title>GB/T 13029.3-1991 Selection and laying of shipboard communication cables and radio frequency cables - GB/T 13029.3-1991 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 13029.3-1991 Selection and laying of shipboard communication cables and radio frequency cables

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 13029.3-1991

Standard Name: Selection and laying of shipboard communication cables and radio frequency cables

Chinese Name: 船用通信电缆和射频电缆的选择和敷设

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-07-15

Date of Implementation:1992-04-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Shipbuilding and offshore structures>>Shipbuilding and offshore structures in general>>47.020.60 Marine electrical equipment

Standard Classification Number:Ship>>Ship electrical, observation, and navigation equipment>>U60 Ship electrical, observation, and navigation equipment comprehensive

associated standards

Procurement status:IEC 92-1980, REF

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:1992-04-01

other information

Release date:1991-07-15

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:704 Institute of the Seventh Institute of China Shipbuilding Corporation

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Marine Vessels

Publishing department:China State Shipbuilding Corporation

competent authority:China State Shipbuilding Corporation

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the selection and laying requirements of communication cables and radio frequency cables on ships. This standard applies to the connection of low-frequency and radio frequency signal equipment on ships. GB/T 13029.3-1991 Selection and laying of shipboard communication cables and radio frequency cables GB/T13029.3-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Choice and installation of shipboard telecomunicationcables and radio-telequcncy cebles This standard adopts the relevant provisions of the international standard IEC92 (1980) "Ship electrical equipment". Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the selection and installation requirements of shipboard communication cables and radio-telecommunication cables. This standard is applicable to the connection of low-voltage, radio-telecommunication and signaling equipment on ships. 2 Reference standards
GB9331 Power cables and wires for rated voltages of 0.6/1*V and below GB9333 Symmetrical communication cables for shipboard
B9334 Radio-telecommunication cables for shipboard use
GB10250 Electromagnetic compatibility of shipboard electrical and electronic equipment GB/T 13029.1
Selection and installation of cables for low-voltage power systems on board ships GB/T 13029.2 Selection and installation of flexible cables for shipboard use 3 Selection requirements www.bzxz.net
3.1-- Installation requirements
GB/T 13029. 3—91
3.1.1 The selection of cables should be determined according to the environmental conditions of the installation site, the installation method, the requirements of the connected equipment or system and the signal formation of the transmission.
3.1.2 For cables that transmit low-frequency signals (frequency less than 100kHz), symmetrical cables with insulating sheaths are usually selected. 3.1.3 For cables that transmit high-frequency signals (frequency greater than 100kHz and asymmetrical to the ground), coaxial cables are usually selected. 3.1.4 For cables that transmit digital signals and analog signals, symmetrical cables and multi-core cables with core shielding (suitable for low-speed transmission) can be selected, or coaxial cables (suitable for high-speed transmission) can be selected. 3.1.5 For other requirements for interpretation, please refer to GB/T.13029.1 and CB/T 13029.2 Relevant regulations. 3.2 Requirements for selection of relays
3.2.1 According to the different requirements of communication equipment or systems, symmetrical cables or core shielded cables can be selected. Symmetrical cables are used for soft circuits, while core shielded multi-core cables are used for asymmetrical circuits to ground. 3.2.2 The conductor single wire of extruded thermosetting insulation should be bonded copper wire. Tin-free sawn single wire is allowed, but there should be an isolation layer between the conductor and the insulation, and the cable should be subjected to appropriate type tests to prove that no harmful effects are produced. The conductor single wire of extruded thermoplastic insulation is allowed to be bonded.
The nominal cross-section of the conductor is 0.3, 0.5, 0.75, and 1 mm, and the cross-section is 0.3 mm, cables are usually used for telephone communications for non-important communications or for places where the lines are short and subject to less mechanical stress. When the cable is slightly longer and subject to greater mechanical stress or some cores need to be used as power lines, a larger cross-section can be selected. Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on July 15, 1991
Implementation on April 1, 1992
W.3.2.3 Choice of insulation
GB/T13029.3:91 The rated voltage of any cable shall not be lower than the rated voltage of the circuit using the cable. The rated operating temperature of the cable insulation material shall be at least 10℃ higher than the maximum ambient temperature that may exist or occur in the cable laying location.
Ethylene propylene rubber, cross-linked polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride can be selected as the insulation material. Polyvinyl fluoride is usually used as the insulation material for non-important communication telephone cables. Polyvinyl fluoride can be used as the insulation material for communication cables that require small capacitance. The insulation material of the communication cable used in high temperature places can be fluoroplastic. Silicone rubber insulation can be used for special circuits or special requirements. The processability should be considered when selecting insulation. When the conductor is welded, the insulation layer should not shrink excessively. The insulation should be easily stripped from the conductor without damaging the insulation or conductor.
