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Guidelines for administrative service evaluation

Basic Information

Standard: GB/T 39735-2020

tandard name:Guidelines for administrative service evaluation

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

release date:2020-12-14

Implementation date:2021-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, services, organization and management of companies (enterprises), administration, transportation >> 03.160 Law, administrative management

Standard Classification Number:General>>Standardization Management and General Regulations>>A00 Standardization, Quality Management

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:2020-12-01

other information

drafter:Chen Yang, Dong Gao, Feng Lei, Wu Xiaobo, Liu Yan, He Zhengqing, Zhang Yingzi, Wang Dun, Zhao Lei, Zhu Yonggang, Zhang Caihua, Zhang Chengzhi, Lu Yuan, Li Suizhou, Tan Junjie, Xu Xiaowen

Drafting unit:The Office of Government Function Transformation of the General Office of the State Council, the Office of E-Government of the General Office of the State Council, the China National Institute of Standardization, the Administrative Approval Service B

Focal point unit:National Administrative Approval Standardization Working Group (SAC/SWG 14)

Proposing unit:National Administrative Approval Standardization Working Group (SAC/SWG 14)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39735-2020.Guidelines for administrative service evaluation.
1 Scope
GB/T 39735 provides the basic principles for the evaluation of government service based on application, as well as the evaluation channels, evaluation content, evaluation methods, application of evaluation results and continuous improvement.
GB/T 39735 is applicable to the evaluation of government service agencies at all levels, various government service platforms, government service items and personnel services across the country.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential terms of this document through normative references in this text. Among them, for dated references, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 36112-2018 Service Site Management Specifications for Government Service Centers
GB/T 36114-2018 Specifications for the Preparation of Service Guidelines for Government Service Centers
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Administrative service
Services provided by government departments and other organizations authorized or entrusted by them in the process of exercising administrative power and performing public service duties. Note 1: The administrative power matters referred to in this document mainly refer to administrative licenses, administrative payments, administrative rulings, administrative confirmations, administrative rewards and other administrative power matters
based on applications . Note 2: The public service items referred to in this document include but are not limited to education, public health and basic medical care, basic social security, public employment services and other items closely related to enterprise development and people's livelihood . 3.2 Administrative service institution Government departments and their authorized or entrusted statutory organizations that provide administrative services. Note: Including administrative service halls, government service centers, convenient service sites, government service windows, etc. 3.3 Administrative service platform Online government service platform established by the government and its functional departments. Note: Including business systems, hotline platforms, mobile service terminals, self-service terminals, etc. This document provides the basic principles for the evaluation of government service evaluation work based on applications, as well as requirements for evaluation channels, evaluation content, evaluation methods, application of evaluation results and continuous improvement. This document is applicable to the evaluation of government service institutions at all levels across the country, various government service platforms, government service items and personnel services.

Some standard content:

