Rules for monitoring and forecast of the wheat stripe rust(Puccinia striiformis West)
Some standard content:
ICS 65. 020. 01
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 15795--2011
Replaces GB/T15795-1995
Technical Specification for Nonitoring and Forecast of the Wheat Stripe Rust (Puccinia striiformis West)2011-09-29 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
Terms and definitions
Occurrence degree classification index
Systematic investigation of the disease
General survey of the disease
Summering area disease investigation
Prediction method
Collection, reporting and summary of forecast data.
Appendix A (Normative Appendix)
Appendix B (Informative Appendix)
Data sheet of crop disease and insect pest investigationWheat stripe rustPrevalence zoning of small stripe rust
Wheat stripe rust pattern report
Appendix C (Normative Appendix)
Appendix D (Informative Appendix)
Model for estimating the damage and loss of wheat stripe rust·GB/T 15795—2011
This standard replaces GB/T 15795—1995 Wheat rust disease forecasting and investigation specification\. This standard is consistent with GB/T Compared with GB/T15795-1995, the main changes are as follows: GB/T15795-2011
This revision adds the content of wheat stripe rust prediction method, and changes the "forecasting and investigation specifications" in the original title to "forecasting and technical specifications"
Added the grading index of wheat stripe rust occurrence degree, changed the "disease degree recording standard", classified the content into "terms and definitions", added the definition and calculation formula of "disease index", defined "prevalence rate" as "disease leaf", and added the definition and related investigation items of "reaction type"; added the content of "monitoring of aerial spore capture of foreign fungi", mainly using aerial spore capture instrument to detect foreign fungi, and made detailed provisions on the capture time and management, the setting of spore extractor and slide, microscopic examination and recording; deleted the content of "indoor disease observation of wheat seedlings in winter", and modified the "system investigation of disease point development" and "investigation of latent diseased leaves after wintering in disease transmission center" because it could not represent the actual situation in the field. The three items "Systematic investigation of disease field" and "Systematic investigation of disease field" were merged into "Systematic investigation of disease"; the "Spring wheat area investigation" item was changed, and its content was respectively classified into "Systematic investigation of disease" and "Alternative investigation of disease"; the tables of various investigation items that appeared in the main text were excluded, and their contents were compiled into a series of complete sample tables as normative appendix A, and the "Annual Occurrence Statistics of Wheat Stripe Rust" was added to the sample table; the autumn and spring pattern report of small stripe rust was added as a normative appendix to require regular reporting; the research results on the positioning of key areas in the cross-regional epidemic of small stripe rust (the definitions and scope of "summering area", "non-wintering area", "wintering area", "latent wintering area" and "wintering area") were added as an informative appendix for reference by various places, and relevant investigation items were implemented according to specific areas:
The research results on the prediction model and damage loss estimation of wheat stripe rust were added as an informative appendix for reference by various places. Appendix A of this standard, Appendix A is a normative appendix, and Appendix B and Appendix D are informative appendices. This standard was proposed and coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. The main drafting units of this standard are the National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center and Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University. The main drafters of this standard are Jiang Yuying, Zeng Juan, Shang Hongsheng, and Jiang Ruizhong. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are GB/T15795-1995.
1 Fan Gu
Technical Specifications for Wheat Stripe Rust Monitoring and Forecasting
GB/T 15795-2011
This standard specifies the terms and definitions related to the occurrence of wheat stripe rust, the classification indicators of the degree of occurrence, the systematic investigation of the disease, the general survey of the disease, the disease survey in the summering area, the prediction methods, and the technical methods for the collection, reporting and summary of the monitoring and forecasting data. This standard is applicable to the disease adjustment and prediction of wheat stripe rust. 2 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 2.1
Number of diseased leaves is the percentage of the total number of leaves surveyed, used to indicate the degree of disease. 2.2
Severity level of disease is the percentage of the area of diseased leaves to the total area of leaves, expressed in a graded manner, with 1%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% being used to indicate the disease respectively. For disease conditions between the grades, the nearest value is taken. Although the disease has occurred but the severity is less than 1%, it is recorded as 1%. For leaves in a group, the average severity of diseased leaves needs to be calculated according to formula (1). The use of average severity can be strictly counted and calculated in the initial stage of the disease; when the disease is in its heyday and many points need to be investigated, the average severity of a certain point is estimated by visual observation Dx
wherein ·
D average severity of diseased leaves;
i——each severity value;
——the number of diseased leaves corresponding to each severity value, in pieces, L
total number of leaves investigated, in pieces.
disease index disease inder
a comprehensive index of the prevalence and severity of disease occurrence, used to indicate the average level of disease occurrence. Calculate according to formula (2): I=F×D× 100
I -disease index;
F—disease leaf rate;
D—average severity of diseased leaves.
