title>JB/T 5098-1991 Technical requirements for adhesives for paper oil filters for internal combustion engines - JB/T 5098-1991 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 5098-1991 Technical requirements for adhesives for paper oil filters for internal combustion engines

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5098-1991

Standard Name: Technical requirements for adhesives for paper oil filters for internal combustion engines

Chinese Name: 内燃机纸质机油滤芯胶粘剂 技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1991-07-01

Date of Implementation:1992-07-01

Date of Expiration:2008-01-23

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Piston Internal Combustion Engine and Other Power Equipment>>J95 Lubrication System

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alternative situation:The technology is outdated and no longer used.

Publication information

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Focal point unit:Shanghai Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic technical requirements, inspection methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of adhesives for paper oil filters for internal combustion engines. JB/T 5098-1991 Technical requirements for adhesives for paper oil filters for internal combustion engines JB/T5098-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Adhesive for paper oil filter element of internal combustion engine
Technical conditions
Published on July 1, 1991
Published by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on July 1, 1992
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Adhesive for paper oil filter element of internal combustion engine
Technical conditions
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the basic technical requirements, inspection methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of adhesive for paper oil filter element of internal combustion engine (hereinafter referred to as adhesive).
This standard Adhesive suitable for bonding filter paper and metal end covers of paper oil filter elements for small and medium power internal combustion engines. 2 Reference standards
JB/T5099 Test methods for paper filter elements for internal combustion engines JB/T5096 Bonding technology for paper oil filter elements for internal combustion engines 3 Technical requirements
3.1 Adhesives should be manufactured in accordance with technical documents approved by the prescribed procedures, and their technical indicators should comply with the provisions of this standard. 3.2 Physical and chemical properties of adhesives
Appearance: uniform viscous liquid:
pH value: 6.0~10.5
Non-volatile matter content: 60%~100%:
Particle diameter: ≤0.6mm
Rotational viscosity of single-component adhesive (at 25±0.5): 4~70Pa·s, 3.3 Adhesive Adhesive properties
Tensile strength (steel-steel), ≥1.00MPa: tensile shear strength (steel-steel): >1.00MPa; b.
Tensile strength of paper filter element (C0304 type): ≥500N. 3.4. Adhesive heat and medium resistance performance
3.4.1 The filter element with cavity connection should be able to withstand the high oil temperature test of immersion in 135±2℃ engine oil for 96 cycles (a total of 192h). The filter element should not be debonded. The test method is in accordance with JB/T5099. 3.4.2 The filter element with adhesive connection should be able to withstand the high and low temperature alternating test of being placed in the air at 30±2℃ and 80±2℃ for 21h each, and two cycles (a total of 96h) (between the hot and cold cycles, the filter element is placed in the room temperature of 23±2℃ for 1h). The filter element should not be debonded, and the adhesive layer The cracks should not grow.
3.5 The technical indicators and test methods of several commonly used paper oil filter element adhesives are shown in Appendix A (Supplement). 4 Inspection methods
4.1 Inspection methods for appearance
4.1.1 Apparatus
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on July 1, 1991 and implemented on July 1, 1992
8. Beaker, 50~100mL;
b. Glass.
4.1.2 Inspection steps
Pour 20~50g of adhesive into a glass beaker, put a dry and clean glass rod into the adhesive, and then lift the glass rod to a height of 20cm from the mouth of the beaker. Observe the flowing adhesive liquid, which should be uniform and free of impurities. 4.2 Test method for pH value
4.2.1 Instruments and reagents
Acidity meter (pH meter): PHS-2 acidity meter: beaker, 500mL
Surface m: $100mm;
Standard grade flushing solution:
