title>Packaging - Basic tests for transport packages - Part 3:Stacking test methods using a static load - GB/T 4857.3-2008 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Packaging - Basic tests for transport packages - Part 3:Stacking test methods using a static load

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 4857.3-2008

Standard Name:Packaging - Basic tests for transport packages - Part 3:Stacking test methods using a static load

Chinese Name: 包装 运输包装件基本试验 第3部分:静载荷堆码试验方法

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2008-05-27

Date of Implementation:2009-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:ICS Packaging and transportation of goods >> 55.020 Packaging and transportation of goods

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Marking, packaging, transportation, storage>>A80 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage Comprehensive

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces GB/T 4857.3-1992

Procurement status:IDT ISO 2234:2000

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Plan number:20061402-T-469

Publication date:2009-01-01

other information

Release date:1984-12-28

drafter:Zhang Jin, Wang Quanwen, Lan Shumei, Zhao Hua, Bai Zhigang

Drafting unit:Railway Ministry Standards and Metrology Research Institute, Shenzhen Baixing Industrial Co., Ltd.

Focal point unit:National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 49)

Proposing unit:National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 49)

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 4857 "Basic Tests for Packaging and Transport Packages" is divided into 23 parts, and this part is the third part of GB/T 4857. This part is equivalent to ISO 2234:2000 "Static Load Stacking Test for Complete and Fully Packed Transport Packages and Unit Cargo". This part replaces GB/T 4857.3-1992 "Static Load Stacking Test Method for Packaging and Transport Packages". This part of GB/T 4857 specifies the main performance requirements, test procedures and test report contents of the test equipment used in the static load stacking test of transport packages and single cargo. This part is applicable to the assessment of the compressive strength of transport packages and single cargo when stacking or the protection capacity of the contents. It can be used as a single test or as part of a series of tests. GB/T 4857.3-2008 Basic tests for packaging transport packages Part 3: Static load stacking test method GB/T4857.3-2008 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This part of GB/T4857 specifies the main performance requirements, test procedures and test report contents of the test equipment used in the static load stacking test of transport packages and unit cargo. This part is applicable to the assessment of the compressive strength of transport packages and unit cargo when stacking or the protection of the contents. It can be used as a single test or as part of a series of tests.
GB/T4857 "Basic tests for packaging and transport packages" is divided into the following parts:
--- Part 1: Marking method of various parts during the test;
--- Part 2: Temperature and humidity conditioning treatment;
--- Part 3: Static load stacking test method;
--- Part 4: Compression and stacking test method using a pressure testing machine;
--- Part 5: Drop test method;
--- Part 6: Rolling test method;
--- Part 7: Sinusoidal fixed frequency vibration test method;
--- Part 9: Spray test method;
--- Part 10: Sinusoidal variable frequency vibration test method;
--- Part 11: Horizontal impact test method;
--- Part 12: Immersion test method;
---Part 13: Low pressure test method;
---Part 14: Overturning test method;
---Part 15: Controlled horizontal impact test method;
---Part 17: General principles for preparing performance test outlines;
---Part 18: Quantitative data for preparing performance test outlines;
---Part 19: Circulation test information record;
---Part 20: Impact test method;
---Part 21: Mildew resistance test method;
---Part 22: Unit load stability test method;
---Part 23: Random vibration test method. This part
is Part 3 of GB/T 4857.
This part is equivalent to ISO 2234:2000 "Static load stacking test for complete and fully packed transport packages and unit loads".
This part replaces GB/T4857.3-1992 "Test Method for Static Load Stacking of Packaged Transport Packages".
Compared with GB/T4857.3-1992, the main changes of this part are as follows:
--- The original scope that only applies to transport packages was changed to apply to transport packages and unit cargo;
--- Added a chapter on terms and definitions, and added test sample terms;
--- Cancelled 6.1 to 6.5 (1992 edition);
--- Added Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 (this edition);
--- Modified the content of the test report.
This part was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Packaging Standardization (SAC/TC49).
Drafting units of this part: Standard Metrology Institute of the Ministry of Railways, Shenzhen Erxing Industrial Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this part are Zhang Jin, Wang Quanwen, Lan Shumei, Zhao Hua and Bai Zhigang.
The previous versions of the standards replaced by this part are:
--- GB4857.3-1984; GB/T4857.3-1992.
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this part through reference in this part of GB/T4857. For all dated referenced documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part. However, the parties to the agreement based on this part are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all undated referenced documents, the latest versions are applicable to this part.
GB/T4857.1 Method of marking various parts during testing of packaging and transport packages (GB/T4857.1-1992, ISO2206:1987, MOD)
GB/T4857.2 Temperature and humidity adjustment treatment of packaging and transport packages (GB/T4857.2-2005, ISO2233:2000, MOD)