Diseased field rate
The percentage of mother blocks found in the field of tea rust in the whole field of tea rust. 2.5
Disease transmission center (2)
It is composed of diseased leaves incubated by pathogens and adjacent diseased leaves infected by their spores. In the actual standard operation, when there are more than 3 diseased leaves of stripe rust within 33cm of a single row in the strip-spread field or within 0.11m (33cm×33cm) of the withdrawn wheat field, it is considered as a transmission center. 1
Disease transmission center density (individuals/667 m\), area (m\> and the number of diseased leaves in the center. 2.6
Individual infected leaves Individual infected leaves The diseased leaves that appear scattered and isolated in the survey area, the number of individual diseased leaves is expressed by density (pieces/667m\). 3 Occurrence degree grading indicators
The occurrence degree of wheat stripe rust is determined by the weighted average disease index of the surveyed plots as the main indicator, and the diseased field rate in the region as the reference indicator. The occurrence degree is divided into 5 levels, namely light occurrence (level 1), relatively light occurrence (level 2), moderate occurrence (level 3), relatively heavy occurrence (level 4), and severe occurrence (level 5). The indicators of each level are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Grading indicators of the occurrence degree of stripe rust in small pots Occurrence degree indicators
Disease index
Disease field rate/%
To: I Disease index; X Disease rate. The disease rate is a reference index, 4 Systematic investigation of disease
4.1 Systematic investigation of fields or observations
4.1.1 Investigation time
In winter areas where stripe rust can continue to occur from autumn seedling stage to spring, fixed-point investigations should be started after the onset of disease in autumn seedlings. In non-wintering areas and latent wintering areas of wheat stripe rust, fixed-point investigations should be started after the onset of disease in spring. In spring wheat areas, fixed-point investigations should be started after diseased leaves are found in the field. 4.1.2 Investigation fields
Wheat fields that represent susceptible varieties with good disease conditions and early disease onset should be selected as systematic investigation fields. If disease-resistant varieties are generally planted locally, susceptible varieties should be sown in advance in plots with good disease conditions and convenient observation, and observation areas should be established for systematic investigations. 4.1.3 Adjustment method
Mark 3 diseased leaf withered points in the system section, each with 2m row length (strip planting area) or 1 plus (seeding area), and investigate every 5 days until the wheat matures or the stripe rust stops growing. In the early stage of the disease, check the disease status of all leaves in the point; when the diseased leaf rate reaches more than 5%, investigate 200 leaves and record the investigation results in the wheat stripe rust system investigation form (see Table A1). 4.2 Monitoring of aerial spore capture from foreign sources
4.2.1 Survey scope
This item is implemented in the spring monitoring of foreign fungal sources in the non-overwintering area and latent overwintering area of wheat stripe rust. 4. 2. 2 Capture time and management
Spring wheat greening starts from early May.
The capture time is 9+00~-11,00 every day, and the slides are collected and examined under a microscope in time. 4.2.3 Spore capture setting
The spore capture instrument is mainly used to capture the summer spores of stripe rust in the shade, and the relative floating amount of spores in the air is used to indicate the amount of fungal sources. An electric rotary spore capture instrument is used. The spore capture instrument is set at a height of 1.2m in the wheat field, the capture instrument arm length is 15 cm~17 cm, the rotating arm is 1.5m above the ground, and the micro motor speed is 1500r/min. 4.2.4 Adhesive Slides
Use 2 slides with a thickness of 1mm~~1.5mm, respectively mounted at both ends of the rotating arm, with the upper rotating arm at a 45-degree angle, and apply a thin film of white vaseline on the windward side of the rotating arm.
4.2.5 Mounting and Recording
GB/T 15795—2011
Drop a small drop of sterile water in the center of the slide during microscopic examination, carefully place an 18mm×18mm cover glass, and use a 10×10x biological microscope with a cross propeller to microscopically examine the number of summer spores of the stripe-induced pathogen within the range of the 18mm×18mm cover glass. The microscopic examination results shall be recorded in the record table for the capture of aerial spores of the rust (see Table A, 2). 5 Disease Survey
5.1 Disease Survey at Seedling Stage
5. 1. 1 Survey
For winter wheat, wheat stripe rust latent wintering areas and winter areas, the survey will be conducted at the peak of disease in autumn seedlings; for non-wintering areas, the survey will be conducted before wheat intertwines in spring. For spring wheat, the survey will be conducted at the peak of disease in seedlings.