Distilled water: pH=6.8~7.2.
2 Determination steps
Weigh 10g of the sample (accurate to 0.0001g) and place it in a clean beaker, add 300mL of distilled water, cover it with a surface of blood, heat it on a hot plate, and boil it slightly for 10 minutes. Remove the beaker, cool it to room temperature, and use a pH meter to determine the pH value of the solution. Be careful not to let the electrode touch the sample. 4.3 Determination of non-volatile content
Materials and instruments bzxz.net
Porcelain crucible: 18mL;
Balance: sensitivity 0.0001g;
Constant vacuum oven:
Thermometer: 0~150℃. Graduation value 2℃;
Glass coal dryer, with color-changing silica gel as desiccant. 4.3.2 Test temperature
4.3.3 Determination steps
Put the crucible in the oven and heat it for 1.5h, then take it out and put it in the desiccator to cool to room temperature and weigh it. Then put the crucible into the oven again and heat it for 0.5h, then put it into the desiccator, cool it to room temperature, and weigh it until it is constant weight, that is, the difference between the two weighings is not greater than 0.0018 (all weighings are accurate to 0.0001g), weigh 1.0~1.5g of sample and put it into the crucible that has been weighed to a constant weight, and repeat the above operation until the weight is constant. 4.3.4 Test results
Non-volatile content (%) is calculated according to formula (1): W,-w.
× 100
W,——empty weight, g:
W,-weight of the crucible after loading the sample + g:
W,-weight of the crucible after loading the sample, g. The test result is the average value of the two test values, and the relative error of the two parallel tests is not greater than! %. Question 4.4 Test method for particle diameter
4.4.1 Instruments and equipment
Standard test sieve: aperture 0.6mm.
4.4.2 Inspection steps
Put 10-15g of sample in a standard sieve and let it stand for 2h. If there is no retained matter in the sieve, the particle diameter of the sample is not greater than 0.6mm. 4.5 Viscosity determination method
4.5.1 Instruments and equipment
a. Rotational viscometer: NDJ-79 type rotational viscometer: 2
Super constant overflow tank: temperature fluctuation range is less than ±0.5℃; b.
Thermometer: graduation 0.1℃
d. Stopwatch, accuracy 0.2s,
4.5.2 Determination steps
Depending on the viscosity of the sample, choose a suitable rotor, rotor and container so that the reading is within the range of 20% to 85% of the dial. Immerse the rotor vertically in the center of the container so that the liquid surface reaches the rotor level mark. Keep the sample and rotor in the test container at a constant temperature of 25 ± 0.5 ° C, and keep the sample temperature uniform. Read the indicated value when the rotor rotates 120 ± 2s. 4.5.3 Test results
Calculate according to the instrument requirements, and take the average value of two parallel test values ​​as the test result. 4.6 Tensile strength test method
4.6.1 Instruments and equipment
8. Testing machine: It can ensure a constant tensile speed, and the driving load should be within the range of 15% to 85% of the selected range. It should also be equipped with a clamp that can make the axis of the sample consistent with the loading direction and can automatically align when loading: b. Test building: A 45# carbon steel rod with a diameter of 25mm and a length of 50mm, whose bonding surface is flat and perpendicular to its axis, and the surface roughness is R, 1.6μm.
4.6.2 Sample preparation
After the test rod bonding surface is degreased, dusted and dried, the adhesive is applied, the two test rods are butt-jointed, and cured according to the instructions for use of the adhesive. The excess adhesive that overflows during sample preparation should be removed. The number of samples is 5. 4.6.3 Test steps
Fix both ends of the sample on the fixture. When testing with a constant-load electronic tensile testing machine, the loading speed should make the sample fail within 60±20s (if a mechanical tensile testing machine is used, the testing machine should be loaded at a speed of 10mm/min). Record the maximum load at which the sample fails. 4.6.4 Test results
The tensile strength (o) is calculated according to formula (2):
Where: α tensile strength, MPa;
P-. Maximum load for tensile failure, N
4-test specimen bonding area, mm2.
The test results are expressed as the arithmetic mean of the tensile strength, with three significant figures. 4.7 Determination of tensile shear strength
4.7.1 Instruments and equipment
