Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness,uniformity and stability-Barnyard millet
other information
drafter:Liu Jielin, Sun Lianfa, Tang Fenglan, Tang Hao, Chen Lijun, Liu Fengqi, Li Xiangyu, Zhu Ruifen, Chi Yongqin, Han Weibo, Li Dongmei, Wang Xiangyu
Drafting unit:Grassland Research Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Crop Breeding Research Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Science and Technology Development Center of Ministry of Agriculture
Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of New Plant Varieties Testing (SAC/TC 277)
Publishing department:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
Some standard content:
JCS 65.020.20
Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability-Barnyard millet
[Eehinochoa crusgalli (L.] Beauv.] Issued on March 24, 2014
Implemented on June 1, 2014
Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
Requirements for breeding materials
Test methods
Determination of specificity, consistency and qualitative results8
Character table
Organizational traits
1C Technical questionnaire
Appendix A (Existing normative appendix)
Appendix I3 (Normative appendix)
Species trait table
Explanation of barnyardgrass trait table
Appendix (Normative appendix) Species technical questionnaire grid list
NY/T 2566—2014
This approval was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.12009. This standard was proposed by the Agricultural Science and Technology Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture. This standard was drafted by the National Technical Committee for Testing and Standardization of New Plant Varieties (SA/T, 277). Units: Grassland Research Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Crop Seed Research Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Science and Technology Development Center of the Ministry of Agriculture.
The main drafters of this standard: Liu Jielin, Sun Lianfa, Tang Fenglan, Tang Hao, Chen Lijun, Liu Fengqi, Li Xiangning, Zhu Ruifen, Tui Yongqin, Han Weibo, Li Dongmei, and Wang Ning.
1 Scope
Guidelines for testing the specificity, consistency and stability of new plant varieties
This standard specifies the specificity, consistency and stability of new plant varieties. Technical requirements for specificity, consistency and stability tests and general principles for result determination. This standard applies to the specificity, consistency and stability tests and result determination of new varieties of Echinoctioacrsgulli (I).
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this standard. For any document with a date, only the version with the date is used in this document. For any referenced document without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. (T/T19557.1 General Guidelines for Specificity, Consistency and Stability Tests of New Plant Varieties 3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in B/T19557.1 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Single measurement of a group of plants or parts of plants Single measurement of a group of plants or a certain organ or part of a plant to obtain a group record. 3.2
Individual measurement
measurement of a number of individual plants or parts of plants Measurement of a number of individual plants or parts of plants, obtaining a group of individual records. 3.3
Visual assessment by a single observation uf a group of plants or parts of plants Visual assessment of a number of individual plants or parts of plants Visual assessment of a number of individual plants or parts of plants Visual assessment of a number of individual plants or parts of plants Symbols
The following symbols apply to this document: MG: group measurement. MS: individual measurement. VGi: group measurement.
VS: individual oral test,
QI.: quality trait
QV: number trait,
PQ: pseudo quality trait
(=) The content of the annotation is explained in detail in H.2 (I): The content of the annotation is explained in detail in B.3, 1
NY/T 2566-2014
5 Requirements for propagation materials
5.1 Propagation materials are provided in the form of seeds. The number of seeds submitted is at least 590: 5.2 The propagation materials should be healthy, vigorous, and free from pests and diseases. The physical requirements of the propagation materials are as follows: germination rate is greater than 85%, water content is less than 12%, and purity is greater than 98%. 5.3 The propagation materials submitted must not be processed in a way that affects the characteristics of the variety. 5.4 The propagation materials submitted must comply with the relevant provisions of China's plant quarantine. 6 Test method
6.1 Test cycle
The test period is at least two annual growth cycles. 6.2 Test location
The test is usually conducted at one location. If some traits cannot be fully expressed at this location, they can be observed at other locations that meet the conditions of the variety.
6.3 Field test
6.3.1 Test design
Place variety A and similar varieties adjacent to each other, and plant them in two ways: row sowing and hole sowing. For row sowing, each plot shall have no less than 200 plants, with a row spacing of 70 cm and a plant spacing of 10 cm, and repeat twice. For hole sowing, each plot shall have no less than 30 plants, with a row spacing of 10 cm and a plant spacing of 10 cm, and repeat twice. Protective rows shall be set up.
6.3.2 Field management
It can be carried out according to the local production methods. Early shoveling and early seedling determination should be carried out in the seedling stage to promote early growth. Watering should be carried out when the mid-term growth period comes. 6.4 Character observation
6.4.1 Observation period
Character observation should be carried out according to the growth period listed in Table A.1. See Table B for a description of growth stages. Observation methods
The trait measurements shall be carried out in accordance with the observation methods (VG, VS, MG, MS) specified in Table A.1. 6.4.3 Number of observations
Unless otherwise specified, the number of samples for individual measured traits (VS, MS) shall be no less than 10-20 plants per plot. When observing organs or parts of plants, the number of samples for each plant shall be 1. The whole plot or a mixed sample of a specified size shall be observed for group observed traits (G, MG).
