title>Identification of major hazard installations for dangerous chemicals - GB 18218-2009 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Identification of major hazard installations for dangerous chemicals

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 18218-2009

Standard Name:Identification of major hazard installations for dangerous chemicals

Chinese Name: 危险化学品重大危险源辨识

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release2009-03-31

Date of Implementation:2009-12-01

Date of Expiration:2019-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Environmental protection, health care and safety >> 13.300 Dangerous goods protection

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Marking, packaging, transportation, storage>>A80 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage Comprehensive

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces GB 18218-2000

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Plan number:20065022-T-450

Publication date:2009-12-01

other information

Release date:2000-10-17

drafter:Wu Zongzhi, Wei Lijun, Liu Ji, Duo Yingquan, Shi Lichen, Gao Jindong, Sun Meng, Yu Lijian, Zhang Haifeng, Yang Chunsun, and Peng Xiangwei.

Drafting unit:China Institute of Work Safety Science and Technology, Sinopec Qingdao Safety Engineering Research Institute

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Work Safety Standardization Technical Committee for Chemical Safety Standardization (TC 288/SC 3)

Proposing unit:State Administration of Work Safety

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:State Administration of Work Safety

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basis and methods for identifying major hazard sources of hazardous chemicals. This standard applies to enterprises or organizations involved in the production, use, storage and operation of hazardous chemicals. This standard does not apply to: a) nuclear facilities and factories that process radioactive materials, except for the departments in these facilities and factories that process non-radioactive materials; b) military facilities; c) mining industry, except for the processing and storage activities involving hazardous chemicals; d) transportation of hazardous chemicals; e) offshore oil and gas extraction activities. GB 18218-2009 Identification of Major Hazard Sources of Hazardous Chemicals GB18218-2009 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the basis and methods for identifying major hazard sources of hazardous chemicals. This standard applies to enterprises or organizations involved in the production, use, storage and operation of hazardous chemicals. This standard does not apply to: a) nuclear facilities and factories processing radioactive materials, except for the departments in these facilities and factories that process non-radioactive materials; b) military facilities; c) mining industry, except for the processing and storage activities involving hazardous chemicals; d) transportation of hazardous chemicals; e) offshore oil and gas extraction activities.
All technical contents of this standard are mandatory.
This standard replaces GB18218-2000 "Identification of Major Hazard Sources".
Compared with GB18218-2000, the main changes of this standard are as follows:
---The name of the standard is changed to "Identification of Major Hazard Sources of Hazardous Chemicals";
---The processing technology and storage activities involving hazardous chemicals in the mining industry are included in the scope of application;
---Offshore oil and gas mining activities are added to the scope of inapplicability;
---Some terms and definitions are revised;
---The scope of hazardous chemicals is revised;
---The critical quantity of hazardous chemicals is revised;
---The distinction between the critical quantity of production sites and storage areas is cancelled.
This standard is proposed by the State Administration of Work Safety. This
standard is under the jurisdiction of the Chemical Safety Standardization Technical Committee of the National Technical Committee for Work Safety Standardization (TC288/SC3).
The responsible drafting unit of this standard: China Institute of Work Safety Science and Technology.
Participating drafting unit of this unit: Sinopec Qingdao Safety Engineering Research Institute.
Main drafters of this standard: Wu Zongzhi, Wei Lijun, Liu Ji, Duo Yingquan, Shi Lichen, Gao Jindong, Sun Meng, Yu Lijian, Zhang Haifeng, Yang Chunsun, Peng Xiangwei.
This standard was first issued in 2000, and this revision is the first revision.
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all dated referenced documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to the agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all undated referenced documents, the latest versions are applicable to this standard.
GB12268 Dangerous Goods List
GB20592 Safety Specifications for Classification, Warning Labels and Warning Statements of Chemicals Acute Toxicity