a. Testing machine: It can ensure a constant tensile speed, and the breaking load should be within the range of 15% to 85% of the selected range. It should also be equipped with a holder that can make the sample line consistent with the loading direction and can be moved to the center during loading: b. Test piece: A rectangular No. 45 carbon steel sheet with a thickness of 2±0.1mm, a width of 25±0.2mm, and a length of 100±0.2mm. Its bonding surface is a plane of 25±0.2mm×12.5±0.5mm.
4.7.2 Preparation of test pieces
After the bonding surface of the test piece is degreased, dusted, and dried, the adhesive is applied, and the two test pieces are overlapped and cured according to the provisions of the adhesive instruction manual. The excess glue overflowed during the sample preparation should be cleaned up. The number of samples is 5, 4.7.3 Test steps
Clamp the sample symmetrically in the upper and lower clamps, with the distance from the clamping point to the overlapped end being 50±1mm. Start the testing machine with a loading speed of 5±1mm/min. Record the maximum load at which the sample is damaged. 4.7.4 Test results
The tensile shear strength (r) is calculated according to formula (3): R
Where: T-tensile shear strength, MPa
P--maximum load of tensile shear failure, N; B-specimen overlap width, mm;
L-specimen overlap length, mm.
The test results are expressed as the arithmetic mean of the tensile shear strength, taking three significant figures. 4.8 Determination method of tensile strength of paper core (using C0304 filter element as sample) 4.8.1 Instruments and equipment
8. Testing machine: can ensure constant tensile speed, and the breaking load should be within the range of 15% to 85% of the selected range. It should also be equipped with a clamp that can make the axis of the sample consistent with the loading direction and can automatically align during loading; b. Sample, 5 glued C0304 paper filter elements. 4.8.2 Sample preparation
Glue the filter paper, end cover and center tube of the C0304 paper filter element according to the provisions of JB/T5096. 4.8.3 Test steps
Clamp the end cover of the sample symmetrically in the upper and lower clamps, start the test machine, and the loading speed should make the sample break within 60 ± 20s (if a mechanical tensile test machine is used, the test machine should apply load to the sample at a speed of 10mm/min). Record the maximum load when the sample breaks. 4.8.4 Test results
The test results are the arithmetic mean of the maximum load when the sample is destroyed, with three significant figures in Newton. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 The adhesive should be inspected by the manufacturer in accordance with this standard, and the product can only leave the factory if the technical indicators meet this standard. 5.2 When the user unit randomly inspects the quality of adhesives, it shall be inspected in accordance with this standard. If any indicator fails to meet the standards, double samples shall be drawn from the batch of products and the indicator shall be re-inspected. If the re-inspection results are still unqualified, the product shall not be accepted. 5.3 Sampling method: Adhesives produced with the same raw materials and the same process are considered as a batch, and at least 3 samples shall be drawn from each batch for inspection. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
6.1 Marking
6.1.1 Each package of adhesive products must be marked. 6.1.2 Marking content
Adhesive name, brand, trademark:
Manufacturer name and address;
Weight, outer packaging should indicate the packaging quantity: d.
Production batch number and production date:
Instructions for use, shelf life and storage conditions and necessary diagrams e.
6.1.3 The mark should be placed in a conspicuous position on each adhesive product package. 6.1.4 The text and pattern of the mark must be printed clearly and neatly. Except for the production batch number and production date, other contents shall not be marked or written. The paste must be firm and remain intact and clear. 6.1.5 When the inner packaging container is too small to accommodate the above-mentioned marking content, the content of 6.1.2 e can also be marked on the middle packaging. 6.2 Packaging
6.2.1 The packaging materials used for adhesive products should not have physical and chemical reactions with the adhesive products and affect the quality of the products and packaging.