The survey time in the same region should be roughly the same in each year. 5. 1. 2 Survey Location
Select several representative areas based on the wheat planting and cultivation zoning and the disease situation of autumn seedlings all year round. In each representative area, select wheat fields with susceptible varieties sown early and at the right time for survey. Determine the number of surveyed plots based on the distance from the summer and winter fungus sources and the prevalence of disease at seedling stage all year round. For plots that are close to the summer and winter fungus sources and have more widespread disease at seedling stage, the total number of surveyed plots shall not be less than 10; for plots that are far from the summer and winter fungus sources and have less widespread disease at seedling stage, the total number of surveyed plots shall not be less than 20. The area of each plot shall be greater than 334 m2. 5.1.3 Survey method
For fields with stripe rust in the spot and patch period and with a field area of more than 667m2, 5 random sampling points are selected, and 67m2 is checked at each point. For fields with an area of less than 667m2, the whole field is checked. The inspection adopts a combination of slow inspection with head down (observation width 1m) and detailed inspection of diseased leaves to check the disease transmission center and the occurrence of single diseased leaves. In each field, representative sampling points with a row length of 1m (row sowing field) or 0.5m (withdrawn sowing field) are selected to calculate the number of leaves to estimate the leaf density (leaves/667m2*). For fields with widespread disease, 5 sampling points are selected, each with a length of 2m, and 100 leaves are randomly checked at each point to check the disease situation. 5.1.4 Recording items
Record separately according to whether the disease is in the spot or widespread in the field. Spot outbreak stage. If the disease center is observed, record the density of the disease center, the average area of the disease center and the average number of diseased leaves in the disease center. If only a single diseased leaf appears, record the density of the single diseased leaf. In the general outbreak stage, record the diseased leaf rate and severity. The above items are averaged according to the field survey points, and the survey results are recorded in the wheat stripe rust autumn seedling stage and greening and jointing stage survey table (see Table A, 3). In addition, the diseased field rate needs to be calculated from the number of diseased fields and the total number of surveyed fields, and recorded in the lower left corner of the table. 5, 2 Greening and jointing stage disease inspection
Winter wheat, survey once 15 to 20 days after wheat returns to the roots, the specific time is based on the system Xie Xie inspection to start after the disease. In areas where wheat has no obvious wintering phenomenon, conduct the survey after the disease begins to rise in early spring. In areas where the main source of foreign bacteria is late in spring, conduct the survey at the jointing stage, and in spring, conduct the survey once at the jointing stage when the disease rises according to the system investigation. The survey plots, survey methods, record items and forms are the same as those in the seedling stage.
5. 3 Disease survey in the late growth period
5. 3. 1 Survey time
The survey is conducted in the winter and spring wheat milk fever period or when the disease is at its peak in the current year (before the disease stops developing). 5. 3. 2 The survey is conducted by
The main crop varieties are surveyed in early, mid and late sowing wheat fields or representative cropping and cultivation conditions. The number of plots is determined by the cultivation area of the variety, generally not less than 10 plots. For varieties with smaller cultivation areas, only one representative wheat field is surveyed. 5.3.3 Survey method
Sampling is conducted at 5 points in each survey field, with each point having a row length of 2m or 1m, and 100 leaves (flag leaf or one leaf under the flag) are randomly inspected at each point. 5.3.4 Recording items
Record and calculate the diseased leaf rate and average severity for each variety. The total average diseased leaf rate and severity of each variety is the weighted average of all surveyed plots of the variety. The results are recorded in the wheat stripe rust late survey form (see Table A.4). 6 Survey of disease in Yuegeng area
6. 1 Survey scope
This survey is only carried out in Yuedou area with wheat stripe rust (see Appendix B for the division of wheat stripe rust epidemic areas). 6. 2 Survey time
Depending on the severity of the disease, it will be conducted before the end of August each year or during the main disease-susceptible period of late-maturing spring wheat, winter wheat and its self-sprouting seedlings. 6.3 Survey
Each year, according to a certain route, select representative fields of late-maturing spring and winter wheat varieties and wheat stubble replanting and fallow fields that breed spontaneous wheat seedlings as survey fields. The number of surveyed fields shall be determined according to the actual area of each type of field, but the number of surveyed fields at each survey site shall not be less than 10, and the total area shall not be less than 5×667 m*. 6.4 Survey method
The incidence of stripe rust in the surveyed fields of late-maturing spring and winter wheat shall be estimated by visual inspection, and the density and condition of spontaneous wheat seedlings shall be estimated by a combination of treading estimation and sampling inspection in the surveyed fields of spontaneous wheat seedlings. For specific methods, see 5.1.3. The survey results shall be recorded in the survey form for wheat rust oversummering (see Table A.5).
7.1 Pre-winter prediction
Based on the prevalence of autumn seedling disease in the country, the planting area of susceptible varieties, the temperature and snowfall conditions in the main wintering areas, and the meteorological forecast of the rain conditions from March to May of the following year, after consultation with experts, a comprehensive analysis is conducted to complete the prediction of the prevalence of stripe rust in the following year before the end of the year. 7. 2 Early spring prediction
Based on the winter development of tea rust in the main wintering areas (i.e. the amount of fungal sources in spring), the planting area of susceptible varieties in the main wheat-producing areas, the speed of the temperature blanket rising in the season and the precipitation conditions, the spring prevalence of stripe rust in the current year is predicted. Localities can establish a formula based on historical data for statistical forecasting.
8 Collection, collection and summary of forecast data
8. 1 Collection of forecast data
Collect the following forecast data:
a) Wheat cultivation management data, including: main varieties and planting areas of different varieties, sowing period and wheat area of different sowing periods, irrigated land area during wheat growth period, number and time of pith storage; main varieties' rust resistance or resistance to the current epidemic subspecies of wheat stripe rust; b)
c) late-maturing spring and winter pot cultivation area in summering area, spontaneous seedling occurrence area; d) predicted values and actual values of local main meteorological elements (including daily average temperature, relative humidity, precipitation and condensation). 8.2 Reporting of forecast data
Timely summarize survey data and relevant information, fill in the wheat stripe rust pattern report (see Appendix B), and report to the superior business department regularly. B.3 Data Summary
Statistical summary of wheat stripe rust occurrence period and occurrence, record wheat stripe rust planting and occurrence and prevention, estimate yield loss (see Appendix D for methods), summarize occurrence characteristics, and analyze causes. The results are recorded in the annual occurrence statistics of wheat stripe rust (see Table A.6) and the basic situation record table of wheat stripe rust occurrence and prevention (see Table A.7). Station
Person in charge
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Crop pest and disease survey data decline list
Minor stripe rust
East longitude:
(Yi Zhang)
GB/T 15795—2011
Growth period
Xie inspection date
Setting location
Ye Neng/
Table A,1 Wheat stripe rust survey table
Survey point 1
Number of leaves/
Survey point 2
Number of leaves/
Survey point 3
Wheat stripe rust aerial spore capture record table A2
Type field
Slide 1
Number of summer spores/piece
Slide 2
Cumulative number
Table A 3 Wheat stripe rust autumn seedling stage and greening and jointing stage survey table point piece disease
667 m Number/
Universal disease
(Survey field location,
Terrain, variety,
Sowing time and growth condition, etc.)
