Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
This part of GB/T 20226 specifies the characteristics of five-channel covers for 16 mm microfilm. This part applies to the production of five-channel covers for 16 mm microfilm. GB/T 20226.1-2006 Microfilm technology Microfilm A6 size covers Part 1: Five-channel covers for 16 mm microfilm GB/T20226.1-2006 Standard download decompression password:
This part of GB/T 20226 specifies the characteristics of five-channel covers for 16 mm microfilm. This part applies to the production of five-channel covers for 16 mm microfilm.
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ICS37.080 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T20226.12006 Micrographics Microfilm A6 size jackets Part 1: Five channel jackets for 16 mm Micrographics-A6 size microfilm jackets-Part 1.Five channel jacket for 16 mm microfilm (ISO8127-1:1989, MOD) 2006-04-19 Issued General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China 2006-10-01 Implementation GB/T20226 Microfilm technology Microfilm A6 size cover is divided into two parts: Part 1: Five-track cover for 16 mm microfilm: Part 2: Other types of cover for 16 mm and 35 mm microfilm. This part is Part 1 of GB/T20226. GB/T20226.1—2006 This part modifies and adopts IS08127-1:1989 Microfilm technology - Microfilm A6 size cover - Part 1: Five-track cover for 16 mm microfilm (English version). The main technical differences between this part and ISO8127-1:1989 (English version) are as follows: In normative references, national standards and current international standards are used to replace the corresponding international standards. References are no longer included in Appendix A, and national standards and current international standards are used to replace the corresponding international standards: The form and dimension marking of Figure 1 are changed to be consistent with GB/T20226.2 Microfilm technology Microfilm A6 size cover Part 2: 16mm and 35mm microfilm with other types of covers! The position of the positioning hole in Figure 1 is changed from 48.41±0.05 to 48.4±0.2. This part was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Document Imaging Technology (SAC/TC86). This part was drafted by the Fourth Technical Committee of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Document Imaging Technology (SAC/TC86/SC4). The main drafters of this part are: Guo Yudong, Sun Jingrong, and Li Dongxia. This part is published for the first time. GB/T20226.1—2006 Microfilm envelopes are a means of indenting several information units in microfilm form into several interrelated groups of units or chapters. This arrangement allows information to be modified or added without reshooting the entire content. Microfilm envelopes are mainly used to activate microfilm systems, but can also be used as storage packaging for strips or single-frame microfilm. In order to assist users and manufacturers of microfilm equipment, it is necessary to standardize the production requirements of microfilm envelopes. Information systems using microfilm envelopes must not only have envelopes, but also envelope film machines, microfilm cabinets, readers, copiers and copy machines. When the planned system uses more than one form of microfilm, it is advisable to read the relevant international standards and select appropriate hardware to ensure system compatibility. Microfilm envelopes consist of a support sheet and a thinner cover sheet, which are fixed to the support sheet at regular intervals to form a film path into which the microfilm can be inserted. The cover sheet is the side that contacts the photosensitive film when making copies. There are two types of envelopes: those with registration holes and those without registration holes. Some envelope-packing devices can handle both types of envelopes, while other envelope-packing devices can only handle one type of envelope. However, all envelopes are suitable for readers, duplicators, and enlargers. These types of envelopes are divided into two types: one with a blue film on the back and the other with a cover film on the front to accommodate different generations of microfilm. The most common one is the cover film on the back, which was used for the early desktop cinematographs or rotary cameras to make the pins. The microfilm + inserted into the envelope is always placed with the image-forming side in contact with the cover film. When inserted in this manner, the microfilm is read right from the support sheet side and the header is read right. It is not recommended that microfilm be inserted into an envelope and this is not usually done, however, if this is necessary, specific requirements for the original microfilm will be specified. This standard specifies the dimensions and other basic requirements for an A6 size microfilm envelope. Any microfilm envelope consisting of a transparent support sheet and a cover sheet bonded together and divided into five channels to accommodate 16 mm single or multi-cap microfilm and including a header area is applicable to this standard. 1 Scope Microfilm technology Microfilm A6 size cover GB/T 20226.12006 Part 1: Five-track cover for 16mm microfilm This part of GB/T 20226 specifies the characteristics of five-track cover for 16mm microfilm. This part applies to the production of five-track cover for 16mm microfilm. 