GB/T 2820.10-2002 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets Part 10: Measurement of noise (envelope method)
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 2820. 10—2002
Reciprocating internal combustion engine driving current generating setsPart 10:Measurement of airburne nuise bythe enveloping surlace method(1S 8528-10:1998.M0D)
People's Republic of China
[General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China]
G door 282 internal combustion engine power AC engine has about eleven parts: Part 1: Market, rating and performance evaluation Part 2: Engine (8528-2: 1993) Part 3: Air flow safety motor for agricultural power units (129150B523-3: 1993) Part 4: Control equipment and evaluation (54: 1) Part 6: Verification methods (102-: 199) Part 8: Technical requirements for power generators Part 3: Engine load reporting Evaluation of the measurement of goods 1S0852891255.M (Part 10 of the quantity package) 2H-119
Part of the safety equipment for emergency power supply - 1
Among them \ Part 1-: In the load-interrupted common power system "Previously formulated: G/r2820.10-2002
This postal format is modified to adopt 18-10:1 to the internal or internal combustion engine driven AC power generation certificate
package and method. This part and 1)-± The long referenced documents are not the company: The appendix to this part is for information purposes only.
This part is proposed by the China Electrical Equipment Industry Association. This part Lanzhou Electric Vehicle Research Institute is responsible for this part, and this part was drafted by Zhang Hongtufengtu, Mu Yan1 Fan Guo
Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating generator set Part 10: Noise measurement (surface method) (A/T2820.10-2002
This part specifies the measurement method of airborne noise of reciprocating internal combustion engine driven generator set. That is: the sum of the airborne noise of the gas production system, cooling system and other noise of the engine generating set. When evaluating, there is a consistent or similar benchmark. So the test reduction results are comparable. However, when the exhaust The air and cooling system are transmitted to distant places through the system, and the noise characteristics parameters of the vehicles are not included in this part. According to the different conditions of the maximum excitation, the maximum hearing level is divided into "velvet" levels, that is, the [S door 3744 household is the real reflection surface of the mountain field near the construction method, the environmental correction coefficient 2B) is used to ignore the background sound level (the background sound energy positive coefficient is 1.>, the new change level (nuclear IS) 37% is the measurement method for the environmental correction coefficient of %. The background sound correction system is effective. When the generator set is running under certain conditions, the power level can be calculated according to the corresponding accuracy level of this part.
This part is applicable to AC generators driven by internal combustion engines. Solid or independent, brushless or flexible installation. This technical part is only applicable to reciprocating internal combustion engine driven generators, and is not applicable to generators for aviation vehicles and locomotives. Note: This part is also applicable to reciprocating internal combustion engine driven AC generators with limited energy consumption. Note 2: For a special case, it is necessary to make a reasonable foundation for the independent generator set! : The same measurement can be used together and the comparison can be made between groups. 2 Normative referenced documents || tt || The clauses of this part are affected by the reference of the following documents: For any referenced works beyond the date of this note, all revisions (excluding errata) or static versions do not apply to this part. Therefore, we strive to reach an agreement based on this document. You may use this document exclusively. The latest version of the illegal import documents of Fani is suitable for the headquarters of the brother Ding etc.
2320,1S97 reciprocating internal combustion engine powered alternator Part 1: The rated energy (cgVIS11
(1/2920.2-7 reciprocating internal combustion engine account for the AC generator set Part 2: Engine (+:15) R78-21933
GT5072.120CC left internal combustion engine non-part 1 ring injection energy catalysis Conditions, work. Test method for the elimination of particles and coarse materials in the actual place (11530261103) ISC: Electric welding equipment efficiency self-source
1S34:994 Industrial and scientific method for determining the sound intensity of a single household in a small sound field by using sound pressure
1S5746:1935 Industrial and scientific method for determining the power level of a noise source by using low pressure on a reflecting surface (subscription 53)
GB/I 2820.1020C2
15)7-11-1199 Acoustic determination of the power level of a detection source by using sound pressure - Part 1: Commercial point measurement)! The main form of the sound source is determined by the sound pressure level of the main body of the sound source. 154 11203:1985
The sound pressure level of the machine is determined by the sound dynamic rate age of the working party and its fixed point IF:505041
Integral average sound pressure level meter
3 Terms and definitions
This part uses the following terms and definitions: The technical spectrum for the market% is in accordance with 153/44 Li 1503746; the technical spectrum for the fuel engine is in accordance with G220.1--2823.2 for the generator set. 4 Ticket number
The subscript of the body point is shown one by one
The vehicle ladder lifts the wide repair stop coefficient!
