title>HG/T 2190-1991 Rubber Adhesive RH - HG/T 2190-1991 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 2190-1991 Rubber Adhesive RH

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2190-1991

Standard Name: Rubber Adhesive RH

Chinese Name: 橡胶用粘合剂RH

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-12-23

Date of Implementation:1992-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Rubber and plastics industry >> 83.180 Adhesives and adhesive products

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Synthetic Materials>>G39 Adhesive

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HG/T 2190-1991 Rubber Adhesive RH HG/T2190-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rubber Adhesive RH
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
HG/T 219091
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and product packaging, marking, transportation and storage requirements of adhesive RH products.
-Adhesive RH, Adhesive RH is mainly used
This standard is only applicable to the product obtained by complexing 1,2-diol with hexamethylenetetramine-as the methyl donor of the aldehyde resin type adhesive system: in rubber products containing skeleton materials, it can be used together with the methyl acceptor to improve the bonding strength between rubber and impregnated or unimpregnated skeleton materials such as cotton, rayon, nylon, polyester (polyester), glass fiber and steel wire; it can also be used alone as a rubber hardener. 2 Reference standards
GB601 Preparation of standard solution for titration analysis (volume analysis) of chemical reagents GB603 Preparation of preparations and products used in test methods of chemical reagents HG2-1237 Determination of fineness of antioxidants and accelerators 3. Technical requirements
3.1 Product name and structure
Molecule: C,H, (OH)·(CH)N
Structural formula:
Relative molecular mass: 250.31
3.2 Control items and indicators
Adhesive RH should meet the following control items and indicators requirements, Item
Heating loss, %
Fineness (80 mesh sieve residue), %
Content, %
Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on December 23, 1991 CH
Pink or light brown powder
21. 5±1. 0
1992-05-01 Implementation
4 Test method
4.1 Appearance
4.2 Determination of loss on heating
4.2.1 Instrument
HG/T2190—91 Electric constant temperature drying oven: the temperature is controlled at 80±2℃. Weighing bottle: diameter Φ=50mm, height h=30mm; Dryer: filled with color-changing silica gel or anhydrous calcium chloride desiccant. 4.2.2 Analysis steps
Adjust the thermostat to keep the temperature at 80℃. Weigh 2g of the sample (accurate to 0.0002g) into two weighing bottles that have been dried to constant weight at 80±2℃ in advance. Put them into the constant temperature drying oven. Make sure that the vertical or horizontal distance between the weighing bottles and the mercury ball of the thermometer in the drying oven is no more than 100 μm. Place them symmetrically on both sides of the mercury ball. Heat for 15 minutes, then take them out and put them into the drying oven. Cool them at room temperature and weigh them after about 30 minutes.
4.2.3 Expression of analysis results Heating loss (%) Calculate according to formula (1): m, -m.
Where: m——total mass of the sample and the weighing bottle before heating, g: m2
——total mass of the sample and the weighing bottle after heating, g: mass of the sample, g. The average of the two test results is taken as the heating reduction of the sample (%) 4.2.4 Precision
The difference between the two test results of parallel determination shall not exceed 10% of the arithmetic mean. 4.3 Determination of fineness
4. 3.1 According to HG 2-—1237,
4.3.2 Sieve specification: 80 mesh (aperture 0.193mm) 4.3.3 Allowable error: absolute error not more than 0.05%. 4.4 Determination of maximum content
4. 4.1 Principle of the method
Organic nitrogen compounds are digested with concentrated sulfuric acid in the presence of a catalyst. The nitrogen in the compound is converted into ammonium sulfate: the solution is made alkaline by adding sulfhydryl, the ammonium sulfate is decomposed into ammonia, and the ammonia is evaporated by distillation, absorbed by phosphoric acid solution, and finally titrated with standard hydrochloric acid solution. 4.4.2 Reagents and Materials Sulfuric acid (GB 625); Sodium hydroxide solution (GB629): 30% (m/m); Boric acid solution (GB628): c(1/3H,BO,)=1.5mol/L; Weigh 30 parts of boric acid and dissolve it in water. If necessary, heat it. Cool it to room temperature and add water to dilute the solution to 1L.4, 4.2.4 Hydrochloric acid standard titration solution (GB622): c(HCI=0.5mol/L, prepared according to GB601, Catalyst mixture:
30 parts of anhydrous potassium sulfate, g
h. 4 parts of copper sulfate pentahydrate (CuSO·5H,0 (GB665), name: c. 1 part of selenium powder or 2 parts of sodium selenate, g.
HG/T 2190 —91 Methyl red-methylene blue mixed indicator, prepared according to GB603.4.4.3 Calibrators~ Analysis: Sensitivity 0.0001g, Plate holder: Sensitivity 0.1g. Kjeldahl nitrogen determination apparatus:
Kjeldahl flask: 500mL:
Safety ball;
Separatory funnel;
Conical flask: 500mL.
4. 4. 3. 4 Glass funnel, Measuring cylinder: 100mL.
4. 4. 3. 6 burette,
4.4.4 Analysis steps