2 Normative references The provisions of the following documents become the provisions of this part through reference in this part of GB/T 20226. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part, however, parties to an agreement based on this part are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version of the document applies to this part. GB/T6159.1--2003 GB/T 6159.3-2003 GB/T6159.4—2003 GB/T6159.52000 6196-5.1987) GB/T 6159.62003 GB/T6159.22-2000 2:19933 Micrographics Part 1: General terms (IS06196-1:1993, MOD)Vocabulary Micrographics Part 3: Film processing (ISO6196-3:1997.MOD)Part 4: Materials and packaging (ISO6196-4:1998, MOD)Micrographics Micrographics Micrographics VocabularyPart 5: Image quality, readability and inspection (eqyISO vocabularyPart 6: Equipment (ISO6196-61992.MOD) Micrographic Vocabulary Part 2: Layout and recording methods of images (eqvISO6196 GB/T6161-1994 Micrographic Test Chart No. 2 Characteristics and its application in micrographic technology (eqvISO3334:1989) GB/T6847-1995 Determination of curl of photographic film and paper (idtISO/DIS4330:1993) GB/T18405-2001 Micrographic ISO characters and characteristics of test chart No. 1 and their use (idtISO446:1991) ISO7830:1983 Photographic installation other than motion picture film Technical specification for all photographic film materials IS018911-2000 Imaging materials Processed safe photographic film storage Terms and definitions GB/T6159.1-2003. GB/T6159.3-2003, GB/T6159.4-2003, GB/T6159.5-200c. The terms and definitions established in GB/T6159.6-2009 and GB/T6159.22-2000 apply to this part. Physical characteristics (see Figure 1) 4.1 Envelope dimensions The dimensions of the A6 size envelope should be: 105#mm×148mm±0.25mm. 4.2 Film channel arrangement The envelope should have a size that can accommodate Five horizontal strips of 16mm microfilm. 4.3 Strip width The minimum width of the strip should be 16.3mm to facilitate the insertion of 16mm microfilm. CB/T20226.12006 The strip opening is the strip opening, which should be exactly the width of the original film and should be installed relative to the center line of the film. The size of the strip opening is shown in Figure 1. When the header is straight, the strip facing the viewer is measured in the right corner of the set. The size of the strip opening is optional. Single-stage clear honey With the room 430.3±6.85 -45.440.14 67.3±025 fm85.8±0.15 1-80115 g-2at02 Remember, if there is a positioning hole, the democratic 8m product is your customized m without life selection for the perfect billion # with the national financial land of the people's state union wine, National 1 sealed in the people's inch 45 Xin positioning hole assignment) If there is a positioning hole, the diameter of the quality hole should be 1mm±0.08mm, and it should be located at the point shown in Figure 1, and the distance from the hole to the mouth can be a national hole or a long west hole 4.6 The center line of the sheet GB/T20226.1—2006 The distance between the center lines of the sheet and the center line of the top sheet to the center line of the two positioning holes (when the positioning holes are used) or to the bottom edge (when the positioning holes are not used) should be as shown in Table 1. All center lines should be parallel to the bottom edge of the envelope Table 1 Distance between the center lines of the film tracks and the distance between the center line of the top film track and the center line of the locating hole or the bottom edge in millimeters Film track distance Distance from the center line of the top film track to the center line of the locating hole to be connected Distance from the center line of the top film track to the bottom edge 18.5±0.2 11.8±0.15 Note: For envelopes with locating holes, the dimension 11.8mm is mandatory and 84mm is optional For envelopes without locating holes, the dimension 84mm is mandatory and there is no dimension 11.8mm. 4.7 Header area The header area should be above the top film track. Its minimum width should be 8.5mm measured from the top edge of the envelope. 4.8 Coating of header area (optional) Any coating or treatment layer should be on the reading side and should extend from the top edge of the support sheet to approximately the top edge of the first track separator. The header area should be translucent. When the header is made mechanically or manually, the characters should not be feathered, blurred or burred. The coating should be able to transmit sufficient radiation energy to meet the needs of copying. 4.9 Color standard If a color standard is used, the color standard should be along the top edge of the header area and the width should be 1.2mm±0.4mm. 4.10 Cover sheet identification Where a cover sheet identification mark is used, it shall be located at the top corner of the cover sheet when the cover sheet is held in the vertical position with the long side and the cover sheet facing the observer. This standard does not exclude the use of rounded corners, bevels or notches for archiving or indexing purposes. 4.11 Coding notches When notched coding is used, the notch shall be cut into the top edge of the cover sheet to a depth of 1.6+" mm. 4.12 Parallelism The channel separation area shall be parallel to the center line of the two locating holes or the bottom edge of the cover sheet, with a tolerance of ±0.2 mm over the entire length of the cover sheet. 