24 before taking slides h
Weather conditions
(terrestrial topography, height of wheat field, etc.)
Type field 1
Field A, 4
Type field 2
Wheat stripe rust late stage replacement
Type field 3
Type field 4
Type field 5
5 Survey form of wheat stripe rust late maturing wheat
Disease leaf rate/
Variety sowing date
Average severity/
Previous field
667 tnt
Various varieties
Spontaneous seedlings
Spontaneous wheat
Seedling mildew degree/
Table A. Statistics on the occurrence of wheat stripe disease in 6 years. Disease of autumn seedlings
Average rate of diseased fields per
657 m2
Single leaf disease
Leaf effect/
Average rate of diseased fields per
667 m2
Number of diseased
Disease during greening and harvesting period
Average rate of diseased fields per
Note: After harvest, each station shall report to the provincial station, and the provincial station shall summarize and report in time. 667 m
Single leaf disease
Number of leaves/
Average number of diseased
Total average
leaf rate of varieties!
Remarks (topography,
wei, etc.)
Remarks (sea
average yield
Meng degree/
disease in the late growth stage
Yi height,
CB/T 15795—2011
Small competition planting situation:
wheat area/hm
main variety
disease-resistant variety area/hum
early sowing and area/hm2
irrigation area/hm2
small stripe disease occurrence situation:
incidence area/hm
major disaster (send prevention and control indicators) area/hm
decline A. 7 Table of basic situation of prevention and control of small stripe disease Cultivated land area/hm*
Area affected (yield reduction of more than 30%)/hm2
Control situation:
Control area/hm
Final occurrence difference
Summering area:
Late-maturing winter wheat area/h*
Late-maturing spring wheat area/hm
Area of spontaneous wheat seedlings in multiple-cropping fields/hrn
Area of spontaneous wheat seedlings in idle fields/htn*
Overview of occurrence and control and reasons
Among them, seed dressing area/hm
Actual loss/t
Note: After wheat harvest Each station reports to the provincial station, which summarizes and reports in time. 8
Ratio of wheat flour to cultivated land area/%
Ratio of wheat area/%
Ratio of wheat area/%
Ratio of small walk area/%
Ratio of small walk area/%
Ratio of diseased field area/%
Ratio of diseased field area/%
Area of drug administration/hn
Recovery loss/t
Ratio of wheat area/%
Ratio of wheat area/%
Density of spontaneous wheat seedlings/(plants/667m)
Density of spontaneous wheat seedlings/(plants/667 tm*)
B. 1 Summering area
Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
Epidemic zoning of stripe rust of small pot
GB/T 15795--2011
The average temperature of the hottest ten-day period in summer does not exceed 23 degrees. In the high seas and cool mountainous areas where there are self-growing wheat seedlings, early winter wheat, spring wheat and other summer hosts (such as rye and unclassical weeds), the stripe rust fungus can survive on its hosts and spend the season. Such areas are called wheat stripe cast summering areas, which are mainly divided into five major areas:
a) Northwest summering area, including Longnan, Tianshui, Pingliang, Qingyang, Linxia and Dingxi in Gansu, Guyuan, Pengyang, Tanyuan, Jingyuan and Longde in the southern mountainous areas of Ningxia, Xunhua, Xining and Wenyuan in the wheat area of eastern Qinghai, b) Northwest Sichuan summering area, including Aba, Ganziyuan and Shanshan in Sichuan; c) Yunnan summering area and Guizhou Xidu summering area. The average temperature of the hottest ten-day period in summer in Yunnan summering area is 13.0 degrees to 18.9 degrees and the average temperature of the month is 13.6 degrees Celsius~14 degrees Celsius. The areas where wheat grows can survive the summer, including Kunming, Yudu, Qujing, Chuxiong, Dali and Lijiang. The summering altitude is 2200m~3100m, mainly on white wheat, autumn wheat, late winter wheat and spring wheat. In Guizhou, the wheat can survive the summer on spontaneous wheat seedlings of different seedlings at an altitude of 1600m~2020m in Bijie, 1700m~2200m in Liupanshui and 1600m~1900m in Qianxinan Prefecture.
