title>HG/T 3590-1999 Test method for anti-wear performance of molecular sieve desiccants for refrigeration systems - HG/T 3590-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 3590-1999 Test method for anti-wear performance of molecular sieve desiccants for refrigeration systems

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 3590-1999

Standard Name: Test method for anti-wear performance of molecular sieve desiccants for refrigeration systems

Chinese Name: 制冷系统用分子筛干燥剂抗磨耗性能的试验方法

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-04-20

Date of Implementation:2001-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Chemical Products>>71.100.99 Other Chemical Products

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Additives, Surfactants, Catalysts, Water Treatment Agents>>G74 Basic Standards and General Methods for Catalysts

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Chemical Industry Press

Publication date:2001-01-01

other information

drafter:Yang Yi, Xue Meijun, He Fangju

Drafting unit:Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry, Ministry of Chemical Industry

Focal point unit:Molecular sieve standardization technology in the chemical industry

Proposing unit:Technical Supervision Department of the former Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:State Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the test method for the anti-wear performance of molecular sieve desiccants used in refrigeration systems. This standard is applicable to the test of the anti-wear performance of molecular sieve desiccants that meet the compatibility requirements with the refrigerant in the refrigeration system. HG/T 3590-1999 Test method for the anti-wear performance of molecular sieve desiccants used in refrigeration systems HG/T3590-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Record number: 2777--1999
HG/T 3590—1999
This standard is formulated with reference to relevant foreign data and combined with the actual situation in my country. This standard is different from the national standard GB10505.2—893A molecular sieve attrition rate determination: the latter is used to measure the tendency of molecular sieves to produce fine powder during normal use, while the test method specified in this standard is used to determine the tendency of molecular sieve desiccants used in refrigeration systems to produce fine powder under the conditions of liquid flow environment, affected by refrigerants, lubricating oils and system vibration. The determination process is closer to the actual working conditions of molecular sieves in refrigeration systems.
The attrition rate of molecular sieves is related to their water content, so it is necessary to determine the attrition rate of fresh activated samples and hygroscopic samples. This standard was proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the former Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the molecular sieve standardization technology management unit of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The main drafting unit of this standard: Shanghai Chemical Industry Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. Participating drafting units of this standard: Shanghai Global Molecular Sieve Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are Yang Yi, Xue Meili and He Fangju. This standard is published for the first time.
1 Scope
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Test Method of atlritian ar Molecular Sjeve esiccantUsed in Refrigeration System This standard specifies the test method of atlritian ar Molecular Sjeve esiccantUsed in Refrigeration System HG/T 3590—1999
This standard is applicable to the test of the anti-wear performance of molecular sieve desiccant in refrigeration system that meets the compatibility requirements with the refrigerant. 2 Referenced Standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard by being cited in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are all valid. All standards will be revised + All parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards, GB/T1250-89 Methods of expressing and judging limit values ​​GB/T 6003-85 Test sieves
GB/T6678--86 General rules for samples of chemical products 3 Principle
Place a quantitative molecular sieve sample that has been baked or absorbed to a certain degree of moisture into a glass test bottle containing vinyl chloride medium, and under certain conditions, vibrate three-dimensionally for a certain period of time, and determine the percentage of the sample that will be powdered, indicating its wear rate. 4 Instruments and reagents
4. 1 Three-dimensional full-scale test machine: Swing angle (15°~-20°) × 2. Vibration frequency 600~~8) times/min coating rapid dispersion test machine or an instrument with equivalent effect.
4.2 Box-type resistance furnace, temperature range: room temperature to 801)C4.3 Drying oven: temperature range: room temperature to 200C4. 4 Measuring cup or base: 100 mL.
4. 5 Vacuum gauge: exhaust rate not less than (0.5 L/s4.6
Vacuum gauge: (0~1.01×10°)Pa+2.5 level4.7
Vacuum dryer: inner diameter about 1i0 mm, 4. 8 Balance; maximum weighing amount 200 g, accuracy 0,000 2 g Porcelain evaporation blood: capacity 150 ml.
Glass test bottle: volume about 200ml..inner diameter 6umm, height 75mm.The bottle cap is lined with 0.2mm thick tetraethylene film.
Standard push screen: 1502m, 180μm, with bottom plate, in line with GB/T6003.4.12 Porcelain: volume or 50mL, with cover. 4.13 Trichloroethylene: chemically pure reagent
Approved by Guohao Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau on April 20, 1999.790
Implemented on April 1, 2000
5 Test method
HG/T 3590-1999
The judgment of the test result adopts the rounded value comparison method specified in GB/T1250. 5.1 Sampling and preparation of test samples
