This standard specifies the definition, size, specifications, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of fire-fighting protective clothing for firefighters. This standard applies to protective clothing worn by firefighters during firefighting and rescue. This standard does not apply to clothing worn in high temperature environments such as bushfires, wilderness fires and forest fires; nor does it apply to protection of the head, hands and feet. GA 10-2002 Firefighters' Firefighting Protective Clothing GA10-2002 Standard download decompression password:
Some standard content:
ISO11613 ISO11613 (ISO11613:1999 GB/T191 GB/T1037 Protective clothingforfirefightersGA10 Protective clothing for firefighterssLaboratory test methods andperformancerequirements GB/T1335.1 GB/T1335.2 GB/T3917.3 GB/T3920 GB/T 3923.1 GB/T4744 GB/ GB/T5455 GB8965 GB/T13773 200-12-11 2003-05-01 protective clothing for firefightersmoisturebarrier thermalbarrier reflectivetrim GB/T1335.1 GB/T1335.2 GB/T1335.1 GB/T1335.2 5000g/ mG 24h 260—5 GB/T5455 GB/T4745 GB/T3923..1 GB8965 5.2.4 GB/T3917.3 0g~500g GB/T3920 GB/T4744 GB/T1037 GB/T13773 GB8965 0g~10000g 5.2.4 5.7.3 GB/T 191 20— 2 [D, -D2 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.