6.2.2 Adhesive products can be packed into containers made of metal, plastic or glass. The packaging containers should be intact and tightly sealed. 6.2.3 When adhesive products containing solvents are packed into containers, necessary safety space should be left in the containers. 6.2.4 The outer packaging can be packed into wooden boxes, corrugated boxes, wicker boxes or wooden boxes with full bottom plates and cages, and the empty spaces in the boxes should be filled with soft materials.
Adhesive products with large packaging units can be directly packed into metal barrels or plastic barrels for storage and transportation. The size of the packaging unit can be determined according to the relevant regulations of the transportation department and the principle of ensuring storage and transportation safety between the supply and demand parties. 6.2.6
The packaging box should be accompanied by a product certificate issued by the manufacturer's inspection department. 6.2.7
6.3 Transportation and storage
Before storing and transporting adhesive products, the packaging container should be verified to be intact. 6.3.1
When transporting and loading and unloading adhesive products, they should be handled with care to prevent heavy pressure and inversion. 6.3.3
When transporting and storing adhesive products, they must be classified and stacked in batches according to their properties. When storing adhesive products in warehouses, the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Public Security (Warehouse Fire Safety Management Regulations) should be implemented. The storage of adhesive products has different requirements for temperature, humidity, light avoidance, ventilation, etc., and should be stored in accordance with the storage conditions required by each. Adhesive products should not expire within six months from the date of production. 5
A1 Technical indicators
Appendix A
Technical indicators and test methods of several commonly used paper oil filter adhesives (supplements)
The technical indicators of several commonly used oil paper filter adhesives are shown in Table AI, Table A! Several commonly used paper Technical indicators of oil filter element adhesive
Non-volatile matter content
Particle diameter
Brittle transition viscosity
Isogluconic acid group
Light valuemgKOH/s
Tensile strength (steel-steel)
Tensile shear strength
Tensile strength of paper slow filter element
(C0304 type)N
High oil temperature resistance
High and low temperature alternating resistance
A2 test method
White adhesive body
1. 35~1. 50
dark-colored viscous liquid
1. 35 ~ 1. 10
yellow transparent reduced body
1. 0± 0. 2
1. 12 ~ 1. 16
yellow viscous liquid
1. 0± 0. 3
0. 92 0. 96
Test method
According to the provisions of JB/T5099, the glued filter element can withstand the high oil temperature test of soaking in 135±2T engine oil for 96h for two cycles (a total of 192h). The filter element does not debond. According to the provisions of JB/T5099, the glued filter element can withstand the high and low group alternating test of being placed in the air of 30±2C and 80±2C for 24h for two cycles (a total of 96h). The filter element does not debond, and the seam of the strand layer does not increase. Determination method of specific gravity
A2.1.1 Materials and instruments and equipment
8. The sensitivity of the balance is 0.0001 g
Specific gravity cup (brass): capacity 37.00mL (at 4C), b.
A2.1.2 Determination steps
After cleaning and drying the specific gravity cup of known weight, fill it with the sample to the cup mouth and cover it. When the excess part of the sample overflows from the small hole in the center of the cover, wipe it with a clean cloth, weigh it, and immediately record the overflow. A2.1.3 Calculation method
20C: Specific gravity of the sample () is calculated according to formula (A1): W.-W.
............... (A)
W,-weight of empty cup, 8;
W,weight of cup after sample filling, &:
-temperature at the time of measurement,,
0.01-accumulative temperature correction of specific gravity;
JB/T 509891
37.00-weight of water in a specific gravity cup at 4℃·g. A2.2 Determination method of ash
A2.2.1 Materials and instruments
Porcelain pile snail: 18mL:
Electric furnace:
Balance, sensitivity is 0.00018;
Muffle furnace: above 1000℃, the temperature seat can be controlled within the range of ±25℃. A2.2.2 Test temperature
A2.2.3 Determination steps
