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HG 29802-1991 Calculation method for energy consumption and savings of calcium carbide products

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 29802-1991

Standard Name: Calculation method for energy consumption and savings of calcium carbide products

Chinese Name: 电石产品能源消耗量和节约量的计算方法

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-01-01

Date of Implementation:1991-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Comprehensive Chemical Industry>>G01 Technical Management

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HG 29802-1991 Calculation method for energy consumption and savings of calcium carbide products HG29802-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Calculation method of energy consumption and savings of calcium carbide products Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the calculation method of energy consumption and savings of calcium carbide products. This standard is applicable to the energy consumption assessment and statistics of calcium carbide products. 2 Reference standards
ZBG01001 General principles for calculation of energy consumption and savings of chemical enterprises 3 Definition and classification of comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products 975410
(HG 29802-91)
3.1 Comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products refers to the energy consumption expressed in standard coal after comprehensive calculation of various energy consumed in the production process of calcium carbide products during the reporting period. 3.2 Comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products is divided into three categories: total comprehensive energy consumption, comprehensive energy consumption per unit product and comprehensive energy consumption per comparable unit product.
4 Calculation of comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products
4.1 Total comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products
4.1.1 Total comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products refers to the total amount of various energy consumed in the production of calcium carbide products during the reporting period, including the various energy consumption and losses of the production system, auxiliary production system and ancillary production system, including energy consumed as raw materials and materials, excluding energy consumed in life, infrastructure, technical transformation project construction and energy exported. 4.1.2 Various energy consumed in the production of calcium carbide, including primary energy (coal, natural gas, etc.), secondary energy (electricity, coke, petroleum coke, carbon products, steam, etc.) and energy-consuming working fluids (water, oxygen, nitrogen, compressed air, etc.). The types of energy included in the calculation shall be subject to the record.
4.1.3 Energy consumption of the production system of calcium carbide products refers to the energy consumption of the whole process of calcium carbide production from the time when the unprocessed raw materials (limestone, coke, etc.) enter the production boundary area to the time when the qualified calcium carbide products leave the boundary area and enter the warehouse, including the energy used for maintenance, analysis and production management within the boundary area. 4.1.4 Energy consumption of auxiliary and subsidiary production systems includes the energy consumed by the calcium carbide production system to provide raw materials, fuel, power, maintenance, three wastes treatment and transportation and other production conditions. For enterprises with multiple products, the energy consumption of calcium carbide products should be calculated according to the consumption ratio.
4.1.5 Various waste heat, waste energy and chemical reaction heat recycled within the calcium carbide production boundary area are not included in the total comprehensive energy consumption. Various energy sources exported outside the production boundary area shall be deducted from the total comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products according to the provisions of 4.3.3 of this standard. 4.1.6 The energy sources entering the calcium carbide production boundary area shall be measured by instruments. The calorific value of various energy sources shall be based on the measured low (low) calorific value of the application base. For those without actual measurement conditions, the reference coefficients of various energy sources for standard coal conversion as specified in the appendix shall be used for conversion. 41.7 Total comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products Electricity consumption:
Electricity consumption shall include electric furnace electricity, power electricity and lighting electricity. Electric furnace electricity refers to the electricity consumed in the production of calcium carbide during the production of calcium carbide, including the electricity used for burning the furnace eye; power electricity refers to the electricity consumed by various power equipment in the processing of raw materials such as limestone, lime, coke, and calcium carbide crushing and packaging during the production of calcium carbide. The electricity is based on the electricity meter of the power supply department, and the electricity is converted into standard coal according to its equivalent calorific value. Carbon raw materials:
The carbon raw materials consumed in the production of calcium carbide include coke, petroleum coke, electrode paste, anthracite, etc. The figures are the actual consumption in the production area of ​​calcium carbide. Fuel for burning lime:
All kinds of fuel consumed for lime production in the carbide production boundary area shall be included in the total comprehensive energy consumption of carbide products. If lime is purchased from outside, the energy consumption of lime production shall be added: The energy consumption of comprehensive utilization of carbide furnace gas for gas-burned lime in the boundary area can be ignored. Fuel for drying coke:
The fuel for drying raw coke shall be calculated according to the actual consumption. The energy difference of drying carbon using waste heat from carbide production or carbide furnace gas can be ignored.
41.8 The total comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products is calculated according to formula (1): E
Z(et-K) t Z(e. Ki)
Wherein: E..-total comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products, standard coal; i~-physical quantities of various energy consumed by calcium carbide products during the reporting period; auxiliary and subsidiary energy consumption and energy loss of calcium carbide products during the reporting period; K-coefficient of conversion of a certain energy into standard coal.
4.2 Unit comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products
4.2.1 Unit comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products refers to the total comprehensive energy consumption per unit standard calcium carbide output. 4.2.2 The unit comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products is calculated according to formula (2): Eed
Wherein: Ed—unit comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products, standard coal; E..—total comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products in a reporting period, tons of standard coal; L—the amount of standard calcium carbide converted from the output of calcium carbide in the reporting period (converted according to the gas output standard of 300L/kg), tons. 43 Comparable unit comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products
4.3.1 The comparable unit comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products is the energy consumption calculated to achieve energy consumption comparison in the calcium carbide production industry. 4.3.2 The calculation of the comparable unit comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products is based on the total comprehensive energy consumption of calcium carbide products, with the incomparable factors initially subtracted or added.
4.3.3 The comprehensive energy consumption of comparable unit product of calcium carbide shall be calculated according to formula (3): +-(EE - Ex Eu- Eu + Ex LE)Eer
Wherein: E+--comprehensive energy consumption of comparable unit product of calcium carbide, t standard coal/tE Energy consumption for heating within the production boundary of calcium carbide, standard coal; E--energy consumption for nitrogen security within the production boundary of calcium carbide, t standard coal (3)
I Actual output of coke powder and coal powder
E--energy equivalent of output of coke powder and coal powder outside the production boundary of calcium carbide, E2
amount, standard coal;
E--energy consumption of cooling calcium carbide with mechanical cooling cylinder, t standard coal; E--average energy consumption of purchased lime, taken as 0.179t standard coal/lime; L--amount of purchased lime used (including crushed powder and loss within the enterprise),. 5 Calculation of energy saving of calcium carbide products
5.1 Energy saving of calcium carbide products refers to the reduction of comprehensive energy consumed in producing standard calcium carbide per unit output. 5.2 Energy saving of calcium carbide products is calculated according to formula 4): L, EE, - (Eati -- Eab) + L
Where: E;—energy saving of calcium carbide products, t standard coal; Eaei-comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of calcium carbide in the base period, t standard coal; Eab—comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of calcium carbide in the reporting period, t standard coal; L—-standard calcium carbide quantity converted from calcium carbide production in the reporting period (converted according to the gas output of 300L/kg): to Appendix A
Reference coefficients of various energy conversion to standard coal
Energy number name
Washed clay coal
Washed medium
b. Coal slime
Burning wire (including right oil coke)
Electrode pin
Liquid petroleum gas
Refinery dry gas
Natural gas
Gashuntian hot gas
Die mine gas
Heat when the plate)
Electricity when the plate)
Electricity (equivalent)
(Yu cal/&W.h)
Average low calorific value
and converted heat
20 934(5000
26 377(6300)
8 374--12560(2 000-3 000)
41 868(10 000)
41 86B(10 000)
43124(10 300)
50 241(12 000)
46 055(11 000)
38 979(9 310)
35586(8 500)
Efficiency of standard coal system, k standard coal/kg
1.3300kg standard coal/m
1.2143kg standard coal/m
0.5000--0.5714kg standard coal/m
0.03412kg standard coal/MJ
(0.14286kg standard coal/1000 kcal)
0.122 9kg standard/kW-h
0.40405g standard/1W.h
Compressed air
O2 gas
Combustion steam (low pressure>
Coal gas
Other gas
Generator gas
b. Oil fluidizing gas
.Oil thermal efficiency explosion
d. Hot charcoal gasification
Pressure gasification
Positive. Water gas
Coal oil
Conversion unit
.3 400(tcx1/0)
1.17(M3/standard m))
280(3cai/standard m)
0.33(M3/standard m)
keal standard
11.72(MJ/standard m\)
2800(kea1/international m)
19.66(MJ/standard m)
+700(kcal/standard m)
6.23 standard m)wwW.bzxz.Net
1500(c standard)
3 765.50(MJ/t)
13 003(+300)
19 259(+600)
35 58r5 5333
33 434(00)
41 363(10 000)
Break ball standard coal, dry gram
0.6113kg standard flow rate/ml
1.1429kg standard coal/53
1.42965 standard 2#
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