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces GB18218-2000
Identification of major hazard installations for dangerous chemicals
Identification of major hazard installations for dangerous chemicals
2009-03-31 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Administration of Standardization of the People's Republic of China
2009-12-01 Implementation
All technical contents of this standard are mandatory. Formerly
This standard replaces GB1821820C0 "Identification of major hazard installations". Compared with GB18218-2600, the main changes of this standard are as follows: GB18218-2009 changes the name of the standard to "Identification of Major Hazard Sources of Hazardous Chemicals": The processing technology and storage activities involving hazardous chemicals in the mining industry are included in the scope of application: offshore oil and gas development activities are added; some terms and definitions are revised: The critical quantity of hazardous chemicals is revised: the distinction between the critical quantity of production sites and storage areas is cancelled. This standard is proposed by the State Administration of Work Safety. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Production Standardization of Chemical Safety Standardization (C). The responsible drafting unit of this standard is the National Institute of Work Safety Science and Technology. No unit participated in the drafting, Shi Petrochemical Safety Engineering Research Institute drafted this standard in the summer: Wu Zongzhi, Wei Lijun, Liu Ga, Duo Yingquan, Shi Lichen, Gao Jindong, Sun Meng, Shi Lijian, Zhang Haifeng, Yang Chunsun, Peng Xiangwei,
This standard was first issued in 2000. This revision is the first revision. Publisher
China Standard
1 Scope
Identification of major hazard sources of hazardous chemicals
The basis and method for identifying major hazard sources of hazardous chemicals are now defined in the standard. This standard applies to enterprises or organizations that produce, use, store and operate hazardous chemicals. This standard does not apply to:
) nuclear facilities and factories that process radioactive materials, except for the departments in these facilities and the factories that process non-radioactive materials; military facilities;
mining industry, except for the processing and storage activities involving hazardous chemicals;
d) the transportation of hazardous chemicals;
e) offshore oil and gas exploration activities.
2 Normative referenced documents
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties that reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, its latest version is applicable to this standard GB.1226B
List of Dangerous Goods
Safety Specifications for Classification, Warning Labels and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals GB20792
Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard.
Dangerous chemicals are chemicals with explosive, flammable, toxic, hazardous and other characteristics that may cause harm or damage to personnel, facilities and the environment. 3.2
Unit unlt
One (set) of production equipment, facilities or places or several (sets) of production equipment, facilities or places that belong to the same production unit and are within 50m of the edge.
threshold yuantity
critical quantity
For a certain or a certain type of hazardous chemical, if the quantity of hazardous chemicals in the unit is equal to or exceeds this quantity, the unit is defined as a major hazard source.
Major hazard installations for hazardous chemicals are units that produce, process, use or store hazardous chemicals on a long-term or temporary basis, and the quantity of hazardous chemicals is equal to or exceeds the critical quantity.
Identification of major hazard sources of hazardous chemicals
4.1 Basis for identification
4.1.1 The identification of major hazard sources of hazardous chemicals is based on the hazardous characteristics and quantities of hazardous chemicals, which are shown in Table 1 and Table 2. GB18218-2009
Method for determining the critical quantity of hazardous chemicals: For hazardous chemicals within the scope of Table 1, their critical quantity shall be determined according to Table 1. For hazardous chemicals not within the scope of Table 1, their critical quantity shall be determined according to Table 2 based on their hazard characteristics; if a hazardous chemical has multiple hazard properties, the lowest critical quantity shall be used to determine the name of the hazardous chemical in Table 1 and its critical quantity
Flammable gas
Toxic gas
Lead azide
Lead azide||tt ||Mercury fulminate
Name and description of hazardous chemicals
Trinitrobenzene methyl ether
Standard free
Methyl methyl ether
Cellulose acetate