After the porcelain is burned in a muffle furnace, cool it in a desiccator and weigh it until it is constant weight. Accurately weigh 1.0~1.5& of the sample and place it in a muffle furnace. First, roast the muffle furnace in an electric furnace. Do not allow the sample to overflow during roasting. After the sample is completely carbonized, place it in a muffle furnace and burn it for 1 h. Then, cool it in a desiccator and weigh it until it is constant weight. A2.2.4 Calculation method
Ash content (%) is calculated according to formula (A2).
Formula: W,
Empty ground weight, g:
Heap weight of loaded sample, g:
The maximum weight of the loaded sample after burning, 8.
A2.3 Determination of isocyanate group content
Materials and instruments
Balance: sensitivity 0.00018;
Iodine volumetric flask: 250mL;
Transfer tube: 20mL;
Acid burette: 50mL
Measuring cup, 10mL, 50mL;
Hydrochloric acid (HCl): analytical grade;
Ethyl ester: analytical grade;
Dibutylamine: analytical grade;
Anhydrous toluene: analytical grade;
Isopropanol: analytical grade:
Cresol green: analytical grade.
A2.3.2 Preparation of reagents
A2. hydrochloric acid standard solution: Dissolve 41~42mL of concentrated hydrochloric acid in 1000mL of distilled water and calibrate with sodium tetraborate. A2.3.2.2 Dipping cresol green indicator: weigh 0.5g bromocresol green and dissolve it in 50mL ethanol, shake well. A2.3.2.3 Dibutylamine toluene solution: dissolve 12.9g dibutylamine in 100mL anhydrous toluene, shake well (this solution should be placed in a brown reagent bottle).
A2.3.3 Determination of step storm
Weigh 1.0~1.5g (accurate to 0.0001g) of the sample and place it in a 250mL iodine volumetric flask, add 10mL ethyl acetate with a measuring cup, shake the iodine volumetric flask until the sample is completely dissolved, transfer 20mL dibutylamine toluene solution with a pipette, seal it with a little isopropanol, leave it for 20min, add 30mL isopropanol with a measuring cup, add 1 drop of bromocresol green indicator, and titrate it with 0.5N hydrochloric acid standard solution until it is yellow-green. Perform a blank test at the same time.
A2.3.4 Calculation method
The isocyanate group content (%) is calculated according to formula (A3): 2×42×100
Wherein: V,--the volume of the hydrochloric acid standard solution consumed by the blank, mL; Vs---the volume of the hydrochloric acid standard solution consumed by the sample, mL; W..sample weight.&
N--the equivalent concentration of the hydrochloric acid standard solution, mol/L; 42-the mass percent of the isocyanate group, /mol. A2.4 Determination method of hydroxyl value
A2.4.1 Materials and instruments
Balance: sensitivity 0.00016:
Standard ground-mouth conical flask: 250mL;
Standard ground-mouth air condenser: 250mL;
Reducing tube, 50mLt
Pipette: 5mL
Measuring cup: 10mL, 50mL;
Constant temperature oil bath: above 150℃, the temperature can be controlled within the range of ±2℃; Pyridine: analytical grade;
Acetic anhydride: analytical grade;
Acid ester: analytical grade;
Sodium hydroxide: analytical grade.
A2.4.2 Preparation of reagents
A2. sodium hydroxide standard solution; drop 22g sodium hydroxide into 1000mL of boiled distilled water, shake well to dissolve the sodium hydroxide completely, and calibrate with potassium hydrogen phthalate. A2.4.2.2 Phenolic indicator: weigh 0.5g phenolic acid and dissolve it in 50mL ethanol. Mix well. A2.4.2.3 Acylation agent: measure 30mL pyridine and place it in a 100mL conical flask with a glass stopper, then add 10mL vinegar and mix well (this solution should be used immediately after preparation).
A2.4.3 Determination steps
Weigh 1.0~).5g (accurate to 0.0001g) of sample and place it in a 250mL standard ground-mouth conical flask. Use a pipette to draw in 5mL of acylating agent, install an air condenser, and react in an oil bath at 120±2℃ for 0.5h. Use 10mL of distilled steel aqueous solution of pyridine (1:3) and 10mL of distilled water to rinse the air condenser successively, allowing the washing liquid to flow into the conical flask. Remove the air condenser, add 2 drops of phenolic indicator, and titrate with 0.5N sodium hydroxide standard solution until it turns slightly red. At the same time, perform a blank test. A2.4.4 Calculation method
Hydroxy value zmgKOH/g is calculated according to formula (A4):
)XNX 56.1
Wherein; V, volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution consumed by blank, mL: V, — volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution consumed by sample, mL: W.-.-sample weight..;
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