Environmental positive coefficient:
The average sound pressure level after the background noise and environmental disturbance are stopped, expressed in decibels; the average effective sound pressure level under the interference is expressed in decibels. The A-level sound level at the point of distribution is expressed in decibels; the standard sound pressure level at the point of distribution or one-third of the frequency range is expressed in decibels, the sound frequency level at the measurement panel ...
5 Other regulations and requirements
5.1 The power generation units used in offshore and offshore areas must comply with the relevant industry requirements of the social group. The user can make an explanation of the six-wave generator before designing the product. These requirements should be marked and recognized by the user in any case. 5.2 If there are any other special requirements of the production party such as inspection and/or legislative bodies, the social group shall make an explanation before the user places an order.
Other additional requirements should be agreed with the manufacturer. E representation method
The combined part of the first-level end-to-end measurement method can be expressed in the following format: :730,10 Spring measurement 2nd level accuracy
This part of the slow accuracy is calculated to achieve the following expression: B2820.10 Operation sound measurement 3 After
The measuring equipment
Product technical information meets 1517 relevant points
8 Measurement effect
G/T 2820. 1C—2002
The sum of various noises emitted by the generator. This includes the surface noise of the engine and generator. The noise from the generator and the generator can be generated by the connection. In the case of full or partial use of the generator set, the surface noise should be normal. If in special circumstances, the diesel mentioned above is not included in the test results. The test report should be shown: 9. Working conditions of carbon generator sets
9.1 General
Pre-operation preparation of the generator according to the manufacturer's instructions. The generator set will be used in accordance with the specifications of the various 1 specifications-areas. This point? The specified working book can be used in the transfer of the results of the study 1 heart %
Trace action outstanding.The ambient temperature and inlet humidity are not higher than 324K (47~), the test period is required to be detailed in the test report, the speed, the box output, the ambient humidity, the fuel type and the hexadecimal value, because this will affect the sound.
9.2 Generator (a drum power generator)
The generator is operated at 5 times the rated power:>. The monthly calculation list is determined to have a working power (· and its cabinet apparent efficiency factor) City: District Mountain Industry 813 is being adjusted in accordance with the regulations: 9.3 Generator set: Electric welding generator:
Pull with 0) the effect of the government industry to make it vegetable resistance expansion production data pointed out Note: 1.! Or the company that is not yet equipped with book 34//F can calculate>, 5.4 installation of generator set
generator should be installed on the typical support radiation operation of the mixed reduction element hole defense ancient ground, from the support source to the material of the laboratory to the whole original distance should be the sound source to the measuring head. The North Three Center Station is equipped with a technical certification room, 10 measuring surface, then the measuring distance is the measuring point
10.1 consider the hemispherical surface and the double measuring surface
In order to measure the power level on the card domain surface, the formula of this salary order "4/53/EE center and 84/536/FFC should be obtained. 10.2 dream consider parallelepiped and measuring surface
the generator set is prohibited from climbing the hexahedron special data frame, for "some parts of the generator set can be improved and have an impact on the station. For safety, more cities can adopt the measurement points from dangerous areas such as high night surfaces and moving parts to promote measurement! The reference distance between the most dangerous areas is "at the forbidden reflection surface of the installation unit: 10.3 Measurement distance || tt || Reference distance between the six bodies is 1, when the distance is not kept within the fixed distance, the minimum distance is 0.5m, when the environmental conditions are suitable, the measurement distance is 1S311 1S33716. 1 yuan is allowed to be large. 10.4 The number of measurement points and the layout of the measurement points are equidistant from the surface, and the main area is completely covered by the dense noise. The most important measurement point is determined by the development of CBT 2820.10—2002
The size and sound of the group are new. The quantity should be collected on the reference frame of the city. The reference frame should be used for reference. The measurement points of Figures 2 to 4 are simplified with the provisions of 1S341 and [S)374. The research results show that for general power generation groups, according to the measurement points (Figure 1 can measure points 1.2, 5, 1 as the measurement points of the A-level power level) The measurement results show that the value of 2w is higher than that of the measuring point. For a certain engine model, further research can be carried out to prove that the value of 2w does not exceed 0.5: otherwise, the number of points should not be less than 5.
