This standard specifies the graphic symbols used in the technical documents of security systems. This standard applies to the drawing and marking of graphic symbols in the design and construction documents of security projects. GA/T 74-2000 General graphic symbols for security systems GA/T74-2000 Standard download decompression password:
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ICs13.310 People's Republic of China Public Security Industry Standard GA/T742000 General Graphic Symbols for Security and Prevention Systems Symbols for use in diagrams of security and alarm system2000-10-24 Issued People's Republic of China Ministry of Public Security Issued 2000-12-01 Implementation GA/T74-2000 Referenced Standards Graphic Symbols Perimeter Protection Shoes and Defense Zone Level Material Number 3.2 Population Control Equipment Report Switch Special Security Equipment Vibration. Proximity Detector Space Moving Motion Device , Light Projection Container Alarm Control Equipment||tt ||Alarm transmission auxiliary equipment TV monitoring equipment Car transmission anti-theft alarm storage equipment 3-13 Explosion-proof and safety inspection equipment Appendix A (standard recording) Graphic symbols for general line drawings GA/T74—2000 This standard is a revision of GA74—19046 General Graphic Symbols for Security and Protection Systems. The main changes to the original standard are as follows: 1. The text format of 18 symbols such as emergency buttons, wireless alarms, low-light cameras, and building intercom system hosts in the original standard has been revised; 2. The classification and addition of the symbols in the title have been adjusted to make the classification more accurate. 3. Five graphic symbols in the original standard have been removed. 4. Considering the emergence of new technologies and new products, 10 graphic symbols have been added. This standard shall replace GA/T74-1994 from the date of implementation. The date of this standard is the date of the standard. This standard is issued by the Science and Technology Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China. The standard is prepared by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Security Alarm Systems. This standard is drafted by the Technical Office of the Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau. The main contributors are Ren Zhengxing, Hu Haiyang, Xie Weiqun, and Chen Chutie. This standard was first issued on March 11, 1994 and first revised on October 24, 2000. 1 Scope Public Security Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China General Graphical Symbols for Security and Alarm Systems Symbols for usein diagrams of security and alarm systems This standard specifies the graphic symbols used in technical documents of security and alarm systems. GA/T 74-2000 Replaces GA/T74-1994 This standard applies to the design and marking of graphic symbols in security and alarm engineering design and construction documents. Cited standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the text of this standard through reference in this standard. The versions indicated in the copies published by this standard are valid. All standards will be revised. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T4728.10-1999 Electrical front drawing positive code Part 10: Telecommunications: transmission BS4737-5.2:19:98 Human resources reporting system Part 5: Terminology and special codes Chapter 5.2 Recommended code for heat map Graphic special code Graphic special code Perimeter protection equipment and protection zone level recommendation Monitored zone boundary Menitored zone Protected zone boundary protective2one (protected zone) Strengthen protected zone entry ferbidden zone field (restricted zone) Security remote management punch card serum station cruise or cable transmission kuardwire cabte- Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China approved on 2000-10-24 sensor Unit territory boundary marker The area is monitored, and the hostages are controlled All are under secret monitoring and protection, and the personnel are restricted Located in the protection area, the personnel are restricted in entering the restricted area 2000-12-01 3-1-13 3-1-17 3-1-18 National standard GA/T742000 Alternative ring induction processing guardwire sensor processor Over-boundary alarm control console Button box interface box active infrared detection infrared intrusion detection- tension wire detection detector electiostatic field detector electromagnetic fence detector selective microwave detectormicrowave fence assistant detectar buried line field disturbance detector disturbanee fiector real or vibration electric line selector sensitive deteetor rectangular length: g-110.6 transmitter, receiver respectively reference BS 4737-5. 21 reference B54737-5.2 reference BS4737-5.2: reference BS4737-5.21 reference BS 4737-5-2: reference BS 4737-5. 