connected to the outlet of any low-pressure pump island accessories. 8.2 The inner diameter of the ventilation pipe of the portable storage container (if not used) shall not be less than 16 m. The ventilation openings in the container shall have a quick disconnect device consisting of a cap or differential closure permanently connected to the entire container. Ensure the watertight seal of the container during transportation. 8.3 All other openings of the storage container shall be sealed with a watertight and airtight closure device. 8.4 There shall be an escape handle or return groove on the container. Its position should allow safe handling and drainage of the container. 8.5 There shall be a sign at the most prominent part of the container to indicate that if it is disconnected, the container is not empty during transportation: 9 Test of fixed storage containers Connection or calculation. The storage container and system with all associated components installed shall be able to withstand 20kPa The pressure test lasts for min without leakage, and the seal can withstand the negative pressure of 2 and deform permanently. \Marking The following contents should be clearly marked on the storage container submitted for sale: the name or registered trademark of the manufacturer; The name and/or model of the system: -\+3+'T 11686\. The symbol of the sewage container\ in the mountain referred to in 2, or the name is expressed in words that can be changed in the country of use; The capacity of the container (L). When the plate is pumped out 11.1 The size of the plate recorded in the mountain should be as shown in the drawing A.1. Net: gas limit "has not determined the entire design. 17-2 The thread quality meets the requirements of line 3737 11.3 The partner to the rebellious spring island should be in the At least the symbol shown in Figure A.2 shall be marked on the part of the control panel or its vicinity. The manual of the owner shall provide instructions for the use and maintenance of the system or include these instructions in the manual. The instructions shall include at least the following: 1) Operation and maintenance: 2) Avoid unintentional discharge: 3) Storage of the release device ([.]); 4) Chemicals used Product: Clean material: Deoxidizer: Antifreeze solution Beijing export procedure, including the use of dynamic release (Rucaiting): In the case of freezing overflow, the system should be emptied. A.1 Performance Attached pump A ! Normative Appendix The nominal design of the pump attachment The main dimensions are shown in Figure A.1. The thread should comply with GB/T73 07. The attachment has a cap, the α of which is determined by the manufacturer: Note: A.1 does not determine the entire design. Figure A.1 Dimensions of deck pump attachments A.2 Marking Deck pump attachments that comply with this standard shall be marked with at least the symbols shown in Figure A.2. The symbol shall be marked on the attachment or adjacent to the attachment. Figure 4.2 Symbols for deck pump attachments GB/T 116862002 The middle will be Hong Kong tea 2U2 .1.761E PAL1S GB/T11686--2002 I version of the policy accessories: Ventilation pipe Water inlet through the boat: Storage piercer: Recovery pipe: P-shaped bend kidney. Appendix B (Informative Appendix) Typical installation of toilet collection system Only the test collection system of the upper plate pump 1-middle plate system accessories: 2-Li belt. If the system is below the waterline, it must be disconnected: - vent pipe - yoke valve; - water passing through the body - storage capacity group: pump: drive external discharge: Hanhai Yihan, Figure 1.2 Toilet storage system with deck pumping and external discharge capabilities CB/T116862002[There should be a quick disconnect device consisting of a cap or differential closure permanently connected to the entire container. Ensure the watertight seal of the container during operation. 8.3 All openings in the storage container should be sealed with watertight and airtight closures. 8.4 There should be an escape handle or return groove on the container. Its position should allow safe handling and drainage of the container. 8.5 There should be a sign at the most prominent part of the container to indicate that if it is disconnected, the container is not empty. 9 Test of fixed storage containers The storage container and system with all accessories installed should be able to withstand a pressure test of 20kPa for a duration of min without leakage. The seal can withstand a negative pressure of 2% and permanent deformation. \Marking The following content should be clearly marked on the storage container submitted for sale: the name or registered trademark of the manufacturer; The name and/or model of the system: -\+3+'T 11686\. The designator, 2, refers to the symbol of the \classified sewage container\, or the name of the country of use that can be changed; the capacity (L) of the container. When the plate is pumped out, the size of the plate should be as shown in the drawing A.1. Net: The air limit is not determined throughout the design. 