title>Micrographics - Quality control of COM recorders that generate images using a single internal display - Part 2: Method of use - GB/T 20494.2-2006 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Micrographics - Quality control of COM recorders that generate images using a single internal display - Part 2: Method of use
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 20494.2-2006
Standard Name:Micrographics - Quality control of COM recorders that generate images using a single internal display - Part 2: Method of use
Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
This part of GB/T 20494 specifies the use of software test standards specified in GB/T 20494.1-2006. GB/T 20494.2-2006 Microfilming Quality control of COM recorders using a single internal display system to generate images Part 2: Methods of use GB/T20494.2-2006 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This part of GB/T 20494 specifies the use of software test standards specified in GB/T 20494.1-2006.
Some standard content:
JCs 37.08a National Standard of the People's Republic of China G3/T20494.2--2006/1S014648-22001 Micrographics Quality control of CoM recorders that generate images using a single internal display-Part 2: Methods of use Micrographics Quality control of CoM recorders that generate images using a single internal display-Part 2: Methods of use 11648.2:2001,117 2006-08-23 Issued General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China 2007-02-01 Implementation GB/I20492.2—20CE/TSO14648-2.2001TS Embedded imaging technology standard list The quality control of the M-type imaging device is divided into the following components: Part 1: Part 1: Part 1: Part 1 Slow authorization piece Part payment This part is 1T144 and other parts, 19) 1G%2 box micro-heat technology use single Shangya show system aviation life laser delivery image book certificate collection device service quality control part price: Jiasheng square recognized American version, Chinese image international standardization education commissioner (held and. Six parts of the national document compensation technology standard folding technology many of its members from the first part of the single main drafting Li Lun, Mi Bin, Bao Rui law, in part general installation, GB/T20494.2—2006/1S0 14648-2:20Ct Introduction 7/T2:131 This part of GB/T20.91.1-2305 specifies the test standard for the initial testing of COMs, so that the independent quality base can be used for the follow-up inspection of COM images. 1 Scope Micrographic technology B/T20494.2-2006/ISO14648-2-2001 Quality control of OM recorders using a single internal display system to generate images - Part 2: Method of use 1/\\ This part of GB/T2519 4.—200 The following documents are incorporated herein by reference in this part of the TS and shall become the terms of this part. For the referenced documents of the date specified in the TS, all the images, documents which have been included in the TS or will be revised shall not apply to this part. However, all parties to the agreement reached under this part are encouraged to use the latest version of these documents. For the referenced documents of the date specified in the TS, the latest version shall apply. 5.—2 Microfilming of this part: Vocabulary Part 1:—Technical Guide (S0511:19,M) Same as: Part 1: Glue processing 1S5196-3, 1967.MOD) G6/T6159.32003 Editing microphotography techniques G6/T159.52HJ) Sales microphotography techniques This part: etc. Part 5: Image quality, readability and inspection (cqISO61C65:1987) t.T6159.5-2n1s Gradient micro-shadow technology [ Time collection Part 1, Equipment (1S5196:1992.MOD) G/T6159.72000 End microphotography technology Flash collection Part 7: Computer traceability microphotography techniques Technology (cgVISO619, 152 TS5: 1991 Photography - Determination of two-dimensional density - Part 2: Geometrical parameters for transmission density 1S153: 199 Laser scanning technology Density measurement basis "First part: Light permit ISt6511c Difficult and test data transfer characteristics Microfilm transfer without compliance with the mother word computer output video product: quality control: Part: test slide IS0)85142: 2CC0 Microfilming technology - Computer-aided quality control - Part 2: Methods 3 Terminology and definitions GBT 6159,123,(/T 15u2H,G[TF9.—2X0,(VT6159, 6MX,GT 154,72X)和/244.12515定定特理的Terms and Certification: This test is used to initially determine the quality of the images recorded by the F M system. The test is used as a basis for the system to establish its foundation, and then use it as a periodic monitoring of performance. For example, the maximum flow in the health test can be detected by the standard test technology. The user may require a home system! Since the film is small, it is possible to achieve the best image quality. This is the case. By checking the short micro-images produced by the close-up and comprehensive copy machine, the quality of the completed image can be determined. 5.1 Overview The procedure described above first determines the best noise-light recording required by the pool, and then uses the G8/T20494.2-2036/150)14648-22001 to measure the quality of the image produced by the box laser product to truly show the various effects of the CM system. 5. 2) Determination of the color image quality of the M recorder 5.2.1 (K>M system installation Before this, the system should be heated according to the agreement of the manufacturer: if the film is suitable for the production of micro-images, the processor should release heat and the appropriate new medicine should be used: I heat it to a certain temperature. 5.2.2 Test format According to the current provisions of 854:2000, a character pattern shall be valid and the product shall be confirmed to contain 1S1:-2,2!1. 