CCS A 00
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Guidelines for administrative service evaluation
State Administration for Market Regulation
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Basic principles
Evaluation channels
On-site service "one evaluation per time"
Online service "one evaluation per matter"
"Comprehensive comments" from all walks of life
"Supervision and evaluation" by government departments
Evaluation Contents
Evaluation methods
7.1 Source of evaluation data
7.2 Calculation method
8 Application of results
Correction of negative reviews
Statistical analysis
8.3 Assessment and rewards and punishments
8.4 Continuous improvement
Appendix A (normative)
Government service evaluation index system
This document is drafted in accordance with the provisions of GB/T1.1—2020 "Guidelines for standardization work Part 1: Structure and drafting rules for standardization documents".
This document is proposed and managed by the National Administrative Approval Standardization Working Group (SAC/SWG14). The drafting units of this document are: Office of Government Function Transformation of the General Office of the State Council, Office of E-Government of the General Office of the State Council, China National Institute of Standardization, Administrative Approval Service Bureau of Tai'an City, Shandong Province, Big Data Management Center of Jiangsu Province, Administrative Service Center of Taizhou Municipal People's Government of Zhejiang Province, Government Service Center of Guizhou Province, Beijing Municipal Government Service Bureau, Government Service Management Bureau of Meishan City, Sichuan Province, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Administrative Approval Bureau of Taicang City, Jiangsu Province.
The main drafters of this document are: Chen Yang, Dong Guo, Feng Lei, Wu Xiaobo, Liu Yan, He Zhengqing, Zhang Yingzi, Wang Dun, Zhao Lei, Zhu Yonggang, Zhang Caihua, Zhang Chengzhi, Lu Yuan, Li Suizhou, Tan Junjie, Xu Xiaowen. 1
In December 2019, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Establishing a Government Service "Good and Bad Review" System to Improve the Level of Government Service" (Guobanfa [2019] No. 51) (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), requiring the establishment of a government service "good and bad review" system, forming a government service evaluation system that "covers all matters, channels, platforms, and processes of government services" and is mutually coordinated, and building a national integrated online government service The platform "has good and bad reviews and a management system to ensure that every government service item can be evaluated, every government service agency, government service platform and personnel actively accept evaluation, and every bad review is rectified, forming a virtuous interactive situation with the whole process of evaluation, feedback, rectification and supervision connected, with extensive participation from the whole society and timely improvements from government departments."
To fully implement the requirements of the "Opinions" and provide standard technical support, the National Administrative Approval Standardization Working Group took the lead in drafting two national standards, the "Guidelines for Government Service Evaluation Work" and the "Government Service "One Evaluation per Time" and "One Evaluation per Item" Work Specifications". Among them, the "Guidelines for Government Service Evaluation" is the basic guiding standard for carrying out the "good and bad evaluation" of government services, clarifying what to evaluate, how to evaluate, how to analyze and apply the evaluation results, etc.; the "Government Service "One Evaluation" and "One Item One Evaluation" Work Specifications" is a specific refinement of the two evaluation channel operation methods of "one evaluation" for on-site services and "one evaluation" for online services proposed in the "Guidelines for Government Service Evaluation", and is a practical work specification under the framework of the "Guidelines for Government Service Evaluation". The two standards together constitute the current government service "good and bad evaluation" standard system, which can provide important references and specific paths for achieving the institutionalization, normalization and long-term effectiveness of government service evaluation through standardization, and continuously improving the level of government services.niKaeerkAca
Guidelines for Government Service Evaluation
This document provides the basic principles for the evaluation of government services based on applications, as well as the requirements for evaluation channels, evaluation content, evaluation methods, application of evaluation results and continuous improvement. This document is applicable to the evaluation of services provided by government service agencies at all levels, various government service platforms, government service items and personnel across the country.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute essential clauses of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated references, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document: for undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
3 Specification for on-site management of government service centers 3 Specification for the compilation of service guidelines for government service center entry items GB/T361142018
Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Administrative service Services provided by government departments and other organizations authorized or entrusted by them in the process of exercising administrative power and performing public service duties. Note 1: The administrative power items referred to in this document mainly refer to administrative licenses, administrative payments, administrative rulings, administrative confirmations, administrative rewards and other administrative power items based on applications.
Note 2: The public service items referred to in this document include, but are not limited to, education, public health and basic medical care, basic social security, public employment services and other items closely related to enterprise development and people's livelihood.
Administrative service institutionGovernment departments and their authorized or entrusted statutory organizations that provide administrative services. Note: Including administrative service halls, administrative service centers, convenient service sites, administrative service windows, etc. 3.3
fadministrative serviceplatformAdministrative service platform
Online government service platform established by the government and its functional departments. Note: Including business systems, hotline platforms, mobile service terminals, self-service terminals, etc. 3.4
service object
Service object
Natural persons, legal persons and other organizations that apply for administrative service items. 3.5
Evaluated object
Government service agencies at all levels, various government service platforms, service items and related staffrKaeerKAca-
On-the-spotserviceevaluationOn-the-spotserviceevaluationThe "once-a-service-once-evaluation" carried out by various regions and departments in government service agencies at all levels through "good or bad review" evaluation devices (evaluators or evaluation QR codes), written evaluation forms, etc. 3.7
Online service evaluation
Online service "one-item-once-evaluation" carried out by various regions and departments based on various government service platforms. 4 Basic principles
4.1 Legality and fairness