17-2 The thread quality meets the requirements of 3737 11.3 The partner should be in the At least the symbol shown in Figure A.2 shall be marked on the part of the control panel or its vicinity. The manual of the owner shall provide instructions for the use and maintenance of the system or include these instructions in the manual. The instructions shall include at least the following: 1) Operation and maintenance: 2) Avoid unintentional discharge: 3) Storage of the release device ([.]); 4) Chemicals used Product: Clean material: Deoxidizer: Antifreeze solution Beijing export procedure, including the use of dynamic release (Rucaiting): In the case of freezing overflow, the system should be emptied. A.1 Performance Attached pump A ! Normative Appendix The nominal design of the pump attachment The main dimensions are shown in Figure A.1. The thread should comply with GB/T73 07. The attachment has a cap, the α of which is determined by the manufacturer: Note: A.1 does not determine the entire design. Figure A.1 Dimensions of deck pump attachments A.2 Marking Deck pump attachments that comply with this standard shall be marked with at least the symbols shown in Figure A.2. The symbol shall be marked on the attachment or adjacent to the attachment. Figure 4.2 Symbols for deck pump attachments GB/T 116862002 The middle will be Hong Kong tea 2U2 .1.761E PAL1S GB/T11686--2002 I version of the policy accessories: Ventilation pipe Water inlet through the boat: Storage piercer: Recovery pipe: P-shaped bend kidney. Appendix B (Informative Appendix) Typical installation of toilet collection system Only the test collection system of the upper plate pump 1-middle plate system accessories: 2-Li belt. If the system is below the waterline, it must be disconnected: - vent pipe - yoke valve; - water passing through the body - storage capacity group: pump: drive external discharge: Hanhai Yihan, Figure 1.2 Toilet storage system with deck pumping and external discharge capabilities CB/T116862002[There should be a quick disconnect device consisting of a cap or differential closure permanently connected to the entire container. Ensure the watertight seal of the container during operation. 8.3 All openings in the storage container should be sealed with watertight and airtight closures. 8.4 There should be an escape handle or return groove on the container. Its position should allow safe handling and drainage of the container. 8.5 There should be a sign at the most prominent part of the container to indicate that if it is disconnected, the container is not empty. 9 Test of fixed storage containers The storage container and system with all accessories installed should be able to withstand a pressure test of 20kPa for a duration of min without leakage. The seal can withstand a negative pressure of 2% and permanent deformation. \Marking The following content should be clearly marked on the storage container submitted for sale: the name or registered trademark of the manufacturer; The name and/or model of the system: -\+3+'T 11686\. The designator, 2, refers to the symbol of the \classified sewage container\, or the name of the country of use that can be changed; the capacity (L) of the container. When the plate is pumped out, the size of the plate should be as shown in the drawing A.1. Net: The air limit is not determined throughout the design. 17-2 The thread quality meets the requirements of 3737 11.3 The partner should be in the At least the symbol shown in Figure A.2 shall be marked on the part of the control panel or its vicinity. The manual of the owner shall provide instructions for the use and maintenance of the system or include these instructions in the manual. The instructions shall include at least the following: 1) Operation and maintenance: 2) Avoid unintentional discharge: 3) Storage of the release device ([.]); 4) Chemicals used Product: Clean material: Deoxidizer: Antifreeze solution Beijing export procedure, including the use of dynamic release (Rucaiting): In the case of freezing overflow, the system should be emptied. A.1 Performance Attached pump A ! Normative Appendix The nominal design of the pump attachment The main dimensions are shown in Figure A.1. The thread should comply with GB/T73 07. The attachment has a cap, the α of which is determined by the manufacturer: Note: A.1 does not determine the entire design. Figure A.1 Dimensions of deck pump attachments A.2 Marking Deck pump attachments that comply with this standard shall be marked with at least the symbols shown in Figure A.2. The symbol shall be marked on the attachment or adjacent to the attachment. Figure 4.2 Symbols for deck pump attachments GB/T 116862002 The middle will be Hong Kong tea 2U2 .1.761E PAL1S GB/T11686--2002 I version of the policy accessories: Ventilation pipe Water inlet through the boat: Storage piercer: Recovery pipe: P-shaped bend kidney. Appendix B (Informative Appendix) Typical installation of toilet collection system Only the test collection system of the upper plate pump 1-middle plate system accessories: 2-Li belt. If the system is below the waterline, it must be disconnected: - vent pipe - yoke valve; - water passing through the body - storage capacity group: pump: drive external discharge: Hanhai Yihan, Figure 1.2 Toilet storage system with deck pumping and external discharge capabilities CB/T116862002 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.