title>Codes for the Central Party and State Organs Peoples Communities and the others State Organizations - GB/T 4657-2002 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Codes for the Central Party and State Organs Peoples Communities and the others State Organizations

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 4657-2002

Standard Name:Codes for the Central Party and State Organs Peoples Communities and the others State Organizations

Chinese Name: 中央党政机关、人民团体及其他机构代码

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release2002-05-08

Date of Implementation:2002-10-01

Date of Expiration:2009-11-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment >> 35.040 Character sets and information coding

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A24 Classification Code

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced GB/T 4657-1995; replaced by GB/T 4657-2009

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press


Publication date:2002-10-01

other information

Release date:1982-12-22

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Liu Zhiting, Shi Liwu, Zhang Ai

Drafting unit:China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding

Focal point unit:China National Institute of Standardization

Proposing unit:China Standards Research Center

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the codes of the central-level party and government organs, people's organizations and other institutions. This standard applies to information processing and information exchange. GB/T 4657-2002 Codes of central-level party and government organs, people's organizations and other institutions GB/T4657-2002 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the codes of the central-level party and government organs, people's organizations and other institutions. This standard applies to information processing and information exchange.

Some standard content:

ICS 35-040
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Generate GB/T4557-1995
Codes for the Central Party and State Organs People'sCommunities and the others State Organizations2002-05-08 Issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Procurement of the People's Republic of China on 2002-10-01 Implementation of the system principles and compilation methods Table 1 Code table for the National People's Congress, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Commodity Inspection Commission, and the directly affiliated agencies and industry units Code table for the ministries and commissions of the State Council G: B/T4E57\u20142002 Code table for the directly affiliated agencies, service agencies, institutions and the bureaus and comprehensive industry associations under the management of the ministries and commissions of the State Council. 5 User-level umbrella agencies, economic Entity Code Table Full Code of People's Organizations, People's Political Parties and Organs Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Code Change Summary Table Foreword
This standard summarizes the national standards for (B/T16?1S95&Central Party Organizations, the names of people's organizations and their 2 institutions) This revision is based on the relevant documents of the State Council's institutional reform from 1990 to 2002: This revision makes the original classification principles and code structure based on the principle of abbreviation, and the name and structure of the code table have been modified to varying degrees. The main changes are as follows: | |tt||! , after adding the preface of the day
2, the original standard \2 compilation of the original test content was adjusted and divided into "2 compilation quality rules" and \% German code piece method\ two parts, fraudulent increase Liu code conclusion according to the appropriate.
3. Addition of Ding Bureau land party deep agency representative?
1. Collection and elimination of standards, shooting record (original Appendix 8 1, according to the principles of standard compilation, the internal consultation will be respectively classified as the relevant codes Ning, 5, currency number "6" and "4\ common network identification State Council direct agencies, service institutions, institutions and departments of the State Council and comprehensive industry associations.
6, the light party number agency, personnel planning body and compensation execution The code names of the central party and government organs, people's organizations and other institutions are as follows: According to the State Council, 22 codes and old names are revised this time, 28 names of institutions are changed and the original codes are retained, and 3 new codes and their institution names are attached. Appendix A contains the details of the changes, and Appendix A contains the data of the year in which the standard was issued: This standard was issued by the China Standards Research Center. This standard is mainly issued by the China Standards Research Center. The national standard for the code names of the central party and government organs, people's organizations and other institutions was first issued in August 1991. The first revision was in 1990, and the second revision was in 1999. This is the third revision. The scope of the code is set for the central party and government organs, people's organizations and other institutions. This standard applies to information processing and information exchange. 2 Establishment principles
2.1 According to the organizational structure plan determined by the local government, the original codes of the organizations that have not been changed in GB/T4657-195 and the organizations that have only changed their names shall be retained; new codes shall be given to the newly established organizations. 2-2 When several institutions are merged into a new one, under the premise of not destroying the classification structure, the code of the newly merged institution shall use the original code of the previous institution.
