This standard specifies the general requirements for electrical testing of thyratrons and gas-filled rectifiers, and specifies the test methods for electrical parameters and electrical performance. This standard applies to the electrical parameter test and electrical performance test of thyratrons and gas-filled rectifiers. This standard does not apply to the electrical parameter test and electrical performance test of pulse thyratrons and cold cathode gas-filled tubes. GB/T 3213-1994 Test methods for thyratrons and gas-filled rectifiers GB/T3213-1994 Standard download decompression password:
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National Standard of the People's Republic of China Methods 'of measurement for thyratronsand gas-filled rectifier tubes Methods 'of measurement for thyratronsand gas-filled rectifier tubesSubject content and scope of application GB/T3213-94 Replaces GB 3213 --82 This standard specifies the general requirements for electrical testing of thyratrons and gas-filled rectifier tubes, and specifies the test methods for electrical parameters and electrical performance. This standard applies to the electrical parameter test and electrical performance test of thyratrons and gas-filled rectifier tubes (hereinafter referred to as gas-filled tubes), but does not apply to the electrical parameter test and electrical performance test of thyratrons and cold cathode gas-filled tubes. 2 Reference standards GB 2421 General rules for basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products GB 4597 Terminology for electronic tubes GB4728 Graphic symbols for electrical diagrams GB 6988.4 Circuit diagrams for electrical drawings GB/T14110 General specifications for thyristors and gas-filled rectifiers 3 Terms and symbols The terms in this standard adopt those in GB4597, and the graphic symbols and circuit diagrams comply with the provisions of GB4728 and GB6988.4. 4 General requirements 4.1 Test equipment 4.1.1 The test equipment shall comply with the requirements of the current electrical equipment regulations, specifications and safety standards. Each test equipment shall be accompanied by: Test equipment calibration record that meets the requirements of this standard; the equipment manual; Electrical circuit diagram of the equipment: Calibration certificate of the instruments used in the equipment. 4.1.2 Test equipment shall be calibrated regularly by the design department. 4.1.3 Test equipment shall be equipped with safety switch, high voltage discharge and overload protection device. 4.1.4 When the peak voltage of the anode of the tested tube is higher than 15kV, the test equipment shall have X-ray protection measures. 4.1.5 The test equipment of mercury gas tube shall be equipped with cooling and heating devices to ensure that the ambient temperature of the tested tube meets the requirements of the standard atmospheric conditions for test and measurement in GB2421. 4.1.6 When there is an external electromagnetic field that affects the test accuracy, the test equipment shall be equipped with shielding measures. 4.1.7 The arrangement and fixed position of the instruments on the test equipment shall facilitate the operator to read the readings correctly and minimize visual errors. 4.2 Instruments Approved by the State Technical Supervision Commission on December 31, 1994 Implemented on August 1, 1995 4.2.1 Instruments shall meet the following accuracy requirements: GB/T 3213--94 The accuracy of the instruments used to test the hot wire voltage, hot wire current, anode voltage and anode current shall not be lower than Class 1.5: The accuracy of the instruments used to test the anode voltage and current shall not be lower than Class 1.0; c. The accuracy of other instruments shall not be lower than Class 2.5. 4.2.2 When selecting the instrument base range, the reading of the added standard value shall be as large as possible as far as possible from 1/3 of the instrument scale. 4.2.3 For convenient and accurate reading of the measured value, when the transformer primary number is used to represent the secondary high voltage or an equivalent indication is used, the calibrated standard value should be marked. 4.3 Power supply 4.3.1 The test equipment power supply should be 50 Hz AC power supply, and its voltage fluctuation should not exceed ±5%. 4.3-2 The grid DC power supply and the anode DC power supply below 500 V should use a voltage stabilizing device. 4.3.3 The transformer used in the test equipment should ensure that when the load current increases from zero to the maximum value, its output voltage changes by no more than 10% of the given value. 4.4 General test rules 4.4.1 When testing the gas-filled tube, the preheating conditions, test conditions and test sequence should be carried out in accordance with the detailed specifications of the product. 4.4.2 When testing the gas-filled tube, the voltages of each electrode should be connected in the order of hot wire voltage, cabinet electrode voltage and anode voltage. 4.4.3 When the voltages of the poles are disconnected after the test, the order should be reversed from the order of connection. Alternatively, the voltages of the poles may be disconnected simultaneously. 