5.2 .3 titration best noise light quantity video please wash use standard from 1 transmission! Or plate 2 picture fast a % micro flat film or a projection old degree of quality book editing mask film, if the black ticket control effect door H has the function of controlling the big photo one by one, it should be in: "each into each fixed center waste real model out of the willing light, if the Xing does not have this single ability, Xing Asia with this Shang degree Lan received Sichuan group Bin image take control all suitable pool to five quality model books: standard live school light East can image R trend generation image in the so line Ke line get Teng Hui not the most section Ke word on Asia certificate thick light, fixed inspection mother film image fixed inspection benefit space system and raise image, I user quantity demand. Hui Xia Niu 5.2.4 Determination of the best density of the test station Select the source of the measurement for the measurement plan. The bandwidth of the image shows the density of the dense area: the solid air area that is, the area where all points are not generated. 5.2.5CO editing rate The shrinkage rate of the recorder 1 is also the boundary of the standard: the measuring base ring ruler is used to determine the measurement station when two measurement items are used or the measurement items can be modified: when the full height measurement is performed, the water height of the side door of the standard 1 is .4m and the recording is 3.4 mm In the corresponding scale of the Beijing piece measuring grass standard technical measuring product scale 1! 1524m.144 when 266.7114 pay 3m, when used on the full scale piece, the measuring scale related points of the straight separation is 124 when 152.41mr1,1:48 when 266.7:145 when 152.r measuring water scale and weight scale length, different types of wheel recorders, can have different widths and flatness. In the (M system!, the editor is determined by the Japanese steel. In addition to the servant to change the fast lens, the Shenzhen shrinkage rate association will receive changes: Gubei. This item The measuring station is good at determining the sales rate. Whether it is suitable or not, it is useful to see the file or hold the short test. Generally, the box rate is determined within the nominal range of 1. It is advisable to inquire about the system manufacturer's range. 5.2.6X1M resolution standard 2 mouth and day certificate to determine the resolution of the product with the stone test seat used in the month to obtain the actual drug capacity, and whether the image is adjusted and recorded should be the smallest that can be separated, that is, the lack of Shenzhen's plan to determine the image capacity, and use the moon to observe the image of the mirror under the advertising rate of the ten-frequency image. If there is no display, the resolution of the image will be reduced by zooming in and out of the reader. 5.2.7 The linear grid is used to judge the readability of the image. 5.2.8 The readability of the image should be judged by the C>M area. 5.2.9 The area of the character should be used to judge the readability of the character. G3/T20494.2-2C0/Iso14648-2,2001 Check the quality of the prohibited font area: the layout is usually easy to read. The characters within the area are generally used as test marks. 1 is a light test mark that is recommended for use with a specific sub-type or body. 6 First generation microfilm product density 6.1 Description Generate an image of the test mark on the film. And pull down the force method to test this image. 6.2 Density test area There are two "areas" out of three density measurements: Test: The right method is to use the virtual test area (real, virtual) when you stop using the film to modify the high-tech white military requirements, the successor will abandon the loan glue to apply to the most demanding degree. In addition. The lower center square length (check the point used to measure the light and low gradient film base lack of etc.; the absolute image glue is inside the highest seat area: the network line area is convenient for the rectangular length virtual meter to monitor the effectiveness of the light and the meter washing 6.3 density Table 1 round 11 with 1 with 5-3 specified light production conditions and 1S) 52 specified in the geometric recording piece rate meter measured without needle cutting standard density expansion, the M shape blue required value, table 7.2 Installation and protection test 7.2.1 Installation and protection test The qualified tightness limit of each installation and test Consultation method 7 Small and medium-sized security team ) Printing is oftenbzxZ.net Hot line is lucky new full of this place test 7.2.2 Delivery best no fixed Most active back reason The white area is a high audit customer 3.26 Some Technical quality: the provisions of the two fixed recording system to allow the certificate 7.2.3 Microform generation||tt ||Minimum economic difference Best nxn Total record benefit to this special service calculation value: and Niu Zhiqiang two test or standard image network to do flat film absorption of common book shrink cycle film 2.2.4 Record the number of full Record the rate value obtained from the continental test area, evaluate the sample group of the type of product station that can produce the product result, record the small sample in the continental attempt and determine the source rate. Set the microfilm block to retain the example. t:B/120494.2—2336/15014648-2:2007.3 The test is usually carried out as part of the planned successor rate sequence, or if there is doubt about the quality of the standard film, 7.3.1 is used to generate microfilms. If there is a need for additional use, the quality of the film recorded in the standard film of 6.1 is used to generate a complete microfilm with bad return 1 or rejection 2, or its equivalent microfilm and copy, 7. 3.2 Comparison of quality results Compare the clean results obtained with those obtained in 7.2 to check whether they meet the requirements (all qualified products are within the allowed range). 7.3.3 Adjustment or maintenance If the results are not qualified, make the necessary adjustments and produce a reliable micro-film and a "copy" for record keeping. 12 EHVEN Example of structure of standard rejection 1 EHNEFN 12EFRFHH FHNFHN1F FHNF-V 1? h+rF-h 1 GD/T2C494.2—2006/IS014628-2.20C1t u Example of structure of standard rejection 2 IU LHVLIN 12 LIININ Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.