Weigh 0.5 g of sample (accurate to 0.0002) and transfer the sample to a Kjeldahl flask. Add about 10 g catalyst mixture (, then pour 20L sulfuric acid ( along the wall of the flask, paying attention to flushing the sample attached to the wall into the flask, rotate the Kjeldahl flask to mix the materials in the flask evenly, insert a glass funnel at the mouth of the flask, then tilt the Kjeldahl flask 40" in the fume hood, fix it on the heater and heat it slowly to keep the solution in a slightly boiling state until the solution becomes green and transparent. Continue heating for 0.5h, remove the Kjeldahl flask and cool it to room temperature, add 200mL distilled water, shake it thoroughly and cool it to room temperature, slowly add 100mL sodium hydroxide solution ( along the wall of the flask to keep the solution in a two-layer state, do not mix, and immediately connect it to the steaming device. The receiver of the distillation device is pre-filled with 150mL boric acid solution (4.4.2 .3), immerse the lower end of the condenser into the acid solution, press the stopper of the Kjeldahl flask and shake it gently to mix the materials thoroughly, and distill at a stable distillation rate until the collected liquid is about 150mL. At the end of distillation, the volume of the solution in the receiving bottle is about 300mL. At this time, boiling occurs in the bottle, indicating that the distillation is complete. Rinse the condenser with distilled water, and add the rinse liquid into the receiving bottle. Titrate with hydrochloric acid standard titration solution [c (HC1) = 0.5mol/L) ( 4.4.5 Expression of analysis results The nitrogen content of the sample is expressed as the mass percentage of nitrogen, calculated according to formula (2): 0.014.cV
Where: concentration of hydrochloric acid standard titration solution, molL; × 100
V-liters of hydrochloric acid standard solution consumed by the test sample, L; sample mass, g
0.014-—mass of nitrogen equivalent to 1.00ml hydrochloric acid standard titration solution [cHC1)=1mol/L), expressed in grams. The average of the two test results shall be taken as the nitrogen content of the sample (%). 4.4.6 Allowable difference
The difference between the two test results shall not exceed 1% of the arithmetic mean. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 Before leaving the factory, the quality inspection department of the manufacturer shall inspect the products according to the inspection rules and items specified in this standard. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products leaving the factory meet the technical requirements specified in this standard. The batched products shall be accompanied by a product quality certificate. 5.2 The user has the right to verify the quality of the purchased products according to the technical requirements specified in this standard. 5.3 Batching and sampling
5.3.1 Batching
HG/T 2190 —91
The manufacturer regards the products crushed once as a batch, and the user regards the total amount purchased once as a batch. 5.3.2 SamplingbZxz.net
20% of the total number of packages of each batch of products shall be sampled, and the number of sampled packages shall not be less than 3. If the number of packages of each batch of products is less than 3, remote sampling shall be carried out. The amount of each sample shall not be less than 100°g. 5.3.3 Sampling method Use a stainless steel sampling tube to draw approximately equal amounts of samples from the top, middle and bottom of the product packaging. Mix the samples carefully. If the sample quantity is too large,The sample can be reduced. The specific method is to pour the sample on clean paper and spread it into a circle with uniform thickness. Draw two vertical lines through the center of the circle to divide the sample into four equal parts. Take the top two parts and mix them. The weight of the reduced sample is not less than 100g. Put them in two clean and dry ground-mouth bottles, affix sample labels, indicate the sample name, batch number, production date and sampling date, one of which is inspected by the inspection department, and the other is sealed and preserved for re-inspection and arbitration. The sample retention period is half a year. 5.4 Judgment rules
5.4.1 If one of the quality inspection results of the product does not meet the requirements of this standard, the sample of twice the number of samples should be re-tested from twice the packaging according to the specified sampling method. If the re-test results still do not meet the requirements of this standard, the entire batch of products will be unqualified. 54.2 When the supply and demand parties have disputes over the quality of the products, the quality supervision agency specified by the state may enforce the dispute. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 Marking
The surface of the product packaging should be printed with obvious and firm marks, indicating the manufacturer's name, product name, trademark, production date, main product parameters and validity period, etc.
6.2 Packaging
The adhesive RH is first packaged in dark plastic bags and then put into polypropylene plastic-coated woven bags. The net weight of each bag is 10kg.6. 3 Transportation and storage
Before transportation and storage, check whether the adhesive RH product packaging is intact. During transportation and storage, it should be classified and stacked in a clean and dry warehouse. The distance between the product packaging and the wall should be greater than 0.5m. It should not be stored near the upper and lower pipes or heat sources to prevent the product from being heated and damp and deteriorating. It should not be stacked in the open air and absolutely prevent sunlight and oil pollution. The product is valid for 1 year from the date of production.
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Shanghai Rubber Products Research Institute. This standard is drafted by Changzhou Shuguang Chemical Plant and the Beijing Rubber Industry Research and Design Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Wei Wanru, Chen Naijue, and Ding Yanjuan. 18
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