title>Methods of measurement for resistivity of semi-insulation Gallium arsenide and Indium phosphide single crystal material - SJ 3249.1-1989 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Methods of measurement for resistivity of semi-insulation Gallium arsenide and Indium phosphide single crystal material

Basic Information

Standard ID: SJ 3249.1-1989

Standard Name:Methods of measurement for resistivity of semi-insulation Gallium arsenide and Indium phosphide single crystal material

Chinese Name: 半绝缘砷化镓和磷化铟体单晶材料的电阻率测试方法

Standard category:Electronic Industry Standard (SJ)

state:in force

Date of Release1989-03-20

Date of Implementation:1989-03-25

Date of Expiration:2010-01-20

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:General>>Standardization Management and General Provisions>>A01 Technical Management

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SJ 3249.1-1989 Test method for resistivity of semi-insulating gallium arsenide and indium phosphide bulk single crystal materials SJ3249.1-1989 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Standard of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China Test Method for Resistivity of Semi-Insulating Arsenide and Phosphide Steel Single Crystal Materials
Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the measurement principle, instrumentation, measurement steps, and calculation method of the self-resistivity of semi-insulating arsenide and phosphide steel single crystal materials.
This standard is applicable to semi-insulating materials with room temperature resistivity of 10%~1089·cn and uniform gallium phosphate and steel single crystal. It can also be used as a reference when the resistivity is 104~105Ω.cm. 2 Principle
2.1 Thin Sheet Materials
As shown in Figure 1, a piece of semiconductor material with uniform resistivity, if there is no void and the thickness is uniform, and four isolated contacts are located at the edge, according to the Van der Pauw principle, its resistivity is: p=tY/l+Yu/ls. fwww.bzxz.net
wherein: p—resistivity of thin film material, Q·cm, -thickness of thin film, cms
I12—DC current added through thin film contacts 1, 2, mA; -DC voltage detected from thin film contacts 4, 3 when external current I12 is applied, mV, V48-
—DC current added through thin film contacts 2, 3, mA; ()
V14—DC voltage detected from thin film contacts 1, 4 when external current I23 is applied, mV; f—coefficient not greater than 1, which is determined by the ratio Q of (V3/112) and (V14/i23), as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the resistivity measurement principle of thin sheet materials Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on March 20, 1989 and implemented on March 25, 1989
2.2 Long strip materials
Functional relationship between coefficient f and ratio Q
As shown in Figure 3, a long strip with uniform resistivity, if there is no void and the lateral cross-sectional area is equal everywhere, according to the resistivity definition and the application of passive Ohm's law, its resistivity can be derived as: p=
Long strip materials Resistivity of the material, 2.cm;
Where: p-
I--direct current applied along the longitudinal direction of the strip, mA(2)
V--direct voltage detected from the transverse section x, y of the strip when I is applied, mV; S--transverse section area, cm2
L--distance between transverse sections x, y, cmX
Figure 3 Schematic diagram of the resistivity measurement principle of long strip materials 3 Instruments and equipment
3.1 Ohm junction preparation device
Quartz alloy furnace with a vacuum degree higher than 0.1Pa, or other semiconductor device ohm junction preparation device. 3.2 Electromagnetic shielding room
3.3 Sample box
The probe should have reliable electrical contact with the sample, and the rest of the sample box and the sample must have a high insulation resistance. The metal shell of the sample box must have good shielding effect against light and electromagnetic. The sample should be connected to the measurement system with a high-frequency insulated cable as short as possible.
3.4 ​​Static
The static meter is the key instrument in this measurement and must have extremely high input impedance (greater than 10122) and good common mode rejection performance
4 Sample preparation
4.1 Sample graphics
This standard allows the use of ten types of samples, and their relative sizes and contact positions are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. 4.2 Sample preparation process
Cut the sample from the head and tail of a single ingot. Then process it into a standard shape and perform mechanical grinding to remove the cutting marks. 4.2.2
Use an organic test cell and rinse with deionized water. In a 40~60°C H2SO4:HOH,0=3:1:1 (body()
Perimeter Lp>15mm
Common size:
4Standard thin slice sample
Eight contact bar product special ruler:||tt ||Lg4ws,diad
original degree smm
special size for six-point sample:
polishing and etching in 3% bromine-methanol (area ratio) solution or hot for 3 to 5 minutes, then rinse with a large amount of high-purity deionized water, dehydrate and bake with an infrared lamp.
4.2.3 Press the steel ball at the appropriate position and place it in a vacuum quartz furnace at 420°C and above 0.1Pa for 15 minutes. The ohmic junction of semiconductor devices can also be used to make sample contacts. 5 Measurement steps
This measurement is carried out in a shielded room at 24±1°C and a humidity of less than 60%. Before measurement, observe the flatness, brightness and edge collapse of the sample surface, and remove obviously unqualified samples. 5.1 Thin sheet sample measurement steps
5.1.1 The measurement system is shown in Figure 6. Set switch S1 to the first gear on the left. 5.1.2 Select the four combinations of switch S1, S2 according to the table in Figure 6, and measure the corresponding current and voltage values, I1t, VIf-, V1-, I2+, V2+, I2-, V2-
5.1.3 Set switch S1 to the second position and repeat 5.1.2. 6.1.4 Set switch S1 to the third position and repeat 5.1.2. 5.1.5 Set switch S1 to the fourth position and repeat 5.1.2. 5.2 Steps for measuring long samples
Depending on the number of sample contacts, connect the sample to the measurement system according to Figure 7 or Figure 8, and select the four combinations of switch S1, S2 according to the table in the figure, and measure four pairs of current and voltage values. I*, V..I.-, V1-, I2+, Va+, Ia-, V2-. 6 Calculation of test results
6.1 Calculation of measurement results
G: Constant current source
PA: Electrometer for hysteresis detection
Figure 6 Thin sheet sample measurement system
Pv: Electrometer for voltage detection
G. Constant current source
G. Constant current source
PA Electrometer for current detection
Pv: Electrometer for voltage detection
Figure? Six-contact strip sample measurement system
Current-controlled shadow-forming pedicle meter
Pv voltage detection electrometer
Figure 8 Eight-contact strip sample measurement system
6.1.1 Calculation of original measurement results of thin-sheet samples SJ3249.1—89
The S switch of the thin-sheet sample measurement system has four gears. For each S gear, there is an initial resistivity. This standard stipulates four initial resistivities, which are calculated according to the following formula: I=I+ 1+I
6.1.2 Calculation of the original measurement results of the long strip sample V/+Va/la
Using four pairs of current and voltage values, four original resistivity calculation formulas Pr
can be directly written: (3)
The above formulas are for six-contact samples. For eight-contact samples, just replace d, with d. 6.2 Statistical calculation of test results
The original results of resistivity measurement contain various difference factors. The wooden standard uses the 30 rule to identify the four groups of original measurement results and obtain a statistical average resistivity as the final test result. 7
The report should include the following:
The source and number of the sample;
The location of the sample on the single crystal bond:
Give four groups of original resistivity measurement results; Calculate the arithmetic mean of resistivity;
Test temperature and humidity;
Test date and tester.
The resistivity range is 14% when it is 104~10s2.cm, 30% when it is 10~107Ω.cm, and 40% when it is 107~1082·cm.
Additional remarks:
This standard was drafted by the 13th Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard: Ou Jianxiong Zhang Jiazang-8
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