Adhere to the use of legal thinking and legal methods to comprehensively promote the "good or bad review" work of government services, attach importance to investigation and research, and implement evaluation objectively and impartially based on facts. Strictly implement the laws, regulations and policies related to government services, comprehensively, accurately, scientifically and objectively define the reasonable demands of service recipients, protect the information of service recipients,
Full coverage
Adhere to the "good and bad reviews" of government services, covering government service agencies at all levels and various government service platforms. Full integration of online and offline, to achieve full coverage of government service matters, full coverage of evaluation objects, and full coverage of service channels, 4.3
Open and transparent
Adhere to "openness as the norm and non-disclosure as the exception". Except for information that cannot be disclosed according to law, the government service situation, evaluation process, evaluation results and rectification situation will be made public to the society. 4.4. Promote reform through evaluation
Adhere to strengthening the rectification of negative service reviews, and establish a mechanism for investigating and verifying negative reviews and complaints, supervising rectification and feedback. Ensure that every negative review has rectification and feedback. Strengthen the tracking, analysis and comprehensive mining of evaluation data, study and judge the demands of service recipients, and promote reform through evaluation. 5. Evaluation channels
5.1 "One evaluation per time" for on-site services
Government service agencies can place evaluators, QR codes, written evaluation forms, etc. at service windows to facilitate self-evaluation by service recipients, or provide service receipts with QR codes at the windows for service recipients to scan and evaluate. 5.2
Online service “One evaluation for each matter”
Government service platforms at all levels shall set up evaluation function modules or links for service recipients to evaluate, or set up mobile phone text message sending and reply functions on the online government service platforms for service recipients to evaluate the handling of specific matters afterwards. 5.3 “Comprehensive comments” from all sectors of society
Government service agencies at all levels shall set up evaluation opinion collection facilities at the service site, provide written evaluation forms on the website, relevant media and service hall, publish complaint supervision telephone numbers and opinion and suggestion acceptance departments, give full play to the role of complaints and suggestions on the online service platforms of government service agencies at all levels, and actively accept evaluations of government services from all sectors of society. 2
5.4 "Supervision and Evaluation" by Government Departments
Performed in accordance with the following requirements:
Government departments regularly organize and carry out government service surveys, and comprehensively evaluate the policy awareness, service convenience, service satisfaction, etc. of newly issued policies that benefit enterprises and the people, newly provided service items, and key service items that directly relate to the vital interests of enterprises and the masses: b): According to the actual situation of the region and the department, entrust or guide social organizations, intermediary organizations, research institutions and other third parties to regularly and independently carry out government service evaluations, conduct professional, scientific and objective evaluations of the government service status, and put forward opinions and suggestions. 6 Evaluation Content
6.1 The evaluation content includes the service item management, service process, service specifications, service efficiency, convenience of government service agencies at all levels, the convenience and perfection of the government service platform, and the service attitude, business capabilities, and service level of the staff. 6.2 For the convenience of implementation, the government service "one evaluation per time" and "one evaluation per matter" channels, "comprehensive comments" from all walks of life and "supervision and evaluation" from government departments are integrated to form a government service evaluation index system, see Appendix A. 7 Evaluation Method
57.1 Evaluation Data Source
7.1.1 "One evaluation per time" and "one evaluation per matter" are carried out in accordance with the following requirements:
a) Relying on the national integrated online government service platform, various online and offline evaluation channels are connected to carry out the evaluation work: b) The evaluation values ??of government service agencies, service platforms and staff, including but not limited to the corresponding indicator values ??in Appendix A. 7.1.2 The "comprehensive comments" from all walks of life and the "supervision and evaluation" from government departments are carried out based on the evaluation modules determined in Appendix A to obtain the evaluation values ??of government service agencies, service platforms and staff. 7.2 Calculation method
Based on the evaluation values ??obtained from the "comprehensive comments" of all sectors of society and the "supervision and evaluation" evaluation module of government departments, and based on the data summary of the "good and bad reviews" system of government services, the "good review" rate of "one review at a time" and "one review for one matter", the "good review" rate of active evaluation, the "no review" rate, the "bad review" reply rate, the "bad review" follow-up rectification rate, and the "bad review" follow-up rectification satisfaction rate are calculated. The subjective and objective weighting methods are used to calculate the total score of the government service evaluation, and the levels can also be divided according to the evaluation results.
8 Application of results
8.1 Rectification of bad reviews
After receiving bad reviews and complaints, in accordance with the principle of "whoever handles it, whoever is responsible", the bad reviews shall be rectified within a time limit and the rectification results shall be fed back in a timely manner.8.2 Statistical analysis
8 .2.1 The government service management agency shall regularly integrate and statistically analyze the evaluation of government services through different channels as an important basis for improving services.
8.2.2 The government service management agency shall regularly analyze and assess the evaluation results, and promptly investigate and study matters that are strongly reflected by enterprises and the public and receive concentrated negative reviews, summarize and discover the bottlenecks and difficulties in government services, and propose solutions and rectification measures. nKaeerKAca-
8.2.3 For issues that are concentratedly reflected by enterprises and the public, they shall be rectified and resolved within a time limit in accordance with laws and regulations. 3 Assessment and Rewards and Punishments
Establish a government service evaluation and reward and punishment mechanism, including but not limited to the following: For those who are repeatedly negatively reviewed and complained about, or who engage in fraud, Units and personnel who deliberately make things difficult for, or even retaliate against, enterprises and the public shall be handled by the responsible department a)
Specific information on suspected violations of discipline and law by staff reported by service recipients shall be transferred to relevant departments for handling: All regions and departments shall include the "good and bad reviews" of government services in performance evaluation; d) The evaluation results shall be used as an important basis for unit and individual performance appraisal and selection of advanced units. 8.4 Continuous Improvement