d) Xinjiang summering area, mainly including Zhaosu, Xinyuan, Tekes, Nileke in the upper reaches of the Ili River, Wuqia and Akto in the Shejin Mountain area of Kashgar, as well as Mapu, Luntai, Xinhe, Baicheng, Aksu and Hotan; e) North China summering area, including northern Shanxi, Inner Mongolia and Bashang in Hebei. B. 2 Wintering area
Wheat seedlings can remain green or grow normally in areas where the average temperature of the coldest month in winter is not lower than -7°C to -6°C, or the temperature is lower than -10°C but there is a need for covering, and the wheat seedlings can remain green or grow normally. The wheat stripe rust fungus can survive in the host body. Such areas are the wintering areas of the small difference stripe rust. In normal years, the boundary of North China is the Shide Line to Jiexiu, Shanxi, and the Huangjiao Line in Shaanxi. The south can overwinter every year and the overwintering rate is relatively high. The north can overwinter but the overwintering rate is very low. B.3 Winter and winter areas
In the wintering area, wheat can still grow normally after wintering, and the stripe rust fungus can continue to infect from generation to generation. This is the winter breeding area of wheat stripe rust, which is mainly distributed in the southern region, such as the Sichuan Basin, the southwest and northwest Sichuan dam area, Jianghan, Guobei, southern Henan and southern Shaanxi. B. 4 Latent wintering area
In the wintering area, some wheat leaves die after winter, but the wheat field is still green. The stripe rust fungus hibernates in the leaf tissue in a latent silk state without showing symptoms after invasion. Such areas are latent wintering areas for wheat stripe rust, which are mainly distributed in low-latitude and low-altitude areas in Northwest China and North China. Whether the stripe rust fungus can safely overwinter depends on the winter climate conditions. B.5 Non-wintering area
Areas where wheat turns green obviously, that is, areas where all the above-ground parts of wheat die after winter and new leaves sprout again the following year. The stripe rust fungus cannot survive due to lack of hosts. Such areas are non-wintering areas for wheat stripe rust, which are mainly distributed in high-latitude and high-altitude areas in Northwest China and North China.6 Statistics on the annual occurrence of wheat stripe correction disease: Autumn seedling disease
Average rate of diseased fields per
657 m2
Single leaf disease
Leaf effect/
Average rate of diseased fields per
667 m2
Number of diseased
Return to green period disease
Average rate of diseased fields per
Note: After harvest, each station shall report to the provincial station, and the provincial station shall report in time after summarizing. 667 m
Single leaf disease
Number of leaves/
Average rate of diseased
Variety total average
Leaf rate!
Remarks (topography,
wei, etc.)
Remarks (sea
average yield
Meng degree/
disease in the late growth stage
Yi height,
CB/T 15795—2011
Small competition planting situation:
wheat area/hm
main variety
disease-resistant variety area/hum
early sowing and area/hm2
irrigation area/hm2
small stripe disease occurrence situation:
incidence area/hm
major disaster (send prevention and control indicators) area/hm
decline A. 7 Table of basic situation of prevention and control of small stripe disease Cultivated land area/hm*
Area affected (yield reduction of more than 30%)/hm2
Control situation:
Control area/hm
Final occurrence difference
Summering area:
Late-maturing winter wheat area/h*
Late-maturing spring wheat area/hm
Area of spontaneous wheat seedlings in multiple-cropping fields/hrn
Area of spontaneous wheat seedlings in idle fields/htn*
Overview of occurrence and control and reasons
Among them, seed dressing area/hm
Actual loss/t
Note: After wheat harvest Each station reports to the provincial station, which summarizes and reports in time. 8
Ratio of wheat flour to cultivated land area/%
Ratio of wheat area/%
Ratio of wheat area/%
Ratio of small walk area/%
Ratio of small walk area/%
Ratio of diseased field area/%
Ratio of diseased field area/%
Area of drug administration/hn
Recovery loss/t
Ratio of wheat area/%
Ratio of wheat area/%
Density of spontaneous wheat seedlings/(plants/667m)
Density of spontaneous wheat seedlings/(plants/667 tm*)
B. 1 Summering area
Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
Epidemic zoning of stripe rust of small pot
GB/T 15795--2011
The average temperature of the hottest ten-day period in summer does not exceed 23 degrees. In the high seas and cool mountainous areas where there are self-growing wheat seedlings, early winter wheat, spring wheat and other summer hosts (such as rye and unclassical weeds), the stripe rust fungus can survive on its hosts and spend the season. Such areas are called wheat stripe cast summering areas, which are mainly divided into five major areas:
a) Northwest summering area, including Longnan, Tianshui, Pingliang, Qingyang, Linxia and Dingxi in Gansu, Guyuan, Pengyang, Tanyuan, Jingyuan and Longde in the southern mountainous areas of Ningxia, Xunhua, Xining and Wenyuan in the wheat area of eastern Qinghai, b) Northwest Sichuan summering area, including Aba, Ganziyuan and Shanshan in Sichuan; c) Yunnan summering area and Guizhou Xidu summering area. The average temperature of the hottest ten-day period in summer in Yunnan summering area is 13.0 degrees to 18.9 degrees and the average temperature of the month is 13.6 degrees Celsius~14 degrees Celsius. The areas where wheat grows can survive the summer, including Kunming, Yudu, Qujing, Chuxiong, Dali and Lijiang. The summering altitude is 2200m~3100m, mainly on white wheat, autumn wheat, late winter wheat and spring wheat. In Guizhou, the wheat can survive the summer on spontaneous wheat seedlings of different seedlings at an altitude of 1600m~2020m in Bijie, 1700m~2200m in Liupanshui and 1600m~1900m in Qianxinan Prefecture.