Ammonium nitrate (containing combustibles>0.2%)
Incineration, natural gas
Liquefied petroleum gas (propane, butane and its compounds) monomethylamine
Fluorinated education
Standard Press
Ethylene oxide| |tt||Ace shoes (content>90%)
Hydrogen sulfide
Hydrogen fluoride
Coal gas (CO, mixture of CO and HCH, etc.)
Arsine (swollen)
Critical concentration (T))
Toxic gas
Flammable liquid
Substances prone to spontaneous combustion
Substances that release flammable
Gases when in contact with water
Oxidizing substances
Organic peroxides
Antimonide| |tt||Hydrogen selenide
Methyl bromide
Propylene oxide
Ethyl acetate
Alkyl aluminum
Fuminosic acid
Table 1 (continued)
Name and description of hazardous chemicals
Standard Press
Potassium peroxide
Sodium peroxide
Zinc chlorate
Sodium chlorate||t t||Nitrates (emitting red smoke)
Nitrates (except those emitting red smoke, containing 70% nitric acid)Nitrates (containing combustibles <0.2%)
Nitric acid-sensitive fertilizers
Peroxyacids (content ≥ 60%)
Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (content ≥ 60%)
Critical amount (T)
Vulnerable substances
Acetone cyanohydrin
Hydrogen fluoride
Table 1 (continued)
Hazardous chemicals Name and description
Epichlorohydrin (3-chloro-1,2-epoxypropane) Epibromopropane (epibromohydrin)
Toluene diisocyanate
Sulfur chloride
Standard free surface
Fluorinated chamber
Propylene glycol
Ethylene saddle
Methyl isocyanate
Classification of hazardous chemicals not listed in the table and their critical quantities Classification and use of hazardous materials
L.1A wet fried products
Other 1.1 items except 1.1A Explosives
Other explosives except industrial explosives
Flammable gas: Gas belonging to category 2.1 Oxidizing gas: Non-flammable and non-toxic gas belonging to category 2.2 with secondary hazard category 5
Sub-toxic gas, toxic gas belonging to category 2.3 with acute toxicity category 1 Containing gas, other toxic gas belonging to category 2.3 Accompanying flammable liquid: Liquid with boiling point C0 or flammable liquid with storage temperature above 100°C
Flammable liquid||tt ||Flammable solids
Substances that are prone to spontaneous combustion
Substances that release flammable
gases when in contact with water
Oxidizing substances
Highly flammable liquids: Liquids with a flash point <23°C (excluding extremely flammable liquids): Liquid desensitized explosives
Flammable liquids, liquids with a flash point of 23≤<6]°C Hazards belonging to 4.1 and packaged in Class 1 Hazards belonging to 4.2 and packaged in Class I or II Hazards belonging to 4.3 and packaged in Class I or II Hazards belonging to 5.1. Substances with packaging class 1. Critical quantity (T) of substances belonging to 5.1 and packaging class II or III
Critical quantity
Organic peroxides
Toxic substances
Table 2 (continued)
Hazard classification and description
Substances belonging to 5.2
Substances belonging to 6.1 and acute toxicity class 1. Hazard classification equal to that of substances belonging to 6.1 and acute toxicity class 2
Note: The above hazardous chemical hazard classification and packaging classification are determined according to CB12269, and the acute toxicity classification is determined according to GB20592. Identification index of major hazard sources
The quantity of hazardous chemicals in the unit is equal to or If the critical amount specified in Table 1 and Table 2 is exceeded, it is determined as a major hazard source. The number of hazardous chemicals in the unit is divided into the following two situations according to the number of types of hazardous chemicals handled: 1.2.1 If the hazardous chemical in the unit is a single variety, the amount of this hazardous chemical is the total amount of hazardous chemicals in the unit. If it exceeds the corresponding critical amount, it is determined to be a major hazard source. 4.2.2 If there are multiple varieties of hazardous chemicals in the unit, then use formula (1) to calculate. If it satisfies formula (1), it is determined to be a major hazard source: Qi/Q+G2/Q:++a/Q≥1
Each hazardous Actual inventory of chemicals, in tons (): ....I
Write the critical quantity corresponding to each hazardous chemical. The unit is tons (0). E
China Standards Publishing House
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Identification of Major Hazard Sources of Hazardous Chemicals
China Standards Publishing House Self-published
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Tel: 6852394668517548
China Standard Press, Huangdao Printing, Guangdian Printing, distributed by local bookstores
Format: 882X12301/16 Printing sheet G.75 Word count: 10,000 words First edition in July 2309
First printing in July 2009
Number: 155066+1-37875
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