The table of the probe position 1S7 and 3 in Figures 2, 3 and 4 shows that the A-weighted sound level is small due to various conditions related to the engine model. From this figure, there is a lack of space between the points on the continent or other reasons. Without leaving out, the measurement can be extended along the piece, and the distance from the original measuring point position can be set as small as possible. The measuring point position changed in the middle of the measurement report, when the marking point is placed near the exhaust port, it should not stop the airflow. Recently, due to the less energy consumption, and the more sensitive to the diagram, ... m.12m2.5m2
Figure 2 Measurement surface and measurement point layout when measuring the noise level of a generator set using a reference rectangle: 12 measurement points) 2m.4m,.2.5m2 The values of the same type of generator are between 2m.4m,.2.5m2 and 2m.4m.2. The measurement surface and measurement point layout when measuring the noise level of a generator set using a reference rectangle (15 measurement points); 1->4m.,2. 5 mX
Medical 4 Use reference rectangle to measure the measurement surface and measurement point arrangement (19 function points) when measuring the operating sound of the generator set: 1. >4 ㎡ and/or >2. 5
Severe quality environment
11.1 Determination of the measurement environment countermeasure characteristics to obtain the reduction results of the station 2 particles, and obtain the correction [system 2H.1S03744 to obtain the dynamic determination of 153745 to achieve the industrial policy damage coefficient at sea
To achieve level 3 conditions, the quality requires an environmental correction number K low-induced circulation. Under many circumstances, due to the "visual area" or the actual working conditions of the production and inspection platform (for the generator set, the light must be visible), the detailed reporting accuracy can only be achieved; 3. Under special circumstances, when the customer, the acceptance or commissioning organization, only the company can use special measurement methods (measurement according to 951-1 and 114 to keep the limit strength of the measurement
the small real gas movement and the influence of the visual head in the visual head. The noise is rare and must be correct. The manufacturer's current measurement case should be based on the household level. The outdoor measurement quality and the maximum wind speed should not exceed 6 to 11.2. The requirements for the determination of the bottom noise
the bottom noise is the test of the small generator set. The manufacturer is the most important importer and the parts are supplemented by 5
see the cutting list). When the control procedure is carried out according to the 2-wave stop procedure, the background warranty period shall not exceed 12. When the measured vehicle temperature is level 13, the background noise correction coefficient K shall not exceed 12. The background correction value is determined based on the 12-wave measurement volume by JSO3744 or TS5746. 12.1 Criteria: Environmental components may have a very adverse impact on the product. The influence of interference (such as strong central field or induction field, air flow change on the generator set that is too high or too low) can be avoided by selecting the measuring head far away and/or close to the measuring head. The measuring head should be pushed to the measuring plane with certainty, but the measuring head should be properly arranged with the frame in mind. Figure 5.1
The direction of the measuring head in Figure 5
During the measurement process, it is pointed out that the work of personnel in the measurement layer will affect the results. To reduce this influence, the distance between the measuring head and the measuring source should be kept as small as possible. 12-2 Matters needing attention when measuring with the sound pressure level meter: Select the "weighted characteristic" of the pressure gauge for measurement. If the weighted deviation is less than 11, it is considered to be fixed. The average of the maximum and minimum values during the period of measurement should be taken as the measurement station. During the observation period, if the deviation of the value-added is greater than 1B, it is considered to be fixed. If it is not fixed, the result cannot be accepted. The integral type sound pressure level meter should be used for measurement. 2.3 When using the integral type sound pressure level meter, it should be noted that only the integral type sound pressure level meter that meets the 1F5 standard should be used for measurement. It is necessary to use the integral type sound pressure level meter to determine the measurement plane and select the correct viewing angle. 12.4 Measurement during the operation of the generator set: Determine the measurement plane and select the correct viewing angle. When the generator distance is calculated according to the following conditions, it is necessary to measure its overall voltage level according to the user's manufacturing requirements. It can be measured at the center of the vehicle according to the requirements of the standard or three-point universal reliability process. It is not necessary to measure at each point at the same time. The minimum center rate of the product should be no less than x