5. 1. 1 According to GB/T 6678-86 6.6 Sampling is performed according to the number of sample units determined. When sampling, use a sampler to take samples from 3/4 of the barrel through the center. The sample volume of each barrel should be no less than 100, and the total sampling volume should be no less than 1 kg. 5.1.2 After the sample is fully mixed, use the quartering method to reduce it to two portions, each portion is slightly more than 100 mL, and each portion is passed through a 180 μm test sieve (4.11) to remove the pre-grinding powder.
5.2 Determination of the consumption rate of fresh activated samples
5.2.1 Use a measuring cup or measuring tube (4.1) to take 100 ml of the sample and put it into a porcelain evaporating liquid (4.9) of known mass (weighed to 0.000 2 g) that has been baked to constant weight at 540~560°C, place it in a box resistance furnace (4.2), and bake it at 540~560°C for 1 hour. Take it out after h. Put it into the vacuum dryer (4.7), evacuate it until the air pressure in the dryer is less than 1.0×10°Pa, and cool the sample to room temperature (other cooling methods can also be used, but it must be ensured that the sample does not absorb other substances during the cooling process). Take 1 porcelain evaporator IIIL. Weigh it immediately (accurate to 0.0002g). This mass is mie
5.2.2 Pour the sample into a glass test bottle (4.10) (pre-check whether the test bottle is leaking), and use a measuring tube or measuring cup (4.4) to measure 75 1. Pour mL trichloroethylene (4.13) into the test bottle and tighten the bottle cap (in a fume hood). Place the glass test bottle in the center of the clamps on both sides of the three-dimensional vibration test machine (4.1), tighten the fixing screw, start the test machine, vibrate for 2 hours, and remove the glass test bottle. 5.2.3 After the vibration, filter the material in the glass test bottle through a 150μm standard sieve (4.1). Then use 50mL trichloroethylene to wash the container and the sieve three times. The filtrate and the washing liquid are collected in a porcelain evaporator III. After standing for a period of time to make the filtrate clear, pour off the upper clear liquid, heat it and place it in a drying oven (4.3) at about 100°C to dry the residual liquid, then transfer it to a box-type resistance furnace (4.2) and bake it at 540-560°C for 30 minutes. Then cool it to room temperature according to the quenching method in 5.2.1, weigh the porcelain evaporator and the mass of the powder (accurate to 0.0002g). Note: Filtration and washing should be carried out in a ventilated atmosphere. 5.3 Determination of the abrasion rate of hygroscopic samples 5.3.1 Preparation of hygroscopic samples Use appropriate methods (spread the sample in a single layer on a porcelain plate and expose it to the atmosphere) to make the sample to be tested absorb moisture until the water content is within the range of 15% to 17% and keep it for later use.
5.3.2 Determination of water content of sample
Take about 10 g of the sample in 5.3.1 and place it in a porcelain crucible (4.12) of known mass (accurate to 0.0002 g) that has been baked at 540~560°C to constant weight, and weigh it (accurate to 0.(0002 g). Place the porcelain crucible and the lid (the crucible lid is not on the porcelain crucible) containing the sample in a box-type electric furnace and bake at 540~560°C for 1 hour. Take out the porcelain crucible, cover the crucible, cool it to room temperature according to the cooling method in 5.2.1, and weigh it. This mass is m, accurate to 0.0002 g). 5.3.3 Calculation of water content of sample
The water content (XH) of the sample expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to the formula ([): Xro-
Wherein, m—mass of porcelain crucible + g!
—The mass of the sample cut from the porcelain crucible.
m5—--The mass of the sample after adding water to the porcelain crucible: mmx100
Take the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations as the water content of the sample. 5.3.4 Determination of the wear rate of hygroscopic samples
Use a measuring cup or measuring tube (4.4) to take 100ml of the sample (5.3.1) and put it into a porcelain evaporation blood (4.9) towel of known mass mc (weighed to 0.0002g) that has been baked at 540-~560C to constant weight, and weigh (weighed to 0.0002). This inertia is m1. Then measure according to the steps described in 5.2.2 and 5.2.3.
5.4 Calculation and expression of results
5.4.1 The wear rate (X,) of the freshly hygroscopic sample expressed as a mass percentage is calculated according to formula (2): X
where: me
mass of the evaporating powder, g: m-m,
mass of the sample before evaporating powder is shaken; mass of the powder after evaporating powder is shaken and baked. 5.4.2 The wear rate (X,) of the hygroscopic sample expressed as a mass percentage is calculated on a dry basis according to formula (3); mwww.bzxz.net
Wherein: m is the mass of the evaporated blood in g+
the mass of the evaporated blood sample before oscillation·g: m2-the mass of the evaporated blood powder after oscillation and baking·X—the mass percentage of the water content of the mixed sample, %, 5.4.3 When the sample wear rate is 0.10%, the measurement result is reported as 0.10%; When the sample wear rate is >0.10%, the arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement values ​​is taken as the measurement result. 5.4.4. Allowable error
When the measurement result is 1.00%, the absolute difference of the parallel measurement results shall not be greater than 0.25%; when the measurement result is ≥1.00%, the absolute difference of the parallel measurement results shall not be greater than 0.50%, 792
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