3.2.4 The maximum twisting pitch of the wire pairs of symmetrical cables is 120mm. In order to reduce crosstalk, adjacent wire groups in the same layer should use different pitches. In some cases, the wire pairs are twisted with a shorter pitch to effectively control the interference between wires in the cable. 3.2.5 The insulated cores and twisted elements in the cable should have obvious identification marks. Digital identification or color identification can be selected according to different requirements. 3.2.6 Marine communication relays should have good anti-interference performance. The cable should have a metal shield layer, usually woven with tinned copper wire. When using a vinyl chloride jacket, the copper wire may not be plated.
The braided layer should be flat and the filling factor K of the braided layer should not be less than 0.6. To improve the anti-interference performance, the filling factor can be increased. Double shielding can be used in special applications. 3.2.7 The selection of sheath should focus on the mechanical stress or other influences that the relay may be subjected to during installation and use. Single sheath or inner and outer double sheaths can be selected respectively. The selected metal attenuation material should match the selected insulation material. The sheath material can be ethylene-prene rubber, chlorosulfonated polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride. 3.2.8 According to the needs, single or bundled combustion test cables that meet GB 9331 can be selected. 3.2.9 The structural dimensions and performance components of symmetrical communication cables meet the requirements of GB9333. 3.3 Selection requirements for shipboard radio frequency cables
3.3.1 The selection of radio frequency cables should be based on the main indicators such as characteristic impedance, attenuation, and rated voltage of the frequency used by the equipment or system. According to the different requirements of communication equipment or system, coaxial RF cable or symmetrical RF cable can be selected. Coaxial RF cable is used for communication equipment that is asymmetric to the ground, while symmetrical cable is used for communication equipment with lower RF band and symmetrical to the ground. 3.3.2 Shipboard RF cable can use copper single wire or copper stranded wire inner conductor and copper wire braided outer conductor. Small RF cable uses copper clad steel inner conductor to improve mechanical strength. Double shielding can be used in special applications. 3.3.3 The insulation of shipboard RF cable usually adopts polyethylene. When high temperature or high reliability are required, fluoroplastic insulation such as polytetrafluoroethylene can be used.
3.3.4 The sheath of shipboard RF cable usually adopts polyvinyl chloride. When high temperature or high reliability are required, polytetrafluoroethylene sleeve silicone organic paint impregnated glass fiber braided sheath can be used.
3.3.5 The structural dimensions and performance of shipboard RF cable shall comply with the provisions of GB9334. 4.1 Cables for communication and signal equipment used in emergency situations should be installed as far away from kitchens, laundry rooms, A-type machinery spaces and their cabins, and other places with high fire risks as possible. 4.2 When cables are installed in places that are particularly susceptible to damage from machinery, protective measures should be added to the relays. 4.3 When cables are installed, their allowable bending radius should be based on the manufacturer's recommended value. Cables that transmit low-frequency signals should comply with the following table. Cable sheath structure Metal sheath and coating Other sheaths GB/T 13029. 3-91 Cable outer diameter Cable value Allowable bending radius 4.4 Cable installation should minimize the impact of electromagnetic interference and comply with the provisions of CB10250 on cable installation. 4.4.1 Communication and radio cables should be installed in separate bundles from power cables as much as possible and as far away as possible in vertical and horizontal directions. A.4.2 Relays transmitting analog signals should be separated from cables transmitting digital signals and avoid parallel installation. 4.4.3 If 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 cannot be met, double-shielded cables or other measures such as pipe laying can be used. If pipe laying is used, all steel relays and metal covers should be bridged together and connected to the ship. 4.4.4 The relay shielding layer should be reliably grounded to ensure shielding continuity. When installing cables transmitting low-frequency and low-level signals, the metal shielding layer should be grounded at a single point to avoid the formation of an induction loop. If the sensor has a grounding requirement, it should be grounded at the sensor end first. When the length of the signal cable exceeds 1/100 of the wavelength of the interference signal, grounding at both ends of the cable shielding layer should be considered. 4.4.5 Anti-interference measures should be taken for cables of interference circuits and sensitive circuits. 4.4.6 The antenna feeder of the transmitter shall be metal shielded. When penetrating the deck or bulkhead, a cable stuffing box with good grounding effect shall be used to reduce interference to adjacent radio frequency sensitive equipment. 4.4.7 The cables used for transmitting pulses such as heavy equipment and hydroacoustic equipment shall be separated from the relays of other equipment to prevent electromagnetic interference from reducing the positive function of the equipment. The cables can be put in steel cable pipes or double-shielded cables can be used. 4.5 For other requirements of digital equipment, please refer to GB/T13029.1 and GB/T13029.2. Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by China State Shipbuilding Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the 704th Institute of the 7th Research Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation. This standard was drafted by the 704th Institute of the 7th Research Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation and the Shanghai Cable Research Institute of the Ministry of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. The drafters of this standard are Liu Meirong, Liu Guangen, and Lu Qisong. 0
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