4.4.4 When testing the preheating time of the gas tube, average anode plate current, anode reverse peak voltage, maximum anode forward beep voltage, grid start voltage and grid cut-off voltage of the average DC output power greater than 10kW, the equivalent test circuit in Appendix A (Supplement) may be used. 5 Test and test methods 5.1 Cathode preheating time cathodepre-heating time 5.1.1 Definition The shortest time that the hot wire voltage should be applied before the voltages of other electrodes are applied (see 1.8.28 of GB4597). 5.12 Test circuit diagram See Figure 1 (a) for the test circuit diagram of the rectifier, etc. See Figure 1 (b) for the test circuit diagram of the rectifier (a) for the cathode preheating time test circuit diagram of the rectifier tube Figure 1 for the cathode preheating time test circuit diagram V, a tube under test; R, anode resistance, the resistance value is given in the detailed specification 5.1.3 Test procedure GB/T3213--94 (b) Rectifier cathode preheating time test circuit diagram continued 1 Apply the rated hot wire voltage within the specified time and start the time. After the specified preheating time, add the specified anode voltage, and the gas-filled tube should work normally. 5.2 Average anode current average anode current 5. 2. 1 Definition The maximum average value of the pulsating current allowed to pass through the anode of the gas-filled tube under the specified working conditions. 5.2.2 Test circuit diagram The rectifier arm test circuit diagram is shown in Figure 1(b), and the thyristor test circuit diagram is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 Average anode current test circuit diagram V, a tube under test, R\-gate resistance, the resistance value is given in the detailed specification: C. a gate capacitance, the capacity is given in the detailed specification; P: anode voltage meter 5.2. 3 Test procedure 5.2.3-1 Add the rated hot wire voltage to preheat. After preheating for a specified time, add the voltage of each pole. Adjust the anode voltage so that its current reaches the specified value. The inflatable tube should be able to work normally within the specified time. 5.3 Anode reverse peak voltage peak negative anode voltage5. 3.1 Definition The maximum instantaneous negative voltage of the anode to the cathode (see 1.6.10 in GB4597). 5.3.2 Test circuit diagram See Figure 3(a) for the thyristor test circuit diagram, and see Figure 3(b) for the rectifier test circuit diagram. 5.3.3 Test procedure (a) Thyristor general value test circuit () Rectifier any pole forward peak voltage test circuit diagram Figure 3 Anode reverse peak voltage test circuit diagram Vi - Tested tube Add the rated hot wire voltage for preheating. After preheating for the specified time, add the voltage of each pole, adjust the anode current to the specified value, and work for the specified time. Adjust the anode voltage to the specified value. Within the specified time, there should be no sparking, reverse arcing or breakdown in the inflatable tube. 5.4 Maximum anode forward peak voltage maximumpeakforwardanodevoltage 5.4.1 Definition The maximum forward peak voltage that the anode can withstand in the cut-off state. 5.4.2 Test circuit diagram The test circuit diagram is shown in Figure 2. 5.4.3 Test procedure Apply rated hot wire electricity for preheating. Apply voltage to each pole after preheating for the specified time, adjust the anode voltage so that the current reaches the specified value and maintain it for the specified time. Adjust the grid voltage to the specified value so that the gas tube is cut off. Adjust the anode voltage to the maximum anode forward peak voltage. There should be no sparking or breakdown in the gas tube within the specified cut-off duration. anodefiringvoltege 5.5 Anode ignition voltage 5.5.1 Definition The DC anode voltage when the gas tube starts to conduct. 5.5.2 Test circuit diagram GB/T 321394 The thyristor test circuit diagram is shown in Figure 4(a), and the rectifier test circuit diagram is shown in Figure 4(h). R (a) Thyristor anode ignition voltage test circuit R, (b) Thyristor anode winding ignition voltage test circuit diagram Figure 4 Anode ignition voltage test circuit diagram V, a tube under test; P, anode voltmeter; R, t--anode resistance, the resistance value is given in the detailed specification 5-5.3 Test procedure 5-5.3.1 Apply the rated hot wire voltage for preheating. After preheating for a specified time, gradually add anode voltage to ignite the gas tube, and read the anode voltage value at the moment of ignition from the i meter. 5.6 Tube voltage drop 5.6.1 Definition The voltage between the anode and cathode during the conduction period of the gas tube (see 1.6.8 of GB4597). 5.6.2 Test circuit diagram The test circuit diagram of the thyristor is shown in Figure 4(a), and the test circuit diagram of the rectifier is shown in Figure 4(b). 5.6.3 Test procedure Apply the rated hot wire voltage to preheat. After preheating for a specified time, gradually add anode voltage to make the anode current reach the specified value, and read the anode voltage value from the P table. 5.7 Tube voltage drop under underheating 5.7.1 Definition Tube voltage drop under the specified underheating hot wire voltage condition. 5.7.2 Test circuit diagram GE/T3213-94 The thyristor test circuit diagram is shown in Figure 4(a), and the rectifier test circuit diagram is shown in Figure 4 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.