and the heating start-up rate should be 63H812. If necessary, a higher rate should be carried out to ensure effective low-integrated part measurement. The background noise measurement should be effective when the background noise is measured at the correct point in the generator set. It is very important to measure the noise at all designated points. The weighted noise output level is measured at each measuring point: the user shall provide the user with the required frequency range and the noise level is estimated to be reduced by one-half of the load at each measuring point. The measurement time at the measuring point should be no less than 10,13A weighted power determination
131 Background noise correction factor K
During the operation of the generator, the A-weighted voltage level measured at each reading point shall not be multiplied by the frequency or half of the frequency. If possible, the background noise shall be corrected by the provisions of 1SO37441S4%. K=10g,t
is the difference between the measured case voltage level and the background noise level when the generator set is running, and the unit is. The coefficient K given in Table 1 can be used by users to take into account the slow background out factor 13.2. The sound pressure level should be measured on the indoor sound pressure level. The average should be made on the surface, and the calculation formula is as follows: Ix = julgl Z = 10lgl The A-weighted sound pressure level at the 1st point in the 1st continent is calculated as one-third of the sound pressure level at the 1st point in the 1st continent; the A-weighted sound pressure level is calculated on the outdoor sound pressure level at night! The total number of octave and one-third octave sound pressure levels is .
Apply 1503744 and 1S3746 to determine the test area correction coefficient: 2
Note 1, if the drop in the figure 1 exceeds d1, the same more powerful left method is used to calculate the average position of the boundary, and the calculation result is calculated by (2, (% The difference between the calculated formula and the scale level can be calculated as follows: eel
The correct coefficient R·A
should be the sound pressure outlet flow from the generator. K..
13. 3 Period measurement surface 3, the measurement surface dimension L. And the sound power potential L source measurement surface depends on the surface of the semi-surface body. For solid floors, the surface rent of the measurement surface is;
3 - 2 × 2ac -t 2 × 2h - 2h × 28 can be recovered:
$=2× 2n + d +2 × - ) + 2a : 26 In these two examples:
The length of the rectangle (the length of the reference matrix shadow is 12 times the measurement distance) The width of the rectangle (the length of the reference matrix shadow is 12 times the measurement distance) The width of the rectangle (the length of the reference matrix shadow is 10 times the measurement distance) 22
The surface area of the measuring disk is calculated: The measurement area deviation is 5, and the noise error is 0, 213. The sound power level of the measuring surface is determined by the frequency multiplication of the physical strength level w IS3Y44 Private 3746
TwT+ nlel
Wu Zhong:
fw is the weighted or rated sound power level of a household: L. The current level is the pressure level. dB;
is our level, m
3,=1 m...
14 Determination of sound pressure level
This part (component 1 This pressure level 7 can be connected to [S) 1G3 determination: Determine the Lule level, no additional measurement is required, and the power can be connected according to the provisions of Chapter 13. Let the piece of T.winleig
--Measure the sound level at the height of the generator under test (special box/flat hexahedron> measurement surface. S. ", this means that if the sound level at the unit table is new 1, 5 the accuracy of the measurement method and the uncertainty of the measurement results. 5)
This quality involves IS) 37 Li 1S) 3746X" generator source measurement results reproducibility standard error · To the standard, etc. Song is sufficient to obtain such a conclusion. 16 Special measurement report (measurement record 1
:6. 1 Total test
After receiving the car, the test report is divided into two pairs of the 6th routine. The data specified in 16.2-6.5
16-2 Test generator rough data
Control filter
Clear test!