6.5 Additional tests
Additional tests may be carried out for the traits in Table A.1 or traits not listed in this document if necessary. 7 Determination of specificity, consistency and stability results 7.1 General principles
The determination of specificity, consistency and stability shall be carried out in accordance with the principles determined in (3/T13557.1). 7.2 Determination of specificity
The applied variety should be clearly distinguished from all known varieties. In the test, when the applied variety has a significant and reproducible difference with similar varieties in at least one trait, it can be determined that the applied variety has specificity. 7.3 Determination of consistency
When determining consistency, a population standard of 2* and an acceptance probability of at least 95% are adopted. When the sample is 60 strains, a maximum of 32
heteromorphic strains are allowed. When the sample is 10 strains, a maximum of 13 morphological strains are allowed. 7.4 Determination of stability
If a variety has consistency, it can be considered that the variety has stability. Generally, it is not stable. The test is carried out for the inferiority. If necessary, the following treatment can be done: Plant the next generation of the variety, and compare it with the propagation materials provided previously. If there is no obvious change in the expression of the trait, it can be determined that the variety is stable:
8 Trait table
8.1 Overview
The trait list lists the trait name, expression type, expression state and corresponding code and label variety, test period and method, etc. Appendix A lists the basic traits of the variety.
8.2 Expression type
According to the expression method of the trait, the traits are divided into three types: quality traits, micro-quality traits and quantitative traits. 8.3 Expression state and corresponding code
8.3.1 The traits are divided into a series of expression states to facilitate the definition of traits and standard descriptions; each expression state is given a corresponding digital code to facilitate data recording, processing and the establishment and communication of variety descriptions. 8.3.2 For quality traits and pseudo-quality traits.All expression states should be listed in the test guide 4: For number-banded traits, in order to shorten the length of the trait table, the expression states of even-numbered codes are not listed. The expression states of even-numbered codes are described in the form of the previous expression state to the next expression state.
8.4 Standard varieties
The trait table lists standard varieties for reference for the expression states of some traits to help determine the different expression states of the same trait and correct the differences caused by environmental factors.
9 Grouped traits
In this document, the cultivar grouping traits are as follows: a) Ear: shape (character 13 in Table A.1); b) Ear: color (character 17 in Table A.1)
e) Fruit: color (character 25 in Table A.14). 10 Technical questionnaire
Applicants should fill in the barnyard technical questionnaire according to the format given in Appendix (NY/T). 2566—2014
A.1 Basic characteristics of barnyard grass
Table A.1.
Vertical pedicel: Wei secret
: handsome
Young southern morphology
Leaf: small
Drop period
Plum: number of points
Appendix A
【Normative Appendix】
Barnyard grass properties
Table A.1 Barnyard grass basic properties
Observation period and method
Shipping status
Half-upward punch
Standard product
Reading can avoid
Head-eliminating blanket
Goose head bullet
Big scattered
Chain type
Meet head species, Gu Sha|| tt||Diameter
Archive: Number of nodes
Plant: Posture
Spike: Depth
Spike: Shape
You, attitude
Spike: Length
1Degree: Color
Spikelet: Number of branches
Spikelet: Number of grains
Table A.1 (continued)
Observation period and method
Expression status
Partial extraction
Evident extraction
Extremely obvious extraction
Nearly erect
Standard variety
Ma Tangli
Front chain barnyard
Chain barnyard
Leading variety
Yaotou variety
Big scattered ears
Chain barnyard
Zinc barnyard
Big scattered glass
Chain pants
"Orange; Number of ears
Grain: T Grain weight
Double: Shape
Table A.1 (continued)
Yao measured bear and square sent
Expression status
Short egg island shape
Long Xie same shape
Medium brown
Medium disaster
Standard Hong Kong variety
Yantou Shen
Small green shade
Grassroots variety B.1 Growth stages of barnyard grass, see Table 1, name/description. See seeds, the first stage, the second stage, the third stage, the fourth stage, the fourth stage, the fifth stage, the seventh stage, the seventh stage, the seventh stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the ninth stage, the eighth stage, the ninth stage, the eighth stage, the ninth stage, the eighth stage, the ninth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage, the eighth stage 5 categories
Analysis of the above categories
7 categories
8 categories
South and 9 categories
Explanation of multiple characters
Appendix B
(Normative Appendix)
Explanation of barnyard grass character table
Table 1 Barnyard grass growth stage table
Name: Description
Stem mid-stage
Elongation Beginning period
Second period
Second period
Screening 3rd elongation period
Second period
Second period
Second period
Second period
Sixth period
Second period
Elongation period
Leaf-stopping mountain
Heading period
Heading beginning period: 1℃% plant head
Heading period (20%~30% plant head) Peak period of mountain headPlease use 5 generations
with analysis of individual cases
mainly 7 cases
mainly 8 cases
South and 9 steps
Explanation of multiple characters
Appendix B
(Normative Appendix)
Explanation of barnyard grass character table
Table 1 Barnyard grass growth stage table
Name: Description
Middle stem stage
Beginning of elongation||t t||Secondary long term
Secondary long term
Screen 3 elongation periodwwW.bzxz.Net
Secondary long term
Secondary long term
Secondary long term
Secondary long term
Sixth long term
Secondary long term
Elongation period
Leaf-stopping mountain
Heading period
Heading start period: 1℃% plant head
Heading period (20%~30% plant head) Peak head periodPlease use 5 generations
with analysis of individual cases
mainly 7 cases
mainly 8 cases
South and 9 steps
Explanation of multiple characters
Appendix B
(Normative Appendix)
Explanation of barnyard grass character table
Table 1 Barnyard grass growth stage table
Name: Description
Middle stem stage
Beginning of elongation||t t||Secondary long term
Secondary long term
Screen 3 elongation period
Secondary long term
Secondary long term
Secondary long term
Secondary long term
Secondary elongation period
Leaf-stopping mountain
Heading period
Heading start period: 1℃% plant head
Heading tough period (20%~·30% plant head) Mountain head peak period
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