2.3 In the second standard, the Secretariat of the National People's Congress is abbreviated as the National People's Congress, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is abbreviated as the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Supreme People's Procuratorate is abbreviated as the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the People's Court is abbreviated as the Supreme People's Court. 2.4 In the second standard, all institutions with the prefix "People's Republic of China" are omitted, such as: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China is called the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and so on.
2.5 The order of the institution codes in this standard shall not be used as the basis for the sequence of institutions in other fields and occasions. 3 Coding method
3.1 This standard adopts serial coding.
3.2 The code is represented by three digits, the first digit represents the category, and the second and third digits represent the sequence of the institution. 3.3 Generation structure as shown in Figure 1
- The second and third digits (sequence)
The first digit (category)
Figure 1 Code structure diagram
The categories are identified as follows
1--National People's Congress, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Commodity Inspection Commission, the Commercial Law Central Government agencies and directly affiliated institutions
- Ministries and commissions of the State Council
-- State Council direct bureaus, service agencies, institutions and relevant national bureaus and comprehensive industry associations 4,6-
- National financial institutions, economic entities
National people's old entities, with the main agency as the backup
GD/T 46572002
4 Code table
Table 1 National People's Congress, CPPCC. High Procuratorate. High Court Code Name
General Office of the National People's Congress
National People's Congress Environmental and Resources Protection Committee
National People's Congress Wind and Environment Committee
National People's Congress Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee
National People's Congress Standing Committee Legal Affairs Committee
National People's Congress Internal Affairs Committee
National People's Congress Finance and Economics Committee
National People's Congress Education, Science, Culture and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Committee
National People's Congress Huaqiao Committee
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Basic Law Committee
Chaozhou Special Administrative Region British Foreign Affairs Law Committee
General Office of the National Collection Association||t t||Supreme People's Procuratorate
People's Procuratorate
Code table of central government agencies and direct government institutions 2
Organization name
Central Office of the Central People's Government
Organization Department of the Central People's Government
Central Information Department
Central United Front Work Department
Central External Liaison Department
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
Central Publicity Office (Public Information Office) Central Economic and Trade Leading Group Office
Central Organization Department Office (State Council Office of Public Affairs) Central Government Organization Department
Central State Organs 1.Working Committee
Central Financial Working Committee
Small Central Enterprise Working Committee
Table 2 (Continued)
Central Hong Kong Working Committee
Central Macao Working Committee
Small Central Post Office
Institution Name
Central Public Security Bureau (National Public Security Bureau)
Office of the Central Public Security Committee [National Public Security Bureau] Central Party School
People's Daily
Central Party History Research Office
China Fire Literature Research Case
Central Editorial Bureau
Chengqiushi Duoqinzhi Press
Guangwei Daily
China Daily
Economic Daily
China Foreign Affairs Bureau| |tt||3 Codes of ministries and commissions of the State Council
Organization name
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
National Development and Planning Commission
National Economic and Trade Commission
Ministry of Science and Technology
National Defense Engineering Research and Industry Commission
State Ethnic Affairs Commission
Ministry of Supervision
Ministry of Public Security
Ministry of State Security
Ministry of Revenue
Ministry of Personnel
Ministry of Labor and Accounting and Social Security
Ministry of Finance and Economics
People's Bank of China
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
Ministry of Industry
Ministry of Water Resources
Ministry of Construction
Ministry of Land and Resources
GB/T 4657\u20142002
Ministry of Information Industry
Ministry of Railways
Ministry of Transport
Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Health
Table 3 (Part 1)
Complete list of the National Development and Reform Commission
Organization name list
State Council direct agencies, service agencies, industry units and national bureaus and comprehensive industry associations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry
National Bureau of Planning
State Administration for Industry and Commerce Administration of Customs
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration
China Meteorological Administration Office
State Forestry Administration
State Council Legislative Affairs Office
General Office of the State Council
State Council Legislative Affairs Office
State Council Foreign Affairs Office
State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs
State Administration of Foreign Affairs
State Administration of Foreign Affairs
State Administration of Taxation
State Administration of Grain and Grain||State Security Bureau National Coal Mine Safety Procuratorate (National Coal Mine Safety Procuratorate) National Cultural Heritage Administration (National Information Protection Administration) National Tobacco Monopoly Network National Intellectual Property Administration National Drug Administration National Paint Bureau National Environmental Protection Administration National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Organization Name of institution 465/20C2
China National Accreditation and Certification Supervision Committee (National Accreditation Administration) National Natural Science Foundation of China
National Information Center
China Academy of Engineering
National Academy of Public Administration
National Social Security Fund Management
