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JB/T 7216-1994 Horizontal plate freezer

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7216-1994

Standard Name: Horizontal plate freezer

Chinese Name: 卧式平板冻结机

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-07-18

Date of Implementation:1995-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J73 Refrigeration Equipment

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Hefei General Machinery Research Institute

Publishing department:Hefei General Machinery Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the type, basic parameters, technical requirements, inspection rules, marking, packaging and storage of contact plate freezers that do not include refrigeration compression condensing units. This standard applies to horizontal hydraulic plate freezers using R22 and R17 as refrigerants. Vertical plate freezers can be used as a reference. JB/T 7216-1994 Horizontal plate freezer JB/T7216-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Horizontal Plate Freezer
Subject Content and Scope of Application
JB/T 7216—94
This standard specifies the type, basic parameters, technical requirements, inspection rules, marking, packaging and storage of contact plate freezers (hereinafter referred to as freezers) that do not include refrigeration compression condensing units. This standard applies to horizontal hydraulic plate freezers using R22 and R717 as refrigerants. Vertical plate freezers can be used as a reference. 2 Reference standards
GB 191
Packaging storage and transportation pictorial signs
Chemical composition of aluminum and aluminum alloy processed productsGB3197
GB 4602
GB 6892
Aluminum and aluminum alloy wire for welding rods
Freezing trays for aquatic products
Transport packaging delivery and receipt signs
Industrial aluminum and aluminum alloy hot extrusion profiles
GB/T13306 Labels
JB1580 Technical conditions for aluminum welding containers
JB/T 6527
ZB J73 027
Insulated sandwich panels for modular cold storage
Determination of cleanliness of refrigeration equipment
3 Type and basic parameters
3.1 Type
The structure of the freezer is horizontal.
3.2 Model
The freezer model expression method is stipulated as follows: PD
Technical conditions
General provisions
Freezing capacity: expressed in Arabic numerals,/times Plate freezer code
Model example:
PD0.5---represents a horizontal plate freezer with a freezing capacity of 0.5t/time. 3.3 Basic parameters
3.3.1 The nominal working conditions of the freezer shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China on July 18, 1994, and implemented on July 1, 1995
Saturation temperature corresponding to evaporation pressure
Return gas temperature
Ambient temperature
Frozen material
Basic parameters should comply with the provisions of Table 2.
Frozen amount
4 Technical requirements
Nominal cooling capacity
Spacing between each layer of plates
Prawns or hairtail
Evaporation area of ​​each plate
4.1 Freezers should be manufactured in accordance with the provisions of this standard and in accordance with the drawings and technical documents approved through the prescribed procedures or according to the agreement. 4.2 The box of the freezer should meet the following requirements: The box adopts a steel welded frame. The heat insulation material is formed by integral foaming of polyurethane foam or assembly of polystyrene foam sandwich core boards, and its quality shall comply with the provisions of JB/T6527. b. When the box is assembled, the inner and outer joints shall be sealed with sealant. The door and the box shall be tightly closed, flexible to open and close, safe and reliable, and the door and the box shall be equipped with a locking device. The door shall be equipped with a heating wire of safe voltage to prevent condensation and freezing. d. The heating wire groove and the guard plate shall be tightly fitted, and insulating glue shall be applied in the middle. The surface of the box shall be smooth and flat, without bumps and scratches. The design temperature inside the box shall not be higher than -30℃. When the box is empty, the time required for the temperature inside the box to drop from 15℃ to the design temperature shall not exceed 2h. h. 4.3 The evaporation plate of the freezer shall comply with the following provisions. 4.3.1 The evaporation plate shall be made of extruded aluminum alloy profiles and shall comply with the provisions of GB6892. 4.3.2 The welding of aluminum alloy evaporation plates shall comply with the relevant provisions of JB1580, and the welding wire shall comply with the provisions of GB3197. 4.3.3 The evaporation plate shall be flat and free of warping after welding. 4.4 After welding, the evaporation plate, liquid supply manifold and return air manifold shall be subjected to a 2.4MPa hydraulic test and a 1.6MPa air tightness test, and the pressure holding time shall not be less than 10min. Residual liquid shall be removed after the pressure test. When the air pressure test is used instead of the hydraulic test, the pressure is 2.0MPa. 4.5 The freezing machine shall be subjected to an air tightness test after manufacturing. The whole machine shall withstand dry air or nitrogen 1.6MPa and maintain pressure for 24h. The pressure drop in the first 6h shall not exceed 2%, and the pressure shall remain stable for the next 18h. 4.6 The hydraulic system shall work normally, and each plate shall be raised and lowered smoothly when empty or fully loaded, without jamming or vibration. There is no oil leakage in the oil cylinder, oil system pipes, etc.
4.7 The evaporation plates of the freezer should be evenly frosted within 10 minutes of liquid supply. 4.8 When the temperature of the frozen material before freezing is higher than or equal to 15℃, the time for the center temperature of the frozen material to reach -18℃ is 2~5h when it meets the nominal working conditions.
JB/T 7216 --- 94
4.9 The impurity content per unit area of ​​the evaporation plate of the freezer should not exceed the following provisions. The determination method shall be in accordance with the provisions of ZBJ73027. a. R717: 800 mg/rm2;
b. R22: 400 mg/m2.
4.10 Under the condition that the user complies with the provisions in the product manual, the manufacturer shall provide free repair or replacement if the product is damaged or cannot work normally due to manufacturing quality reasons within 18 months from the date of shipment from the manufacturer. 5
Inspection rules
General requirements
