Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
UDC 669.791
GB 913-85
Replaces GB 913-GG
This standard applies to water produced by pyrometallurgy and other methods, and is used in vacuum electrical, instrumentation, reagents, pharmaceuticals, chemical and metallurgical industries. 1 Technical requirements
The grades of water are specified as follows according to the chemical composition: 1.1
High-purity water
Total ignition residue
Not too low
Other heavy metals (measured in lead)
1.2 All grades of water should have a silver luster and contain no mechanical impurities (ash, etc.); No. 0 water should have a clear mirror and no film on the surface of high-purity water.
2 Inspection rules and test methods
2.1 Products shall be inspected and accepted by the supplier's technical supervision department to ensure that the products meet the requirements of this standard. 2.2 Each batch of products consists of a grade of pure water. The weight of each batch of high-purity water, No. 0 pure water and No. 1 pure water shall not exceed 1, 4 and 7 tons respectively. 2.3 The number of samples (bottles and cans) of each batch of products shall not be less than 10%, and the weight of the samples shall be as follows: high-purity pure water shall not be less than 3kg, No. 0 water shall not be less than 10kg, and No. 1 water shall not be less than 0.6kg. 2.4 Use a glass cone with an inner diameter of 4-6mm to extract the sample, and the sample is placed in a filtered glass bottle with a stopper. After being fully mixed, it is divided into three equal parts, two of which are used for chemical analysis; the other half is handed over to the technical supervision department for sealed storage for secondary analysis. The sample storage period is one year.
2.5 For all grades of water, take 5-10g of the sample and place it in 10m nitric acid (1+1). After heating and dissolving, the solution should be clear and free of impurities.
2.8 All grades of water samples should be able to flow freely from a clean glass container, and no impurities should be left on the wall. 2.7 "All grades of water samples should not leave any marks after sliding on smooth paper or porcelain plates. 2.8 When a high-purity water sample is placed on a white porcelain plate for inspection, there should be no stains visible to the naked eye. 2.9 The analytical method for water should be carried out in accordance with the method specified in Appendix A of this standard. Issued by the National Bureau of Standards on July 22, 1985
Implementation on July 1, 1986
GB 91385
2.10 During the sample storage period, if the user's chemical analysis results are inconsistent with the supplier's certificate, the original arbitration sample can be used or the two parties can negotiate to re-take the sample according to the provisions of this standard for arbitration analysis. The arbitration analysis is the same as Article 2.9. 2.11 If the arbitration analysis results are inconsistent with the certificate, the supplier is responsible. If the packaging is damaged due to transportation and the user fails to keep it, the supplier will not be responsible for water loss and quality change. 3 Packaging, marking and storage
3.1 High purity should be packed in a volume of 100ml (1kg net weight per bottle) or 400ml (5kg net weight per bottle) glass bottles or polyethylene bottles are filled with nitrogen, the bottle mouth is plugged with soft polyethylene plastic, the outer cover is covered with threaded plugs, sealed with wax, and then sealed with plastic bags and molded calcium plastics, and packed in a sturdy wooden box with iron sheets and nails. 10 bottles of 1kg are packed in a box; 4 bottles of 5kg are packed in a box. No. 0 water and No. 1 water are packed in steel cans or polyethylene lined with pond porcelain, with a single weight of 25kg and 34.5kg. The mouth of the steel can is sealed with a tape. The metal threaded plug of the gasket is tightened, the screw is wrapped with fur cotton, and the polyethylene can mouth is plugged. The mercury can is packed in a sturdy wooden box, one can per box, and the wooden box is sealed and reinforced with iron nails.
Note: The packaging method can be changed after negotiation between the supply and demand parties. 9.2 The unit weight error is: 1±0.002kg; 5±0.005kg/25+0.025kg; 34.5±0.030kg. 3.3 All grades of mercury should be stored in a room with a temperature not higher than 40℃. High purity mercury should be opened only when it is used. The cover should be closed to prevent nitrogen from escaping and causing surface oxidation.
3.4 Marking regulations are as follows:
3.4.1 The wooden box should have the following markings:
b. Production name or code,
c. Product name,
d. Number of bottles per box.
The side of the wooden box should have words or marks such as "Handle with care" and "Do not turn upside down". 3.4.2 The permanent cans should be marked in rows as follows:
" Name or code
b. Name;
c. Grade and batch number
d. Net weight.
The water tanks for No. 1 water and zero-bow water are yellow and green respectively. 3.4.3 The following marks shall be on the bottles:
Manufacturer name or code:
b, product name;
Grade and batch number;
Dead weight and net weight.