Xintong Automobile Society
China Academy of Sciences
China Academy of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
Development Research Center of the State Council
China Securities Regulatory Commission
China Insurance Regulatory Commission
State Council First-class Construction Commission
China Federation of Commerce
China Logistics and China Metallurgical Industry Association
China Machinery Industry Federation
China Hook Industry Association
Chinese Traditional Oil and Chemical Industry Association
China Light Industry Federation (All-China Federation of Handicraft Industry Cooperation: China Textile Industry Association
China Construction Science and Technology Association
China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association
Table 5 Name of financial institutions and economic entities represented by institutions
China Aluminum Corporation
Ningguo Decoration Bank
China Construction Bank
China Securities Regulatory Commission
China People's Insurance Company
GET 4657--2002bzxz.net
Bank of Communications
China Stock Corporation
China International Trust and Investment Corporation
China Petrochemical Corporation
China Petrochemical Corporation
China Petrochemical Corporation
China National Petroleum Corporation
China National Nuclear Corporation
China Aviation Industry Corporation I
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
China Aviation Industry Corporation
China National Nuclear Corporation
China National Nuclear Corporation
China National Nuclear Corporation
China National Nuclear Corporation China National Equipment Group Corporation China Nuclear Industry Group Corporation China Aluminum Corporation of China China Far Eastern Transportation (Press) Corporation China Chemical Import & Export Corporation China Hardware Industry Group Corporation China Reserves Administration Corporation China Mobile Communications Corporation China United Telecommunications Corporation Kunhua Group Co., Ltd. China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation (Chuangchuang Co., Ltd.) China Telecommunications Industry Group Corporation China General Technology (Free) Holdings Limited company China Construction Engineering Corporation
China National Automotive Industry Corporation
China Shipping Corporation
China Development Investment Corporation
China Three Gorges Second Project Development Corporation
China First Automobile Corporation
Dongfeng Motor Corporation
China First Machinery Group Corporation
China First Machinery Group Corporation
Ganshan Iron and Steel Corporation
Wuhan Chuangqin (Group) Corporation
China Shipping (Group) Corporation
Table 5 (follow-up)
Li Gou Mingbiao
Harbin Power Plant Equipment my country Co., Ltd.
China Dongfang Electric Corporation
Shanghai Shixiang Shizhou Company
Zhounan Bureau Co., Ltd.
China Development Bank
China Jinshan Bank
China Agricultural Development Bank
China Life Insurance Company
China Reinsurance Company
China Resources (Communist Party) Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong Travel (Asia) Co., Ltd.
Table 6 National People's Organizations, Democratic Parties Organization Codes and Organization Names
China Youth League Central Committee All-China Women's Federation
China Federation of Trade Unions
Ten Chemical Vocational Education Society
Central Institute of Industrial and Commercial Affairs
Under the attention of all parties.- Representative Writers Committee
China Literary and Art Federation
Ninghua National Journalists Association
Zhongyi Writers Association
Sino-French Society
China Association for Science and Technology
China International Information Security Committee
China People's Confederation of Friendship with Foreign Countries
China People's Foreign Affairs Society
China Red Cross Society
China Disabled Persons' Federation
All-China Federation of Overseas Chinese
All-China Taiwan Tongpeng Banner Association
Shaanxi-American Alumni Association
Huangpu Military Academy Sichuan Society||t t||Wei Qingling Foundation
Table 6 ()
Organization name
Central Committee of China Migrant Workers' Association
Single Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang Central Committee of the China Democratic National Construction Association Central Committee of the China Democratic League
Central Committee of the China Democratic League
Central Committee of the China Peasants and Workers Democratic Party
Central Committee of the China Democratic League
Central Committee of the Jiusan Society
Central Commission for Industry and Commerce
A, 1 Elimination codes and organization names
Appendix A
Information comparison
Summary of code changes
Are the organizations listed in Table 1 changed and eliminated? Table
Organization name change code
Board name
National Economic Forestry System Reform Committee
Ministry of Domestic Products
Ministry of Forestry
Ministry of Electric Power Industry
Ministry of Life Industry
Ministry of Machinery Industry
Ministry of Coal Industry
Ministry of Chemical Industry
Postal Service
Ministry of Radio, Film and Television
National Sports Federation
National Bureau of Plastic Materials Science and Technology
National Investment and Technical Supervision Bureau (National Quality Supervision Bureau: National Land Administration Bureau
National Language and Cultural Protection Committee Committee
State Council Special Administrative Region Office
State Administration of State-owned Assets Management
National Nuclear Safety Administration
State Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau (State Exit and Entry Inspection Bureau) Central Light Industry Association
Construction Committee of Textile Industry
China National Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation
Table 4. The codes listed in the public office are the names of the departments that have changed their names in this revision: Table A.2
Original organization name
CPPCC Committee
State Planning Commission
State Education, Science and Technology Commission
GR/T 4557\u20142002
Regulatory agency name
National Collection Association Office
Office of the Central Leading Group for Taiwan Affairs
National Development and Reform Commission
Ministry of Science and Technology
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.