Based on the development and progress of science and technology, comprehensively use the Internet, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other technologies, combined with 8.4.1
service recipients' needs and the development needs of government services, continuously improve the evaluation content and methods to ensure the scientificity and effectiveness of the evaluation results 8.4. 2 Establish a closed-loop working mechanism of "discovering negative reviews - verifying problems - feedback rectification - revisiting problems - improving and upgrading" to continuously improve the quality of government services.
8.4.3 Regularly disclose the government service situation, enterprise and public evaluation, and negative review handling results to the public, and widely accept social evaluation and supervision. 8.4.4 Timely summarize the experience and practices of government service agencies or staff with outstanding "good reviews", analyze the causes and typical performance of negative reviews, establish a case library of "good and bad reviews" for government services, and report them regularly4
Appendix A
Government Service Evaluation Index System
Table A.1 gives the government service evaluation module, indicators, indicator descriptions and requirements. Table A.1 Government service evaluation modules, indicators, indicator descriptions and requirements Evaluation modules
1. Positive comments
2. Active evaluation
"One evaluation per event"
"One evaluation per event"
"Comprehensive comments" from all walks of life and "supervision and review" by government departments
3. No evaluation
4. Correction of negative reviews
1. Service system
Indicators| |tt||1.1 “Good reviews” rate
2.1 “Good reviews” rate of proactive evaluation
3.1 “No reviews” rate
4.1 “Bad reviews” response rate
4.2 “Bad reviews” follow-up rectification rate
4.3 “Bad reviews” follow-up rectification satisfaction rate
1.1 Physical service agency coverage and
offline service effectiveness
1.2 Construction of “One Network” for government services
1.3 Offline and online integration
1.4 Improvement of system construction and promotion mechanism
1.5Diverse innovative practices and innovative measures
Indicator description and requirements
The "good" rate refers to the ratio of the number of evaluations minus the valid bad reviews in all evaluations to the total number of evaluations (the total number of evaluations is the sum of the number of active evaluations and the number of "no evaluations" due to timeout). The "good" rate of active evaluations refers to the ratio of the number of "good" evaluations actively given by the service recipients to the total number of active evaluations (the total number of active evaluations needs to deduct the number of evaluations that have been verified to be invalid bad reviews). The "no review" rate refers to the ratio of the sum of the number of "no reviews" by service recipients due to timeout and the number of invalid negative reviews to the total number of reviews. The "bad review" reply rate refers to the ratio of the number of negative reviews that have been replied to to the total number of negative reviews.
The "bad review" follow-up rectification rate refers to the ratio of the number of negative reviews that have been rectified after follow-up to the total number of valid negative reviews. The "bad review" follow-up rectification satisfaction rate refers to the ratio of the number of cases that are satisfied with the rectification results after follow-up to the total number of negative reviews that have been rectified after follow-up.
Assess the construction of service agencies in regions and departments. Assess the construction of government service platforms in regions and departments. Including the "one-network service" situation of the government service platform of each region and department, the degree of concentration, the situation of stationed departments, and the unified population situation. Evaluate the online and offline integration of each region and department. Check the integration of online and offline business channels, comprehensive acceptance and business integration, data sharing and integration, consistency of online and offline integration, and the difficulty of online inquiry and online service operations. Evaluate the construction and implementation of the government service evaluation system of each region and department. Evaluate the institutional innovation and process reengineering carried out by each region and department around deepening the "delegation, regulation and service" reform, and around the business environment, convenient services for the people and enterprises, and services for vulnerable groups. tt||GB/T39735—2020
Evaluation module
Table A.1
2. Transparency of government services
Evaluation by all sectors of society on “comprehensive comments” and government departments on “supervision and review”
3. Convenience of public affairs
Evaluation modules, indicators, explanations and requirements of government services (continued) 2.1 Complete consultation system 2.2 Smooth consultation channels 2.3 Standardized list of matters 2.4 Standardized service guide 2.5 Timely update of government service disclosure and convenient access 3.1 Implementation of the "four reductions" measures 3.2 Immediate handling degree 3.3 Depth of matter handling 3.4 "One thing" realization rate 3.5 Links, materials and time for key areas and high-frequency matters 3.6 Degree of realization of nearby and convenient handling |3.7 Ratio of "intra-provincial handling" and "cross-provincial handling"
4.1 Reasonable window layout, complete facilities,
clear guidance, comfortable service environment
4. Service experience
4.2 Staff members have proficient service skills and
enthusiastic service attitude
4.3 Timely response to demands
Indicator description and requirements
Construction of consultation channels such as on-site service, online government service platform, government mobile terminal, self-service terminal, hotline platform, etc. Online and offline consultation channels are unobstructed, and responses are accurate and timely. Public satisfaction with service consultation
The list of items is sorted out according to the "four levels and four similarities" and the service scenarios, including the correspondence between the national basic catalogue and the uniformity of element specifications. The service guidelines correspond to the items on the list one by one, and are compiled in accordance with the GB/T361142018 Government Service Center Service Guidelines and the relevant standards of the National Integrated Government Service Platform. The classification of government service items is clear, public, comprehensive, and timely and dynamically adjusted
Evaluate the average time limit for government service items in various regions and departments, the proportion of reduction based on the statutory time limit, and the average number of trips , streamlined procedures, reduced certificates for the convenience of the people, optimized services, promoted the handling of affairs without certificates, and the people's satisfaction evaluation on the work of "reducing materials", "reducing time", "reducing procedures" and "reducing the number of trips". The proportion of government service items handled immediately in various regions and departments, the proportion of the number of items handled immediately and the number of items handled to the total number of all applications and the total number of items handled respectively. Verify the consistency and accuracy of the immediate handling of items and the actual handling of items