Some standard content:

ICS 55. 020
Chinese National Standard
GB/T 4857.3---2008/1ISO 2234:2000Replaces GB/T 4857.3.19S Room
Packaging-Basic tests tor transport packages-.Part 3: Stacking test methods using a static loudspeaker(iS0 2234,2000,Packaging---Comvlcte, filled transport Fackages andunit lozds--Stacking tesis using a static ioad, IDT) 2008-05-27 release
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration
2009-01-01 implementation
G13/T4357 Packaging This packaging test is divided into the following parts: Part 1: Method of indicating the price during the test: Part 2: Temperature adjustment treatment; Part 3: Front stacking test method; Part 4: Compression test method using a pressure lamp test machine; Part 5: Drop test method: Part 6: Rolling test method: ||\Part 7: Sinusoidal fixed frequency vibration test method; Part 9: Test method for vibration test; Part 1C: Sinusoidal variable frequency vibration test method; Part 11: Horizontal impact test method; Part 12: Immersion reduction test method; Part 3: Low pressure test method; Part 14: Rollover test method; Part 15: Controlled water impact test method; Part 17: General principles for compiling performance test data; Part 18: Standards for compiling performance test data; Part 19: Circulation test information record; Part 20: Front impact test method:
.. Part 21: Case test method; Part 22: Unit cargo stability test method Part 23: Random vibration test method, this part is Part 3 of GB/T4857.
GB/F 4857.3-2008/1SO 2234:2900 This part is equivalent to SO22342C00 "Packaged, fully loaded transport packages and unit cargo load test": This part replaces G13/T48:7.3-1992 "Packaging transport packages cutting and stacking test method" This part has the following main changes compared with GR/T4857.3-1992: In the following, the original content that only applies to transport packages was changed to apply to transport packages and unit cargo: the term spectrum and definition were added - competition, The term "test sample" was added; 6.1~5.5 (1592 edition) were eliminated;
--Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 (this edition) were added
The test report content was modified, Www.bzxZ.net
This part was proposed and coordinated by the Technical Committee for Standardization of Electrical Packaging (SAC/TC49) of the Ministry of Railways. The drafting positions of this part are: Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Railways, Shenzhen Xing Industrial Co., Ltd., and the main contributors of this part are: Zhang Duan, Wang Quanwen, Lan Mei, Zhao Hua, and Bai Zhigang. This part replaces the following versions: - GB 4857.3-2008/ISO 2234:2000 Packaging - Tests for transport packages - Part 3: Static load stacking test method - This part of GB/T 4857 specifies the contents of the test equipment, test procedures and test reports used in static load stacking tests on transport packages. This part is suitable for evaluating the resistance strength of transport packages and single items before loading and unloading to protect the contents. It can be used as a single test or as a component of a comprehensive test. Normative reference documents
The following documents are in channel B/
: All subsequent effective years (excluding the film agreement winter party research is the previous use of this ticket
GB/T 48571 yuan. Packaging
1987, MOD)
GB/T 485 Packaging
Clothing instructions and definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to GB/
Test recommended products
Complete simple transport package
4 Test principles
Connectors and single family
This part can contain all the clauses and use the referenced documents in this part. The latest version shall apply to this part when testing all parts
Appearance method GB/T 457.1992.ISO 2236:
/T 4857.22005,ISO 2253:2000,When one of the three test methods is used, the test sample is placed on a flat horizontal surface and the load is applied to its surface. The applied load, atmospheric conditions, time of application and the placement of the test sample are set in advance. Note that if repeated, the upper and lower parts of the test sample are measured. 5 Test settings
5.1 Horizontal surface
The horizontal surface shall be flat (the difference in height between the highest point and the lowest point shall not exceed 2 m). If it is a pool surface: its thickness shall be not less than 150 m.
5.2 Loading methods
5.2.1 Method 1: Package group
Each package in the group shall be identical to the test product under test. The number of packages shall be such that their total mass reaches the appropriate load.
5.2.2 Method 2: Free loading plate
The plate shall be able to adjust itself to the test sample together with the appropriate load. The load and the loading plate may be an integral part of GB/T 4857.3-2C08/1502234:2000.
The center of the loading plate is placed at the center of the top of the test sample and its size shall be at least 10 mm larger than the top surface of the package on each side. The plate shall be strong enough not to deform under the full load. This type of load is also called "free load". 5.2.3 Method 3: Guided loading plate