d) Xinjiang summering area, mainly including Zhaosu, Xinyuan, Tekes, Nileke in the upper reaches of the Ili River, Wuqia and Akto in the Shejin Mountain area of Kashgar, as well as Mapu, Luntai, Xinhe, Baicheng, Aksu and Hotan; e) North China summering area, including northern Shanxi, Inner Mongolia and Bashang in Hebei. B. 2 Wintering area
Wheat seedlings can remain green or grow normally in areas where the average temperature of the coldest month in winter is not lower than -7°C to -6°C, or the temperature is lower than -10°C but there is a need for covering, and the wheat seedlings can remain green or grow normally. The wheat stripe rust fungus can survive in the host body. Such areas are the wintering areas of the small difference stripe rust. In normal years, the boundary of North China is the Shide Line to Jiexiu, Shanxi, and the Huangjiao Line in Shaanxi. The south can overwinter every year and the overwintering rate is relatively high. The north can overwinter but the overwintering rate is very low. B.3 Winter and winter areas
In the wintering area, wheat can still grow normally after wintering, and the stripe rust fungus can continue to infect from generation to generation. This is the winter breeding area of wheat stripe rust, which is mainly distributed in the southern region, such as the Sichuan Basin, the southwest and northwest Sichuan dam area, Jianghan, Guobei, southern Henan and southern Shaanxi. B. 4 Latent wintering area
In the wintering area, some wheat leaves die after winter, but the wheat field is still green. The stripe rust fungus hibernates in the leaf tissue in a latent silk state without showing symptoms after invasion. Such areas are latent wintering areas for wheat stripe rust, which are mainly distributed in low-latitude and low-altitude areas in Northwest China and North China. Whether the stripe rust fungus can safely overwinter depends on the winter climate conditions. B.5 Non-wintering area
Areas where wheat turns green obviously, that is, areas where all the above-ground parts of wheat die after winter and new leaves sprout again the following year. The stripe rust fungus cannot survive due to lack of hosts. Such areas are non-wintering areas for wheat stripe rust, which are mainly distributed in high-latitude and high-altitude areas in Northwest China and North China.6 Statistics on the annual occurrence of wheat stripe correction disease: Autumn seedling disease
Average rate of diseased fields per
657 m2
Single leaf disease
Leaf effect/
Average rate of diseased fields per
667 m2
Number of diseased
Return to green period disease
Average rate of diseased fields per
Note: After harvest, each station shall report to the provincial station, and the provincial station shall report in time after summarizing. 667 m
Single leaf disease
Number of leaves/
Average rate of diseased
Variety total average
Leaf rate!
Remarks (topography,
wei, etc.)
Remarks (sea
average yield
Meng degree/
disease in the late growth stage
Yi height,
CB/T 15795—2011
Small competition planting situation:
wheat area/hm
main variety
disease-resistant variety area/hum
early sowing and area/hm2
irrigation area/hm2
small stripe disease occurrence situation:
incidence area/hm
major disaster (send prevention and control indicators) area/hm
decline A. 7 Table of basic situation of prevention and control of small stripe disease Cultivated land area/hm*
Area affected (yield reduction of more than 30%)/hm2
Control situation:
Control area/hm
Final occurrence difference
Summering area:
Late-maturing winter wheat area/h*
Late-maturing spring wheat area/hm
Area of spontaneous wheat seedlings in multiple-cropping fields/hrn
Area of spontaneous wheat seedlings in idle fields/htn*
Overview of occurrence and control and reasons
Among them, seed dressing area/hm
Actual loss/t
Note: After wheat harvest Each station reports to the provincial station, which summarizes and reports in time. 8
Ratio of wheat flour to cultivated land area/%
Ratio of wheat area/%
Ratio of wheat area/%
Ratio of small walk area/%
Ratio of small walk area/%
Ratio of diseased field area/%
Ratio of diseased field area/%
Area of drug administration/hn
Recovery loss/t
Ratio of wheat area/%
Ratio of wheat area/%
Density of spontaneous wheat seedlings/(plants/667m)
Density of spontaneous wheat seedlings/(plants/667 tm*)
B. 1 Summering area
Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
Epidemic zoning of stripe rust of small pot
GB/T 15795--2011
The average temperature of the hottest ten-day period in summer does not exceed 23 degrees. In the high seas and cool mountainous areas where there are self-growing wheat seedlings, early winter wheat, spring wheat and other summer hosts (such as rye and unclassical weeds), the stripe rust fungus can survive on its hosts and spend the season. Such areas are called wheat stripe cast summering areas, which are mainly divided into five major areas:
a) Northwest summering area, including Longnan, Tianshui, Pingliang, Qingyang, Linxia and Dingxi in Gansu, Guyuan, Pengyang, Tanyuan, Jingyuan and Longde in the southern mountainous areas of Ningxia, Xunhua, Xining and Wenyuan in the wheat area of eastern Qinghai, b) Northwest Sichuan summering area, including Aba, Ganziyuan and Shanshan in Sichuan; c) Yunnan summering area and Guizhou Xidu summering area. The average temperature of the hottest ten-day period in summer in Yunnan summering area is 13.0 degrees to 18.9 degrees and the average temperature of the month is 13.6 degrees Celsius~14 degrees Celsius. The areas where wheat grows can survive the summer, including Kunming, Yudu, Qujing, Chuxiong, Dali and Lijiang. The summering altitude is 2200m~3100m, mainly on white wheat, autumn wheat, late winter wheat and spring wheat. In Guizhou, the wheat can survive the summer on spontaneous wheat seedlings of different seedlings at an altitude of 1600m~2020m in Bijie, 1700m~2200m in Liupanshui and 1600m~1900m in Qianxinan Prefecture.