21 enble 1998 pickup cable control ble detector optical detector pressure detector fibre optical cable detector pressitre differ- ential detector high-voltage pulse detector laser detector can use BS4737-5-2 reference 354737-5.2 cut to use B54737-5.2 Graphic special number GA/T74-2000 Access control equipment equipment Building intercom systemmain control module for flat intercam electri cal control sys- interphone extension interphone hand- video intercom video entrysecu-machine regular intercom electric control cable card control revolving door card control revolving door card control fork-shaped turnstile access control equipment card reader camera intercom video entry secu- rity intercom electro-mechanical- cal lack card reader 3-2-12 3-2-13 3-2-14 3- 3-1 graphic number GA/T742000 keyboard card reader temporary print veri- print veri- portrait veri- joint effect veri- control module butt switch card reader with keypad finger print palm print verifi portrait verifier eye print Verifier acoustic control protective switch emergency release deliberately-op- erated device Cfoon) banknote switch complex and super-opening milk BS 4737-5-2: reference BS4737-5-2 reference BS4737-5.2: money clip Capring or gravi-1998 tyclip deliberately-op- erated device (manual) reference BS4737-5.2 graphic number GA/T74-2000 pressure pad switch door switch electric lock technology lock switch password switch security dedicated, x equipment presaure pad magnetically-op crsted protective switeh button for elec- tro-mechanic key controlled switech code switch video/audio de- vice for security audio verification deviceaudiagurveil- lance device (mi srophone) security cameraseeurity eamera, machine still-frame security camera video camera for camera becurity vibration, proximityvibration, proximity or environment- ment deteetor acoustic detector Cairborne vibra- Call BS4737-5.2 Quote BS4737-5.2: Quote BS4737-5.2: Quote BS4737-5.2: Quote BS 4737-5.2: Quote BS 4737-5.2 Quote BS 4737-5 2 Quote BS4737-5.2 Graphic number GA/T74-2000 Distributed capacitance drill Pressure-sensing detector eapacitive prox- imity detector pressure-sensi- tive detector glasa-break alarm detector alarm acoustic composite detector commodity anti-dumping material flammable gas detection combination space moving detector (surface terror contaen) quote BS4737-5.2 quote BS4737-5-2 structural or inertial vibration detection alarm analyzer tor(struetural or inertia) struetural airborne vibra- tion detector movement detect- passive infrared intrusion denec- detector ultrasonic intrusion detector ultrasonic intrusion detertor BS4737-5.2: reference BS4737-5.2: such as: coal gas, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, etc. 9IMBS 4737-5.2: BS 4737-5.2: BS4737-5.2: BS4737-5-2: Graphic line number GA/T742000 Infrared/Ultrasound dual technology camera IR/Udual-teeh motion detector Passive infrared/do IR/Mdual-tech- nology detector Micro-technology detector Triple composite detector Sound and light hand-held alarm Sound and light orange alarm box Alarm light cream Alarm price pin Alarm box Alarm control equipment warning ar sig- maling dewice built with BS4737-5:2 quoted BS 4737-5.2. X,YZ can also be the same such as XYZ-IR with internal power supply #using BS4737-5.2: Cwith integral power supply) alarmbox beaeon alarm control equipment (with integral supply) password dyeing report anhydride keypad oprated control box eontrol equipment- switch operation control key eontrol operated reference BS 4737-6.2: available B54737-5.2: reference BS4737-5.2 language alarm room-symbol reference BS 4737-5.2 With built-in electrical function Quote BS4737-5.2 Quote BS 4737-5.2 3-8- 8 Graphic number GA/T74-2000 Clock or program operation Control range Lighting indication control Quote BS4737-5.2 Grammer operator ed conirol equipment wisible indication equipment Sound indicationequipment Switch operation sound key operated vis. optical alarm control box reference BS4737-5.2 reference BS4737-5.2: reference BS.4737-5.2 ible&audible in- dication equipment- print-out facility print output control telephone alarm networking adapter security committee telephone equipment alarm subsidiary interphone password camera telephone keypadcontrol equipment with automatic alarm control box phone line transceiver telephone networking, telephone line alarm processing alarm receiver teceiver computer wireless alarm transmitter radioalarm trsnsmiteer reference BS4737-5.21 graphic code GA/T74—2000 wireless network radio alarm Te processing alarm receiver reiver with eom- wired and wireless camera and radioalarm transmitter wired and wireless network phone and radio network processing receiver receivrer simulation monitor with computer emulation play panel security system control control table for station defense zone expansion module grain capacity control host alarm transmission equipment security system keypad alarm control alarm:Iransmis- sionegquipment A-alarm control host P-communication point D-feeder D-alarm signal auxiliary K-control shoe S-serial interface R-dimensional electrical contact (alarm output)Iransmis- sionegquipment A-reporting host P-communication point D-feeder D-alarm signal auxiliary K-control shoe tray S-serial interface R-dimensional electrical contact (alarm output)Iransmis- sionegquipment A-reporting host P-communication point D-feeder D-alarm signal assistant K-control shoe tray S-serial interface R-dimensional electrical contact (alarm output) Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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