Each wooden box shall be accompanied by a product certificate and a special stamp for product inspection. The certificate shall indicate: 3.5
Manufacturer name or code:
Product name
Grade and batch number,
Net weight:
Chemical composition analysis results
Inspector and inspection date,
Wood standard number:
)' date.
A.1 Determination of mercury
A.1.1 Determination of ignition residue
GF 913—85
Appendix A
Mercury analysis method
Weigh 1000g of high-purity mercury (200g of high-purity mercury, 100g of No. 1 mercury) and place it in a quartz glass (or high-temperature resistant glass glass) that has been dried to a constant weight. In a nitrogen (or clean air) flow (flow rate of 1L per minute), slowly evaporate the mercury at 200±5℃ (there should be a recovery and purification device) until the residue is less than 2g, and then ignite the residue at 400±5℃ (nitrogen) or 500±5℃ (air) to a constant weight. The determination device is shown in the figure.
1-nitrogen or chlorine bottle, 2-rotor flow meter, 3-rubber stopper or port, 4-inch tube or porcelain tube or high temperature resistant glass tube: 5-buying or porcelain H worm, 6-tube electric furnace; 7-DWT -702 type precision temperature automatic control position, 9-water condenser or liquid nitrogen cold trap, 10-collecting bottle, 11-purification bottle containing iodine solution, 12-vacuum pump, 13-compound vacuum gauge A.1.2 Water purity is calculated by the difference method, that is, the difference between 100% and the percentage of the ignition residue content. A.2 Determination of iron and other heavy metals (in terms of lead) in mercury A.2.1 Preparation of standard solution
Iron standard solution: weigh 0.8640g ammonium ferric sulfate [FeNH, (SO,) 212H,O] and dissolve it in warm water, add 2.5m] concentrated sulfuric acid, transfer to 100ml volumetric flask ll, dilute to the scale with water, this solution 1ml + 0.1mR iron. Pipette 25ml of the above standard solution into a 250ml container, add 2.5ml of concentrated sulfuric acid, and dilute with water to the mark, which is 1ml+0.01mg lead standard solution.
Lead standard solution: weigh 0.1600g of nitric acid (N()) and dissolve it in a small amount of water, add 1ml of concentrated nitric acid, transfer it into a 1000ml container, and dilute with water to the mark, this solution is 1ml0.1mg lead. Pipette 50ml of the above standard solution into a 250ml container, add 1ml of concentrated nitric acid, and dilute with water to the mark, which is 1ml+0.02mg lead standard solution.
A.2.2 Preparation of sample solution
GB 91a-B5
Add 2ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid and 1ml of concentrated nitric acid to the burning residue, place it in a water bath for 1 minute, and then add 2ml of hydrochloric acid (2+1) to dissolve it. Transfer the solution to a 50ml volumetric flask, wash with water to evaporate the blood, add the washing liquid to the volumetric flask, dilute with water to the scale, and shake it. Used to measure iron and other heavy metals.
A.2.3 Determination of iron
Pipette 2.5ml of the above sample solution into a 2.5ml colorimetric tube, add 0.9ml of hydrochloric acid (2+1), dilute with water to 15ml, add 1ml of hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution (10%), and let it stand for 5min. Add 5ml of ammonium sulfate solution (25%), 3ml of 1,10-orange phenanthroline solution (0.2%), dilute with water to 25ml, and stir. After standing at 20-30°C for 15min, the reddish-orange color will not The dark ten standards are obtained (or the absorbance is measured on a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 510nm and 1cm colorimetric blood. The result shall not be greater than the standard absorbance). The standard is to take the following amount of iron:
Absorb 1ml of iron standard solution (1ml=0.01mg iron) in a 25ml colorimetric tube, add 1ml of hydrochloric acid (2+1), and do the same treatment as the sample solution of the same volume. A, 2.4 Determination of other heavy metals (expressed as lead) Absorb 5ml1 sample solution in a 25ml colorimetric tube, add 0.3ml of hydrochloric acid (2+1), dilute to 10ml with water, add 5ml of sodium acetate solution (10%), 10ml of newly prepared saturated hydrogen sulfide aqueous solution, shake well, and the dark color shall not be darker than the standard. The standard is to take the following amount of lead:
Absorb lead standard solution (1ml=00.0.2mg lead) 2ml in a 25ml colorimetric tube, 0.5ml of hydrochloric acid (2+1), and the same volume of sample solution as below. Note: ①) All chemical reagents used in this method are high-purity reagents. ② All water used in this method is deionized water. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by China Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation. This standard was drafted by Guizhou Yongkuang and Xinhuang Qiukuang. The main drafters of this standard are Huang Yongxiang and Li Jineng.
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