d) Xinjiang summering area, mainly including Zhaosu, Xinyuan, Tekes, Nileke in the upper reaches of the Ili River, Wuqia and Akto in the Shejin Mountain area of Kashgar, as well as Mapu, Luntai, Xinhe, Baicheng, Aksu and Hotan; e) North China summering area, including northern Shanxi, Inner Mongolia and Bashang in Hebei. B. 2 Wintering area
Wheat seedlings can remain green or grow normally in areas where the average temperature of the coldest month in winter is not lower than -7°C to -6°C, or the temperature is lower than -10°C but there is a need for covering, and the wheat seedlings can remain green or grow normally. The wheat stripe rust fungus can survive in the host body. Such areas are the wintering areas of the small difference stripe rust. In normal years, the boundary of North China is the Shide Line to Jiexiu, Shanxi, and the Huangjiao Line in Shaanxi. The south can overwinter every year and the overwintering rate is relatively high. The north can overwinter but the overwintering rate is very low. B.3 Winter and winter areas
In the wintering area, wheat can still grow normally after wintering, and the stripe rust fungus can continue to infect from generation to generation. This is the winter breeding area of wheat stripe rust, which is mainly distributed in the southern region, such as the Sichuan Basin, the southwest and northwest Sichuan dam area, Jianghan, Guobei, southern Henan and southern Shaanxi. B. 4 Latent wintering area
In the wintering area, some wheat leaves die after winter, but the wheat field is still green. The stripe rust fungus hibernates in the leaf tissue in a latent silk state without showing symptoms after invasion. Such areas are latent wintering areas for wheat stripe rust, which are mainly distributed in low-latitude and low-altitude areas in Northwest China and North China. Whether the stripe rust fungus can safely overwinter depends on the winter climate conditions. B.5 Non-wintering area
Areas where wheat turns green obviously, that is, areas where all the above-ground parts of wheat die after winter and new leaves sprout again the following year. The stripe rust fungus cannot survive due to lack of hosts. Such areas are non-wintering areas for wheat stripe rust, which are mainly distributed in high-latitude and high-altitude areas in Northwest China and North China.1 Summering area
Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
Epidemic zoning of stripe rust of small pot
GB/T 15795--2011
The average temperature of the hottest ten-day period in summer does not exceed 23 degrees. In the high seas and cool mountainous areas where there are self-growing wheat seedlings, early winter wheat, spring wheat and other summer hosts (such as rye and unclassical weeds), the stripe rust fungus can survive on its hosts and spend the season. Such areas are called wheat stripe cast summering areas, which are mainly divided into five major areas:
a) Northwest summering area, including Longnan, Tianshui, Pingliang, Qingyang, Linxia and Dingxi in Gansu, Guyuan, Pengyang, Tanyuan, Jingyuan and Longde in the southern mountainous areas of Ningxia, Xunhua, Xining and Wenyuan in the wheat area of eastern Qinghai, b) Northwest Sichuan summering area, including Aba, Ganziyuan and Shanshan in Sichuan; c) Yunnan summering area and Guizhou Xidu summering area. The average temperature of the hottest ten-day period in summer in Yunnan summering area is 13.0 degrees to 18.9 degrees and the average temperature of the month is 13.6 degrees Celsius~14 degrees Celsius. The areas where wheat grows can survive the summer, including Kunming, Yudu, Qujing, Chuxiong, Dali and Lijiang. The summering altitude is 2200m~3100m, mainly on white wheat, autumn wheat, late winter wheat and spring wheat. In Guizhou, the wheat can survive the summer on spontaneous wheat seedlings of different seedlings at an altitude of 1600m~2020m in Bijie, 1700m~2200m in Liupanshui and 1600m~1900m in Qianxinan Prefecture.