Guided means can be used to ensure that the false load can always be kept horizontal together with an appropriate load. The plate should be placed on the top of the test sample. Its dimensions should be at least 200mm larger than the top of the test sample. The plate should be strong enough not to deform under full load. Note 1: It is sometimes called "early" loading. Note 2: The rack should be cleared to ensure that the loading level is maintained. The obstacles should not cause friction that affects the test results. 5.3 Deviation The tilt test method (if necessary) should be accurate to the nearest ten thousandths of a degree, and should be able to measure the increase or decrease in the tilt dimension of the system. In addition, the tilt test equipment should comply with the requirements and specifications of Chapter 8.
5.4 Safety facilities
The stability and safety of the load on the test equipment depends not only on the deformation resistance of the test product, but also on the friction between the hair and the bottom of the loading plate. For this purpose, a set of reliable test facilities should be provided, and in the event of a danger, the load should be controlled to prevent the upper and lower parts from being damaged. 6 Preparation of test samples
Put the pre-packed material into the test sample and repack the package according to the normal loading procedure at the time of shipment: if the simulated contents are used, their size and physical properties should be as close as possible to the size and physical properties of the test contents. In addition, the repacking method should be similar to the method used for shipment.
7 Temperature pretreatment of test samples
Pre-treat the test samples under certain conditions according to the requirements of GB/T4857.2. 8 Test procedure|| tt||8.1 The test shall be conducted under the same temperature conditions as the pre-treatment cabinet, and the temperature conditions are selected according to the material or use of the test sample. If the same conditions cannot be achieved, the test shall be conducted under the most similar atmospheric conditions. 8.2 Place the test sample on a horizontal plane (see 5.1) in the predetermined state, and place the loading package assembly (see 5.2.1), the self-loading sub-plate (see 5.2.2) or the guide loading plate (see 5.2.3) in the center of the test sample. If 5.2.2 is used, 5.2.According to method 3, without impact, place the object to be excited on the load plate, and evenly press it against the load plate, so that the center of the load is at the center of the top surface of the test sample. The total mass of the weight and the load plate should be within ±2 mm of the set value. The distance between the load center and the top of the load plate should not exceed 50 mm of the test sample height. If the test sample is not measured according to method 5.2.2 or 5.2.3, the test sample trace should be measured. The test sample should be fully preloaded before the load is applied to ensure that the load plate is in full contact with the test product. 8.3 The load should be maintained for a predetermined duration (usually 24 hours, depending on the material) or until the package is crushed. 8.4 Remove the load and inspect the test product. Note: During the test, if necessary, the dimensions of the test product can be measured in reverse order. Method 2: If the test is special, the appropriate mold can be placed above or below the test product, or it can be placed up and down as needed. Note: The test sample can be placed on a pallet or in a dimensional code state. The most suitable test obstacles should be selected for testing or use Use the actual test form to select the test. The test report should include the following content: a) Description or test system according to this part; c) Laboratory name and address, customer name and address; c) Report identification; List of test samples received and number of test completions and contact information; Name, title and signature of the customer; e) Description of the test results: The test results are valid for the test products; without laboratory certification, this part of the report is invalid; h) Number of test products: GB/T 4857.3—2008/1SO 2234:2000 Detailed description: Name, size, structure and material specifications of the packaging container, support, fixing method, sealing state and its protective measures, total mass of the test product and the mass of the contents, in gram (kg); i
Name, size, number, etc. of the contents. If the contents are simulated, the temperature at the neck, relative humidity and relative humidity of the test chamber, relative humidity of the test chamber, etc. should be specified in detail. These data should comply with the requirements of GB/14857.2;
The marking method specified in GP/T4857.1 should be used according to the state of the test sample during the test; m) Total mass [in grams (kg), the mass of the package or loading surface] The duration of the load on the sample, the method used, i.e., method 1, method 2 or method 3, whether a deflection device is used, the method used, the amount of deflection at the point of the test sample and at what stage of the test are these deflection measurements carried out; the shape and dimensions of the test chamber; a description of the test equipment; any deviations from the test method used and this standard; a record of the test results, and any phenomena observed to help the operator to confirm the test results.
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