Each freezer shall be inspected and qualified by the inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with this standard and technical documents before it can leave the factory. 5.2 Inspection regulations
5.2.1 The inspection of freezers is divided into three types: factory inspection, type inspection and sampling inspection. 5.2.2 The inspection items of freezers shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 3. The empty box cooling test and freezing capacity test shall be in accordance with the provisions of Appendix A (Supplement) and Appendix B (Supplement) respectively.
Inspection items
Empty box cooling test
Freezing capacity test
Frosting test
Airtight test
Pressure test
Evaporation plate lifting test
Appearance quality inspection
5.3 Factory inspection
Factory inspection
The freezer shall be inspected after assembly. 5.4 Type inspection
Type inspection
New products or finalized products that have undergone major reforms that affect their performance should be subject to type inspection. 5.5 Sampling inspection
5.5.1 Products produced in batches should be subject to sampling inspection to check the stability of the production process. Sampling inspection
5.5.2 The number of products of the same model within a year shall be regarded as an inspection batch, and the sampling time shall be evenly distributed throughout the year. If the annual output of the same model product is less than 30 units, 30 units can be accumulated as an inspection batch, and samples shall be randomly selected from them. 5.5.3 The inspection plan adopts the single sampling plan specified in Table 4. Table 4
Sample size
Number of qualified judgments
Number of unqualified judgments
6 Marking, packaging and storage
JB/T 7216—94
6.1 Each freezer should have a durable sign fixed in a conspicuous position. The size and technical requirements of the sign should comply with the provisions of GB/T13306. The sign should at least indicate the following:
Manufacturer name;
Product model and name;
Main technical parameters of the product (freezing capacity, refrigeration consumption, refrigerant, evaporation area, plate spacing, etc.); product factory number;
Manufacture year and month.
6.2 Packaging
The packaging of the freezer should be firm and reliable, and the pipes should be closed. 6.2.1
The following contents shall be clearly marked on the packing box: the name of the shipping station and the manufacturer;
the name of the arrival station and the receiving unit;
the product model and name,
net weight, gross weight;
external dimensions;
"handle with care", "upward", "keep away from moisture" and other related signs. The packaging signs shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB6388 and GB191. Accompanying technical documents
The following technical documents shall be carried in the packing box. , Product certificate
The contents of the product certificate include:
product model and name;
product factory number;
inspection conclusion;
the signature and official seal of the inspector and the person in charge of inspection; the year, month and day of inspection.
Product Manual
6.2. 3. 2
The contents of the product manual include:bzxZ.net
An overview of the product model and name, working principle, main technical parameters, performance characteristics and scope of use; installation instructions and basic drawings;
Instructions for use, maintenance, precautions and safety technical instructions. Packing List
6.3 Storage
The packaged freezer should be stored in a dry and ventilated place. 1232
A1 Test Instrument
JB/T 7216 -- 94
Appendix A
Empty Box Cooling Test
Platinum resistance thermometer or thermocouple thermometer, accuracy ±0.2℃; a.
b. Stopwatch.
A2 Test Procedure
A2.1 The test site should be set up in a room with direct sunlight and various heat sources, and the room temperature should be 30±2℃. A2.2 The temperature measuring points should be set above each layer of evaporation plate and evenly distributed. The number of measuring points should be no less than eight. A2.3 After the measuring points are determined, place the measuring thermometers at each point in the box. A2.4 Turn on the machine after closing the door, and stop when the temperature in the box drops below 15℃. When the temperature rises back to 15℃, restart the machine to cool down. During the cooling process, record the temperature of each measuring point every 10 minutes until it reaches the design temperature ±1'C. A3 Draw a temperature chart and cooling curve
A3.1 Draw a schematic diagram of the freezing area in the box, mark the location of each temperature measuring point, and list the measured values ​​of each corresponding measuring point at each measuring moment. A3.2 With the measuring point temperature as the ordinate and time as the abscissa, draw the cooling curve. The average temperature of each measuring point recorded at each moment is used as the ordinate value of the curve at that moment.
A4 Calculation method
The time difference from the time when the temperature in the box is 15C to the last moment is the cooling time. A5 Cooling time
The cooling time should comply with the provisions of Article 4.2h. Appendix B
Freezing capacity test
B1 Test instrument
The test instrument shall comply with the provisions of Chapter A1 in Appendix A. B2 Test procedure
B2.1 This test shall be conducted after the cooling test. B2.2 The food used for the test shall be the food specified in the design of the device. B2.3 Before freezing, the food shall be pre-frozen in accordance with the relevant process regulations. B2.4 The frozen product shall be placed in the freezing tray, which shall comply with the provisions of GB4602. B2.5 The temperature measuring platinum resistor shall be placed in the freezing tray at each measuring point to measure the temperature before and after freezing. The distribution and number of each measuring point shall comply with the provisions of Article A2.2.
Start the oil pressure system and press the freezing tray tightly. JB/T7216-94
B2.7 After closing the door, freeze the frozen product and lower the temperature from 15℃ to -18℃. Record the temperature every 20 minutes and draw a temperature drop curve to record the freezing time from 15℃ to -18℃. B3
Test results
The test results should meet the requirements of Article 4.8.
Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed and managed by the Hefei General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by Dalian No. 1 Refrigeration Equipment Factory. The main drafter of this standard: Bi Guixiang.
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