Series abbreviation
External size
Shell details (function time)
Frequency setting rate)
Generator speed
Installation (arrangement) for the complete
internal combustion engine New
Model of internal combustion engine (yuan)
Engine system classification and
Type and arrangement of intake system
Type and arrangement of exhaust system
Generator cooling method
Generator cooling method and arrangement
Fuel type
Generator manufacturing method
Generator model (including type and type of oxygen meter)
16.3 Detailed conditions for delivery
(see Chapter 11 of General Rules)|| tt||Generator unit rotation
Ambient temperature
Acoustic measurement conditions of the floor, ceiling and walls of the generator set in the measurement area
Detailed weather conditions when measuring outdoors including wind speed 1G.4 Measuring equipment used
Step-by-step version
Serial number
In order
Note the time and date
16.5 Maximum values and measurement results
(now Section 13)
Sound level L at the customer supply point||t t||The noise generation system of this account is as follows: 2
Environmental coefficient K
Average weighted sound pressure level
Surface quality S of the measuring surface and the measurement surface quality steel
A constant level of 1.wA
Location, during the installation period
Quality report summary
The measurement or report should at least meet the following requirements: : GB/T2820 standard (GB/12823.10)GA/T2820.10—2002
GH/T 2820.10--7902
The characteristics of the procedure determined in accordance with Chapter 5 of the British Standards
The location, date, name of the personnel, etc. of the test unit during the test (gas structure type and light)
Detailed drawings (when used for pollution)
Internal engine gas system type and arrangement
Exhaust system energy plasticity and arrangement
The output during the measurement! According to the
|Test results
Sound power level 1w5 Specified data
16-2 Data related to the test generator
Reverse filtration
Series code
External dimensions
Shell details (function time)
Frequency (frequency)
Generator speed
Installation (arrangement) for the manufacture of internal combustion engine
Model of internal combustion engine (yuan)
Engine system classification and
Type and arrangement of intake system
Type and arrangement of exhaust system
Generator Motor cooling method
Motor cooling method
Fuel type
Generator make
Generator model (including type)Oxygen meter diagramElectric motor series number
16.3 Installation conditions
(See Chapter 11)
Generator seat
Ambient temperature
Acoustic measurement conditions of floor, ceiling and wallThe unit is in 1.1.2 Measurement area and weather conditions including wind speed when measuring outdoors 1.2.3 Measurement equipment used 1.3.4 Serial number 1.3.1 In order 1.3.2 Notes and dates 1.3.5 Maximum values and results 1.3.6 Noise level L at the customer's location 1.3.7 Noise generation system length: 2.3.8 Environmental conditions Positive coefficient K
Average weighted sound pressure level
Surface quality S of the measuring surface and the measurement surface quality steel
A constant level 1.wA
Location, during the installation measurement period
Quality report summary
Measurement or reporting should at least meet the following contents:: GB/T2820 standard (GB/12823.10)GA/T2820.10—2002
GH/T 2820.10--7902
The characteristics of the procedure determined in accordance with Chapter 5 of the British Standards
The location, date, name of the personnel, etc. of the test unit during the test (gas structure type and light)
Detailed drawings (when used for pollution)
Internal engine gas system type and arrangement
Exhaust system energy plasticity and arrangement
The output during the measurement! According to the
|Test results
Sound power level 1w5 Specified data
16-2 Data related to the test generator
Reverse filtration
Series code
External dimensions
Shell details (function time)
Frequency (frequency)
Generator speed
Installation (arrangement) for the manufacture of internal combustion engine
Model of internal combustion engine (yuan)
Engine system classification and
Type and arrangement of intake system
Type and arrangement of exhaust system
Generator Motor cooling method
Motor cooling method
Fuel type
Generator make
Generator model (including type)Oxygen meter diagramElectric motor series number
16.3 Installation conditions
(See Chapter 11)
Generator seat
Ambient temperature
Acoustic measurement conditions of floor, ceiling and wallThe unit is in 1.1.2 Measurement area and weather conditions including wind speed when measuring outdoors 1.2.3 Measurement equipment used 1.3.4 Serial number 1.3.1 In order 1.3.2 Notes and dates 1.3.5 Maximum values and results 1.3.6 Noise level L at the customer's location 1.3.7 Noise generation system length: 2.3.8 Environmental conditions Positive coefficient K
Average weighted sound pressure level
Surface quality S of the measuring surface and the measurement surface quality steel
A constant level 1.wA
Location, during the installation measurement period
Quality report summary
Measurement or reporting should at least meet the following contents:: GB/T2820 standard (GB/12823.10)GA/T2820.10—2002
GH/T 2820.10--7902
The characteristics of the procedure determined in accordance with Chapter 5 of the British Standards
The location, date, name of the personnel, etc. of the test unit during the test (gas structure type and light)
Detailed drawings (when used for pollution)
Internal engine gas system type and arrangement
Exhaust system energy plasticity and arrangement
The output during the measurement! According to the
|Test results
Sound power level 1w
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