4.13 Straightness The edges of the cover sheet shall be smooth and straight, and all four sides shall be within a rectangle with the maximum tolerance dimensions specified in 4.1. The total dimensions of the cover sheet shall not be less than For the minimum tolerance dimensions, 4.14 Warp or bend When the empty envelope is placed on a flat surface, the warp or bend of the envelope in any direction shall not exceed 6.5 mm above the flat surface when measured using the method described in Chapter 5. 4.15 Wrinkles, scratches, spots There shall be no wrinkles, scratches or spots on the envelope that may affect the observation or reproduction of the image. 4.16 Envelope material The safe and transparent material used to make the envelope shall not cause harmful effects on the microfilm in the film channel. The material shall comply with the technical requirements of ISO7830:1983 and ISO18911:2000. When the strips are inserted and removed, the envelope material shall not cause damage that may affect the observation or reproduction of the image or cause damage to the envelope itself. 5 Test method 5.1 Warp or high warp Warp or bend should be measured according to method C in GB/T6847-1995. Place an empty envelope with the convex side facing down on a flat surface. Place it under 23°C (GB/T20226.1-2006) for 6 hours. The parts of the envelope will not be flat. Hold the ruler with a height of 6.5 m. The surface should be as close to the source or the receipt as possible. The measurement should be accurate. 5.2 The optical properties of the envelope material Due to the loss of the film or the loss of the quality, the copy made by the film will not be the same as the copy printed by the straight method. For example, make a copy of the first generation of film in direct contact with the film used for the test, and then make a second copy of the first generation film. The two copies should be compared by microscope. The difference in clarity between the two copies should not be greater than one copy. GB/T18405-2001 and GH/T661-1994 are used for making copies of the first or second generation of film. GB/T180-001 Photographic Technology A Product Selection and Image Processing of Brain Transparent Films 130554:1976 (Reduced Test Standard) 1505123:1984 150 6148:2001 Header for single high frame and flat film Niuxin Technology Film R+ Precision Instrument Medical Equipment Technology GB/T20226.120061. The warp or bend should be measured according to method C in GB/T6847-1995. Place an empty envelope with the convex side facing down on a flat surface. When the envelope is placed under 23°C and 0°C (5°C) for 6 hours, the envelope parts will not be flat. Use a hand-held ruler, that is, a ruler that is as close to the flat surface as possible. Measure the envelope with a true surface. 5.2. The optical principle of the envelope material is that the film will fall or lose its degree due to the loss of the film. The replica made will not be the same as the replica printed in the French way. It is a T-shirt-made replica made with No. 1 or No. 2 copy of the national shrink film that meets the requirements of GB/T18405-2001 and GH/T661-1994. Use the first-generation shrink film to make a copy in direct contact with the test film, and then make the second copy in the same way as the first-generation shrink film. The two copies need to be compared. The difference in clarity between the two copies is not greater than one copy. Academic document system GB/T180-001 Pen-type photography technology A product transparent brain flat film selection image cutting 130554:1976 Adjust some and (reduced test month standard cool atmosphere flat floor standard 1505123:1984 1506148:2001 Single high frame and picture flat film with standard head Niu Xin technology Film R+ Precision equipment according to medical technology GB/T20226.120061. The warp or bend should be measured according to method C in GB/T6847-1995. Place an empty envelope with the convex side facing down on a flat surface. When the envelope is placed under 23°C and 0°C (5°C) for 6 hours, the envelope parts will not be flat. Use a hand-held ruler, that is, a ruler that is as close to the flat surface as possible. Measure the envelope with a true surface. 5.2. The optical principle of the envelope material is that the film will fall or lose its degree due to the loss of the film. The replica made will not be the same as the replica printed in the French way. It is a T-shirt-made replica made with No. 1 or No. 2 copy of the national shrink film that meets the requirements of GB/T18405-2001 and GH/T661-1994. Use the first-generation shrink film to make a copy in direct contact with the test film, and then make the second copy in the same way as the first-generation shrink film. The two copies need to be compared. The difference in clarity between the two copies is not greater than one copy. Academic document system GB/T180-001 Pen-type photography technology A product transparent brain flat film selection image cutting 130554:1976 Adjust some and (reduced test month standard cool atmosphere flat floor standard 1505123:1984 1506148:2001 Single high frame and picture flat film with standard head Niu Xin technology Film R+ Precision equipment according to medical technology GB/T20226.12006 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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