The rate of service items provided by the online government service platform and the government mobile terminal (the proportion of the number of items to the number of all government service items on application); the whole process of government service items on application Online processing rate (the proportion of online processing items to the total number of government service items upon application)
Check the implementation of the "one-stop" themed service, the proportion of online processing of "one-stop" (the proportion of "one-stop" items that are processed online throughout the entire process to the total number of "one-stop" items on the public list), and the satisfaction of service recipients with the "one-stop" processing
Check the processing links, application materials, and processing time limits in key areas such as business establishment, project approval, and real estate registration; check the ratio of items accepted with missing documents and matters notified and promised to all settled items (the number of items accepted with missing documents The proportion of all government service items that are served upon application
The rationality of the layout and coverage of the convenience service stations and 24-hour self-service outlets (the proportion of the number of outlets to the number of administrative areas (communities, villages) under their jurisdiction)
The proportion of items that can be handled through the "cross-provincial service" service (the proportion of the number of items that have been handled through the "cross-provincial service" to the number of government service items that are served upon application) The proportion of items that can be handled through the "intra-provincial service" service (the proportion of the number of items that have been handled through the "intra-provincial service" to the number of government service items that are served upon application), etc.
The on-site management of the physical hall is in accordance with GB/T36112-20 18 Implementation of the on-site management specifications of government service centers Public satisfaction with window service staff Check the time limit for handling requests, etc.
Evaluation and improvement of enterprise standardization work
Operation specifications of government service centers
Part 4: Window service evaluation requirements
GB/T333 57—2016
Evaluation of government hotline services
Standards for handling complaints in government service centers GB/T367332018
General rules for service quality evaluation
GB/T372772018Guidelines for facilitating approval services for the public[7]
Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. Administrative Licensing Law of the People's Republic of China (Order No. 7 of the President of the People's Republic of China) Office of the Leading Group for the Reform of the Administrative Approval System of the State Council, National Standardization Administration. Notice of the National Standards Committee on Promoting the Standardization of Administrative Licensing (Shen Gai Ban Fa [2016] No. 4) General Office of the State Council. Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Issuing the Guidelines for the Construction of the "Internet + Government Services" Technical System (Guoban [9
Letter [2016] No. 108) [10] General Office of the CPC Central Committee and General Office of the State Council. Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Convenience of Approval and Service [11] State Council. Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a National Integrated Online Government Services Platform (Guofa [2018] No. 27) [12] General Office of the State Council .Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Establishing a Government Service "Good and Bad Reviews" System to Improve the Level of Government Service (Guobanfa [2019] No. 51)
[13]General Office of the State Council. National Integrated Online Government Service Platform Government Service "Good and Bad Reviews" System Construction Plan (Guobandianzhenghan [2019] No. 242)
[14]General Office of the State Council. Notice on Conducting a Third-Party Survey and Evaluation of Provincial Government Integrated Government Service Capabilities (Government Service "Good and Bad Reviews") in 2020 (Guobandianzhenghan [2020] No. 90)nKaeerKAca-Government service transparency "Comprehensive comments" from all walks of life and "supervision and evaluation" by government departments 3. Convenience of public affairs Government service evaluation modules, indicators, indicator descriptions and requirements (continued) Indicators 2.1 Complete consultation system 2.2 Unobstructed consultation channels 2.3 Standardized list of matters 2.4 Standardized service guidelines 2.5 Timely update of government service disclosure and convenient access 3.1 Implementation of the “Four Reductions” Initiative
3.2 Immediate handling degree
3.3 Depth of affairs handling
3.4 ??“One-stop” realization rate
3.5 Links, materials and time for key areas and high-frequency affairs
3.6 Realization degree of handling affairs nearby and conveniently
3.7 Proportion of “intra-provincial handling” and “cross-provincial handling”
4.1 Reasonable window layout, complete facilities, clear guidance and comfortable service environment
4. Service experience
4.2 Staff members are skilled in service skills 、
Service attitude is enthusiastic
4.3 Timely response to demands
Indicator description and requirements
Construction of consultation channels such as on-site service, online government service platform, government mobile terminal, self-service terminal, hotline platform, etc. Online and offline consultation channels are unimpeded, and responses are accurate and timely. Public satisfaction with service consultation
The list of matters is sorted out according to the "four levels and four similarities" and the service scenarios, including the correspondence of the national basic catalogue and the unification of element specifications. The service guide corresponds to the list items one by one, and is compiled in accordance with GB/T361142018 Service Guide for Government Service Center Stationing Matters Standardize and compile relevant standards and requirements of the national integrated government service platform to clearly classify government service items, make them public and comprehensive, and adjust them dynamically in a timely manner. Evaluate the average time of the promised time limit for government service items in various regions and departments and the proportion of reduction based on the statutory time limit, the average number of trips, the streamlining of procedures, the reduction of certificates for the convenience of the people, the optimization of services, the promotion of service without certificates, and the people's satisfaction with the work of "reducing materials", "reducing time", "reducing procedures" and "reducing the number of trips". Evaluate the proportion of government service items in various regions and departments that are handled immediately, the number of items that are handled immediately and the proportion of the number of items handled in the total number of applications and the total number of items handled respectively. Verify the consistency and accuracy of immediate handling and actual handling of matters
The rate of service matters provided by online government service platforms and government mobile terminals (the proportion of the number of matters to the number of all government service matters on application); the rate of full online handling of government service matters on application (the proportion of the number of matters handled online throughout the process to the number of all government service matters on application)
Check the implementation of the "one thing" themed service, the proportion of "one thing" online handling (the proportion of "one thing" handled online throughout the process to the number of all "one thing" list matters that have been made public), and investigate the service recipients' satisfaction with the "one thing" handling