d) Xinjiang summering area, mainly including Zhaosu, Xinyuan, Tekes, Nileke in the upper reaches of the Ili River, Wuqia and Akto in the Shejin Mountain area of Kashgar, as well as Mapu, Luntai, Xinhe, Baicheng, Aksu and Hotan; e) North China summering area, including northern Shanxi, Inner Mongolia and Bashang in Hebei. B. 2 Wintering area
Wheat seedlings can remain green or grow normally in areas where the average temperature of the coldest month in winter is not lower than -7°C to -6°C, or the temperature is lower than -10°C but there is a need for covering, and the wheat seedlings can remain green or grow normally. The wheat stripe rust fungus can survive in the host body. Such areas are the wintering areas of the small difference stripe rust. In normal years, the boundary of North China is the Shide Line to Jiexiu, Shanxi, and the Huangjiao Line in Shaanxi. The south can overwinter every year and the overwintering rate is relatively high. The north can overwinter but the overwintering rate is very low. B.3 Winter and winter areas
In the wintering area, wheat can still grow normally after wintering, and the stripe rust fungus can continue to infect from generation to generation. This is the winter breeding area of wheat stripe rust, which is mainly distributed in the southern region, such as the Sichuan Basin, the southwest and northwest Sichuan dam area, Jianghan, Guobei, southern Henan and southern Shaanxi. B. 4 Latent wintering area
In the wintering area, some wheat leaves die after winter, but the wheat field is still green. The stripe rust fungus hibernates in the leaf tissue in a latent silk state without showing symptoms after invasion. Such areas are latent wintering areas for wheat stripe rust, which are mainly distributed in low-latitude and low-altitude areas in Northwest China and North China. Whether the stripe rust fungus can safely overwinter depends on the winter climate conditions. B.5 Non-wintering area
Areas where wheat turns green obviously, that is, areas where all the above-ground parts of wheat die after winter and new leaves sprout again the following year. The wheat stripe rust fungus cannot survive due to lack of hosts. Such areas are non-wintering areas for wheat stripe rust, which are mainly distributed in high-latitude and high-altitude areas in Northwest China and North China.1 Summering area
Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
Epidemic zoning of stripe rust of small pot
GB/T 15795--2011
The average temperature of the hottest ten-day period in summer does not exceed 23 degrees. In the high seas and cool mountainous areas where there are self-growing wheat seedlings, early winter wheat, spring wheat and other summer hosts (such as rye and unclassical weeds), the stripe rust fungus can survive on its hosts and spend the season. Such areas are called wheat stripe cast summering areas, which are mainly divided into five major areas:
a) Northwest summering area, including Longnan, Tianshui, Pingliang, Qingyang, Linxia and Dingxi in Gansu, Guyuan, Pengyang, Tanyuan, Jingyuan and Longde in the southern mountainous areas of Ningxia, Xunhua, Xining and Wenyuan in the wheat area of eastern Qinghai, b) Northwest Sichuan summering area, including Aba, Ganziyuan and Shanshan in Sichuan; c) Yunnan summering area and Guizhou Xidu summering area. The average temperature of the hottest ten-day period in summer in Yunnan summering area is 13.0 degrees to 18.9 degrees and the average temperature of the month is 13.6 degrees Celsius~14 degrees Celsius. The areas where wheat grows can survive the summer, including Kunming, Yudu, Qujing, Chuxiong, Dali and Lijiang. The summering altitude is 2200m~3100m, mainly on white wheat, autumn wheat, late winter wheat and spring wheat. In Guizhou, the wheat can survive the summer on spontaneous wheat seedlings of different seedlings at an altitude of 1600m~2020m in Bijie, 1700m~2200m in Liupanshui and 1600m~1900m in Qianxinan Prefecture.
d) Xinjiang summering area, mainly including Zhaosu, Xinyuan, Tekes, Nileke in the upper reaches of the Ili River, Wuqia and Akto in the Shejin Mountain area of Kashgar, as well as Mapu, Luntai, Xinhe, Baicheng, Aksu and Hotan; e) North China summering area, including northern Shanxi, Inner Mongolia and Bashang in Hebei. B. 2 Wintering area
Wheat seedlings can remain green or grow normally in areas where the average temperature of the coldest month in winter is not lower than -7°C to -6°C, or the temperature is lower than -10°C but there is a need for covering, and the wheat seedlings can remain green or grow normally. The wheat stripe rust fungus can survive in the host body. Such areas are the wintering areas of the small difference stripe rust. In normal years, the boundary of North China is the Shide Line to Jiexiu, Shanxi, and the Huangjiao Line in Shaanxi. The south can overwinter every year and the overwintering rate is relatively high. The north can overwinter but the overwintering rate is very low. B.3 Winter and winter areas
In the wintering area, wheat can still grow normally after wintering, and the stripe rust fungus can continue to infect from generation to generation. This is the winter breeding area of wheat stripe rust, which is mainly distributed in the southern region, such as the Sichuan Basin, the southwest and northwest Sichuan dam area, Jianghan, Guobei, southern Henan and southern Shaanxi. B. 4 Latent wintering area
In the wintering area, some wheat leaves die after winter, but the wheat field is still green. The stripe rust fungus hibernates in the leaf tissue in a latent silk state without showing symptoms after invasion. Such areas are latent wintering areas for wheat stripe rust, which are mainly distributed in low-latitude and low-altitude areas in Northwest China and North China. Whether the stripe rust fungus can safely overwinter depends on the winter climate conditions. B.5 Non-wintering area
Areas where wheat turns green obviously, that is, areas where all the above-ground parts of wheat die after winter and new leaves sprout again the following year. The stripe rust fungus cannot survive due to lack of hosts. Such areas are non-wintering areas for wheat stripe rust, which are mainly distributed in high-latitude and high-altitude areas in Northwest China and North China.
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