Check the handling links, application materials, and handling time limits in key areas such as business establishment, project approval, and real estate registration; check the ratios of matters accepted with missing documents and matters notified and promised to all matters on application (the proportion of matters accepted with missing documents to the number of all government service matters on application)
Convenience service stations, 24-hour self-service Reasonable layout and coverage of service outlets (the proportion of outlets to the number of administrative areas (communities, villages) under its jurisdiction)
The proportion of matters that can be handled through "cross-provincial services" (the proportion of matters that have been handled through "cross-provincial services" to the number of matters that are subject to application for government services) The proportion of matters that can be handled through "intra-provincial services" (the proportion of matters that have been handled through "intra-provincial services" to the number of matters that are subject to application for government services), etc.
Implementation of the on-site management of the physical hall in accordance with the GB/T36112-2018 on-site management specifications for government service centers, public satisfaction with window service staff, time-limited settlement rate for requests, etc.
Evaluation and improvement of enterprise standardization work
Government Government Service Center Operation Specifications
Part 4: Window Service Evaluation Requirements
Government Hotline Service Evaluation
Government Service Center Service Complaint Handling Specifications GB/T367332018
General Rules for Service Quality Evaluation
GB/T372772018 Guidelines for the Convenience of Approval Services[7]
National People's Congress Standing Committee. Administrative Licensing Law of the People's Republic of China (Order No. 7 of the President of the People's Republic of China) Office of the Leading Group for the Reform of the Administrative Approval System of the State Council, National Standardization Administration. Notice of the State Council's Examination and Revision Office and the National Standardization Administration on Promoting the Standardization of Administrative Licensing (Examination and Revision Office [2016] No. 4) General Office of the State Council. Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Issuing the Guidelines for the Construction of the "Internet + Government Services" Technical System (State Council Office [9]|| [10] General Office of the CPC Central Committee and General Office of the State Council. Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Convenience of Approval Services [11] State Council. Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a National Integrated Online Government Service Platform (Guofa [2018] No. 27) [12] General Office of the State Council. Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Establishing a Government Service "Good and Bad Review" System to Improve the Level of Government Service (Guobanfa [2019] No. 51) [13] General Office of the State Council. Construction Plan for the Government Service "Good and Bad Review" System of the National Integrated Online Government Service Platform (Guoban Dianzheng Letter [2019] No. 242) [14] General Office of the State Council. Notice on Conducting a Third-Party Survey and Evaluation of the Integrated Government Service Capabilities (Government Service "Good and Bad Review") of Provincial Governments in 2020 (Guoban Dianzheng Letter [2020] No. 90)Government service transparency "Comprehensive comments" from all walks of life and "supervision and evaluation" by government departments 3. Convenience of public affairs Government service evaluation modules, indicators, indicator descriptions and requirements (continued) Indicators 2.1 Complete consultation system 2.2 Unobstructed consultation channels 2.3 Standardized list of matters 2.4 Standardized service guidelines 2.5 Timely update of government service disclosure and convenient access 3.1 Implementation of the “Four Reductions” Initiative
3.2 Immediate handling degree
3.3 Depth of affairs handling
3.4 ??“One-stop” realization rate
3.5 Links, materials and time for key areas and high-frequency affairs
3.6 Realization degree of handling affairs nearby and conveniently
3.7 Proportion of “intra-provincial handling” and “cross-provincial handling”
4.1 Reasonable window layout, complete facilities, clear guidance and comfortable service environment
4. Service experience
4.2 Staff members are skilled in service skills 、
Service attitude is enthusiastic
4.3 Timely response to demands
Indicator description and requirements
Construction of consultation channels such as on-site service, online government service platform, government mobile terminal, self-service terminal, hotline platform, etc. Online and offline consultation channels are unimpeded, and responses are accurate and timely. Public satisfaction with service consultation
The list of matters is sorted out according to the "four levels and four similarities" and the service scenarios, including the correspondence of the national basic catalogue and the unification of element specifications. The service guide corresponds to the list items one by one, and is compiled in accordance with GB/T361142018 Service Guide for Government Service Center Stationing Matters Standardize and compile relevant standards and requirements of the national integrated government service platform to clearly classify government service items, make them public and comprehensive, and adjust them dynamically in a timely manner. Evaluate the average time of the promised time limit for government service items in various regions and departments and the proportion of reduction based on the statutory time limit, the average number of trips, the streamlining of procedures, the reduction of certificates for the convenience of the people, the optimization of services, the promotion of service without certificates, and the people's satisfaction with the work of "reducing materials", "reducing time", "reducing procedures" and "reducing the number of trips". Evaluate the proportion of government service items in various regions and departments that are handled immediately, the number of items that are handled immediately and the proportion of the number of items handled in the total number of applications and the total number of items handled respectively. Verify the consistency and accuracy of immediate handling and actual handling of matters
The rate of service matters provided by online government service platforms and government mobile terminals (the proportion of the number of matters to the number of all government service matters on application); the rate of full online handling of government service matters on application (the proportion of the number of matters handled online throughout the process to the number of all government service matters on application)
Check the implementation of the "one thing" themed service, the proportion of "one thing" online handling (the proportion of "one thing" handled online throughout the process to the number of all "one thing" list matters that have been made public), and investigate the service recipients' satisfaction with the "one thing" handling
Check the handling links, application materials, and handling time limits in key areas such as business establishment, project approval, and real estate registration; check the ratios of matters accepted with missing documents and matters notified and promised to all matters on application (the proportion of matters accepted with missing documents to the number of all government service matters on application)
Convenience service stations, 24-hour self-service Reasonable layout and coverage of service outlets (the proportion of outlets to the number of administrative regions (communities, villages) under its jurisdiction)
The proportion of matters that can be handled through "cross-provincial services" (the proportion of matters that have been handled through "cross-provincial services" to the number of matters that are subject to application for government services) The proportion of matters that can be handled through "intra-provincial services" (the proportion of matters that have been handled through "intra-provincial services" to the number of matters that are subject to application for government services), etc.
Implementation of the on-site management of the physical hall in accordance with the GB/T36112-2018 on-site management specifications for government service centers, public satisfaction with window service staff, time-limited settlement rate for requests, etc.
Evaluation and improvement of enterprise standardization work
Government Government Service Center Operation Specifications
Part 4: Window Service Evaluation Requirements
Government Hotline Service Evaluation
Government Service Center Service Complaint Handling Specifications GB/T367332018
General Rules for Service Quality Evaluation
GB/T372772018 Guidelines for the Convenience of Approval Services[7]
National People's Congress Standing Committee. Administrative Licensing Law of the People's Republic of China (Order No. 7 of the President of the People's Republic of China) Office of the Leading Group for the Reform of the Administrative Approval System of the State Council, National Standardization Administration. Notice of the State Council's Examination and Revision Office and the National Standardization Administration on Promoting the Standardization of Administrative Licensing (Examination and Revision Office [2016] No. 4) General Office of the State Council. Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Issuing the Guidelines for the Construction of the "Internet + Government Services" Technical System (State Council [9]|| [10] General Office of the CPC Central Committee and General Office of the State Council. Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Convenience of Approval Services [11] State Council. Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a National Integrated Online Government Service Platform (Guofa [2018] No. 27) [12] General Office of the State Council. Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Establishing a Government Service "Good and Bad Review" System to Improve the Level of Government Service (Guobanfa [2019] No. 51) [13] General Office of the State Council. Construction Plan for the Government Service "Good and Bad Review" System of the National Integrated Online Government Service Platform (Guobandianzhenghan [2019] No. 242) [14] General Office of the State Council. Notice on Conducting a Third-Party Survey and Evaluation of the Integrated Government Service Capabilities (Government Service "Good and Bad Review") of Provincial Governments in 2020 (Guobandianzhenghan [2020] No. 90)3 Timely response to demands
Indicator description and requirements
Construction of consultation channels such as on-site services, online government service platforms, government mobile terminals, self-service terminals, and hotline platforms. Online and offline consultation channels are unimpeded, and responses are accurate and timely. Public satisfaction with service consultation
The list of items is sorted out according to the "four levels and four similarities" and service scenarios, including the correspondence between the national basic catalog and the uniformity of element specifications. The service guidelines correspond to the items on the list one by one, and are compiled in accordance with the GB/T361142018 Government Service Center Service Guidelines for the Preparation of Items and the relevant standards of the National Integrated Government Service Platform. The classification of government service items is clear, public, comprehensive, and timely. Dynamic adjustment
Evaluate the average time limit for government service items in various regions and departments, the proportion of reduction based on the statutory time limit, and the average number of trips , streamlined procedures, reduced certificates for the convenience of the people, optimized services, promoted the handling of affairs without certificates, and the people's satisfaction evaluation on the work of "reducing materials", "reducing time", "reducing procedures" and "reducing the number of trips". The proportion of government service items handled immediately in various regions and departments, the proportion of the number of items handled immediately and the number of items handled to the total number of all applications and the total number of items handled respectively. Verify the consistency and accuracy of the immediate handling of items and the actual handling of items
The rate of service items provided by the online government service platform and the government mobile terminal (the proportion of the number of items to the number of all government service items on application); the whole process of government service items on application Online processing rate (the proportion of online processing items to the total number of government service items upon application)
Check the implementation of the "one-stop" themed service, the proportion of online processing of "one-stop" (the proportion of "one-stop" items that are processed online throughout the entire process to the total number of "one-stop" items on the public list), and the satisfaction of service recipients with the "one-stop" processing
Check the processing links, application materials, and processing time limits in key areas such as business establishment, project approval, and real estate registration; check the ratio of items accepted with missing documents and matters notified and promised to all settled items (the number of items accepted with missing documents The proportion of all government service items that are served upon application
The rationality of the layout and coverage of the convenience service stations and 24-hour self-service outlets (the proportion of the number of outlets to the number of administrative areas (communities, villages) under their jurisdiction)
The proportion of items that can be handled through the "cross-provincial service" service (the proportion of the number of items that have been handled through the "cross-provincial service" to the number of government service items that are served upon application) The proportion of items that can be handled through the "intra-provincial service" service (the proportion of the number of items that have been handled through the "intra-provincial service" to the number of government service items that are served upon application), etc.
The on-site management of the physical hall is in accordance with GB/T36112-20 18 Implementation of the on-site management specifications of government service centers Public satisfaction with window service staff Check the time limit for handling requests, etc.
Evaluation and improvement of enterprise standardization work
Operation specifications of government service centers
Part 4: Window service evaluation requirements
GB/T333 57—2016
Evaluation of government hotline services
Standards for handling complaints in government service centers GB/T367332018
General rules for service quality evaluation
GB/T372772018Guidelines for facilitating approval services for the public[7]
Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. Administrative Licensing Law of the People's Republic of China (Order No. 7 of the President of the People's Republic of China) Office of the Leading Group for the Reform of the Administrative Approval System of the State Council, National Standardization Administration. Notice of the National Standards Committee on Promoting the Standardization of Administrative Licensing (Shen Gai Ban Fa [2016] No. 4) General Office of the State Council. Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Issuing the Guidelines for the Construction of the "Internet + Government Services" Technical System (Guo Ban [9
Letter [2016] No. 108) [10] General Office of the CPC Central Committee and General Office of the State Council. Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Convenience of Approval and Service [11] State Council. Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a National Integrated Online Government Services Platform (Guo Fa [2018] No. 27) [12] General Office of the State Council .Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Establishing a Government Service "Good and Bad Reviews" System to Improve the Level of Government Service (Guobanfa [2019] No. 51)
[13]General Office of the State Council. National Integrated Online Government Service Platform Government Service "Good and Bad Reviews" System Construction Plan (Guobandianzhenghan [2019] No. 242)
[14]General Office of the State Council. Notice on Conducting a Third-Party Survey and Evaluation of Provincial Government Integrated Government Service Capabilities (Government Service "Good and Bad Reviews") in 2020 (Guobandianzhenghan [2020] No. 90)nKaeerKAca-3 Timely response to demands
Indicator description and requirements
Construction of consultation channels such as on-site services, online government service platforms, government mobile terminals, self-service terminals, and hotline platforms. Online and offline consultation channels are unimpeded, and responses are accurate and timely. Public satisfaction with service consultation
The list of items is sorted out according to the "four levels and four similarities" and service scenarios, including the correspondence between the national basic catalog and the uniformity of element specifications. The service guidelines correspond to the items on the list one by one, and are compiled in accordance with the GB/T361142018 Government Service Center Service Guidelines for the Preparation of Items and the relevant standards of the National Integrated Government Service Platform. The classification of government service items is clear, public, comprehensive, and timely. Dynamic adjustment
Evaluate the average time limit for government service items in various regions and departments, the proportion of reduction based on the statutory time limit, and the average number of trips , streamlined procedures, reduced certificates for the convenience of the people, optimized services, promoted the handling of affairs without certificates, and the people's satisfaction evaluation on the work of "reducing materials", "reducing time", "reducing procedures" and "reducing the number of trips". The proportion of government service items handled immediately in various regions and departments, the proportion of the number of items handled immediately and the number of items handled to the total number of all applications and the total number of items handled respectively. Verify the consistency and accuracy of the immediate handling of items and the actual handling of items
The rate of service items provided by the online government service platform and the government mobile terminal (the proportion of the number of items to the number of all government service items on application); the whole process of government service items on application Online processing rate (the proportion of online processing items to the total number of government service items upon application)
Check the implementation of the "one-stop" themed service, the proportion of online processing of "one-stop" (the proportion of "one-stop" items that are processed online throughout the entire process to the total number of "one-stop" items on the public list), and the satisfaction of service recipients with the "one-stop" processing
Check the processing links, application materials, and processing time limits in key areas such as business establishment, project approval, and real estate registration; check the ratio of items accepted with missing documents and matters notified and promised to all settled items (the number of items accepted with missing documents The proportion of all government service items that are served upon application
The rationality of the layout and coverage of the convenience service stations and 24-hour self-service outlets (the proportion of the number of outlets to the number of administrative areas (communities, villages) under their jurisdiction)
The proportion of items that can be handled through the "cross-provincial service" service (the proportion of the number of items that have been handled through the "cross-provincial service" to the number of government service items that are served upon application) The proportion of items that can be handled through the "intra-provincial service" service (the proportion of the number of items that have been handled through the "intra-provincial service" to the number of government service items that are served upon application), etc.
The on-site management of the physical hall is in accordance with GB/T36112-20 18 Implementation of the on-site management specifications of government service centers Public satisfaction with window service staff Check the time limit for handling requests, etc.
Evaluation and improvement of enterprise standardization work
Operation specifications of government service centersbzxZ.net
Part 4: Window service evaluation requirements
GB/T333 57—2016
Evaluation of government hotline services
Standards for handling complaints in government service centers GB/T367332018
General rules for service quality evaluation
GB/T372772018Guidelines for facilitating approval services for the public[7]
Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. Administrative Licensing Law of the People's Republic of China (Order No. 7 of the President of the People's Republic of China) Office of the Leading Group for the Reform of the Administrative Approval System of the State Council, National Standardization Administration. Notice of the National Standards Committee on Promoting the Standardization of Administrative Licensing (Shen Gai Ban Fa [2016] No. 4) General Office of the State Council. Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Issuing the Guidelines for the Construction of the "Internet + Government Services" Technical System (Guoban [9
Letter [2016] No. 108) [10] General Office of the CPC Central Committee and General Office of the State Council. Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Convenience of Approval and Service [11] State Council. Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a National Integrated Online Government Services Platform (Guofa [2018] No. 27) [12] General Office of the State Council .Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Establishing a Government Service "Good and Bad Reviews" System to Improve the Level of Government Service (Guobanfa [2019] No. 51)
[13]General Office of the State Council. National Integrated Online Government Service Platform Government Service "Good and Bad Reviews" System Construction Plan (Guobandianzhenghan [2019] No. 242)
[14]General Office of the State Council. Notice on Conducting a Third-Party Survey and Evaluation of Provincial Government Integrated Government Service Capabilities (Government Service "Good and Bad Reviews") in 2020 (Guobandianzhenghan [2020] No. 90)nKaeerKAca-
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